diff options
authorMark Wright <>2016-02-16 22:18:46 +1100
committerMark Wright <>2016-02-16 22:18:46 +1100
commite03efabf52fd874c48d7e3bfdc6a436a044bd1a3 (patch)
tree36b0ecf29fd9c65f5655a44e9834b27da64ef777 /sci-mathematics/isabelle/isabelle-2015.ebuild
parentsci-mathematics/csdp: Add CSDP, A C Library for Semidefinite Programming (diff)
sci-mathematics/isabelle: Bump to 2015, check diskspace and memory.
Thanks to Toralf F?rster for reporting the need to check diskspace, and Jonas Jelten for requesting the version bump. Gentoo-Bugs: 548864 562864 Package-Manager: portage-2.2.27
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics/isabelle/isabelle-2015.ebuild')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/isabelle/isabelle-2015.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/isabelle/isabelle-2015.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d3a588862ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/isabelle/isabelle-2015.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils check-reqs java-pkg-2 multilib versionator
+MY_PV=$(replace_all_version_separators '-')
+# csdp is used in the compile of HOL_ex in
+# Library/Sum_of_Squares/sos_wrapper.ML where it execs $ISABELLE_CSDP
+# exec_process is used in the compile of HOL-Mirabelle-ex, Codegen, etc.
+DESCRIPTION="Isabelle is a generic proof assistant"
+${JEDIT_P}.tar.gz -> ${JEDIT_IC_P}.tar.gz
+${JFREECHART_P}.tar.gz -> ${JFREECHART_IC_P}.tar.gz
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="doc graphbrowsing ledit readline proofgeneral"
+#upstream says
+#bash 2.x/3.x, Poly/ML 5.x, Perl 5.x,
+#for document preparation: complete LaTeX
+ >=dev-java/jcommon-1.0.18:1.0
+ >=dev-java/jfreechart-1.0.14:1.0
+ >=dev-java/itext-2.1.5:0
+ dev-java/xz-java:0
+ >=dev-lang/ghc-7.6.3
+ >=dev-lang/polyml-5.5.2:=[-portable]
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2
+ dev-lang/swi-prolog
+ sci-mathematics/csdp
+ =virtual/jdk-1.7*
+ doc? (
+ virtual/latex-base
+ dev-tex/rail
+ )
+ >=dev-lang/scala-2.11.6:${SS}
+ ledit? (
+ app-misc/ledit
+ )
+ readline? (
+ app-misc/rlwrap
+ )"
+ sci-mathematics/sha1-polyml
+ >=virtual/jre-1.7
+ proofgeneral? (
+ >=app-emacs/proofgeneral-4.1
+ )
+ ${DEPEND}"
+# Notes on QA warnings: * Class files not found via DEPEND in package.env
+# Stuff with $ in the name appear to be spurious:
+# isabelle/Markup_Tree$$anonfun$results$1$1.class
+# scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenJVM$BytecodeGenerator$$anonfun$computeLocalVarsIndex$1.class
+# It wants javafx, I am unsure how to fix this. I test isabelle with the Sun JDK:
+# javafx/application/Platform.class javafx
+# Presumably the user can provide the jEdit plugins if they are necessary:
+# marker/MarkerSetsPlugin.class
+# projectviewer/gui/OptionPaneBase.class
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack "${MY_P}.tar.gz"
+ cd "${S}/contrib" || die
+ unpack ${CSDP_IC_P}.tar.gz
+ unpack ${EXEC_PROCESS_IC_P}.tar.gz
+ unpack ${JEDIT_IC_P}.tar.gz
+ unpack ${JFREECHART_IC_P}.tar.gz
+ unpack ${POLYML_IC_P}.tar.gz
+ unpack ${XZ_JAVA_IC_P}.tar.gz
+pkg_setup() {
+ java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
+ check-reqs_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ java-pkg-2_src_prepare
+ java-pkg_getjars ${LIBRARY_PKGS}
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2013-gentoo-settings.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2015-classpath.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2015-jfreechart-classpath.patch"
+ polymlver=$(poly -v | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ polymlarch=$(poly -v | cut -d' ' -f9 | cut -d'-' -f1)
+ sed -e "s@5.5.0@${polymlver}@g" \
+ -i "${S}/etc/settings" \
+ || die "Could not configure polyml version in etc/settings"
+ sed -e "s@ML_HOME=\"/@ML_HOME=\"${ROOT}@" \
+ -i "${S}/etc/settings" \
+ || die "Could not configure polyml ML_HOME in etc/settings"
+ sed -e "s@x86_64@${polymlarch}@g" \
+ -i "${S}/etc/settings" \
+ || die "Could not configure polyml arch in etc/settings"
+ -i "${S}/etc/settings" \
+ || die "Could not configure PROOFGENERAL_HOME in etc/settings"
+ sed -e "s@/usr/lib64/Isabelle${MY_PV}@${LIBDIR}@g" \
+ -i "${S}/etc/settings" \
+ || die "Could not configure Isabelle lib directory in etc/settings"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2012-graphbrowser.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2012-libsha1.patch"
+ # this example fails to compile with swi-prolog 6.5.2, so patch it so that
+ # Isabelle will build, then reverse the patch so that the user can see the
+ # original code.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2013.2-HOL-Predicate_Compile_Examples.patch"
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}/etc/settings"
+ ISABELLE_GHC="${ROOT}usr/bin/ghc"
+ ISABELLE_OCAML="${ROOT}usr/bin/ocaml"
+ ISABELLE_SWIPL="${ROOT}usr/bin/swipl"
+ ISABELLE_JDK_HOME="\$(java-config --jdk-home)"
+ SCALA_HOME="${ROOT}usr/share/scala-${SS}"
+ SHA1_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/sha1-polyml"
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}/etc/components"
+ #bundled components
+ contrib/${CSDP_P}
+ contrib/${EXEC_PROCESS_P}
+ contrib/${JEDIT_P}
+ contrib/${JFREECHART_P}
+ contrib/${POLYML_P}
+ contrib/${XZ_JAVA_P}
+ if use ledit && ! use readline; then
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2012-reverse-line-editor-order.patch"
+ fi
+ rm -f "${S}/contrib/jfreechart-1.0.14-1/lib/jcommon-1.0.18.jar" \
+ "${S}/contrib/jfreechart-1.0.14-1/lib/jfreechart-1.0.14.jar" \
+ "${S}/contrib/jfreechart-1.0.14-1/lib/iText-2.1.5.jar" \
+ || die "Could not rm bundled jar files supplied by Gentoo"
+src_compile() {
+ einfo "Building Isabelle. This may take some time."
