diff options
authorTiziano Müller <>2013-01-11 10:43:39 +0000
committerTiziano Müller <>2013-01-11 10:43:39 +0000
commit58cf3090d8c0717470ad6899d8d60fa5a5bcdd4c (patch)
tree4cbfbfaf11d0402cd98d9eafa729ea43d2894e8c /www-apps
parentInitial commit, required for www-apps/webdavcgi. (diff)
Initial commit, required for www-apps/webdavcgi.
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xAE9C1E30!
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps')
9 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/ChangeLog b/www-apps/webdavcgi/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3149e39314fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# ChangeLog for www-apps/webdavcgi
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/webdavcgi/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2013/01/11 10:43:38 dev-zero Exp $
+*webdavcgi-0.8.3 (11 Jan 2013)
+ 11 Jan 2013; Tiziano Müller <>
+ +files/0.8.3-logout-var-expansion.patch, +files/postinstall-en.txt,
+ +files/postinstall-webdavwrapper-en.txt, +files/reconfig,
+ +files/reconfig-suid, +metadata.xml, +webdavcgi-0.8.3.ebuild:
+ Initial commit, required for www-apps/webdavcgi.
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/Manifest b/www-apps/webdavcgi/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b17bc41e940d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Hash: SHA256
+AUX 0.8.3-logout-var-expansion.patch 612 SHA256 606e3b10563b11069dfd5c3ece18cb3e5ace6c3f64271616769e06f0da42307d SHA512 8089e9f3614739c98b710da3c873f6667a012b16bbcfc13cb04707cdf9603677294d45a76d82a0c1e194dc15d4d8b09709448187f010181d86fcc68aae104943 WHIRLPOOL 9d1fec10272bea5e5cc657a803051e20fb98f63db6fbb5ecc312542a975355603ddc398b3e40d406a48217445826ae752e7227f2607232f8fe3e5d240dae64fb
+AUX postinstall-en.txt 1133 SHA256 0c749d3de883357c4bd7beee1dfbe9ce1410a56726079c0286a35f5dc84b009e SHA512 207132fd11a1df46e2198fe7134da5db7a15de9b0778481059b088c41d5d8c7bcf2b39d4675cd8a9e65cd546f85693b1ab4ae9b64737985180eb3ff18d292c96 WHIRLPOOL 9f231bce94dfc2effa5cc254eb7e2bebc758b9b502fd1bdced07830b95c3e579234d36a4346771dd8924f3207e5cae7ebcdbb1922754e1d68a97ecda2158233b
+AUX postinstall-webdavwrapper-en.txt 1279 SHA256 d3aafde60e52fe3506cc5c6d3fdc5d4b1b20d1a26b054cdaaaffe29b88b42ea3 SHA512 b670dba1bbd11e764bf7244c0b2194de475c16228ec7c7b0864b0131c0a9a10c2a2980df9caecabfa7252a4024c6976ee7060ef94bb2d5b6e3f985d3fa9ab031 WHIRLPOOL b589e1bc128ab2bb9735a837b5ea15e525f63ce93088e43d84961a10fe56b495101361b5257569456c8c4564474d2ec9afac62592d5a15b3869af277746627a1
+AUX reconfig 784 SHA256 4a5a7689b82e55fd9abf25f2abd52e26d3396b67c15360923695ed4791fee854 SHA512 415c692c26693296fc23161d70521d233543f37aeadfc12992cf4b36ee0f25c7c2eed354831767ccf2a386d4479c53534c23800c756cc7b678ef1f5ed60e32f4 WHIRLPOOL 2786c586fd1931c57548c60146c29c3acf35b781e6ec80f69e004a92cdf60ded6e9db78e0079f29fbb5e2ce6bedd981b6fc5b514eaa794910c46c1f75d3a8485
