diff options
authorSam James <>2021-09-14 00:02:01 +0100
committerSam James <>2021-09-14 00:06:50 +0100
commit121747cd3cfd88744c0f6beae5cc86d4aee858f5 (patch)
tree362f3a0820066b185c645b713bfcbf056cd277ff /media-video/pipewire
parentnet-vpn/wireguard-tools: bump to 1.0.20210914 (diff)
media-video/pipewire: add 0.3.35
Switches to libfreeaptx as per upstream. Waiting for now re wireplumber default integration, but it's not strictly needed right now anyway. Bug: Bug: Closes: Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Diffstat (limited to 'media-video/pipewire')
3 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media-video/pipewire/Manifest b/media-video/pipewire/Manifest
index b07df37bbb4f..c64467c1592c 100644
--- a/media-video/pipewire/Manifest
+++ b/media-video/pipewire/Manifest
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ DIST pipewire-0.3.30.tar.gz 1540950 BLAKE2B 69b35743e3ad9a8caf68d9bb16cf395203ef
DIST pipewire-0.3.32.tar.gz 1604622 BLAKE2B cab83a17a2b27f710e1377a2ad2ad7003053ef3e8b55423362f0b428e22d52c2ce564da00aab71cc93262d4cb21f239fffea195d05937fdf3489dc540b77d58d SHA512 8a7fe26a78071fdd8d4c9e2d9bf3791af8e0cb53b976b45d39dcab4ad08196808f416911fb1b366cc85e3fa80592ec79c4e4556bb3a390f4a10229b4bf9893f7
DIST pipewire-0.3.33.tar.gz 1629559 BLAKE2B de48956ac87ed6d63a08dd354b1e4abf81b9db99825ca65cbb5b522e71eb6920b35173e1c3abd9a710c28709e2b0a459db67654cfeac42149cdfa91c84833a8b SHA512 bc3d5658d6fda11dd55f22ba5293b4ff6c3e9a8d083b0cf7b3356bc18f4f65967557602a0d6603a2a2a548ecb42c6b7fbb9d315ed0fce435f4bb884ab4dd263b
DIST pipewire-0.3.34.tar.gz 1682396 BLAKE2B 1a3524a833bde6facf637071f905bb0237f3fc53a86d6160083f36c7a42fb7c71c873a0dc9eea04cfb08cbec08807557c2b83efc1ac403adf6a9998d83441338 SHA512 cbf8eb410d2cd1923e67ac9ee9eca0e74567bb7e8ea407a536e64b3ec27b5bbb1e7fdd74a5a7cbffbac3f9996d8a08f8c723401fb44cb2920f044a3a2f3a6c18
+DIST pipewire-0.3.35.tar.gz 1704419 BLAKE2B 5c0debd19b29a9488be26125794f04e57e8b3cd3842654cb935decae18ffefc4137927d969448f60f1c1c2985d54db139fc3dcf07e36e81014021d63490096d8 SHA512 08a2e305fe4e9d3c3f4533c163b725dd32d26513e51a9f476bd18d6157ebf67e97e48b8df9595d45c81599f416e6b3f76e90df575dd460a8d26fe951db30e0f6
diff --git a/media-video/pipewire/files/pipewire-0.3.35-non-systemd-integration.patch b/media-video/pipewire/files/pipewire-0.3.35-non-systemd-integration.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3edab5b924c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/pipewire/files/pipewire-0.3.35-non-systemd-integration.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- a/src/daemon/
++++ b/src/daemon/
+@@ -235,12 +235,12 @@ context.exec = [
+ # but it is better to start it as a systemd service.
+ # Run the session manager with -h for options.
+ #
+- @sm_comment@{ path = "@session_manager_path@" args = "@session_manager_args@" }
++ { path = "@session_manager_path@" args = "@session_manager_args@" }
+ #
+ # You can optionally start the pulseaudio-server here as well
+ # but it is better to start it as a systemd service.
+ # It can be interesting to start another daemon here that listens
+ # on another address with the -a option (eg. -a tcp:4713).
+ #
+- @pulse_comment@{ path = "@pipewire_path@" args = "-c pipewire-pulse.conf" }
++ { path = "@pipewire_path@" args = "-c pipewire-pulse.conf" }
+ ]
diff --git a/media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.35.ebuild b/media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.35.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..591b040719c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.35.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
+inherit meson-multilib optfeature python-any-r1 udev
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}/${PN}.git"
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64"
+DESCRIPTION="Multimedia processing graphs"
+IUSE="bluetooth doc echo-cancel extra gstreamer jack-client jack-sdk pipewire-alsa systemd test v4l"
+# Once replacing system JACK libraries is possible, it's likely that
+# jack-client IUSE will need blocking to avoid users accidentally
+# configuring their systems to send PW sink output to the emulated
+# JACK's sink - doing so is likely to yield no audio, cause a CPU
+# cycles consuming loop (and may even cause GUI crashes)!
