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23 files changed, 5628 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/Manifest b/media-libs/mesa/Manifest new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab13669 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/Manifest @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +AUX eselect-mesa.conf.7.10 1670 SHA256 3ff15cedc353feeb2da450533c2ea2efc33ed1c8434a7b3037999c4965907149 SHA512 c62679e2427b6e922a7c04dec7afe1eddb4f8ba255735479338ebaf6da7db4ad7c6c916a3cf62da8bf8d2c0ceb60b6d591f8e878d4add9b7f63ff8121bb610a2 WHIRLPOOL 5d3522f8715ab62c9a1b4a96031db63734a98bb9e8a1cc722d20e018e7eedb3ffac92bb7c727bff1f58e216476b0e20552373b8155a51954f3d9af704e830782 +AUX eselect-mesa.conf.7.11 1670 SHA256 448d08e97e931563aa2e33f22feeaf911caf9a2eb9fd7b446485311d1dcc1225 SHA512 0a8178006f64d2f2d41f0f1ffbceab959ad66ac9142e2f74b593405041ade112b68fbabd54915c21dbf6bd7e3564499e6f76c348e8af632d751409b070420481 WHIRLPOOL 5df8041475f506ed544afb4b7ce94a31b4974c6cd26fd5054a6c29dda26cbec1694d60b68e975106d0797ff857764a39ec820da000e454be34181112b201ae36 +AUX eselect-mesa.conf.8.0.1 1622 SHA256 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42171ef67930bebdcfdfcb0c9370234791c6125be760b6419abfff44bd65899982167d6da4d6eb4198383438e6376b4b695109af158083b903071c545160d883 +AUX mesa-8.0-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch 916 SHA256 560f224a12b47fb86bd2ecbe7dc32c79e2be9a26321a79921f83527656ed553a SHA512 ce637b9210517375ae2c77981e0882d161e2027801356b80ec31d50157e52eecdb2ca3b9dc3787c789b39005fcd4cf73290e0879bd5e25638d33ef2cd5e443b8 WHIRLPOOL a14401c13deb209f0ce2e72c360a33ece1d87bd62be79ca8fcef46db29d75f0f4e60b5ef0527bf0bf6196d99a6d2f11da332537beb8c7627b1d7e810a3cfb2e8 +AUX mesa-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch 482 SHA256 5e217191f37a49b56d0404605b51a88f0a3ee0a271a74fd8d25e7b6685e57017 SHA512 efc924315b461c310e632068ec31520048e9d22fe6c35fa47e2c650e778114c6757ff9e4095094d6fa0bb4f82f45217ed9f5320a58de1a2559776a159b722631 WHIRLPOOL 46353a6eb942037d20e07007f7dbe68350d3131d58d4065db133b5655fe9cc88142b6d3c7797602d764d40f622830bf578c559f8868965b240a4bf911bafa034 +AUX mesa-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch 861 SHA256 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5f171959e3a31f5c38438b4806ce371bb8fdf1c7a87501865e4ed5d5ab284cda9568b7773005997d7a1cff151f95e64c027b36c0be48a4dd288a7ab8b5f69b97 +DIST mesa-7.11.2-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2 4021 SHA256 e1e29d335f7e0c69824041a92b1815cd4e2defa4689285c86ea59d47a7ef407b SHA512 0dcd60bd40efa25c9895150b6c0230e6582ff42ba0bafae49290e170948ee99ff25be321e7d3d503b3f465eeedcd145fc46b312a54d9bc4d3577fd5e61c3439b WHIRLPOOL 8a4a5c250430ebc08d7081158c6cc41ea7b5718662ef0327e5829c2f26069be0bed7a0df12c82434c58d364926404c929ca9881847554b74906db195b12d6576 +DIST mesa-8.0.3-gentoo-patches-02.tar.bz2 1858 SHA256 554e2f49ff4e33b4eb64c50d010f3be4ae302ab01af2794feff2ea73c0eb7104 SHA512 efe7212fed36143096b6eab0f99558361723023a99e6e37e2ca047fa18168c1d85ef614b5bcc55d259fa30d5468c322e7c1ecce28e5b28dc1585ee7badbd5ac4 WHIRLPOOL 3fda1876bbedcba2533176a931c8300681e34bc9b5555a53cef218f2db431a18ddb1d11a3bfd7497106107932c85ded40178e8a2dc5b9ccd03fb452b061028b5 +DIST mesa-8.0.4-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2 2380 SHA256 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67e0426c126186ff58b740c251435cce6e13f1e7cbce69173f66305d92526e33ce049610acd57014686e3ba565cdc1d4b5d71913355ac1416ab64e0ba01d7191 +EBUILD mesa-8.0.3-r1.ebuild 10839 SHA256 64e2bb511574bbeeeeea9e4674b5c05f90f41b12a43f08cf60a92e12dfbcb162 SHA512 096a1df648a978a2c919abb57ac14eda96b8890e45413ed2b53b6db803ef98ee22df57a2f998395961b9a6a847d82b2822d45ea24c235b48990917276bf7e770 WHIRLPOOL fc2887bfe471ec845b6d4ca7be014dad78a623f8c162deb81a3382136fdc076f9e85fcd7fad52e14958535525982d5e75d369d0162bf64373b51ca6a61f706b4 +EBUILD mesa-8.0.3.ebuild 10679 SHA256 9ab0beba7f33cd970c688f776ae64dff41be4c78eb275c25fcdae214a072e798 SHA512 d470c9eae1e9124d29a364735d13c6c4f47a03697dcff0faacf2a450bf7087243cca7d31c946aedc04a69013383dc76acbe1bdb74862e52681d1bd98fb648029 WHIRLPOOL cc88be88bc5465f12a76cbc9ba7feda67979a642cef4b0ee4c248bab1da62f80887d00af01419a0ad2fe0370f8f28fb8707b683306e4a7072514ddc029da03b9 +EBUILD mesa-8.0.4-r1.ebuild 10831 SHA256 de74f2f1c04d883c75bdb09a71ca3e36518e1c7a5dc3274d2769701498b2b026 SHA512 d6ca086bfc33b3b0f084b942650d4950ca67bc8f22dc99d19822a107e5f5d5829e75c3ab141f2200a1534a41c7470a9083b00316cac5c386eb075b267558f256 WHIRLPOOL 31356483c12c995b53f08490e95806d20f9a9f75d543b224e4ff8879a7963434f2108816292b08651d9f966628ec457d13df7b39afd3956f4fbd150720b9d46a +EBUILD mesa-8.0.4.ebuild 10843 SHA256 f5264f890359b2ecfb6a2ffd1f5afcf7eb45911a34a14e90645d7dbc1512899c SHA512 4ffdfc2603f1dacc5e346508d5fd7b99469a3c2960cecc6ec131d92cdbafc48420971e8713c1c5187433d2c7849bf8222969fd381403c3d4ffacb62486ceba3e WHIRLPOOL 28ea8229a2b6773b00311d2327c0ce79eaf9131220787c8c4a1dae976651782a5bcac95b9b3ce5092dd99e60146d86a6bb19c86bf70c2c3beb504087c7ffdffe +EBUILD mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120724.ebuild 11309 SHA256 9298e8ac5f6160efe0ac3eb2ba294ee5d14c6386eb022d8004f4ca1fd46931d6 SHA512 bb2b9a4a3d5810891ceb7168f32159060e92e6936ac293c0f7086c8b7461fa50261092e12b2d387eba45c13b68cc26d9a26212c8fa79654440848c1b4183d743 WHIRLPOOL a2e1d861a6b9e3a427593945e42ec5cfb93433e898bbe55a2ef8ae496d0c22d7199c7b05bfd84e6e3a6e2500abc50ce4895e95c262bbeafc05da3c80bfa21e2f +EBUILD mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120814.ebuild 11309 SHA256 08103167850b492e85c5a390493f22ec85f4a70fc56048babdb88c69e8a2d970 SHA512 ef07e8b51e2fcb9dcbe9f86c5e744d2b54607ce313a30fdfab60c4371858bddebc965c8095916b2082f6f6a601f16bc6cdb36104bcf5aa9827ba878ebfd7471a WHIRLPOOL ad24ac1bca9205658791fcd8970d894a23b675c3aa8d9b01701983fcce821812a3bd01fb9c2dd4168fc8deecc10c14a00fe7a67a3056bfa59bde2f0d7231083d +EBUILD mesa-9.0.ebuild 11068 SHA256 99d0a15d5b5b98b69f36d79fbb43c1a529843982dd940b515563d8faaf72d844 SHA512 716a75447c9da91899de24278b785ad7d29fd4c8986cbcf02894acbd315a9a21a7b63f6283200934e587ef44a05b36df2dfc5894d316dec01aa3f87b5b4d7b6c WHIRLPOOL 0c88cb0332f032ea65b7119f233b832797189c821522305fb2ab060aa567736b571f53427177576414e95ceb885981cffa911039122632c66e75e4809a026f0d +EBUILD mesa-9.0_pre20120918.ebuild 11094 SHA256 ea7407ec4619769de86527c5d7ca7d7c7ca2757c82016020bec2fd11944ecb79 SHA512 f25a19b7ec40bb616ba406300fa2950d97198d0456f9043d02db020e27bea0a77ef371400c12d6fd9ef64188b4f7834485248d0c4afce448bebed8b80361f078 WHIRLPOOL dac94f00156473e2000e1a2dd850b42d21c4956de20ef208af95944979e7e059b8b999baf9393762efc509438d07dc2d10dd1b0eb8541402c33f11325bbdefe3 +EBUILD mesa-9_pre20120831-r1.ebuild 11380 SHA256 a4df181cb98db38ff1f516d34b5c931b4276d0a8c2ba56d08b242b20ad435b74 SHA512 d9db45dd941f8d74e43d422183159f3acfe9408d19bd2921bf401b5ed090b1aaccf6665ed724dbaefbd2cc0cb56f5dd283270eaf7fed62cabafb459b88c0dcff WHIRLPOOL 02b37e0a07c570965c802c5646206f67187d391a395ca28eb4caab9eac7dd05ced890c2af1f61a59b9c68cd9a48578be8f6cc57f98b6ba4e035e55b421958420 +EBUILD mesa-9_pre20120831.ebuild 11247 SHA256 1878324e0d84d8e337ac15f62f9a963ee68e26ed49e30467bcd5727e84ed33f4 SHA512 da0f02e1aeacda7008d56ee31a02c7d11aa46823170eedfc28ede136939e02b99f33562a1410fdd95c892e9e180355c7249ca8233b0bb47b3eb65177ce8e90df WHIRLPOOL 1def00404066f55781d0afb316b5706936166fcf928678f1bd7de417fe273e1171bcf4e89352ea377e44c2406331cf66662fd5f7a7763ff95d7962fd1731a131 +MISC ChangeLog 70425 SHA256 1579342d5cdadc18fd14a666f5bf983dbfdbf583ac0d798a155de4106461eb29 SHA512 d65540c003aa991f7d9f5869b4ea5e1a4a177fa716de781ff327d28a44bfea6277a3581dfceaf5b6f8717ec23d45b5bbb987171cdb8f654ffac36e80086ad244 WHIRLPOOL 17553204f1f5c82e4207556efafe5a27a697f313fa891dcaadc5e89b5e43826ce41a1beb2b72ead67eefba1d83aeb16ad880ecb0437c122977d2007cd12686dd +MISC metadata.xml 1818 SHA256 03d45653050ceec0e0432a73251ac86d3822be98a186f8d1d953f40b2a5d0df3 SHA512 8ededd1cb008464ed0a77888dbdd9fb923515151a1ab17a995e5f5d9bb104eeb692162b418427f0ef7c98abc2af5b86ade4a26809e1abb86ef592c8ced8facfd WHIRLPOOL f043429d947ac8fe6d40f4716349c859fe46a723110a9091f903247885b2308bbb7ecebcb1407444e5fce0c9f8966ddb3d873fa30b6841e132c7fb8190c2629b diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.7.10 b/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.7.10 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac8bc1a --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.7.10 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# mesa classic/gallium implementations in this release + +# Syntax description: +# * MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS contains a space-delimited list of switchable +# classic/gallium implementations. +# * MESA_DRIVERS is an associative array, for each member "foo" of +# MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS it contains the following elements: +# foo,description - Human-readable description of the driver +# foo,classicdriver - Filename of the classic