+ pushd contrib/${EXEC_PROCESS_P} || die "Could not cd to contrib/${EXEC_PROCESS_P}"
+ || die "Could not build ${EXEC_PROCESS_PN}"
+ popd
+ if use graphbrowsing
+ then
+ rm -f "${S}/lib/browser/GraphBrowser.jar" \
+ || die "failed cleaning graph browser directory"
+ pushd "${S}/lib/browser" \
+ || die "Could not change directory to lib/browser"
+ ./build || die "failed building the graph browser"
+ popd
+ fi
+ ./bin/isabelle jedit -b -f || die "pide build failed"
+ pushd "${S}"/src/Pure || die "Could not change directory to src/Pure"
+ ../../bin/isabelle env ./build-jars -f || die "build-jars failed"
+ popd
+ ./bin/isabelle build -a -b -s -v || die "isabelle build failed"
+ epatch --reverse "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2013.2-HOL-Predicate_Compile_Examples.patch"
+src_install() {
+ insinto ${TARGETDIR}
+ doins -r src
+ doins -r lib
+ doins -r contrib
+ doins ROOTS
+ docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ dodoc -r doc
+ if use doc; then
+ dosym /usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc "${TARGETDIR}/doc"
+ # The build of sci-mathematics/haskabelle with use doc requires
+ # sci-mathematics/isabelle[doc?]. The haskabelle doc build requires
+ # the src/Doc directory stuff in the isabelle package.
+ doins -r src/Doc
+ for i in $(find ./src/Doc -type f -executable -print)
+ do
+ exeinto $(dirname "${TARGETDIR}/${i}")
+ doexe ${i}
+ done
+ fi
+ for i in $(find ./{bin,lib,src/HOL,src/Pure,src/Tools} -type f -executable -print)
+ do
+ exeinto $(dirname "${TARGETDIR}/${i}")
+ doexe ${i}
+ done
+ insinto /etc/isabelle
+ doins -r etc/*
+ dosym /etc/isabelle "${TARGETDIR}/etc"
+ dosym "${LIBDIR}/heaps" "${TARGETDIR}/heaps"
+ insinto ${LIBDIR}
+ doins -r heaps
+ ./bin/isabelle install -d ${TARGETDIR} "${ED}usr/bin" \
+ || die "isabelle install failed"
+ newicon lib/icons/"${PN}.xpm" "${PN}.xpm"
+ newicon lib/icons/"${PN}-mini.xpm" "${PN}-mini.xpm"
+ java-pkg_regjar \
+ $(find . -type f -name \*.jar -print | sed -e "s@^\.@${ED}${TARGETDIR}@g")
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # If any of the directories in /etc/isabelle/components do not exist, then
+ # even isabelle getenv ISABELLE_HOME fails. Hence it is necessary to
+ # to delete any non-existing directories. If an old Isabelle version was
+ # installed with component ebuilds like sci-mathematics/e, then the
+ # Isabelle version is upgraded, then the contrib directories will not
+ # exist initially, it is necessary to delete them from /etc/isabelle/components.
+ # Then these components are rebuilt (creating these directories) using the
+ # EAPI=5 subslot depends.
+ for i in $(egrep '^[^#].*$' "${ROOT}etc/isabelle/components")
+ do
+ if [ ! -d /usr/share/${MY_P}/${i} ]; then
+ sed -e "\@${i}@d" -i "${ROOT}etc/isabelle/components"
+ fi
+ done
+ if use ledit && use readline; then
+ elog "Both readline and ledit use flags specified. The default setting"
+ elog "if both are installed is to use readline (rlwrap), this can be"
+ elog "modfied by editing the ISABELLE_LINE_EDITOR setting in"
+ elog "${ROOT}/etc/isabelle/settings"
+ fi
+ elog "Please ensure you have a pdf viewer installed, for example:"
+ elog "As root: emerge app-text/zathura-pdf-poppler"
+ elog "Please configure your preferred pdf viewer, something like:"
+ elog "As normal user: xdg-mime default zathura.desktop application/pdf"
+ elog "Or alternatively by editing the PDF_VIEWER variable in the system"
+ elog "settings file ${ROOT}etc/isabelle/settings and/or the user"
+ elog "settings file \$HOME/.isabelle/${MY_P}/etc/settings"
+ elog "To improve sledgehammer performance, consider installing:"
+ elog "USE=isabelle emerge sci-mathematics/e sci-mathematics/spass"
+ elog "For nitpick it is necessary to install:"
+ elog "emerge sci-mathematics/kodkodi"