diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MLEB/Translate/resources/js/ext.translate.messagerenamedialog.js')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MLEB/Translate/resources/js/ext.translate.messagerenamedialog.js b/MLEB/Translate/resources/js/ext.translate.messagerenamedialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..499e1541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MLEB/Translate/resources/js/ext.translate.messagerenamedialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * Dialog for displaying possible renamed messages.
+ * Note that methods are not safe to call before the dialog has initialized.
+ *
+ * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
+ * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+'use strict';
+mw.translate = mw.translate || {};
+ * @class
+ * @extends OO.ui.ProcessDialog
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Object} [config] Similar configuration as the OO.ui.ProcessDialog
+ * @param {Function} [onRenameSelect] Function to call when the rename button is pressed
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog = function ( config, onRenameSelect ) {
+ var errMsg;
+ // HTML Elements
+ this.messageSearch = null;
+ this.searchButton = null;
+ this.panel = null;
+ this.form = null;
+ this.$notice = null;
+ // Data properties
+ this.possibleRenames = null;
+ this.currentGroupId = null;
+ this.targetKey = null;
+ this.selectedMessage = null;
+ this.resetProperties();
+ if ( !onRenameSelect ) {
+ errMsg = 'Must provide the "onRenameSelect" callback function.';
+ mw.log.error( errMsg );
+ throw new Error( errMsg );
+ }
+ this.onRenameSelect = onRenameSelect;
+ // Parent constructor
+ this, config );
+/* Inheritance */
+OO.inheritClass( mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog, OO.ui.ProcessDialog );
+/* Static Properties */ = 'MessageRenameDialog';
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.static.actions = [
+ {
+ flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ],
+ label: mw.msg( 'translate-smg-rename-select' ),
+ action: 'select',
+ active: true
+ },
+ {
+ flags: 'safe',
+ label: mw.msg( 'translate-smg-rename-cancel' ),
+ action: 'cancel'
+ }
+ * @inheritdoc
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.initialize = function () {
+ this );
+ this.messageSearch = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
+ placeholder: mw.msg( 'translate-smg-rename-search' )
+ } );
+ this.searchButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
+ icon: 'search',
+ invisibleLabel: true
+ } );
+ this.panel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
+ padded: true,
+ expanded: false
+ } );
+ this.form = new OO.ui.FormLayout( {
+ padded: true,
+ expanded: false,
+ items: [
+ new OO.ui.ActionFieldLayout( this.messageSearch, this.searchButton, {
+ classes: [ 'smg-rename-msg-search' ]
+ } )
+ ],
+ method: 'post'
+ } );
+ this.$notice = $( '<p>' )
+ .addClass( 'smg-rename-notice hide' );
+ this.form.$element.append( this.$notice );
+ this.panel.$element.append( this.form.$element );
+ this.$body.append( this.panel.$element );
+ this.addEvents();
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.addEvents = function () {
+ this.form.$element.on( 'click', '.smg-rename-list', this.selectMessage.bind( this ) );
+ this.messageSearch.on( 'change', OO.ui.debounce( this.filterMessages.bind( this ), 300 ) );
+ * @inheritdoc
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( renameDialogData ) {
+ var dialogData = renameDialogData || {};
+ return this, dialogData )
+ .next( function () {
+ // Set up contents based on data
+ this.possibleRenames = dialogData.messages;
+ this.currentGroupId = dialogData.groupId;
+ this.targetKey = dialogData.targetKey;
+ this.selectedMessage = null;
+ this.displayMessages( this.possibleRenames );
+ }, this );
+ * @inheritdoc
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.getActionProcess = function ( action ) {
+ if ( action === 'cancel' ) {
+ return new OO.ui.Process( function () {
+ this.close();
+ this.emit( action );
+ }, this );
+ } else if ( action === 'select' ) {
+ if ( !this.selectedMessage ) {
+ return new OO.ui.Process( function () {
+ this.displayNotice( mw.msg( 'translate-smg-rename-select-err' ), 'error' );
+ }, this );
+ }
+ return this, action )
+ .next( this.rename.bind( this ) )
+ .next( function () {
+ return this.close().closed;
+ }.bind( this ) );
+ }
+ return this, action );
+ * @inheritdoc
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function ( data ) {