driver +# foo,galliumdriver - Filename of the gallium driver +# foo,default - which of classic or gallium is chosen by default + +MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS="i915 i965 r300 r600 sw" +declare -A MESA_DRIVERS || die "MESA_DRIVERS already in environment and not associative." + +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,description]="i915 (Intel 915, 945)" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,classicdriver]="i915_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,galliumdriver]="i915g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,default]="classic" + +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,description]="i965 (Intel 965, G/Q3x, G/Q4x)" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,classicdriver]="i965_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,galliumdriver]="i965g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,default]="classic" + +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,description]="r300 (Radeon R300-R500)" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,classicdriver]="r300_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,galliumdriver]="r300g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,description]="r600 (Radeon R600-R700, Evergreen, Northern Islands)" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,classicdriver]="r600_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,galliumdriver]="r600g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,default]="classic" + +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,description]="sw (Software renderer)" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,classicdriver]="swrast_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,galliumdriver]="swrastg_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,default]="gallium" diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.7.11 b/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.7.11 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a1b196 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.7.11 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# mesa classic/gallium implementations in this release + +# Syntax description: +# * MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS contains a space-delimited list of switchable +# classic/gallium implementations. +# * MESA_DRIVERS is an associative array, for each member "foo" of +# MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS it contains the following elements: +# foo,description - Human-readable description of the driver +# foo,classicdriver - Filename of the classic driver +# foo,galliumdriver - Filename of the gallium driver +# foo,default - which of classic or gallium is chosen by default + +MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS="i915 i965 r300 r600 sw" +declare -A MESA_DRIVERS || die "MESA_DRIVERS already in environment and not associative." + +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,description]="i915 (Intel 915, 945)" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,classicdriver]="i915_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,galliumdriver]="i915g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,default]="classic" + +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,description]="i965 (Intel 965, G/Q3x, G/Q4x)" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,classicdriver]="i965_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,galliumdriver]="i965g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,default]="classic" + +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,description]="r300 (Radeon R300-R500)" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,classicdriver]="r300_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,galliumdriver]="r300g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,description]="r600 (Radeon R600-R700, Evergreen, Northern Islands)" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,classicdriver]="r600_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,galliumdriver]="r600g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,description]="sw (Software renderer)" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,classicdriver]="swrast_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,galliumdriver]="swrastg_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,default]="gallium" diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.8.0.1 b/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.8.0.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63a21aa --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.8.0.1 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# mesa classic/gallium implementations in this release + +# Syntax description: +# * MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS contains a space-delimited list of switchable +# classic/gallium implementations. +# * MESA_DRIVERS is an associative array, for each member "foo" of +# MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS it contains the following elements: +# foo,description - Human-readable description of the driver +# foo,classicdriver - Filename of the classic driver +# foo,galliumdriver - Filename of the gallium driver +# foo,default - which of classic or gallium is chosen by default + +MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS="i915 i965 r300 r600 sw" +declare -A MESA_DRIVERS || die "MESA_DRIVERS already in environment and not associative." + +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,description]="i915 (Intel 915, 945)" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,classicdriver]="i915_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,galliumdriver]="i915g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,description]="i965 (Intel 965, G/Q3x, G/Q4x)" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,classicdriver]="i965_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,default]="classic" + +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,description]="r300 (Radeon R300-R500)" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,classicdriver]="r300_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,galliumdriver]="r300g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,description]="r600 (Radeon R600-R700, Evergreen, Northern Islands)" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,classicdriver]="r600_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,galliumdriver]="r600g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,description]="sw (Software renderer)" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,classicdriver]="swrast_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,galliumdriver]="swrastg_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,default]="gallium" diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1 b/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63a21aa --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/files/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# mesa classic/gallium implementations in this release + +# Syntax description: +# * MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS contains a space-delimited list of switchable +# classic/gallium implementations. +# * MESA_DRIVERS is an associative array, for each member "foo" of +# MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS it contains the following elements: +# foo,description - Human-readable description of the driver +# foo,classicdriver - Filename of the classic driver +# foo,galliumdriver - Filename of the gallium driver +# foo,default - which of classic or gallium is chosen by default + +MESA_IMPLEMENTATIONS="i915 i965 r300 r600 sw" +declare -A MESA_DRIVERS || die "MESA_DRIVERS already in environment and not associative." + +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,description]="i915 (Intel 915, 945)" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,classicdriver]="i915_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,galliumdriver]="i915g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i915,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,description]="i965 (Intel 965, G/Q3x, G/Q4x)" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,classicdriver]="i965_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[i965,default]="classic" + +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,description]="r300 (Radeon R300-R500)" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,classicdriver]="r300_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,galliumdriver]="r300g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r300,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,description]="r600 (Radeon R600-R700, Evergreen, Northern Islands)" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,classicdriver]="r600_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,galliumdriver]="r600g_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[r600,default]="gallium" + +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,description]="sw (Software renderer)" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,classicdriver]="swrast_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,galliumdriver]="swrastg_dri.so" +MESA_DRIVERS[sw,default]="gallium" diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/files/glx_ro_text_segm.patch b/media-libs/mesa/files/glx_ro_text_segm.