+REQUIRED_USE="jack-sdk? ( !jack-client )"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ app-doc/xmltoman
+ >=dev-util/meson-0.59
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ doc? (
+ app-doc/doxygen
+ media-gfx/graphviz
+ )
+ acct-group/audio
+ media-libs/alsa-lib
+ sys-apps/dbus[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ sys-libs/ncurses:=[unicode(+)]
+ virtual/libintl[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ virtual/libudev[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ bluetooth? (
+ media-libs/fdk-aac
+ media-libs/libldac
+ media-libs/libfreeaptx
+ media-libs/sbc
+ >=net-wireless/bluez-4.101:=
+ )
+ echo-cancel? ( media-libs/webrtc-audio-processing )
+ extra? (
+ >=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.20
+ )
+ gstreamer? (
+ >=dev-libs/glib-2.32.0:2
+ >=media-libs/gstreamer-1.10.0:1.0
+ media-libs/gst-plugins-base:1.0
+ )
+ jack-client? ( >=media-sound/jack2-1.9.10:2[dbus] )
+ jack-sdk? (
+ !media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit
+ !media-sound/jack2
+ )
+ pipewire-alsa? (
+ >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.1.7[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ || (
+ media-plugins/alsa-plugins[-pulseaudio]
+ !media-plugins/alsa-plugins
+ )
+ )
+ !pipewire-alsa? ( media-plugins/alsa-plugins[${MULTILIB_USEDEP},pulseaudio] )
+ systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
+ v4l? ( media-libs/libv4l )
+# Present RDEPEND that are currently always disabled due to the PW
+# code using them being required to be disabled by Gentoo guidelines
+# (i.e. developer binaries not meant for users) and unready code
+# media-video/ffmpeg:=
+# media-libs/libsdl2
+# >=media-libs/vulkan-loader-1.1.69
+# Ditto for DEPEND
+# >=dev-util/vulkan-headers-1.1.69
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.3.25-enable-failed-mlock-warning.patch
+# limitsdfile related code taken from =sys-auth/realtime-base-0.1
+# with changes as necessary.
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ if ! use systemd; then
+ # This can be applied non-conditionally but would make for a
+ # significantly worse user experience on systemd then.
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.3.35-non-systemd-integration.patch
+ fi
+ einfo "Generating ${limitsdfile}"
+ cat > ${limitsdfile} <<- EOF || die
+ # Start of ${limitsdfile} from ${P}
+ @audio - memlock 256
+ # End of ${limitsdfile} from ${P}
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ local emesonargs=(
+ -Ddocdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ $(meson_native_use_feature doc docs)
+ $(meson_native_enabled examples) # Disabling this implicitly disables -Dmedia-session
+ # Replaced upstream by -Dsession-managers=..., needs more work, bug #812809
+ # but default is same as before and right now, this is fatal with unreleased Meson.
+ #$(meson_native_enabled media-session)
+ $(meson_native_enabled man)
+ $(meson_feature test tests)
+ -Dinstalled_tests=disabled # Matches upstream; Gentoo never installs tests
+ $(meson_native_use_feature gstreamer)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature gstreamer gstreamer-device-provider)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature systemd)
+ -Dsystemd-system-service=disabled # Matches upstream
+ $(meson_native_use_feature systemd systemd-user-service)
+ $(meson_feature pipewire-alsa) # Allows integrating ALSA apps into PW graph
+ -Dspa-plugins=enabled
+ -Dalsa=enabled # Allows using kernel ALSA for sound I/O (-Dmedia-session depends on this)
+ -Daudiomixer=enabled # Matches upstream
+ -Daudioconvert=enabled # Matches upstream
+ $(meson_native_use_feature bluetooth bluez5)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature bluetooth bluez5-backend-hsp-native)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature bluetooth bluez5-backend-hfp-native)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature bluetooth bluez5-backend-ofono)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature bluetooth bluez5-backend-hsphfpd)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature bluetooth bluez5-codec-aac)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature bluetooth bluez5-codec-aptx)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature bluetooth bluez5-codec-ldac)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature echo-cancel echo-cancel-webrtc) #807889
+ -Dcontrol=enabled # Matches upstream
+ -Daudiotestsrc=enabled # Matches upstream
+ -Dffmpeg=disabled # Disabled by upstream and no major developments to spa/plugins/ffmpeg/ since May 2020
+ -Dpipewire-jack=enabled # Allows integrating JACK apps into PW graph
+ $(meson_native_use_feature jack-client jack) # Allows PW to act as a JACK client
+ $(meson_use jack-sdk jack-devel)
+ $(usex jack-sdk "-Dlibjack-path=${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)" '')
