diff options
authorDiego Elio Pettenò <>2013-02-27 11:09:59 +0000
committerDiego Elio Pettenò <>2013-02-27 11:09:59 +0000
commitcfc92f670c79394e8ba1dfdae52f706f639f7717 (patch)
tree7e5c030e84f9951bac2848809f099bf88b0fab13 /sys-libs/pam
parentVersion bump (diff)
Add new ebuild using autotools-utils to muse moving to multilib.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha163/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0x1CD13C8AD4301342
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-libs/pam')
3 files changed, 200 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog b/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog
index a7ef189188e9..d89775f29078 100644
--- a/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-libs/pam
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog,v 1.326 2013/02/20 09:51:04 ago Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-libs/pam/ChangeLog,v 1.327 2013/02/27 11:08:52 flameeyes Exp $
+*pam-1.1.6-r3 (27 Feb 2013)
+ 27 Feb 2013; Diego E. Pettenò <> +pam-1.1.6-r3.ebuild:
+ Add new ebuild using autotools-utils to muse moving to multilib.
20 Feb 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> pam-1.1.6-r2.ebuild:
Stable for s390, wrt bug #454664
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/Manifest b/sys-libs/pam/Manifest
index 76bb1bb10bdf..9793a255dd2c 100644
--- a/sys-libs/pam/Manifest
+++ b/sys-libs/pam/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Hash: SHA512
+Hash: SHA256
AUX Linux-PAM-1.1.5+glibc-2.16.patch 645 SHA256 a466a2db74a0fe304fb3bffe405b31e42b4e252611ebae32d785930b1c12be2a SHA512 a9c49301c39a45518ebe42ecfdd4bf099d699e7d02eaeb2c4d75c228e0ba59557b4b2d0d5a94751f6cc4811d8556d58d8ef69896e9ca285e10c07d5ee0cfe4f4 WHIRLPOOL 977c1b048640d54fe82a7ccbd995bfd4c4c74bf2df6162573f112f66fd84e0bb92dd51b6bbcd98768013f4d0811268e6d1b0085e43776163ebf600e56917cf2d
AUX Linux-PAM-1.1.6+glibc-2.16.patch 824 SHA256 53f927050fd080f0d8b48dbf0993c5999c79f6eed22a292dec89169a87060b5e SHA512 9f49493fd66b9c244c990baed24d29cde3b4818951ab6d0e91fbf12b4980a07b8992cd600d338d5d0c8ba4e693fefb74cbaf93d1d15642b114c3c04ac26f2f49 WHIRLPOOL 1932c3ba42ef8e45e05f7dd066a20153168e1d976d16581d955a39eced5bacb0a3b04db807a9a8d1c55e59243a4cbdf3fcf7000942801355cf9ac0a8edc2399a
@@ -10,22 +10,17 @@ DIST Linux-PAM-1.1.6-docs.tar.bz2 147359 SHA256 0244321b1c4b8a71064d984880566890
DIST Linux-PAM-1.1.6.tar.bz2 1147538 SHA256 bab887d6280f47fc3963df3b95735a27a16f0f663636163ddf3acab5f1149fc2 SHA512 f68e3a0d648441eef7589efe0fad65c621d030a9425635f461f2882a5129240830a55d5a5b81d02b439c633870a96f61b4c4dea22d0eacfdd583f4fac353928a WHIRLPOOL 619214ecf859e1fc4e6f59e37045e370b98bae57ceeaed3f6a5e0732fc0caba41c040bea926830b678f6e5c243d73a607daea438f55cf28d339ce458eded7db5
EBUILD pam-1.1.5.ebuild 5784 SHA256 a003975168a13a6ddd06fe26ce33e0da007bcd26ca145786abd525abd9fe72e3 SHA512 647b6c5c9aad340fbbf32efc0988e5678cef8175297eb921ce36b097838aa1bd8cfef6f96157235ff0e9017f938b72429d741b01ea1692f7134f2871473d9fa3 WHIRLPOOL 7296e3adcb6e04eacc61b563a2f00f40b84f4f3f247b77acc3c79d4c87ae61513c20eca12d2b442d10dadda40963387343d87a54c03ce74a06c06a521d1b6f8b
