diff options
authorAron Griffis <>2005-07-21 22:19:43 +0000
committerAron Griffis <>2005-07-21 22:19:43 +0000
commitec8a49ac96f764b5111b2e952f73595c87b5ab4e (patch)
tree494994e8239052d7d602eb0701850548c6fdbfeb /www-client
parentStable on x86. (diff)
Stop using the nsplugins eclass in favor of the nsplugins patch which adds
additional plugin search paths. The plugin symlink madness stops here. Move firefox to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox just as thunderbird has moved to /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird (instead of MozillaFirefox and MozillaThunderbird respectively) Use new mozilla-launcher registration code instead of the drop-in tarball. This should allow us to eventually package up extensions as ebuilds ;-) Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'www-client')
-rw-r--r--www-client/mozilla-firefox/files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1 (renamed from www-client/mozilla-firefox/files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.6)1
-rw-r--r--www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1.ebuild (renamed from www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6.ebuild)242
4 files changed, 145 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/www-client/mozilla-firefox/ChangeLog b/www-client/mozilla-firefox/ChangeLog
index 3fa2e1fb9c44..a6baff091c25 100644
--- a/www-client/mozilla-firefox/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-client/mozilla-firefox/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
# ChangeLog for www-client/mozilla-firefox
# Copyright 2000-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/mozilla-firefox/ChangeLog,v 1.48 2005/07/20 03:50:05 anarchy Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/mozilla-firefox/ChangeLog,v 1.49 2005/07/21 22:19:43 agriffis Exp $
+*mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1 (21 Jul 2005)
+ 21 Jul 2005; Aron Griffis <>
+ -mozilla-firefox-1.0.6.ebuild, +mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1.ebuild:
+ Stop using the nsplugins eclass in favor of the nsplugins patch which adds
+ additional plugin search paths. The plugin symlink madness stops here.
+ Move firefox to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox just as thunderbird has moved to
+ /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird (instead of MozillaFirefox and
+ MozillaThunderbird respectively)
+ Use new mozilla-launcher registration code instead of the drop-in tarball.
+ This should allow us to eventually package up extensions as ebuilds ;-)
*mozilla-firefox-1.0.6 (20 Jul 2005)
diff --git a/www-client/mozilla-firefox/Manifest b/www-client/mozilla-firefox/Manifest
index e28d6ede50b3..4bf1700a7395 100644
--- a/www-client/mozilla-firefox/Manifest
+++ b/www-client/mozilla-firefox/Manifest
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-MD5 99ae938457b7cdca2190dcc0f78eb13f ChangeLog 25180
-MD5 ce23390351fe8020387d93ee29e09a3d metadata.xml 160
+MD5 99c708fcd42514518dba8b804f1b2f92 mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1.ebuild 8208
MD5 7bb0189d2dc2b0b7015314255ec51318 mozilla-firefox-1.0.5-r1.ebuild 8796
-MD5 6db7760307bd1ccb4e5ebf3332d42a7c mozilla-firefox-1.0.6.ebuild 8801
-MD5 606e82226379fd5ae6cd1d0d1faff7ff files/10MozillaFirefox 31
-MD5 48baf2f328e6478812c24e59037ff99c files/firefox-0.9-init.tar.bz2 3322
-MD5 23d1fbd03cc6dd346a4e4ce8f2d88ebf files/mozilla-1.3-alpha-stubs.patch 4646
+MD5 e5646e96d029cc6f7e57f3ebc57d9d68 ChangeLog 25820
+MD5 ce23390351fe8020387d93ee29e09a3d metadata.xml 160
MD5 3961b39c763ff8f98b56098ac0cdbecc files/mozilla-firefox-1.0-kp_separator.patch 444
-MD5 0aa74349ef4f69637967343f43540733 files/mozilla-firefox-1.0.3-prefs.patch 3406
-MD5 a3ab6ae2213780c0e20c5b9aa8f018e9 files/mozilla-firefox-1.0.4-gcc4.patch 1818
+MD5 8b34a3a356586c0dfc62afb61479b65b files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.5-r1 302
+MD5 e71e3d11bf8e3a03f965cf894593c28c files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1 382