+AUX reconfig-suid 602 SHA256 dcb3e341cfd4bffe52adfa687b603043d73c989724a3a25b9abcd72166372759 SHA512 aa1563edce254668fb43110dc7d24293e926a6d5083da4a3879bcd5b4d205f1f9feae7bd6e0e00bda5303143346f6951e65318276720013ed7744a6d2c609eb2 WHIRLPOOL e09f6845fd0550a781845d5b0a5d8280e647531fa5c61c7184a1c4dd01734c999bcca9d175342559a50eaa3eb47f2325775eef85114ceb4394a83b4b37385eee
+DIST webdavcgi-0.8.3.tar.bz2 1190975 SHA256 d8ca7feb1f25f6acce67a5ea769a089edd404660c85633dfbd6303696f1cd294 SHA512 f50e6bb1e78a88ab6bc6452c04f2e5d0cec86f6641d1813556ae3b06c33e2c9250e623926bf1a71ea10f6ca3912e708cb54cd0956b344329de1499887e48e784 WHIRLPOOL e05d0b2e5d6905d3c86e807c1f6b7544c1fa9629f310496648088c2a1a5bb491e507e492b80fa4beb6ab43f9f1d1bbfd095d1b670e3ca88e89b3605f5d790743
+EBUILD webdavcgi-0.8.3.ebuild 2759 SHA256 4d69d5e57ac1636759d79eb76c572fad57f14692c396f52c300d56c9e9efa8bf SHA512 0e3e5117f23837f0a58cac24a79fc2c2ceed0043b22e4e08cbb7b15ba739738ef615621269f6232283e26f0aedc8be5454ad02acbd1a04ce3292b1a24341f491 WHIRLPOOL 2aa78f521a97d0487094d32c205e9e8e2626a21425801edebc2f742fe837037916d2ddb18a6ea7e244123881f065f27a1a2dfee26c5d785c853fd21c9d1d4377
+MISC ChangeLog 541 SHA256 ece02672be5cd4134cc21fbf114af770329d1aafef643107465e98a5b7a19183 SHA512 223a6c63a7aa23c24a06f20c3cec1428eaebb65450d1ba48b0588500108e2ad046b76640fd12f87f90353523a09c5bc6b2dfa6d264ce455e9674a1e2ba260de8 WHIRLPOOL 543cc79bd413da7e1d8202edc4684b9a6429af14b4a7699a39ae9fcf69923dc2a2c3efb0d5a1f6033f05029d970566fa5930d765ddde4dcd87ece78dc2db88eb
+MISC metadata.xml 994 SHA256 8d4aabf544e10106b79c9cecca330297df9a1f4728c1e24ace9bd15815167f56 SHA512 971a1c120fc7d4b3f6e574579e6b1bb3bebbdd7fe69389be3b89833258b4bcc6cb71381a5a6bbb75f0baa67c595e1ea29a6da1dfa49707b4490c8783c3f0b2d2 WHIRLPOOL fd9f148188e3b4a89e728b4be16410477b5f0cba0bbdcca6375c13fbbb69be6fc7e04d9b11d7f60cd7cd61ff251be118d94ffac6677892f7833df87f0e7a4705
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/0.8.3-logout-var-expansion.patch b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/0.8.3-logout-var-expansion.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..739ff7f4c79b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/0.8.3-logout-var-expansion.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+diff -ru cgi-bin.orig/logout-dist cgi-bin/logout-dist
+--- cgi-bin.orig/logout-dist 2011-03-22 17:25:52.000000000 +0100
++++ cgi-bin/logout-dist 2012-10-03 21:44:35.057437306 +0200
+@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@
+ # -----
+ ### REALM: the basic authentication realm
+ ### (must be equal to your AuthName value for Apache)
+-REALM="Change Me"
++REALM="${REALM:=Change Me}"
+ ### HOMEURL: the home URL
+-### TIMEOUT: the refresh timeout for the logut page
++### TIMEOUT: the refresh timeout for the logout page
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/postinstall-en.txt b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/postinstall-en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8aa6f95d87a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/postinstall-en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Before you can run WebDAV CGI you need to configure your web server and WebDAV
+CGI itself.