EBUILD pam-1.1.6-r2.ebuild 5989 SHA256 4cf4e7cfdbfca87ae6cb2e39e16c2dc4c8867f32c624437edc270324660a9105 SHA512 17fdcbafe76bb49cbdf58ee9b6391634422c06a3074da17bdd56b6a7fb169815ce2eddd02d00c936bdadb0a74e5c66f17dfd6366d8ab4bb76026fcf519d48d44 WHIRLPOOL c3d640a885b39d35c65f02aa3ec455c56cff3ef36d34b7ee35f3d40e93830435a89bbf029c4682ab09bfbf3ab09d8ce9f595f76510c49b8037bba097a55340fd
-MISC ChangeLog 51996 SHA256 83d0a33389363ae49cf313749a2fa61f13589c1d3817958ebb8fe97d67dec81f SHA512 fc9520bf2cebb2294e6b7d5f5007ae737355d7a94a052293e7500e5003cbb0631aa34868e123f4e941d60bbf6bd7b6213a8b85a7b948a3fdab87467a76a69976 WHIRLPOOL 5464a39f7d4553b16231f2f78d5461ed235593189f6087038a65773f058ed7840321c83b6d6f85059049559c64327fb19d0f8c98d160d7080f2c450bf63ee4d2
+EBUILD pam-1.1.6-r3.ebuild 5609 SHA256 b0c9ae9e96e7d17b11d476eff9eb3f886dac587f233395afa666f9598dda59a2 SHA512 88054a84c4e9f0ebdd8b985bae4571c54e7e2428f78ca39c74b9971a7b36c890508228e279bd5e8fee31a6b51440fa4005896f792215d19b6de0ad7923c524dc WHIRLPOOL 60fe153d285fcf3875205946b1559e1b7afcae8ca0fbcdb272af17c431f9f03e503c34c0e30ed4256d703e2aceb1779cf7f590c9b9ec71c0d8bc91256f694975
+MISC ChangeLog 52177 SHA256 2ba60d569ad4dcb6c81dde7e8ff204ea10e9c0c7a1243a9f97c76ea872c941d7 SHA512 daac4d5fc4da9a287c1c99c631acbd9697fe24c962286d5d1df18b406fcf21602b1bd74154f6690861eacfc53569318624f9db731dec794c7351a6262ae805c2 WHIRLPOOL 82a3ddc24fc35c8687cca72e4e5ee9185ccdfe06a8841b6e6461c1da0e7cffefb9bdcc85821cc55e1b0f6bb79767ce4daf61ff6db5f0a490a3fa6a9836f8d74d
MISC metadata.xml 1129 SHA256 e160643aca26e0418b31429836ae1b4c673474cd6130b7e2ac0d0bf41380df0b SHA512 ad3fa4cbe664d992849c7ef17fbf49519289d1a8d2e568014ae5c08eec1030eb2d6874c5b6f877d311cb9f920c5f78b1199aa7d778ffbffea377a7f539281362 WHIRLPOOL 69d3406bd7f903292a3c84e806fe9ae5ee0e63473c4c7005449dba7af09e7d405209b66c25ef8369a53aaa92626bea8dc84ad1e34da1a717d6926ee9925e2c62
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-libs/pam/pam-1.1.6-r3.ebuild b/sys-libs/pam/pam-1.1.6-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bac5ba6a85f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-libs/pam/pam-1.1.6-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-libs/pam/pam-1.1.6-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/02/27 11:08:52 flameeyes Exp $
+inherit libtool multilib eutils pam toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic db-use autotools autotools-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Linux-PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)"
+LICENSE="|| ( BSD GPL-2 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux"
+IUSE="cracklib nls elibc_FreeBSD selinux vim-syntax audit test elibc_glibc debug berkdb nis"
+RDEPEND="nls? ( virtual/libintl )
+ cracklib? ( >=sys-libs/cracklib-2.8.3 )
+ audit? ( sys-process/audit )
+ selinux? ( >=sys-libs/libselinux-1.28 )
+ berkdb? ( sys-libs/db )
+ elibc_glibc? (
+ >=sys-libs/glibc-2.7
+ nis? ( || ( >=net-libs/libtirpc-0.2.2-r1 <sys-libs/glibc-2.14 ) )
+ )"
+ >=sys-devel/libtool-2
+ sys-devel/flex
+ nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
+ virtual/pkgconfig"
+ vim-syntax? ( app-vim/pam-syntax )"
+ !<sys-apps/openrc-0.11.8
+ !sys-auth/openpam
+ !sys-auth/pam_userdb"
+check_old_modules() {
+ local retval="0"
+ if sed -e 's:#.*::' "${EROOT}"/etc/pam.d/* 2>/dev/null | fgrep -q; then
+ eerror ""
+ eerror "Your current setup is using the pam_stack module."
