diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'guide/_sources/package-maintenance.rst.txt')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/guide/_sources/package-maintenance.rst.txt b/guide/_sources/package-maintenance.rst.txt
index 512c477..4853fbe 100644
--- a/guide/_sources/package-maintenance.rst.txt
+++ b/guide/_sources/package-maintenance.rst.txt
@@ -79,3 +79,169 @@ e.g.::
This does not apply to test dependencies — they are not strictly
necessary to install a new Portage version.
+Monitoring new package versions
+PyPI release feeds
+The most efficient way to follow new Python package releases are
+the feeds found on PyPI_. These can be found in the package's
+"Release history" tab, as "RSS feed".
+The Gentoo Python project maintains a comprehensive `list of PyPI feeds
+for packages`_ in ``dev-python/`` category (as well as other important
+packages maintained by the Python team) in OPML format.
+Checking via pip
+The `pip list -\-outdated`_ command described in a followup section
+can also be used to verify installed packages against their latest PyPI
+releases. However, this is naturally limited to packages installed
+on the particular system, and does not account for newer versions being
+already available in the Gentoo repository.
+Repology_ provides a comprehensive service for tracking distribution
+package versions and upstream releases. The easiest ways to find Python
+packages present in the Gentoo repository is to search by their
+maintainer's e-mail or category (e.g. ``dev-python``). When searching
+by name, the majority of Python-specific package use ``python:`` prefix
+in their Repology names.
+Unfortunately, Repology is very susceptible to false positives.
+Examples of false positives include other distributions using custom
+version numbers, replacing packages with forks or simply Repology
+confusing different packages with the same name. If you find false
+positives, please use the 'Report' option to request a correction.
+Please also note that Repology is unable to handle the less common
+version numbers that do not have a clear mapping to Gentoo version
+syntax (e.g. ``.post`` releases).
+Routine checks on installed Python packages
+The following actions are recommended to be run periodically on systems
+used to test Python packages. They could be run e.g. via post-sync
+pip check
+``pip check`` (provided by ``dev-python/pip``) can be used to check
+installed packages for missing dependencies and version conflicts:
+.. code-block:: text
+ $ python3.10 -m pip check
+ meson-python 0.6.0 requires ninja, which is not installed.
+ cx-freeze 6.11.1 requires patchelf, which is not installed.
+ openapi-spec-validator 0.4.0 has requirement openapi-schema-validator<0.3.0,>=0.2.0, but you have openapi-schema-validator 0.3.0.
+ cx-freeze 6.11.1 has requirement setuptools<=60.10.0,>=59.0.1, but you have setuptools 62.6.0.
+This tool checks the installed packages for a single Python
+implementation only, so you need to run it for every installed
+interpreter separately.
+In some cases the issues are caused by unnecessary version pins
+or upstream packages listing optional dependencies as obligatory.
+The preferred fix is to fix the package metadata rather than modifying
+the dependencies in ebuild.
+.. Warning::
+ pip does not support the ``Provides`` metadata, so it can
+ produce false positives about ``certifi`` dependency. Please ignore
+ these:
+ .. code-block:: text
+ httpcore 0.15.0 requires certifi, which is not installed.
+ httpx 0.23.0 requires certifi, which is not installed.
+ sphobjinv 2.2.2 requires certifi, which is not installed.
+ requests 2.28.0 requires certifi, which is not installed.
+pip list -\-outdated
+``pip list --outdated`` (provided by ``dev-python/pip``) can be used
+to check whether installed packages are up-to-date. This can help
+checking for pending version bumps, as well as to detect wrong versions
+in installed metadata:
+.. code-block:: text
+ $ pip3.11 list --outdated
+ Package Version Latest Type
+ ------------------------ ----------------- ------- -----
+ dirty-equals 0 0.4 wheel
+ filetype 1.0.10 1.0.13 wheel
+ mercurial 6.1.3 6.1.4 sdist
+ node-semver 0.8.0 0.8.1 wheel
+ PyQt-builder 1.12.2 1.13.0 wheel
+ PyQt5 5.15.6 5.15.7 wheel
+ PyQt5-sip 12.10.1 12.11.0 sdist
+ PyQtWebEngine 5.15.5 5.15.6 wheel
+ Routes 2.5.1.dev20220522 2.5.1 wheel
+ selenium 3.141.0 4.3.0 wheel
+ sip 6.6.1 6.6.2 wheel
+ sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.2.4.dev20220515 1.2.4 wheel
+ uri-template 0.0.0 1.2.0 wheel
+ watchfiles 0.0.0 0.15.0 wheel
+ watchgod 0.0.dev0 0.8.2 wheel
+Again, the action applies to a single Python implementation only
+and needs to be repeated for all of them.
+Particularly note the packages with versions containing only zeroes
+in the above list — this is usually a sign that the build system
+does not recognize the version correctly. In some cases, the only
+working solution would be to sed the correct version in.
+The additional ``dev`` suffix is usually appended via ``tag_build``
+option in ``setup.cfg``. This causes the version to be considered
+older than the actual release, and therefore the respective options need
+to be stripped.
+``gpy-verify-deps`` (provided by ``app-portage/gpyutils``) compares
+the ebuild dependencies of all installed Python packages against their
+metadata. It reports the dependencies that are potentially missing
+in ebuilds, as well as dependencies potentially missing
+``[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]``. For the latter, it assumes that all
+dependencies listed in package metadata are used as Python modules.
+.. code-block:: text
+ $ gpy-verify-deps
+ [...]
+ =dev-python/tempest-31.0.0: missing dependency: dev-python/oslo-serialization [*]
+ =dev-python/tempest-31.0.0: missing dependency: dev-python/cryptography [*]
+ =dev-python/tempest-31.0.0: missing dependency: dev-python/stestr [*]
+ =dev-python/versioningit-2.0.0: missing dependency: dev-python/tomli [*]
+ =dev-python/versioningit-2.0.0: missing dependency: dev-python/importlib_metadata [python3.8 python3.9]
+ =dev-python/wstools-0.4.10-r1: missing dependency: dev-python/setuptools [*]
+The check is done for all installed interpreters. The report indicates
+whether the dependency upstream is unconditional (``[*]``) or specific
+to a subset of Python implementations.
+Similarly to ``pip check`` results, every dependency needs to be
+verified. In many cases, upstream metadata lists optional or build-time
+dependencies as runtime dependencies, and it is preferable to strip them
+than to copy the mistakes into the ebuild.
+.. _PyPI:
+.. _list of PyPI feeds for packages:
+.. _Repology: