diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps/baselayout/files/baselayout-1.12.0_pre10-svn-1611.patch')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/baselayout/files/baselayout-1.12.0_pre10-svn-1611.patch b/sys-apps/baselayout/files/baselayout-1.12.0_pre10-svn-1611.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..90777b10bd8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/baselayout/files/baselayout-1.12.0_pre10-svn-1611.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+Index: net.modules.d/pppd
+--- lib/rcscripts/net.modules.d/pppd (revision 1605)
++++ net.modules.d/pppd (working copy)
+@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
+ # Load any commandline options
+ eval opts=\"\$\{pppd_${ifvar}\[@\]}\"
+- # We don't work if nodetach or unit is set
+- for i in nodetach updetach unit ; do
++ # We don't work if unit, no detach or linkname is set.
++ for i in unit nodetach linkname ; do
+ if [[ " ${opts} " == *" ${i} "* ]]; then
+ eerror "The option \"${i}\" is not allowed"
+ return 1
+@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@
+ [[ " ${opts} " != *" mru "* ]] && opts="${opts} mru ${mtu}"
+ fi
+- # Detach if we're not idling
+- [[ " ${opts} " != *" idle "* && " ${opts} " != *" updetach "* ]] \
+- && opts="${opts} updetach"
++ # Set linkname because we need /var/run/ppp-${linkname}.pid
++ # This pidfile has the advantage of being there, even if ${iface} interface was never started
++ opts="linkname ${iface} ${opts}"
+ # Setup auth info
+ [[ -n ${username} ]] && opts="user \"${username}\" ${opts}"
+@@ -228,11 +228,13 @@
+ [[ ${insert_link_in_opts} -eq 0 ]] || opts="${link} ${opts}"
+ ebegin "Running pppd"
+- i=$( eval /usr/sbin/pppd ${opts} )
++ i=$( eval /usr/sbin/pppd ${opts} 2>&1 )
+ eend $? "${i}" || return 1
+- local addr=$( interface_get_address "${iface}" )
+- einfo "${iface} received address ${addr}"
++ if [[ " ${opts} " == *" updetach "* ]]; then
++ local addr=$( interface_get_address "${iface}" )
++ einfo "${iface} received address ${addr}"
++ fi
+ }
+ # bool pppd_stop(char *iface)
+@@ -242,11 +244,12 @@
+ # Returns 0 (true) if no process to kill or it terminates successfully,
+ # otherwise non-zero (false)
+ pppd_stop() {
+- local iface="$1" pidfile="/var/run/$"
++ local iface="$1" pidfile="/var/run/ppp-$"
+ [[ ! -s ${pidfile} ]] && return 0
+- local pid=$(<"${pidfile}")
++ local pid
++ read pid <"${pidfile}" #PID is the first line of the pidfile
+ einfo "Stopping pppd on ${iface}"
+ kill -s TERM "${pid}"
+ process_finished "${pid}" /usr/sbin/pppd
+Index: net.modules.d/netplugd
+--- lib/rcscripts/net.modules.d/netplugd (revision 1605)
++++ net.modules.d/netplugd (working copy)
+@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
+ eindent
+- eval timeout=\"\$\{plug_timeout_${ifvar}\:-10}\"
++ eval timeout=\"\$\{plug_timeout_${ifvar}\:--1}\"
+ if [[ ${timeout} == "0" ]]; then
+ ewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for ${iface} to come up"
+ elif [[ ${timeout} -lt 0 ]]; then
+- ewarn "WARNING: negative timeout set for ${iface}"
++ einfo "Backgrounding ..."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+Index: net.modules.d/wpa_supplicant
+--- lib/rcscripts/net.modules.d/wpa_supplicant (revision 1605)
++++ net.modules.d/wpa_supplicant (working copy)
+@@ -106,8 +106,7 @@
+ pidfile="/var/run/wpa_cli-${iface}.pid"
+ if ! clean_pidfile "${pidfile}" ; then
+ ${report} && ebegin "Stopping wpa_cli on ${iface}"
+- start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /bin/wpa_cli \
+- --pidfile "${pidfile}"
++ start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /bin/wpa_cli --pidfile "${pidfile}"
+ ${report} && eend "$?"
+ fi
+@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@
+ if ! clean_pidfile "${pidfile}" ; then
+ ${report} && ebegin "Stopping wpa_supplicant on ${iface}"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /sbin/wpa_supplicant \
+- --pidfile "${pidfile}"
++ --pidfile "${pidfile}"
+ ${report} && eend "$?"