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..495b7dc --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/files/glx_ro_text_segm.patch @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +2011-02-09 Jeremy Huddleston <jeremyhu@freedesktop.org + + #240956 + * configure.ac add support to enable readonly test segment on x86 + +--- configure.ac.orig 2008-11-17 23:19:38.000000000 +0100 ++++ configure.ac 2008-11-17 23:20:17.000000000 +0100 +@@ -499,6 +499,20 @@ + enable_xcb=no + fi + ++ ++dnl readonly text segment on x86 hardened platforms ++AC_ARG_ENABLE([glx_rts], ++ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-glx-rts], ++ [on x86, use a readonly text segment for libGL @<:@default=disabled@:>@])], ++ [enable_glx_rts="$enableval"], ++ [enable_glx_rts=no]) ++if test "x$enable_glx_rts" = xyes; then ++ DEFINES="$DEFINES -DGLX_X86_READONLY_TEXT" ++else ++ enable_glx_rts=no ++fi ++ ++ + dnl + dnl libGL configuration per driver + dnl diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.0-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch b/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.0-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a20914 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.0-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac +index 846b623..fbd05c1 100644 +--- a/configure.ac ++++ b/configure.ac +@@ -1839,14 +1839,6 @@ gallium_check_st() { + fi + } + +-gallium_require_llvm() { +- if test "x$MESA_LLVM" = x0; then +- case "$host_cpu" in +- i*86|x86_64) AC_MSG_ERROR([LLVM is required to build $1 on x86 and x86_64]);; +- esac +- fi +-} +- + dnl Gallium drivers + dnl Duplicates in GALLIUM_DRIVERS_DIRS are removed by sorting it after this block + if test "x$with_gallium_drivers" != x; then +@@ -1868,7 +1860,6 @@ if test "x$with_gallium_drivers" != x; then + gallium_check_st "i915/drm" "dri-i915" "xorg-i915" + ;; + xr300) +- gallium_require_llvm "Gallium R300" + GALLIUM_DRIVERS_DIRS="$GALLIUM_DRIVERS_DIRS r300" + gallium_check_st "radeon/drm" "dri-r300" "xorg-r300" "" "xvmc-r300" "vdpau-r300" "va-r300" + ;; diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch b/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..547ee1c --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac +index fbaa376..a2561c9 100644 +--- a/configure.ac ++++ b/configure.ac +@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ xyesno) + else + # should check these... + X11_INCLUDES="$X11_INCLUDES $X_CFLAGS" +- if test "x$HAVE_XF86VIDMODE" == xyes; then ++ if test "x$HAVE_XF86VIDMODE" = xyes; then + GL_LIB_DEPS="$X_LIBS -lX11 -lXext -lXxf86vm -lXdamage -lXfixes" + else + GL_LIB_DEPS="$X_LIBS -lX11 -lXext -lXdamage -lXfixes" diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch b/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fe7e32 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/files/mesa-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- a/configure.ac 2012-05-12 11:50:09.786970584 +0200 ++++ b/configure.ac 2012-05-12 12:00:00.770582272 +0200 +@@ -1922,14 +1922,6 @@ + fi + } + +-gallium_require_llvm() { +- if test "x$MESA_LLVM" = x0; then +- case "$host_cpu" in +- i*86|x86_64) AC_MSG_ERROR([LLVM is required to build $1 on x86 and x86_64]);; +- esac +- fi +-} +- + gallium_require_drm_loader() { + if test "x$enable_gallium_loader" = xyes; then + PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBUDEV], [libudev], [], +@@ -1962,7 +1954,6 @@ + ;; + xr300) + PKG_CHECK_MODULES([RADEON], [libdrm_radeon >= $LIBDRM_RADEON_REQUIRED]) +- gallium_require_llvm "Gallium R300" + GALLIUM_DRIVERS_DIRS="$GALLIUM_DRIVERS_DIRS r300" + gallium_check_st "radeon/drm" "dri-r300" "xorg-r300" "" "xvmc-r300" "vdpau-r300" "va-r300" + ;; diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.10.3.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.10.3.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc0e1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.10.3.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.10.3.ebuild,v 1.14 2012/05/11 00:45:56 chithanh Exp $ + +EAPI=3 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" +[[ ${PV/_rc*/} == ${PV} ]] || FOLDER+="/RC" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${PN}-7.10.1-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${FOLDER}/${MY_SRC_P}.tar.bz2 + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +LICENSE="MIT LGPL-3 SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="intel" +RADEON_CARDS="radeon" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} mach64 mga nouveau r128 savage sis vmware tdfx via" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + +classic debug +gallium gles llvm motif +nptl pic selinux kernel_FreeBSD hardened" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.24" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.2 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.11 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.1.1-r2 + dev-libs/expat + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + sys-libs/talloc + x11-libs/libICE + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXi + x11-libs/libXmu + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + motif? ( + x11-libs/openmotif + !x11-libs/libGLw ) + gallium? ( + llvm? ( + amd64? ( dev-libs/udis86 ) + x86? ( dev-libs/udis86 ) + x86-fbsd? ( dev-libs/udis86 ) + <sys-devel/llvm-3 + ) + ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] + video_cards_nouveau? ( <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ) +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + =dev-lang/python-2* + virtual/pkgconfig + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + x11-misc/makedepend + x11-proto/inputproto + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # gcc 4.2 has buggy ivopts + if [[ $(gcc-version) = "4.2" ]]; then + append-flags -fno-ivopts + fi + + # recommended by upstream + append-flags -ffast-math + + python_set_active_version 2 + python_pkg_setup +} + +src_unpack() { + [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git_src_unpack || base_src_unpack +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # FreeBSD 6.* doesn't have posix_memalign(). + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-freebsd6.* ]]; then + sed -i \ + -e "s/-DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN//" \ + configure.ac || die + fi + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + sed -i -e 's/uint/unsigned int/g' src/egl/drivers/glx/egl_glx.c || die + fi + + # In order for mesa to complete it's build process we need to use a tool + # that it compiles. When we cross compile this clearly does not work + # so we require mesa to be built on the host system first. -solar + if tc-is-cross-compiler; then + sed -i -e "s#^GLSL_CL = .*\$#GLSL_CL = glsl_compiler#g" \ + "${S}"/src/mesa/shader/slang/library/Makefile || die + fi + + [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git_src_prepare + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_intel i810 i915 i965 + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 r300 r600 + driver_enable video_cards_mach64 mach64 + driver_enable video_cards_mga mga + driver_enable video_cards_r128 r128 + + driver_enable video_cards_savage savage + driver_enable video_cards_sis sis + driver_enable video_cards_tdfx tdfx + driver_enable video_cards_via unichrome + fi + + myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable gallium)" + if use !gallium && use !classic; then + ewarn "You enabled neither classic nor gallium USE flags. No hardware" + ewarn "drivers will be built." + fi + if use gallium; then + elog "You have enabled gallium infrastructure." + elog "This infrastructure currently support these drivers:" + elog " Intel: works only i915 and i965 somehow." + elog " LLVMpipe: Software renderer." + elog " Nouveau: Support for nVidia NV30 and later cards." + elog " Radeon: Newest implementation of r300-r700 driver." + elog " Svga: VMWare Virtual GPU driver." + echo + myconf="${myconf} + --with-state-trackers=glx,dri,egl,vega + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable gles gles1) + $(use_enable gles gles2) + $(use_enable gles gles-overlay) + $(use_enable video_cards_vmware gallium-svga) + $(use_enable video_cards_nouveau gallium-nouveau) + $(use_enable video_cards_intel gallium-i915) + $(use_enable video_cards_intel gallium-i965) + $(use_enable video_cards_radeon gallium-radeon) + $(use_enable video_cards_radeon gallium-r600)" + else + if use video_cards_nouveau || use video_cards_vmware; then + elog "SVGA and nouveau drivers are available only via gallium interface." + elog "Enable gallium useflag if you want to use them." + fi + fi + + # bug 240956 + use x86 && myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable hardened glx-rts)" + + # --with-driver=dri|xlib|osmesa || do we need osmesa? + econf \ + --disable-option-checking \ + --with-driver=dri \ + --disable-glut \ + --without-demos \ + --enable-xcb \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable motif glw) \ + $(use_enable motif) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler || die + fi + # Remove redundant headers + # GLUT thing + rm -f "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/glut*.h || die "Removing glut include failed." + # Glew includes + rm -f "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{glew,glxew,wglew}.h \ + || die "Removing glew includes failed." + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.7.10" eselect-mesa.conf || die + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/{lib,extensions,include} + local x + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libGL.