diff options
5 files changed, 16 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/dev-perl/math-pari/ChangeLog b/dev-perl/math-pari/ChangeLog
index f41d78166b7a..430e22aace8e 100644
--- a/dev-perl/math-pari/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-perl/math-pari/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-perl/math-pari
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-perl/math-pari/ChangeLog,v 1.54 2010/02/07 16:19:28 armin76 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-perl/math-pari/ChangeLog,v 1.55 2010/02/22 09:28:05 tove Exp $
+ 22 Feb 2010; Torsten Veller <> -math-pari-2.010702.ebuild,
+ -math-pari-2.010709.ebuild, -math-pari-2.01080602.ebuild:
+ Cleanup (#288452)
07 Feb 2010; Raúl Porcel <> math-pari-2.010801.ebuild:
sparc stable wrt #289144
diff --git a/dev-perl/math-pari/Manifest b/dev-perl/math-pari/Manifest
index 0ec349060b30..007c39edff90 100644
--- a/dev-perl/math-pari/Manifest
+++ b/dev-perl/math-pari/Manifest
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
+Hash: SHA1
AUX math-pari-2.010702-hppa.patch 641 RMD160 994e79873fa4e7cd738d748d8513e83bf1fb53a4 SHA1 7ff971abe2a9257ae420e63724f19ce7eb7499a4 SHA256 9ace7f2f12a7c38e23b37fc1c3a5a549225f76a8ce7db0e74a4a4100dee1e032
-DIST Math-Pari-2.010702.tar.gz 107266 RMD160 00ec142aedd0de5373df3d7aec925c2c873ccfa6 SHA1 ed4d8721989395c3acec68a5b5af219857aec3ad SHA256 e2076fb5f9b4ce691ab1021cb2e8262a299a8f2f53f8316e20ea7cb2878f4b69
-DIST Math-Pari-2.010709.tar.gz 113280 RMD160 d857076dec295a2e3b2c6b7dd98055d31c443bf6 SHA1 91bc43315decb34512c41c3cd9136d8b86f6ee48 SHA256 f64c4d7540b1f67ae3c3b69e0dbb0aaa898c70e1f5519106acf8d63243dbcb9b
DIST Math-Pari-2.010801.tar.gz 115860 RMD160 72af931cd38b3d2e7bb158bbbe6221292dfe07e1 SHA1 9becc6cbbb80983408de7b3f33e7f19a8015cc34 SHA256 43fa4e64acb3a0285fb750f76924ea78f2c6d2cde1ede71fd60f78953b44eb5a
DIST Math-Pari-2.01080601.tar.gz 119478 RMD160 b7ba8896f1b3db512ded3aa6063fc8a386166e5e SHA1 69bd9e2ac4e1125f98f3e591cb0a5c87bee00b31 SHA256 3779a855637b73635518f751eea180931d60ad7d7d188b401a9aaed478f2ddcd
-DIST Math-Pari-2.01080602.tar.gz 120725 RMD160 4cb77ea1277a13e2584419f2ca703aade0f9e48a SHA1 0ca912f9402154f1fb854710a4a7344d85f62e6f SHA256 2016933b4c4d986b1bada1a39de5cba061e6634a7c54cc32d5605b7646dc78fe
DIST Math-Pari-2.01080603.tar.gz 121370 RMD160 93641a51a2dd1a2f0d9af691da28e7579511bb3b SHA1 f8d8a85428886cd682c7672740421d6803dea0fa SHA256 027e219af9b09dcbfcb9e47dc4746360d6c4f0bbd71bdd1761cc8c748afb581c
DIST pari-2.1.7.tgz 1542137 RMD160 6d7ca649cdd457d96c12e1f9333143d496a78b7e SHA1 dca15bb3ac6dfdcc7934569fe3a65cb16f812a4e SHA256 9142f2cdaf3083c8962f1a5c2bb0e9fe8915f7d9490c03312ac2361c7ea155fa
DIST pari-2.3.4.tar.gz 2024690 RMD160 d3bf1f24c0f321ccee309bc2b4c15c8a263fb73f SHA1 0c97456c5fc7e9fe774ceb44aaf77e9ba9574ae6 SHA256 284b241f65ea011942b50655c2e8036cdde66e3a9973d08acd50835debaf545d
-EBUILD math-pari-2.010702.ebuild 1005 RMD160 2644031594870af2cc5e14d3df2867257e7c8e1e SHA1 7ec84543ce50ab2f6d2af2143f92356ef1cda08b SHA256 0a5459196541b20067d04c514befc367820675f9d8612ad482f52b5cb447a97c
-EBUILD math-pari-2.010709.ebuild 1364 RMD160 37dfdf56883afe4f578a2d94bb61d39842cc1782 SHA1 703c9bdc27a9e79583ba474a96b82e3298aef4f3 SHA256 a91c816e5e2da43d0896a6a672374b6308d472873193fb0c91dd4dbfb9e4d445
EBUILD math-pari-2.010801.ebuild 1513 RMD160 91300480c8194c3ff81abd65b8c54f3d779e2ed4 SHA1 ef5c4044f72bda03f89c39cb7314d43348ead4bf SHA256 e8e906a3d843c6d47ded586c29b0ef7d7c17105d64b4652982a3427387c1c68c
EBUILD math-pari-2.01080601.ebuild 1895 RMD160 be5c413f3f7d7234a4ba32cc8b2122434c422492 SHA1 14a9d4a50b1c5977de909f5535cf2e718d9c66ea SHA256 7ff78e17d101acc14cdc73d67c369c86e6a5e40caecdce81a0df9ea9c40bdcdd
-EBUILD math-pari-2.01080602.ebuild 1895 RMD160 b16f2cdff9bd7675f04bf6998c3fed8087af19dd SHA1 c9669362bfac182b24cd3897fdeb058f805a6210 SHA256 2cfa5dd3efe1eaab6d072c3d14a8950ed423815e1378fa5b418aa5f8eacaf6c2
EBUILD math-pari-2.01080603.ebuild 1941 RMD160 3e70e5e99983adf75221f2fa760efbdeef38f516 SHA1 77792d82eeffae11b58d62e37d54e7295a46a413 SHA256 c136a97348e8f73772acc8a458a05e5d049c75816001d5bcc2c6b60957e71547
-MISC ChangeLog 7945 RMD160 6bec3e0dc0b8c11372600599adaffcaf5f992929 SHA1 b79bcde38b842fae9f85728a1f610ea7a8f77c5f SHA256 4df3a25396db4fe2be672700539ef952a68e8cd30bbb84a258352dca1a7c2222