+ else
+ # Support wpa_supplicant-0.3.x
+@@ -130,7 +129,7 @@
+ # If wpa_supplicant exits uncleanly, we need to remove the stale dir
+ [[ -S "/var/run/wpa_supplicant/${iface}" ]] \
+- && rm -f "/var/run/wpa_supplicant/${iface}"
++ && rm -f "/var/run/wpa_supplicant/${iface}"
+ }
+ # bool wpa_supplicant_associate(char *interface)
+@@ -140,12 +139,12 @@
+ wpa_supplicant_associate() {
+ local iface="$1" ifvar=$( bash_variable "$1" ) timeout i
+ eval timeout=\"\$\{associate_timeout_${ifvar}\}\"
+- [[ -z ${timeout} ]] && eval timeout=\"\$\{wpa_timeout_${ifvar}:-60\}\"
++ [[ -z ${timeout} ]] && eval timeout=\"\$\{wpa_timeout_${ifvar}:--1\}\"
+ if [[ ${timeout} == "0" ]]; then
+ ewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for association on ${iface}"
+ elif [[ ${timeout} -lt 0 ]]; then
+- ewarn "WARNING: negative timeout set for ${iface}"
++ einfo "Backgrounding ..."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+@@ -187,8 +186,7 @@
+ # Start wpa_supplicant on an interface and wait for association
+ # Returns 0 (true) when successful, non-zero otherwise
+ wpa_supplicant_pre_start() {
+- local iface="$1" opts timeout action=false
+- local cfgfile="/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf"
++ local iface="$1" opts timeout action=false cfgfile
+ local actfile="/sbin/wpa_cli.action"
+ # We don't configure wireless if we're being called from
+@@ -242,6 +240,15 @@
+ ebegin "Starting wpa_supplicant on ${iface}"
++ cfgfile="${opts##* -c}"
++ if [[ -n ${cfgfile} && ${cfgfile} != "${opts}" ]]; then
++ [[ ${cfgfile:0:1} == " " ]] && cfgfile="${cfgfile# *}"
++ cfgfile="${cfgfile%% *}"
++ else
++ cfgfile="/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf"
++ opts="${opts} -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf"
++ fi
+ if [[ ! -f ${cfgfile} ]]; then
+ eend 1 "configuration file ${cfgfile} not found!"
+ return 1
+@@ -275,7 +282,8 @@
+ fi
+ start-stop-daemon --start --exec /sbin/wpa_supplicant \
+- -- ${opts} -B -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -i"${iface}"
++ --pidfile "/var/run/wpa_supplicant-${iface}.pid" \
++ -- ${opts} -B -i"${iface}"
+ eend "$?" || return 1
+ # Starting wpa_supplication-0.4.0, we can get wpa_cli to
+@@ -284,6 +292,7 @@
+ mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
+ ebegin "Starting wpa_cli on ${iface}"
+ start-stop-daemon --start --exec /bin/wpa_cli \
++ --pidfile "/var/run/wpa_cli-${iface}.pid" \
+ -- -a"${actfile}" -i"${iface}" \
+ -P"/var/run/wpa_cli-${iface}.pid" -B
+ eend "$?" || return 1
+Index: net.modules.d/ifplugd
+--- lib/rcscripts/net.modules.d/ifplugd (revision 1605)
++++ net.modules.d/ifplugd (working copy)
+@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@
+ eindent
+- eval timeout=\"\$\{plug_timeout_${ifvar}\:-10}\"
++ eval timeout=\"\$\{plug_timeout_${ifvar}\:--1}\"
+ if [[ ${timeout} == "0" ]]; then
+ ewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for ${iface} to come up"
+ elif [[ ${timeout} -lt 0 ]]; then
+- ewarn "WARNING: negative timeout set for ${iface}"
++ einfo "Backgrounding ..."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+Index: net.modules.d/iwconfig
+--- lib/rcscripts/net.modules.d/iwconfig (revision 1605)
++++ net.modules.d/iwconfig (working copy)
+@@ -325,7 +325,6 @@
+ local iface="$1" mode="${2:-managed}"
+ local mac="$3" wep_required="$4" w="(WEP Disabled)"
+ local dessid="${ESSID//\\\\/\\\\}" key
+- wep_required="${wep_required:-off}"
+ iwconfig "${iface}" mode "${mode}" 2>/dev/null
+ if [[ ${ESSID} == "any" ]]; then
+Index: conf.d/net.example
+--- etc/conf.d/net.example (revision 1605)
++++ conf.d/net.example (working copy)
+@@ -160,9 +160,10 @@
+ #wpa_supplicant_eth0="-Dprism54" # For Prism54 based cards
+ #wpa_supplicant_ath0="-Dmadwifi" # For Atheros based cards
+ # Consult wpa_supplicant for more drivers
+-# By default we give wpa_suppliant 60 seconds to associate and authenticate
+-# 0 means we wait indefinitely
++# By default don't wait for wpa_suppliant to associate and authenticate.