MD5 8f8d70da6eb8cf07acbbb85fb0f08636 files/mozilla-hppa.patch 7863
+MD5 23d1fbd03cc6dd346a4e4ce8f2d88ebf files/mozilla-1.3-alpha-stubs.patch 4646
+MD5 48baf2f328e6478812c24e59037ff99c files/firefox-0.9-init.tar.bz2 3322
+MD5 606e82226379fd5ae6cd1d0d1faff7ff files/10MozillaFirefox 31
+MD5 0aa74349ef4f69637967343f43540733 files/mozilla-firefox-1.0.3-prefs.patch 3406
MD5 f48be110754a5106f06cd313c22c4337 files/svg-cairo-0.3.0-fix.patch 1063
-MD5 8b34a3a356586c0dfc62afb61479b65b files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.5-r1 302
-MD5 c46e3fcb5c03dc515422c03a590d1b8a files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.6 302
-MD5 bff260036c5dcca45da3218517fb33d8 files/icon/firefox-icon.png 3979
+MD5 a3ab6ae2213780c0e20c5b9aa8f018e9 files/mozilla-firefox-1.0.4-gcc4.patch 1818
MD5 2cdd03eb2752bc01ba07ad837e926f39 files/icon/mozillafirefox.desktop 168
+MD5 bff260036c5dcca45da3218517fb33d8 files/icon/firefox-icon.png 3979
diff --git a/www-client/mozilla-firefox/files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.6 b/www-client/mozilla-firefox/files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1
index f5eb12c3e735..f70f2d592ba5 100644
--- a/www-client/mozilla-firefox/files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.6
+++ b/www-client/mozilla-firefox/files/digest-mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ MD5 7b4c1d10d478dcb4c52fbbe3e41745d9 firefox-1.0.6-source.tar.bz2 32782840
MD5 1d6205bf7449fcdcae08cc1db524760d mozilla-firefox-1.0-4ft2.patch.bz2 5601
MD5 39c7b08477b68fe0cb3fba75970c8125 mozilla-firefox-1.0.3-ia64.patch.bz2 2531
MD5 7960994910bda4c14a52bc119f9ceefc mozilla-jslibmath-alpha.patch 625
+MD5 9dfe0379cb62cc623c7f5752fb4dd849 mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-nsplugins.patch 1167
diff --git a/www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6.ebuild b/www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1.ebuild
index 9a191b7378ba..620ed6787320 100644
--- a/www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6.ebuild
+++ b/www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/07/20 03:50:05 anarchy Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/07/21 22:19:43 agriffis Exp $
-inherit makeedit flag-o-matic nsplugins eutils mozconfig mozilla-launcher multilib
+unset ALLOWED_FLAGS # stupid ... bug 49179
+inherit flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs eutils mozconfig mozilla-launcher makeedit multilib
-DESCRIPTION="The Mozilla Firefox Web Browser"
+DESCRIPTION="Firefox Web Browser"
+ mirror://gentoo/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-nsplugins.patch
-LICENSE="MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1"
KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+LICENSE="MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1"
IUSE="gnome java mozdevelop mozsvg mozcalendar"
# xrender.pc appeared for the first time in xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2
@@ -30,20 +27,30 @@ RDEPEND="java? ( virtual/jre )
- >=www-client/mozilla-launcher-1.35"
+ >=www-client/mozilla-launcher-1.39"
java? ( >=dev-java/java-config-0.2.0 )"
# Needed by src_compile() and src_install().
# Would do in pkg_setup but that loses the export attribute, they
# become pure shell variables.
export MOZ_PHOENIX=1
src_unpack() {
- unpack firefox-${MY_PV}-source.tar.bz2 || die "unpack failed"
+ unpack firefox-${PV}-source.tar.bz2 || die "unpack failed"
cd ${S} || die "cd failed"
+ ####################################
+ #
+ # architecture patches
+ #
+ ####################################
# alpha stubs patch from lfs project.
# <> (26 Jun 2003)
use alpha && epatch ${FILESDIR}/mozilla-1.3-alpha-stubs.patch
@@ -52,11 +59,37 @@ src_unpack() {
# <> (22 Dec 2004)
epatch ${FILESDIR}/mozilla-hppa.patch
+ # patch to solve segfaults on ia64, from Debian, originally from David
+ # Mosberger
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/mozilla-firefox-1.0.3-ia64.patch.bz2
+ # patch to fix math operations on alpha, makes work!