+MISC ChangeLog 8099 RMD160 273d1dc48d9c40acf6b6a9a69123cf2120b95f9b SHA1 8905c03cd256d1fd521fff95ac0297383c633829 SHA256 431c8931235c44808f48aec9cb1a379e2c5f042fea0fcf62dc26a6dbb5771a94
MISC metadata.xml 305 RMD160 647980838c590f54441a053916ea629e53e551c0 SHA1 99ef1deeae9a934fb6e46cf5fc4a5fcb8379a74a SHA256 f05dbef15061919972882cab07057e102760a542beba17d131194091401cd7ca
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.010702.ebuild b/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.010702.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c3be33448e..000000000000
--- a/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.010702.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.010702.ebuild,v 1.9 2007/07/10 23:33:30 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit perl-module eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Perl interface to PARI"
-LICENSE="|| ( Artistic GPL-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="alpha ~amd64 hppa ~mips ~ppc sparc x86"
-# Math::Pari requires that a copy of the pari source in a parallel
-# directory to where you build it. It does not need to compile it, but
-# it does need to be the same version as is installed, hence the hard
-# DEPEND below
- dev-lang/perl"
-src_unpack () {
- unpack ${A}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-hppa.patch
diff --git a/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.010709.ebuild b/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.010709.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2df28a8bf90b..000000000000
--- a/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.010709.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.010709.ebuild,v 1.6 2008/03/28 09:10:02 jer Exp $
-inherit perl-module eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Perl interface to PARI"
-LICENSE="|| ( Artistic GPL-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 hppa ~mips ~ppc sparc x86"
-# Math::Pari requires that a copy of the pari source in a parallel
-# directory to where you build it. It does not need to compile it, but
-# it does need to be the same version as is installed, hence the hard
-# DEPEND below
- dev-lang/perl"
-src_compile() {
- # Unfortunately the assembly routines math-pari has for SPARC do not appear
- # to be working at current. Perl cannot test math-pari or anything that
- # pulls in the math-pari module as DynaLoader cannot load the resulting
- # .so files math-pari generates. As such, we have to use the generic
- # non-machine specific assembly methods here.
- use sparc && myconf="${myconf} machine=none"
- perl-module_src_compile
diff --git a/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.01080602.ebuild b/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.01080602.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index df0bd7c4a82e..000000000000
--- a/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.01080602.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-perl/math-pari/math-pari-2.01080602.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/11/13 02:17:34 robbat2 Exp $
-inherit perl-module
-DESCRIPTION="Perl interface to PARI"
-LICENSE="|| ( Artistic GPL-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-# Math::Pari requires that a copy of the pari source in a parallel
-# directory to where you build it. It does not need to compile it, but
-# it does need to be the same version as is installed, hence the hard
-# DEPEND below
-src_prepare() {
- # On 64-bit hardware, these files are needed in both the 64/ and 32/
- # directories for the testsuite to pass.
- cd "${S_PARI}"/src/test/
- for t in analyz compat ellglobalred elliptic galois graph intnum kernel \
- linear nfields number objets ploth polyser program qfbsolve rfrac \
- round4 stark sumiter trans ; do
- i="in/${t}"
- o32="32/${t}"
- o64="64/${t}"
- [ -f "$i" -a ! -f "$o32" ] && cp -al "$i" "$o32"
- [ -f "$i" -a ! -f "$o64" ] && cp -al "$i" "$o64"
- done
- perl-module_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
- # Unfortunately the assembly routines math-pari has for SPARC do not appear
- # to be working at current. Perl cannot test math-pari or anything that
- # pulls in the math-pari module as DynaLoader cannot load the resulting
- # .so files math-pari generates. As such, we have to use the generic
- # non-machine specific assembly methods here.
- use sparc && myconf="${myconf} machine=none"
- perl-module_src_configure