+ eerror "This module is deprecated and no longer supported, and since version"
+ eerror "0.99 is no longer installed, nor provided by any other package."
+ eerror "The package will be built (to allow binary package builds), but will"
+ eerror "not be installed."
+ eerror "Please replace pam_stack usage with proper include directive usage,"
+ eerror "following the PAM Upgrade guide at the following URL"
+ eerror ""
+ eerror ""
+ retval=1
+ fi
+ if sed -e 's:#.*::' "${EROOT}"/etc/pam.d/* 2>/dev/null | egrep -q 'pam_(pwdb|console)'; then
+ eerror ""
+ eerror "Your current setup is using one or more of the following modules,"
+ eerror "that are not built or supported anymore:"
+ eerror "pam_pwdb, pam_console"
+ eerror "If you are in real need for these modules, please contact the maintainers"
+ eerror "of PAM through providing information about its"
+ eerror "use cases."
+ eerror "Please also make sure to read the PAM Upgrade guide at the following URL:"
+ eerror ""
+ eerror ""
+ retval=1
+ fi
+ return $retval
+pkg_pretend() {
+ # do not error out, this is just a warning, one could build a binpkg
+ # with old modules enabled.
+ check_old_modules
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_P}-destdir.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_P}+glibc-2.16.patch
+ eautoreconf
+ elibtoolize
+src_configure() {
+ # Disable automatic detection of libxcrypt; we _don't_ want the
+ # user to link libxcrypt in by default, since we won't track the
+ # dependency and allow to break PAM this way.
+ export ac_cv_header_xcrypt_h=no
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ --htmldir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
+ --enable-securedir="${EPREFIX}"/$(get_libdir)/security
+ --enable-isadir="${EPREFIX}"/$(get_libdir)/security
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(use_enable selinux)
+ $(use_enable cracklib)
+ $(use_enable audit)
+ $(use_enable debug)
+ $(use_enable berkdb db)
+ $(use_enable nis)
+ --with-db-uniquename=-$(db_findver sys-libs/db)
+ --disable-prelude
+ )
+ if use hppa || use elibc_FreeBSD; then
+ myeconfargs+=( --disable-pie )
+ fi
+ autotools-utils_src_configure
+src_compile() {
+ autotools-utils_src_compile sepermitlockdir="${EPREFIX}/run/sepermit"
+src_install() {
+ autotools-utils_src_install sepermitlockdir="${EPREFIX}/run/sepermit"
+ # Need to be suid
+ fperms u+s /sbin/unix_chkpwd
+ gen_usr_ldscript -a pam pamc pam_misc
+ # create extra symlinks just in case something depends on them...
+ local lib
+ for lib in pam pamc pam_misc; do
+ if ! [[ -f "${ED}"/$(get_libdir)/lib${lib}$(get_libname) ]]; then
+ dosym lib${lib}$(get_libname 0) /$(get_libdir)/lib${lib}$(get_libname)
+ fi
+ done
+ docinto modules
+ for dir in modules/pam_*; do
+ newdoc "${dir}"/README README."$(basename "${dir}")"
+ done
+ prune_libtool_files --all
+ if use selinux; then
+ dodir /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d
+ cat - > "${D}"/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${CATEGORY}:${PN}:${SLOT}.conf <<EOF
+d /run/sepermit 0755 root root
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ check_old_modules || die "deprecated PAM modules still used"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "Some software with pre-loaded PAM libraries might experience"
+ ewarn "warnings or failures related to missing symbols and/or versions"
+ ewarn "after any update. While unfortunate this is a limit of the"
+ ewarn "implementation of PAM and the software, and it requires you to"
+ ewarn "restart the software manually after the update."
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "You can get a list of such software running a command like"
+ ewarn " lsof / | egrep -i 'del.*libpam\\.so'"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "Alternatively, simply reboot your system."
+ if [ -x "${ROOT}"/var/log/tallylog ] ; then
+ elog ""
+ elog "Because of a bug present up to version 1.1.1-r2, you have"
+ elog "an executable /var/log/tallylog file. You can safely"
+ elog "correct it by running the command"
+ elog " chmod -x /var/log/tallylog"
+ elog ""
+ fi