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" || die "failed to install ${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.11.2.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.11.2.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78de972 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.11.2.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.11.2.ebuild,v 1.11 2012/05/11 00:45:56 chithanh Exp $ + +EAPI=3 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${FOLDER}/${MY_SRC_P}.tar.bz2 + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +LICENSE="MIT LGPL-3 SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ~ppc64 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="intel" +RADEON_CARDS="radeon" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} mach64 mga nouveau r128 savage sis vmware tdfx via" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl +gallium gbm gles +llvm motif +nptl openvg osmesa pic pax_kernel selinux shared-dricore +shared-glapi kernel_FreeBSD" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.24" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.2 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.11 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + app-admin/eselect-opengl + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( sys-fs/udev ) + x11-libs/libICE + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXi + x11-libs/libXmu + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + motif? ( + x11-libs/openmotif + !x11-libs/libGLw ) + gallium? ( + llvm? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-2.8 ) + ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] + video_cards_nouveau? ( <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ) +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + virtual/pkgconfig + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + x11-misc/makedepend + x11-proto/inputproto + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # gcc 4.2 has buggy ivopts + if [[ $(gcc-version) = "4.2" ]]; then + append-flags -fno-ivopts + fi + + # recommended by upstream + append-flags -ffast-math + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc + + python_set_active_version 2 + python_pkg_setup +} + +src_unpack() { + default + [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git-2_src_unpack +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # FreeBSD 6.* doesn't have posix_memalign(). + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-freebsd6.* ]]; then + sed -i \ + -e "s/-DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN//" \ + configure.ac || die + fi + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + sed -i -e 's/uint/unsigned int/g' src/egl/drivers/glx/egl_glx.c || die + fi + + # In order for mesa to complete it's build process we need to use a tool + # that it compiles. When we cross compile this clearly does not work + # so we require mesa to be built on the host system first. -solar + if tc-is-cross-compiler; then + sed -i -e "s#^GLSL_CL = .*\$#GLSL_CL = glsl_compiler#g" \ + "${S}"/src/mesa/shader/slang/library/Makefile || die + fi + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + driver_enable video_cards_intel i810 i915 i965 + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + driver_enable video_cards_mach64 mach64 + driver_enable video_cards_mga mga + driver_enable video_cards_r128 r128 + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 r300 r600 + driver_enable video_cards_savage savage + driver_enable video_cards_sis sis + driver_enable video_cards_tdfx tdfx + driver_enable video_cards_via unichrome + fi + + myconf+=" + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) + $(use_enable gles gles1) + $(use_enable gles gles2) + $(use_enable egl) + " + if use egl; then + use shared-glapi || die "egl needs shared-glapi. Please either enable shared-glapi or disable the egl use flag ." + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use !gallium && use !classic; then + ewarn "You enabled neither classic nor gallium USE flags. No hardware" + ewarn "drivers will be built." + fi + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + --with-state-trackers=glx,dri$(use egl && echo ",egl")$(use openvg && echo ",vega") + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + econf \ + --disable-option-checking \ + --with-driver=dri \ + --disable-glut \ + --without-demos \ + --enable-xcb \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable motif glw) \ + $(use_enable motif) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa gl-osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-dricore) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler || die + fi + # Remove redundant headers + # GLUT thing + rm -f "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/glut*.h || die "Removing glut include failed." + # Glew includes + rm -f "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{glew,glxew,wglew}.h \ + || die "Removing glew includes failed." + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.7.11" eselect-mesa.conf || die + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/{lib,extensions,include} + local x + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libGL.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" || die "failed to install ${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.11.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.11.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b83458f --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.11.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-7.11.ebuild,v 1.17 2012/05/11 00:45:56 chithanh Exp $ + +EAPI=3 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +#SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${FOLDER}/${MY_SRC_P}.tar.bz2 + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +LICENSE="MIT LGPL-3 SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="intel" +RADEON_CARDS="radeon" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} mach64 mga nouveau r128 savage sis vmware tdfx via" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl +gallium gbm gles +llvm motif +nptl openvg pic pax_kernel selinux shared-dricore +shared-glapi kernel_FreeBSD" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.24" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.2 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.11 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + app-admin/eselect-opengl + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( sys-fs/udev ) + x11-libs/libICE + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXi + x11-libs/libXmu + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + motif? ( + x11-libs/openmotif + !x11-libs/libGLw ) + gallium? ( + llvm? ( <sys-devel/llvm-3 ) + ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] + video_cards_nouveau? ( <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ) +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + virtual/pkgconfig + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + x11-misc/makedepend + x11-proto/inputproto + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # gcc 4.2 has buggy ivopts + if [[ $(gcc-version) = "4.2" ]]; then + append-flags -fno-ivopts + fi + + # recommended by upstream + append-flags -ffast-math + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc + + python_set_active_version 2 + python_pkg_setup +} + +src_unpack() { + default + [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git-2_src_unpack +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # FreeBSD 6.* doesn't have posix_memalign(). + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-freebsd6.