diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MLEB/Translate/src/MessageGroupProcessing/AggregateGroupsSpecialPage.php')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MLEB/Translate/src/MessageGroupProcessing/AggregateGroupsSpecialPage.php b/MLEB/Translate/src/MessageGroupProcessing/AggregateGroupsSpecialPage.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64bcd6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MLEB/Translate/src/MessageGroupProcessing/AggregateGroupsSpecialPage.php
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+declare( strict_types = 1 );
+namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageGroupProcessing;
+use AggregateMessageGroup;
+use Html;
+use MediaWiki\Cache\LinkBatchFactory;
+use MessageGroup;
+use MessageGroups;
+use SpecialPage;
+use TranslateMetadata;
+use WikiPageMessageGroup;
+use Xml;
+ * Contains logic for special page Special:AggregateGroups.
+ *
+ * @author Santhosh Thottingal
+ * @author Niklas Laxström
+ * @author Siebrand Mazeland
+ * @author Kunal Grover
+ * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+class AggregateGroupsSpecialPage extends SpecialPage {
+ /** @var bool */
+ private $hasPermission = false;
+ /** @var LinkBatchFactory */
+ private $linkBatchFactory;
+ public function __construct( LinkBatchFactory $linkBatchFactory ) {
+ parent::__construct( 'AggregateGroups', 'translate-manage' );
+ $this->linkBatchFactory = $linkBatchFactory;
+ }
+ protected function getGroupName(): string {
+ return 'translation';
+ }
+ public function execute( $parameters ) {
+ $this->setHeaders();
+ $this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Extension:Translate/Page translation administration' );
+ $out = $this->getOutput();
+ $out->addModuleStyles( 'ext.translate.specialpages.styles' );
+ // Check permissions
+ if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'translate-manage' ) ) {
+ $this->hasPermission = true;
+ }
+ $groupsPreload = MessageGroups::getGroupsByType( AggregateMessageGroup::class );
+ TranslateMetadata::preloadGroups( array_keys( $groupsPreload ), __METHOD__ );
+ $groups = MessageGroups::getAllGroups();
+ uasort( $groups, [ MessageGroups::class, 'groupLabelSort' ] );
+ $aggregates = [];
+ $pages = [];
+ foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
+ if ( $group instanceof WikiPageMessageGroup ) {
+ $pages[] = $group;
+ } elseif ( $group instanceof AggregateMessageGroup ) {
+ // Filter out AggregateGroups configured in YAML
+ $subgroups = TranslateMetadata::getSubgroups( $group->getId() );
+ if ( $subgroups !== null ) {
+ $aggregates[] = $group;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$pages ) {
+ // @todo Use different message
+ $out->addWikiMsg( 'tpt-list-nopages' );
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->showAggregateGroups( $aggregates );
+ }
+ protected function showAggregateGroup( AggregateMessageGroup $group ): string {
+ $out = '';
+ $id = $group->getId();
+ $label = $group->getLabel();
+ $desc = $group->getDescription( $this->getContext() );
+ $out .= Html::openElement(
+ 'div',
+ [ 'class' => 'mw-tpa-group', 'data-groupid' => $id, 'data-id' => $this->htmlIdForGroup( $group ) ]
+ );
+ $edit = '';
+ $remove = '';
+ $editGroup = '';
+ $select = '';
+ $addButton = '';
+ // Add divs for editing Aggregate Groups
+ if ( $this->hasPermission ) {
+ // Group edit and remove buttons
+ $edit = Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregate-edit-ag-button' ] );
+ $remove = Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregate-remove-ag-button' ] );
+ // Edit group div
+ $editGroupNameLabel = $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-edit-name' )->escaped();
+ $editGroupName = Html::input(
+ 'tp-agg-name',
+ $label,
+ 'text',
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregategroup-edit-name', 'maxlength' => '200' ]
+ );
+ $editGroupDescriptionLabel = $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-edit-description' )->escaped();
+ $editGroupDescription = Html::input(
+ 'tp-agg-desc',
+ $desc,
+ 'text',
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregategroup-edit-description' ]
+ );
+ $saveButton = Xml::submitButton(
+ $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-update' )->text(),
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregategroup-update' ]
+ );
+ $cancelButton = Xml::submitButton(
+ $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-update-cancel' )->text(),
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregategroup-update-cancel' ]
+ );
+ $editGroup = Html::rawElement(
+ 'div',
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-edit-group hidden' ],
+ $editGroupNameLabel .
+ $editGroupName .
+ '<br />' .
+ $editGroupDescriptionLabel .
+ $editGroupDescription .
+ $saveButton .