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/mozilla-jslibmath-alpha.patch
+ ####################################
+ #
+ # general compilation and run-time fixes
+ #
+ ####################################
+ # GCC4 compile fix, bug #87800
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/mozilla-firefox-1.0.4-gcc4.patch
# patch out ft caching code since the API changed between releases of
# freetype; this enables freetype-2.1.8+ compat.
epatch ${DISTDIR}/mozilla-firefox-1.0-4ft2.patch.bz2
+ if has_version '>=x11-libs/cairo-0.3.0'; then
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/svg-cairo-0.3.0-fix.patch
+ fi
+ ####################################
+ #
+ # behavioral fixes
+ #
+ ####################################
# patch to fix separate character on euro keyboards, bug 68995
epatch ${FILESDIR}/mozilla-firefox-1.0-kp_separator.patch
@@ -66,22 +99,13 @@ src_unpack() {
# - disable application auto-updating
epatch ${FILESDIR}/mozilla-firefox-1.0.3-prefs.patch
- # patch to solve segfaults on ia64, from Debian, originally from David
- # Mosberger
- epatch ${DISTDIR}/mozilla-firefox-1.0.3-ia64.patch.bz2
- # patch to fix math operations on alpha, makes work!
- epatch ${DISTDIR}/mozilla-jslibmath-alpha.patch
- if has_version '>=x11-libs/cairo-0.3.0'; then
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/svg-cairo-0.3.0-fix.patch
- fi
- # GCC4 compile fix, bug #87800
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/mozilla-firefox-1.0.4-gcc4.patch
+ # look in /usr/lib/nsplugins for plugins, in addition to the usual places
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-nsplugins.patch
src_compile() {
+ declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/mozilla-thunderbird
# mozconfig, CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS setup
@@ -103,146 +127,116 @@ src_compile() {
mozconfig_use_enable mozcalendar calendar
mozconfig_use_enable mozsvg svg
mozconfig_use_enable mozsvg svg-renderer-cairo
- mozconfig_annotate '' --with-default-mozilla-five-home=/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
- mozconfig_annotate '' --prefix=/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --with-default-mozilla-five-home=${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}
+ #mozconfig_annotate '' --with-user-appdir=.firefox
# Finalize and report settings
- # hardened GCC uses -fstack-protector-all by default, and this breaks
- # firefox.
+ # hardened GCC uses -fstack-protector-all by default, which breaks us
has_hardened && append-flags -fno-stack-protector-all
replace-flags -fstack-protector-all -fstack-protector
- # Configure and build Firefox
+ # Configure and build
- # ./configure picks up the mozconfig stuff
- export LD="$(tc-getLD)"
- export CC="$(tc-getCC)"
- export CXX="$(tc-getCXX)"
- econf
+ LD="$(tc-getLD)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" \
+ econf || die
# This removes extraneous CFLAGS from the Makefiles to reduce RAM
# requirements while compiling
- emake MOZ_PHOENIX=1 CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" LD="$(tc-getLD)" || die
+ emake || die
src_install() {
- # Plugin path creation
- PLUGIN_DIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/nsbrowser/plugins"
- dodir ${PLUGIN_DIR}
+ declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/mozilla-firefox
+ # Most of the installation happens here
+ cp -RL --no-preserve=links ${S}/dist/bin/* ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}
+ # Create directory structure to support portage-installed extensions.
+ # See update_chrome() in mozilla-launcher
+ keepdir ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/chrome.d
+ keepdir ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/extensions.d
+ cp ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/chrome/installed-chrome.txt \
+ ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/chrome.d/0_base-chrome.txt
+ # Create /usr/bin/firefox
+ install_mozilla_launcher_stub firefox ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}
- dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
- cp -RL --no-preserve=links ${S}/dist/bin/* ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
+ # Install icon and .desktop for menu entry
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/icon/firefox-icon.png
+ # Fix bug 54179: Install .desktop file into /usr/share/applications
+ # instead of /usr/share/gnome/apps/Internet (18 Jun 2004 agriffis)
+ insinto /usr/share/applications
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/icon/mozillafirefox.desktop
+ # Fix icons to look the same everywhere
+ insinto ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/icons
+ doins ${S}/build/package/rpm/SOURCES/mozicon16.xpm
+ doins ${S}/build/package/rpm/SOURCES/mozicon50.xpm
+ ####################################
+ #
+ # Install files necessary for applications to build against firefox
+ #
+ ####################################
+ # Copy the include and idl files so that applications can build against
+ # firefox just like they have traditionally built against mozilla
einfo "Installing includes and idl files..."