++# If you would like to, so can specify how long in seconds
+ #associate_timeout_eth0=60
++# A value of 0 means wait forever.
+ # PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IN /etc/conf.d/wireless.example FOR
+@@ -350,19 +351,31 @@
+ #ln -s net.lo net.ppp0
+ #
+ # Each PPP interface requires an interface to use as a "Link"
++#link_ppp0="/dev/ttyS0" # Most PPP links will use a serial port
+ #link_ppp0="eth0" # PPPoE requires an ethernet interface
+-#link_ppp0="/dev/ttyS0" # Most PPP links will use a serial port
++#link_ppp0="/dev/null" # PPPoA and ISDN links should have this
+ #
++# Here you should specify what pppd plugins you want to use
++# Available plugins are: pppoe, pppoa, capi, dhcpc, minconn, radius,
++# radattr, radrealms and winbind
++# "pppoe" # Required plugin for PPPoE
++# "pppoa" # Required plugin for PPPoA
++# "capi" # Required plugin for ISDN
+ # PPP requires at least a username. You can optionally set a password here too
+ # If you don't, then it will use the password specified in /etc/ppp/*-secrets
+ # against the specified username
+ #
+ # The PPP daemon has many options you can specify - although there are many
+-# and may seem daunting, it is recommended that you read the ppp man page
++# and may seem daunting, it is recommended that you read the pppd man page
+ # before enabling any of them
+ #pppd_ppp0=(
++# "updetach" # WARNING: If you don't specify this then we will
++# # not wait for the actual PPP link to go up
+ # "debug" # Enables syslog debugging
+ # "noauth" # Do not require the peer to authenticate itself
+ # "defaultroute" # Make this PPP interface the default route
+@@ -388,8 +401,8 @@
+ # "" # Local and remote IP addresses
+ #)
+ #
+-# Dial-up PPP users need to specify a telephone number
+-#phone_number_ppp0=( "12345689" )
++# Dial-up PPP users need to specify at least one telephone number
++#phone_number_ppp0=( "12345689" ) # Maximum 2 phone numbers are supported
+ # They will also need a chat script - here's a good one
+ #chat_ppp0=(
+ # 'ABORT' 'BUSY'
+@@ -530,18 +543,18 @@
+ # To use dns settings such as these, dns_servers_eth0 must be set!
+ # If you omit the _eth0 suffix, then it applies to all interfaces unless
+ # overridden by the interface suffix.
+-# dns_domain_eth0="your.domain"
+-# dns_servers_eth0=""
+-# dns_search_eth0="this.domain that.domain"
+-# dns_options_eth0=( "timeout 1" "rotate" )
+-# dns_sortlist_eth0=""
++#dns_search_eth0="this.domain that.domain"
++#dns_options_eth0=( "timeout 1" "rotate" )
+ # See the man page for resolv.conf for details about the options and sortlist
+ # directives
+-# ntp_servers_eth0=""
+-# nis_domain_eth0="domain"
+-# nis_servers_eth0=""
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Cable in/out detection
+@@ -555,15 +568,19 @@
+ # emerge sys-apps/ifplugd
+ # and you're done :)
+-# By default we wait 10 seconds for netplug to configure the interface for us
+-# if it doesn't, we abort but leave netplug running and the net.eth0 service
+-# marked as inactive so when a cable is plugged in it starts fine.
+-# plug_timeout="10"
++# By default we don't wait for netplug/ifplugd to configure the interface.
++# If you would like it to wait so that other services now that network is up
++# then you can specify a timeout here.
++# A value of 0 means wait forever.
+ # If you don't want to use netplug on a specific interface but you have it
+ # installed, you can disable it for that interface via the modules statement
+-# modules_eth0=( "!netplug" )
++#modules_eth0=( "!netplug" )
+ # You can do the same for ifplugd
++# You can disable them both with the generic plug
++#modules_eth0=( "!plug" )
+ # To use specific ifplugd options, fex specifying wiress mode
+ #ifplugd_eth0="--api-mode wlan"