+The following configuration snippet serves as an example for the Apache HTTPD
+web server. You will have to adapt it to suite your own server and configuration
+ ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "${VHOST_CGIBINDIR}/"
+ <Location /${VHOST_CGIBINDIR##*/}/>
+ AuthType Basic
+ AuthName "WebDAV-CGI"
+ AuthUserFile ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/users.htpasswd
+ Require valid-user
+ Order Allow,Deny
+ Allow from all
+ </Location>
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteRule ^/${VHOST_APPDIR} /${VHOST_CGIBINDIR##*/}/ [PT,E=WEBDAVCONF:${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/webdav.conf,E=PERLLIB:${VHOST_ROOT}/lib/perl,L]
+Afterwards you need to copy the default configuration file and edit it:
+cp -p ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/{webdav.conf-dist,webdav.conf}
+\$EDITOR ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/webdav.conf
+For further informations study the online documentation which is located at:
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/postinstall-webdavwrapper-en.txt b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/postinstall-webdavwrapper-en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f30d81be7b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/postinstall-webdavwrapper-en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Before you can run WebDAV CGI you need to configure your web server and WebDAV
+CGI itself.
+The following configuration snippet serves as an example for the Apache HTTPD
+web server. You will have to adapt it to suite your own server and configuration
+ ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "${VHOST_CGIBINDIR}/"
+ <Location /${VHOST_CGIBINDIR##*/}/>
+ AuthType Basic
+ AuthName "WebDAV-CGI"
+ AuthUserFile ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/users.htpasswd
+ Require valid-user
+ Order Allow,Deny
+ Allow from all
+ </Location>
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteRule ^/${VHOST_APPDIR} /${VHOST_CGIBINDIR##*/}/webdavwrapper [PT,E=WEBDAVCONF:${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/webdav.conf,E=PERLLIB:${VHOST_ROOT}/lib/perl,L]
+Afterwards you need to copy the default configuration file and edit it:
+cp -p ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/{webdav.conf-dist,webdav.conf}
+\$EDITOR ${VHOST_ROOT}/etc/webdav.conf
+Also make sure that all system users which should be able to login to WebDAV CGI
+are able to access the installed files below ${VHOST_ROOT}.
+For further informations study the online documentation which is located at:
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/reconfig b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/reconfig
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..07710dd7c3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/reconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+function die ()
+ echo "reconfig error: $1" >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ $1 != "install" ]; then
+ # nothing to be done, exit
+ exit 0
+# Set the correct path within the config file
+if ! ${sedCmd} -i -e "s|^\(\$INSTALL_BASE\)=.*|\1='${VHOST_ROOT}/';|" \
+ ${distConfFilePath}
+ die "Setting INSTALL_BASE path in ${distConfFilePath} failed"
+# Adding logout support
+# see:
+echo "\$HEADER = '<div class=\"header\">WebDAV CGI - Web interface: You are logged in as <span title="'.`id -a`.'">' .\$ENV{REMOTE_USER}.'</span> (<a href="/logout">Logout</a>).</div>';" >> ${distConfFilePath}
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/reconfig-suid b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/reconfig-suid
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d7fb87722614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/files/reconfig-suid
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+function die ()
+ echo "reconfig error: $1" >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ $1 = "install" ]; then
+ # In order to change the user and group ID at runtime, the webdavwrapper
+ # needs to be run as root (set-user-ID and set-group-ID bit)
+ if ! ${chownCmd} root:root ${webDavWrapperPath}; then
+ die "Chown for ${webDavWrapperPath} failed"
+ fi
+ if ! ${chmodCmd} 6755 ${webDavWrapperPath}; then
+ die "Setting SUID and SGID bit on ${webDavWrapperPath} failed"
+ fi
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/metadata.xml b/www-apps/webdavcgi/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a6e558dc2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <description>Maintainer</description>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <description>Proxy maintainer</description>
+ </maintainer>
+ <longdescription>
+ WebDAV CGI is a Perl CGI script that enables the WebDAV protocol
+ (class 1,2,3) for Web server to manage Web sites or to use a Web server
+ as a Web drive for files, or for calendar/addressbook sharing. If you
+ need correct permissions for files and folders you can install this
+ WebDAV CGI script and a UID/GID wrapper. The Apache module mod_dav does
+ not support UID/GID wrapping, so this implementation fills up this gap
+ as a complete replacement.