+ $cancelButton
+ );
+ // Subgroups selector
+ $select = Html::input( 'tp-subgroups-input', '', 'text', [ 'class' => 'tp-group-input' ] );
+ $addButton = Html::element( 'input',
+ [
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'value' => $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-add' )->text(),
+ 'class' => 'tp-aggregate-add-button'
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ // Aggregate Group info div
+ $groupName = Html::rawElement(
+ 'h2',
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-name' ],
+ htmlspecialchars( $label ) . $edit . $remove
+ );
+ $groupDesc = Html::element(
+ 'p',
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-desc' ],
+ $desc
+ );
+ $groupInfo = Html::rawElement(
+ 'div',
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-display-group' ],
+ $groupName . $groupDesc
+ );
+ $out .= $groupInfo;
+ $out .= $editGroup;
+ $out .= $this->listSubgroups( $group );
+ $out .= $select . $addButton;
+ $out .= '</div>';
+ return $out;
+ }
+ /** @param AggregateMessageGroup[] $aggregates */
+ private function showAggregateGroups( array $aggregates ): void {
+ $out = $this->getOutput();
+ $out->addModules( 'ext.translate.special.aggregategroups' );
+ $nojs = Html::element(
+ 'div',
+ [ 'class' => 'tux-nojs errorbox' ],
+ $this->msg( 'tux-nojs' )->plain()
+ );
+ $out->addHTML( $nojs );
+ /** @var AggregateMessageGroup $group */
+ foreach ( $aggregates as $group ) {
+ $out->addHTML( $this->showAggregateGroup( $group ) );
+ }
+ // Add new group if user has permissions
+ if ( $this->hasPermission ) {
+ $out->addHTML(
+ "<br/><a class='tpt-add-new-group' href='#'>" .
+ $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-add-new' )->escaped() .
+ '</a>'
+ );
+ $newGroupNameLabel = $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-new-name' )->escaped();
+ $newGroupName = Html::element( 'input', [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregategroup-add-name', 'maxlength' => '200' ] );
+ $newGroupDescriptionLabel = $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-new-description' )->escaped();
+ $newGroupDescription = Html::element( 'input', [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregategroup-add-description' ] );
+ $saveButton = Html::element(
+ 'input',
+ [
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'value' => $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-save' )->text(),
+ 'id' => 'tpt-aggregategroups-save',
+ 'class' => 'tp-aggregate-save-button'
+ ]
+ );
+ $newGroupDiv = Html::rawElement(
+ 'div',
+ [ 'class' => 'tpt-add-new-group hidden' ],
+ "$newGroupNameLabel $newGroupName<br />" .
+ "$newGroupDescriptionLabel $newGroupDescription<br />$saveButton"
+ );
+ $out->addHTML( $newGroupDiv );
+ }
+ }
+ private function listSubgroups( AggregateMessageGroup $parent ): string {
+ $id = $this->htmlIdForGroup( $parent, 'mw-tpa-grouplist-' );
+ $out = Html::openElement( 'ol', [ 'id' => $id ] );
+ // Not calling $parent->getGroups() because it has done filtering already
+ $subgroupIds = TranslateMetadata::getSubgroups( $parent->getId() ) ?? [];
+ // Get the respective groups and sort them
+ $subgroups = MessageGroups::getGroupsById( $subgroupIds );
+ '@phan-var WikiPageMessageGroup[] $subgroups';
+ uasort( $subgroups, [ MessageGroups::class, 'groupLabelSort' ] );
+ // Avoid potentially thousands of separate database queries
+ $lb = $this->linkBatchFactory->newLinkBatch();
+ foreach ( $subgroups as $group ) {
+ $lb->addObj( $group->getTitle() );
+ }
+ $lb->setCaller( __METHOD__ );
+ $lb->execute();
+ // Add missing invalid group ids back, not returned by getGroupsById
+ foreach ( $subgroupIds as $id ) {
+ if ( !isset( $subgroups[$id] ) ) {
+ $subgroups[$id] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ( $subgroups as $id => $group ) {
+ $remove = '';
+ if ( $this->hasPermission ) {
+ $remove = Html::element(
+ 'span',
+ [ 'class' => 'tp-aggregate-remove-button', 'data-groupid' => $id ]
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $group ) {
+ $text = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink( $group->getTitle() );
+ $note = htmlspecialchars( MessageGroups::getPriority( $id ) );
+ } else {
+ $text = htmlspecialchars( $id );
+ $note = $this->msg( 'tpt-aggregategroup-invalid-group' )->escaped();
+ }
+ $out .= Html::rawElement( 'li', [], "$text$remove $note" );
+ }
+ $out .= Html::closeElement( 'ol' );
+ return $out;
+ }
+ private function htmlIdForGroup( MessageGroup $group, string $prefix = '' ): string {
+ $id = sha1( $group->getId() );
+ $id = substr( $id, 5, 8 );
+ return $prefix . $id;
+ }