- # Copy the include and idl files
- dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox/include/idl /usr/include
+ dodir ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/include/idl /usr/include
cd ${S}/dist
- cp -LfR include/* ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox/include
- cp -LfR idl/* ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox/include/idl
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox/include /usr/include/MozillaFirefox
+ cp -LfR include/* ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/include
+ cp -LfR idl/* ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/include/idl
# Dirty hack to get some applications using this header running
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox/include/necko/nsIURI.h /usr/lib/MozillaFirefox/include/nsIURI.h
+ dosym ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/include/necko/nsIURI.h \
+ /usr/lib/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME##*/}/include/nsIURI.h
+ # Compatibility symlink so that applications can still build against firefox
+ # even though it has moved. To remove this symlink, grep -r MozillaFirefox
+ # /usr/portage and fix those ebuilds
+ dosym ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME##*/} ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME%/*}/MozillaFirefox
- cd ${S}/build/unix
# Fix firefox-config and install it
- sed -i -e "s:/lib/firefox-${MY_PV}:/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox:g" firefox-config
- sed -i -e "s:/firefox-${MY_PV}:/MozillaFirefox:g" firefox-config
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
+ cd ${S}/build/unix
+ sed -i -e "s|/lib/firefox-${PV}|/$(get_libdir)/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME##*/}|g
+ s|/firefox-${PV}|/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME##*/}|g" firefox-config
+ exeinto ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}
doexe firefox-config
# Fix pkgconfig files and install them
insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
for x in *.pc; do
- if [[ -f ${x} ]]; then
- sed -i -e "s:/lib/firefox-${MY_PV}:/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox:g" ${x}
- sed -i -e "s:/firefox-${MY_PV}:/MozillaFirefox:g" ${x}
- doins ${x}
- fi
+ [[ -f ${x} ]] || continue
+ sed -i -e "s|/lib/firefox-${PV}|/$(get_libdir)/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME##*/}|g
+ s|/firefox-${PV}|/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME##*/}|g" ${x}
+ doins ${x}
cd ${S}
- #fix permissions
- chown -R root:root ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
- # Plugin path setup (rescuing the existent plugins)
- src_mv_plugins /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox/plugins
- # Install /usr/bin/firefox
- install_mozilla_launcher_stub firefox /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
# Install env.d snippet, which isn't necessary for running firefox, but
# might be necessary for programs linked against firefox
insinto /etc/env.d
doins ${FILESDIR}/10MozillaFirefox
- # Set correct libdir in env.d file
- dosed "s:/usr/lib:/usr/$(get_libdir):" /etc/env.d/10MozillaFirefox
- # Fix icons to look the same everywhere
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox/icons
- doins ${S}/build/package/rpm/SOURCES/mozicon16.xpm
- doins ${S}/build/package/rpm/SOURCES/mozicon50.xpm
- # Install icon and .desktop for menu entry
- insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
- doins ${FILESDIR}/icon/firefox-icon.png
- # Fix bug 54179: Install .desktop file into /usr/share/applications
- # instead of /usr/share/gnome/apps/Internet (18 Jun 2004 agriffis)
- insinto /usr/share/applications
- doins ${FILESDIR}/icon/mozillafirefox.desktop
- # Normally firefox-0.9 must be run as root once before it can be
- # run as a normal user. Drop in some initialized files to avoid
- # this.
- einfo "Extracting firefox-${PV} initialization files"
- tar xjpf ${FILESDIR}/firefox-0.9-init.tar.bz2 -C ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
-pkg_preinst() {
- export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox
- # Remove the old plugins dir
- pkg_mv_plugins /usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox/plugins
- # Remove entire installed instance to prevent all kinds of
- # problems... see bug 44772 for example
- rm -rf "${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}"
+ dosed "s|/usr/lib|/usr/$(get_libdir)|" /etc/env.d/10MozillaFirefox
pkg_postinst() {
- export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox"
- # Needed to update the run time bindings for REGXPCOM
- # (do not remove next line!)
- env-update
+ declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/mozilla-firefox"
- # Register Components and Chrome
- #
- # Bug 67031: Set HOME=~root in case this is being emerged via sudo.
- # Otherwise the following commands will create ~/.mozilla owned by root
- # and 700 perms, which makes subsequent execution of firefox by user
- # impossible.
- einfo "Registering Components and Chrome..."
- HOME=~root LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/regxpcom
- HOME=~root LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/MozillaFirefox ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/regchrome
- # Fix permissions of component registry
- chmod 0644 ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/components/compreg.dat
- # Fix directory permissions
- find ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/ -type d -perm 0700 -exec chmod 0755 {} \; || :
- # Fix permissions on chrome files
- find ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/chrome/ -name '*.rdf' -exec chmod 0644 {} \; || :
+ # Update the component registry
+ /usr/libexec/mozilla-launcher -register
# This should be called in the postinst and postrm of all the
# mozilla, mozilla-bin, firefox, firefox-bin, thunderbird and