+ -Dsupport=enabled # Miscellaneous/common plugins, such as null sink
+ -Devl=disabled # Matches upstream
+ -Dtest=disabled # fakesink and fakesource plugins
+ $(meson_native_use_feature v4l v4l2)
+ -Dlibcamera=disabled # libcamera is not in Portage tree
+ -Dvideoconvert=enabled # Matches upstream
+ -Dvideotestsrc=enabled # Matches upstream
+ -Dvolume=enabled # Matches upstream
+ -Dvulkan=disabled # Uses pre-compiled Vulkan compute shader to provide a CGI video source (dev thing; disabled by upstream)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature extra pw-cat)
+ -Dudev=enabled
+ -Dudevrulesdir="${EPREFIX}$(get_udevdir)/rules.d"
+ -Dsdl2=disabled # Controls SDL2 dependent code (currently only examples when -Dinstalled_tests=enabled which we never install)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature extra sndfile) # Enables libsndfile dependent code (currently only pw-cat)
+ )
+ meson_src_configure
+multilib_src_install() {
+ # Our customs DOCS do not exist in multilib source directory
+ DOCS= meson_src_install
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+ einstalldocs
+ insinto /etc/security/limits.d
+ doins ${limitsdfile}
+ if use pipewire-alsa; then
+ dodir /etc/alsa/conf.d
+ # These will break if someone has /etc that is a symbol link to a subfolder! See #724222
+ # And the current dosym8 -r implementation is likely affected by the same issue, too.
+ dosym ../../../usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d/50-pipewire.conf /etc/alsa/conf.d/50-pipewire.conf
+ dosym ../../../usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d/99-pipewire-default.conf /etc/alsa/conf.d/99-pipewire-default.conf
+ fi
+ if ! use systemd; then
+ insinto /etc/xdg/autostart
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/pipewire.desktop pipewire.desktop
+ exeinto /usr/libexec
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}"/ pipewire-launcher
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "It is recommended to raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK to 256 for users"
+ elog "using PipeWire. Do it either manually or add yourself"
+ elog "to the 'audio' group:"
+ elog
+ elog " usermod -aG audio <youruser>"
+ elog
+ if ! use jack-sdk; then
+ elog "JACK emulation is incomplete and not all programs will work. PipeWire's"
+ elog "alternative libraries have been installed to a non-default location."
+ elog "To use them, put pw-jack <application> before every JACK application."
+ elog "When using pw-jack, do not run jackd/jackdbus. However, a virtual/jack"
+ elog "provider is still needed to compile the JACK applications themselves."
+ elog
+ fi
+ if use systemd; then
+ elog "To use PipeWire for audio, the user units must be manually enabled:"
+ elog
+ elog " systemctl --user enable pipewire.socket pipewire-pulse.socket"
+ elog
+ elog "When switching from PulseAudio, do not forget to disable PulseAudio:"
+ elog
+ elog " systemctl --user disable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket"
+ elog
+ elog "A reboot is recommended to avoid interferences from still running"
+ elog "PulseAudio daemon."
+ elog
+ elog "Both, new users and those upgrading, need to enable pipewire-media-session:"
+ elog
+ elog " systemctl --user enable pipewire-media-session.service"
+ elog
+ else
+ elog "This ebuild auto-enables PulseAudio replacement. Because of that, users"
+ elog "are recommended to edit: ${EROOT}/etc/pulse/client.conf and disable "
+ elog "autospawn'ing of the original daemon by setting:"
+ elog
+ elog " autospawn = no"
+ elog
+ elog "Please note that the semicolon (;) must _NOT_ be at the beginning of the line!"
+ elog
+ elog "Alternatively, if replacing PulseAudio daemon is not desired, edit"
+ elog "${EROOT}/etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf by commenting out the relevant"
+ elog "command near the end of the file:"
+ elog
+ elog "#\"/usr/bin/pipewire\" = { args = \"-c pipewire-pulse.conf\" }"
+ elog
+ elog "NOTE:"
+ elog "Starting with PipeWire-0.3.30, package is no longer installing config"
+ elog "into ${EROOT}/etc/pipewire by default. In case you need to change"
+ elog "config, please start by copying default config from ${EROOT}/usr/share/pipewire"
+ elog "and just override sections you want to change."
+ fi
+ elog "For latest tips and tricks, troubleshooting information and documentation"
+ elog "in general, please refer to"
+ elog
+ optfeature_header "The following can be installed for optional runtime features:"
+ optfeature "restricted realtime capabilities via D-Bus" sys-auth/rtkit
+ # Once hsphfpd lands in tree, both it and ofono will need to be checked for presence here!
+ if use bluetooth; then
+ optfeature "better BT headset support (daemon startup required)" net-misc/ofono
+ #optfeature "an oFono alternative (not packaged)" foo-bar/hsphfpd
+ fi