* ]]; then + sed -i \ + -e "s/-DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN//" \ + configure.ac || die + fi + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + sed -i -e 's/uint/unsigned int/g' src/egl/drivers/glx/egl_glx.c || die + fi + + # In order for mesa to complete it's build process we need to use a tool + # that it compiles. When we cross compile this clearly does not work + # so we require mesa to be built on the host system first. -solar + if tc-is-cross-compiler; then + sed -i -e "s#^GLSL_CL = .*\$#GLSL_CL = glsl_compiler#g" \ + "${S}"/src/mesa/shader/slang/library/Makefile || die + fi + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + driver_enable video_cards_intel i810 i915 i965 + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + driver_enable video_cards_mach64 mach64 + driver_enable video_cards_mga mga + driver_enable video_cards_r128 r128 + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 r300 r600 + driver_enable video_cards_savage savage + driver_enable video_cards_sis sis + driver_enable video_cards_tdfx tdfx + driver_enable video_cards_via unichrome + fi + + myconf+=" + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) + $(use_enable gles gles1) + $(use_enable gles gles2) + $(use_enable egl) + " + if use egl; then + use shared-glapi || die "egl needs shared-glapi. Please either enable shared-glapi or disable the egl use flag ." + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use !gallium && use !classic; then + ewarn "You enabled neither classic nor gallium USE flags. No hardware" + ewarn "drivers will be built." + fi + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + --with-state-trackers=glx,dri$(use egl && echo ",egl")$(use openvg && echo ",vega") + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + # --with-driver=dri|xlib|osmesa || do we need osmesa? + econf \ + --disable-option-checking \ + --with-driver=dri \ + --disable-glut \ + --without-demos \ + --enable-xcb \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable motif glw) \ + $(use_enable motif) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-dricore) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler || die + fi + # Remove redundant headers + # GLUT thing + rm -f "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/glut*.h || die "Removing glut include failed." + # Glew includes + rm -f "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{glew,glxew,wglew}.h \ + || die "Removing glew includes failed." + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.7.11" eselect-mesa.conf || die + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/{lib,extensions,include} + local x + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libGL.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" || die "failed to install ${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.3-r1.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.3-r1.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd04a7c --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.3-r1.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.3-r1.ebuild,v 1.5 2012/10/04 08:37:19 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-02.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${FOLDER}/${MY_SRC_P}.tar.bz2 + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# Most of the code is MIT/X11. +# ralloc is LGPL-3 +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT LGPL-3 SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic selinux shared-dricore +shared-glapi vdpau wayland xa xvmc kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.32" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( sys-fs/udev ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] + video_cards_nouveau? ( <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ) +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + virtual/pkgconfig + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git-2_src_unpack +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + # Fix bash-ism test bug 435496 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xa) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-dricore) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.0.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + local x + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"${gl_dir}/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"${gl_dir}/include/GL/ \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/${gl_dir}/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.3.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.3.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d4cb0a --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.3.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.3.ebuild,v 1.11 2012/10/04 08:37:19 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-02.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${FOLDER}/${MY_SRC_P}.tar.bz2 + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# Most of the code is MIT/X11. +# ralloc is LGPL-3 +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT LGPL-3 SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 sh sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic selinux shared-dricore +shared-glapi vdpau wayland xa xvmc kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.32" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.5 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( sys-fs/udev ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] + video_cards_nouveau? ( <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ) +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + virtual/pkgconfig + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git-2_src_unpack +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + # Fix bash-ism test bug 435496 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xa) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-dricore) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.0.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/{lib,extensions,include} + local x + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.4-r1.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.4-r1.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c28aed2 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.4-r1.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.4-r1.ebuild,v 1.8 2012/10/04 08:37:19 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${FOLDER}/${MY_SRC_P}.tar.bz2 + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# Most of the code is MIT/X11. +# ralloc is LGPL-3 +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT LGPL-3 SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 sh sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic selinux shared-dricore +shared-glapi vdpau wayland xa xvmc kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.32" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( sys-fs/udev ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] + video_cards_nouveau? ( <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ) +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + virtual/pkgconfig + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git-2_src_unpack +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + # Fix bash-ism test bug 435496 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xa) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-dricore) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.0.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + local x + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"${gl_dir}/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"${gl_dir}/include/GL/ \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/${gl_dir}/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.4.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.4.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce8eed8 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.4.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.0.4.ebuild,v 1.3 2012/10/04 08:37:19 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${PN}-8.0.3-gentoo-patches-02.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${FOLDER}/${MY_SRC_P}.tar.bz2 + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# Most of the code is MIT/X11. +# ralloc is LGPL-3 +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT LGPL-3 SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic selinux shared-dricore +shared-glapi vdpau wayland xa xvmc kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.32" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( sys-fs/udev ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] + video_cards_nouveau? ( <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ) +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + virtual/pkgconfig + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git-2_src_unpack +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + # Fix bash-ism test bug 435496 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xa) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-dricore) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.0.