+ return this, data )
+ .first( function () {
+ // Perform any cleanup as needed
+ this.clearMessages();
+ this.messageSearch.setValue( '' );
+ this.resetProperties();
+ }, this );
+ * Displays the given messages on the dialog box.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} messages
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.displayMessages = function ( messages ) {
+ var i;
+ if ( !messages.length ) {
+ this.displayNotice( mw.msg( 'translate-smg-rename-no-msg' ), 'info' );
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ) {
+ this.displayMessage( messages[ i ] );
+ }
+ * Generates the HTML to display a single message
+ *
+ * @param {Object} message
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.displayMessage = function ( message ) {
+ var $title, $content, $container;
+ $title = $( '<div>' ).append(
+ $( '<a>' ).text( message.title ).addClass( 'smg-rename-msg-key' )
+ .prop( 'href', )
+ .data( 'msg-key', message.key ),
+ $( '<span>' ).text(
+ mw.msg( 'percent', mw.language.convertNumber( ( message.similarity * 100 ).toFixed() ) )
+ ).addClass( 'smg-rename-similarity' )
+ );
+ $content = $( '<div>' ).text( message.content ).addClass( 'smg-rename-msg-content' );
+ $container = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'smg-rename-list' );
+ $container.append( $title, $content );
+ this.form.$element.append( $container );
+ * Callback triggered when a message is selected.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} event
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.selectMessage = function ( event ) {
+ var $target = $( event.currentTarget );
+ this.selectedMessage = $target.find( '.smg-rename-msg-key' ).data( 'msgKey' );
+ this.form.$element.find( '.smg-rename-list' ).removeClass( 'smg-rename-selected' );
+ $target.addClass( 'smg-rename-selected' );
+ this.hideNotice();
+ * Used to reset the state properties for the dialog box.
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.resetProperties = function () {
+ this.possibleRenames = [];
+ this.currentGroupId = null;
+ this.targetKey = null;
+ this.selectedMessage = null;
+ * Perform the actual rename
+ *
+ * @return {jQuery.Promise} Resolves after making call to the onRenameSelect function.
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.rename = function () {
+ var deferred, promise, renameData;
+ deferred = $.Deferred();
+ promise = deferred.promise();
+ renameData = {
+ groupId: this.currentGroupId,
+ targetKey: this.targetKey,
+ selectedKey: this.selectedMessage
+ };
+ this.onRenameSelect( renameData ).done( function () {
+ return deferred.resolve();
+ } ).fail( function ( code, result ) {
+ if ( result.error ) {
+ if ( result.error.code === 'permissiondenied' ) {
+ return deferred.reject( new OO.ui.Error(,
+ { recoverable: false } ) );
+ }
+ return deferred.reject( OO.ui.Error( ) );
+ }
+ } );
+ return promise;
+ * Callback function triggered to handle the search.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} searchValue
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.filterMessages = function ( searchValue ) {
+ var normalizedSearchVal = searchValue.toLowerCase(), filteredMessages = [];
+ // if the dialog is closing, let's not do anything.
+ if ( this.isClosing() || !this.isVisible() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ filteredMessages = this.possibleRenames.filter( function ( message ) {
+ if ( message.key.toLowerCase().indexOf( normalizedSearchVal ) !== -1 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( message.content.toLowerCase().indexOf( normalizedSearchVal ) !== -1 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } );
+ this.clearMessages();
+ this.displayMessages( filteredMessages );
+ this.updateSize();
+ * Method use to display a notice on the dialog box
+ *
+ * @param {string} msg
+ * @param {string} type
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.displayNotice = function ( msg, type ) {
+ var possibleTypes = [ 'info', 'error', 'warning' ];
+ this.$notice.removeClass( possibleTypes.join( ' ' ) );
+ this.$notice.text( msg ).addClass( type ).removeClass( 'hide' );
+ this.updateSize();
+ * Hide displayed notice.
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.hideNotice = function () {
+ this.$notice.addClass( 'hide' );
+ this.updateSize();
+ * Clears all messages from the DOM.
+ */
+mw.translate.MessageRenameDialog.prototype.clearMessages = function () {
+ this.form.$element.find( '.smg-rename-list' ).remove();
+ this.hideNotice();