+ </longdescription>
+ <use>
+ <flag name="rcs">Adds support for a revision controlled backend with RCS (<pkg>dev-vcs/rcs</pkg>)</flag>
+ </use>
diff --git a/www-apps/webdavcgi/webdavcgi-0.8.3.ebuild b/www-apps/webdavcgi/webdavcgi-0.8.3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20f27cd6735d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/webdavcgi/webdavcgi-0.8.3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/webdavcgi/webdavcgi-0.8.3.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/01/11 10:43:38 dev-zero Exp $
+inherit eutils toolchain-funcs webapp
+DESCRIPTION="A Perl CGI for accessing and sharing files, or calendar/addressbooks via WebDAV."
+IUSE="mysql postgres rcs samba +sqlite +suid"
+ dev-perl/File-Copy-Link
+ dev-perl/PerlIO-gzip
+ dev-perl/Quota
+ dev-perl/TimeDate
+ dev-perl/URI
+ dev-perl/UUID-Tiny
+ dev-perl/XML-Simple
+ media-gfx/graphicsmagick[perl]
+ mysql? ( dev-perl/DBD-mysql )
+ perl-core/Module-Load
+ postgres? ( dev-perl/DBD-Pg )
+ rcs? ( dev-perl/Rcs )
+ samba? ( dev-perl/Filesys-SmbClient )
+ sqlite? ( dev-perl/DBD-SQLite )
+ virtual/perl-CGI
+ virtual/perl-File-Spec"
+REQUIRED_USE="|| ( mysql postgres sqlite )"
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PV}-logout-var-expansion.patch"
+src_compile() {
+ if use suid; then
+ $(tc-getCC) ${LDFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} \
+ -o "${CGIBINDIR}/webdavwrapper" \
+ helper/webdavwrapper.c || die "compile webdavwrapper failed"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ webapp_src_preinst
+ local htdocsDir='htdocs'
+ local confDir='etc'
+ local installDirs="$confDir lib locale"
+ insinto "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"
+ doins -r "${htdocsDir}"/*
+ exeinto "${MY_CGIBINDIR}"
+ newexe "${CGIBINDIR}/logout-dist" logout
+ doexe "${CGIBINDIR}/"
+ use suid && doexe "${CGIBINDIR}/webdavwrapper"
+ local currentDir
+ for currentDir in ${installDirs}; do
+ dodir "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${currentDir}"
+ insinto "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${currentDir}"
+ doins -r "${currentDir}"/*
+ done
+ webapp_configfile "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${confDir}"/{webdav.conf-dist,mime.types}
+ use mysql && webapp_sqlscript mysql sql/mysql.sql
+ use postgres && webapp_sqlscript postgres sql/postgresql.sql
+ dohtml -r doc/*
+ webapp_hook_script "${FILESDIR}/reconfig"
+ webapp_src_install
+ # In order to change the user and group ID at runtime, the webdavwrapper
+ # needs to be run as root (set-user-ID and set-group-ID bit)
+ if use suid; then
+ einfo "Setting SUID and SGID bit for webdavwrapper"
+ fowners root:root "${MY_CGIBINDIR}/webdavwrapper"
+ fperms 6755 "${MY_CGIBINDIR}/webdavwrapper"
+ webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}/postinstall-webdavwrapper-en.txt"
+ webapp_hook_script "${FILESDIR}/reconfig-suid"
+ else
+ ewarn "You have the 'suid' USE flag disabled"
+ ewarn "WebDAV CGI won't be able to switch user ids"
+ webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}/postinstall-en.txt"
+ fi