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + local x + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"${gl_dir}/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"${gl_dir}/include/GL/ \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}"/${gl_dir}/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120724.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120724.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51cf89b --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120724.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120724.ebuild,v 1.7 2012/10/05 06:08:59 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +#SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# The code is MIT/X11. +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon radeonsi" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl + openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic r600-llvm-compiler selinux +shared-glapi vdpau + wayland xvmc xa xorg kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + r600-llvm-compiler? ( gallium llvm || ( video_cards_r600 video_cards_radeon ) ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xorg? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( gallium llvm ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +# gtest file collision bug #411825 +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( sys-fs/udev ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xorg? ( + x11-base/xorg-server + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( + >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 + r600-llvm-compiler? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + virtual/pkgconfig + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + git-2_src_unpack + fi + mv "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-*/ "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P} || die +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + # Fix bash-ism test bug 435496 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable r600-llvm-compiler) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + gallium_enable video_cards_radeonsi radeonsi + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + use userland_GNU || export INDENT=cat + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + $(use_enable xa) \ + $(use_enable xorg) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + || die + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local x + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include/GL \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120814.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120814.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..797bc87 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120814.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-8.1_rc1_pre20120814.ebuild,v 1.4 2012/10/05 06:08:59 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +#SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# The code is MIT/X11. +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon radeonsi" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl + openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic r600-llvm-compiler selinux +shared-glapi vdpau + wayland xvmc xa xorg kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + r600-llvm-compiler? ( gallium llvm || ( video_cards_r600 video_cards_radeon ) ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xorg? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( gallium llvm ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +# gtest file collision bug #411825 +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( sys-fs/udev ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xorg? ( + x11-base/xorg-server + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( + >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 + r600-llvm-compiler? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + virtual/pkgconfig + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + git-2_src_unpack + fi + mv "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-*/ "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P} || die +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + # Fix bash-ism test bug 435496 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.0.4-configure-bsd.patch + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable r600-llvm-compiler) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + gallium_enable video_cards_radeonsi radeonsi + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + use userland_GNU || export INDENT=cat + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + $(use_enable xa) \ + $(use_enable xorg) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + || die + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local x + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include/GL \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.0.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.0.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dad1e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.0.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/10/09 09:02:16 chithanh Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +#SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${FOLDER}/${MY_SRC_P}.tar.bz2 + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# The code is MIT/X11. +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon radeonsi" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl + openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic r600-llvm-compiler selinux +shared-glapi vdpau + wayland xvmc xa xorg kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + r600-llvm-compiler? ( gallium llvm || ( video_cards_r600 video_cards_radeon ) ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xorg? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( gallium llvm ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.39" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +# gtest file collision bug #411825 +RDEPEND="!<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( + sys-fs/udev + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8.1 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xorg? ( + x11-base/xorg-server + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( + >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 + r600-llvm-compiler? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + virtual/pkgconfig + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + git-2_src_unpack + fi +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable r600-llvm-compiler) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + gallium_enable video_cards_radeonsi radeonsi + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + use userland_GNU || export INDENT=cat + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + $(use_enable xa) \ + $(use_enable xorg) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + || die + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local x + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include/GL \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.0_pre20120918.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.0_pre20120918.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7eb1e24 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.0_pre20120918.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,427 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.0_pre20120918.ebuild,v 1.3 2012/10/05 06:08:59 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +#SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# The code is MIT/X11. +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon radeonsi" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl + openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic r600-llvm-compiler selinux +shared-glapi vdpau + wayland xvmc xa xorg kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + r600-llvm-compiler? ( gallium llvm || ( video_cards_r600 video_cards_radeon ) ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xorg? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( gallium llvm ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.39" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +# gtest file collision bug #411825 +RDEPEND="!<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( + sys-fs/udev + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8.1 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xorg? ( + x11-base/xorg-server + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( + >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 + r600-llvm-compiler? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + virtual/pkgconfig + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + git-2_src_unpack + fi + mv "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-*/ "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P} || die +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable r600-llvm-compiler) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + gallium_enable video_cards_radeonsi radeonsi + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + use userland_GNU || export INDENT=cat + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + $(use_enable xa) \ + $(use_enable xorg) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + || die + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local x + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include/GL \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9_pre20120831-r1.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9_pre20120831-r1.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaf9ea5 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9_pre20120831-r1.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9_pre20120831-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2012/10/05 06:08:59 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +#SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# The code is MIT/X11. +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon radeonsi" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl + openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic r600-llvm-compiler selinux +shared-glapi vdpau + wayland xvmc xa xorg kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + r600-llvm-compiler? ( gallium llvm || ( video_cards_r600 video_cards_radeon ) ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xorg? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( gallium llvm ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.39" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +# gtest file collision bug #411825 +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( + sys-fs/udev + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8.1 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xorg? ( + x11-base/xorg-server + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( + >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 + r600-llvm-compiler? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + virtual/pkgconfig + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + git-2_src_unpack + fi + mv "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-*/ "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P} || die +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + # avoid 965 driver crash, upstream #54183 + sed -i 's|brw->fragment_program->|fp->|' src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp || die + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable r600-llvm-compiler) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + gallium_enable video_cards_radeonsi radeonsi + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + use userland_GNU || export INDENT=cat + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + $(use_enable xa) \ + $(use_enable xorg) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + || die + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local x + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include/GL \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9_pre20120831.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9_pre20120831.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..944c134 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9_pre20120831.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 +# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9_pre20120831.ebuild,v 1.3 2012/10/05 06:08:59 naota Exp $ + +EAPI=4 + +EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa" + +if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + GIT_ECLASS="git-2" + EXPERIMENTAL="true" +fi + +inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS} + +OPENGL_DIR="xorg-x11" + +MY_PN="${PN/m/M}" +MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV/_/-}" +MY_SRC_P="${MY_PN}Lib-${PV/_/-}" + +FOLDER="${PV/_rc*/}" + +DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux" +HOMEPAGE="http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/" + +#SRC_PATCHES="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2" +if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then + SRC_URI="${SRC_PATCHES}" +else + SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz + ${SRC_PATCHES}" +fi + +# The code is MIT/X11. +# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0 +LICENSE="MIT SGI-B-2.0" +SLOT="0" +KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" + +INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel" +RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon radeonsi" +VIDEO_CARDS="${INTEL_CARDS} ${RADEON_CARDS} nouveau vmware" +for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do + IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}" +done + +IUSE="${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS} + bindist +classic debug +egl g3dvl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl + openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic r600-llvm-compiler selinux +shared-glapi vdpau + wayland xvmc xa xorg kernel_FreeBSD" + +REQUIRED_USE=" + g3dvl? ( gallium ) + llvm? ( gallium ) + openvg? ( egl gallium ) + gbm? ( shared-glapi ) + g3dvl? ( || ( vdpau xvmc ) ) + vdpau? ( g3dvl ) + r600-llvm-compiler? ( gallium llvm || ( video_cards_r600 video_cards_radeon ) ) + xa? ( gallium ) + xorg? ( gallium ) + xvmc? ( g3dvl ) + video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_i965? ( classic ) + video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) ) + video_cards_r100? ( classic ) + video_cards_r200? ( classic ) + video_cards_r300? ( gallium ) + video_cards_r600? ( gallium ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( gallium llvm ) + video_cards_vmware? ( gallium ) +" + +LIBDRM_DEPSTRING=">=x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.39" +# not a runtime dependency of this package, but dependency of packages which +# depend on this package, bug #342393 +EXTERNAL_DEPEND=" + >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6 + >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1 +" +# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep +# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg +# gtest file collision bug #411825 +RDEPEND="${EXTERNAL_DEPEND} + !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7 + !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 + classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa ) + >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.6 + dev-libs/expat + gbm? ( + sys-fs/udev + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + >=x11-libs/libX11- + x11-libs/libXdamage + x11-libs/libXext + x11-libs/libXxf86vm + >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8.1 + vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 ) + wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland ) + xorg? ( + x11-base/xorg-server + x11-libs/libdrm[libkms] + ) + xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 ) + ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?] +" +for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] ) + " +done + +for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} + video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] ) + " +done + +DEPEND="${RDEPEND} + llvm? ( + >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9 + r600-llvm-compiler? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + video_cards_radeonsi? ( >=sys-devel/llvm-3.1 ) + ) + =dev-lang/python-2* + dev-libs/libxml2[python] + sys-devel/bison + sys-devel/flex + virtual/pkgconfig + x11-misc/makedepend + >=x11-proto/xextproto- + x11-proto/xf86driproto + x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto +" + +S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" + +# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow +# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot +QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" +QA_WX_LOAD="usr/lib*/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so*" + +# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs + +pkg_setup() { + # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545 + use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc +} + +src_unpack() { + default + if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then + git-2_src_unpack + fi + mv "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-*/ "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P} || die +} + +src_prepare() { + # apply patches + if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then + EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \ + EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \ + EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \ + epatch + fi + + # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303 + epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch + + # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956 + [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch + + # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case + if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then + sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" configure.ac || die + fi + + # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887 + sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die + + base_src_prepare + + eautoreconf +} + +src_configure() { + local myconf + + if use classic; then + # Configurable DRI drivers + driver_enable swrast + + # Intel code + driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965 + if ! use video_cards_i915 && \ + ! use video_cards_i965; then + driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965 + fi + + # Nouveau code + driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + + # ATI code + driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon + driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200 + if ! use video_cards_r100 && \ + ! use video_cards_r200; then + driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200 + fi + fi + + if use egl; then + myconf+=" + --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm") + $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl) + " + fi + + if use gallium; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable g3dvl gallium-g3dvl) + $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm) + $(use_enable openvg) + $(use_enable r600-llvm-compiler) + $(use_enable vdpau) + $(use_enable xvmc) + " + gallium_enable swrast + gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga + gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau + gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915 + if ! use video_cards_i915; then + gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915 + fi + + gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300 + gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600 + gallium_enable video_cards_radeonsi radeonsi + if ! use video_cards_r300 && \ + ! use video_cards_r600; then + gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600 + fi + fi + + # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956 + if use pax_kernel; then + myconf+=" + $(use_enable x86 glx-rts) + " + fi + + use userland_GNU || export INDENT=cat + + econf \ + --enable-dri \ + --enable-glx \ + $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \ + $(use_enable debug) \ + $(use_enable egl) \ + $(use_enable gbm) \ + $(use_enable gles1) \ + $(use_enable gles2) \ + $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \ + $(use_enable osmesa) \ + $(use_enable !pic asm) \ + $(use_enable shared-glapi) \ + $(use_enable xa) \ + $(use_enable xorg) \ + --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \ + --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \ + ${myconf} +} + +src_install() { + base_src_install + + find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + || die + + if use !bindist; then + dodoc docs/patents.txt + fi + + # Save the glsl-compiler for later use + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then + dobin "${S}"/src/glsl/glsl_compiler + fi + + # Install config file for eselect mesa + insinto /usr/share/mesa + newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1" eselect-mesa.conf + + # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib + # because user can eselect desired GL provider. + ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching" + local x + local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/" + dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL} + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/lib \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include/GL \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do + if [ -d ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + eend $? + + if use classic || use gallium; then + ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching" + local gallium_drivers=( i915_dri.so i965_dri.so r300_dri.so r600_dri.so swrast_dri.so ) + keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri + dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then + mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/_dri.so/g_dri.so}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/" + if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then + insopts -m0755 + doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" + fi + fi + done + for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \ + || die "Failed to move ${x}" + fi + done + pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed" + ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed" + # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect + for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do + if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then + rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}" + fi + done + popd + eend $? + fi +} + +pkg_postinst() { + # Switch to the xorg implementation. + echo + eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR} + + # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11 + OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)" + if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then + eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR} + eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM} + fi + + # Select classic/gallium drivers + if use classic || use gallium; then + eselect mesa set --auto + fi + + # warn about patent encumbered texture-float + if use !bindist; then + elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was" + elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation." + fi + + local using_radeon r_flag + for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do + if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then + using_radeon=1 + break + fi + done + + if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then + elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install" + elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice" + elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run." + fi +} + +# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag +# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable +# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation +driver_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} + +gallium_enable() { + case $# in + # for enabling unconditionally + 1) + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",$1" + ;; + *) + if use $1; then + shift + for i in $@; do + GALLIUM_DRIVERS+=",${i}" + done + fi + ;; + esac +} diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/metadata.xml b/media-libs/mesa/metadata.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7279c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/media-libs/mesa/metadata.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd"> +<pkgmetadata> +<herd>x11</herd> +<use> + <flag name='classic'>Build drivers based on the classic architecture.</flag> + <flag name='egl'>Enable EGL support.</flag> + <flag name='gallium'>Build drivers based on Gallium3D, the new architecture for 3D graphics drivers.</flag> + <flag name='g3dvl'>Enable video decode acceleration support for Gallium3D.</flag> + <flag name='gbm'>Enable the Graphics Buffer Manager for EGL on KMS.</flag> + <flag name='gles'>Enable GLES (both v1 and v2) support.</flag> + <flag name='gles1'>Enable GLESv1 support.</flag> + <flag name='gles2'>Enable GLESv2 support.</flag> + <flag name='llvm'>Enable LLVM backend for Gallium3D.</flag> + <flag name='openvg'>Enable the OpenVG 2D acceleration API for Gallium3D.</flag> + <flag name='osmesa'>Build the Mesa library for off-screen rendering.</flag> + <flag name='r600-llvm-compiler'>Build the LLVM based r600 shader compiler.</flag> + <flag name='pax_kernel'>Enable if the user plans to run the package under a pax enabled hardened kernel</flag> + <flag name='pic'>disable optimized assembly code that is not PIC friendly</flag> + <flag name='shared-dricore'>Enable sharing of common code for classic DRI drivers.</flag> + <flag name='shared-glapi'>Enable sharing of common code for the OpenGL API.</flag> + <flag name='vdpau'>Enable the VDPAU acceleration interface for the Gallium3D Video Layer.</flag> + <flag name='wayland'>Enable support for dev-libs/wayland</flag> + <flag name='xa'>Enable the XA (X Acceleration) API for Gallium3D.</flag> + <flag name='xorg'>Enable the X.org state tracker (DDX replacement) for Gallium3D.</flag> + <flag name='xvmc'>Enable the XvMC acceleration interface for the Gallium3D Video Layer.</flag> +</use> +</pkgmetadata> |