diff options
authorVlastimil Babka <>2011-12-27 17:04:28 +0000
committerVlastimil Babka <>2011-12-27 17:04:28 +0000
commitfe8837710b89b90ec240e2bb52695d993c1bf0ec (patch)
tree7675e549a11ffc29074d9d9ddc727a30070b8488 /net-p2p/vuze
parentfix init script, fix #390063 (diff)
Revbump to actually use swt-3.7 instead of 3.6, bug #390921.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha83/cvs/Linux x86_64 RepoMan-Options: --force
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p/vuze')
3 files changed, 152 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/vuze/ChangeLog b/net-p2p/vuze/ChangeLog
index bfcd1ca22502..257a1ddb955b 100644
--- a/net-p2p/vuze/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-p2p/vuze/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for net-p2p/vuze
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/vuze/ChangeLog,v 1.50 2011/11/17 23:27:43 caster Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/vuze/ChangeLog,v 1.51 2011/12/27 17:04:28 caster Exp $
+*vuze- (27 Dec 2011)
+ 27 Dec 2011; Vlastimil Babka <> +vuze-
+ Revbump to actually use swt-3.7 instead of 3.6, bug #390921.
*vuze- (17 Nov 2011)
diff --git a/net-p2p/vuze/Manifest b/net-p2p/vuze/Manifest
index 869d684a2ce2..577e4ce75089 100644
--- a/net-p2p/vuze/Manifest
+++ b/net-p2p/vuze/Manifest
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ DIST 9201613 RMD160 662c154753a9062c134b60c6fb0d9f51c60c95a
DIST vuze- 3143 RMD160 98bb0290af3fa470fec37d2a57b5476066e7f831 SHA1 26f6899780aa614c2becba9068df49b78ade7cac SHA256 972cf16d88d8605f93b77a84770b6512d54ae8281a0d4c06b66890a69deb6c49
EBUILD vuze- 4257 RMD160 03337fb4c000a70cb644920ffff146d135d1b39b SHA1 a9dd6cb4941873744de0a4b5b81bf9ab594ad66c SHA256 1a374b6658ed9521b56f7df56336c563edce072747d0faf7a1ea3cdccbec8506
EBUILD vuze- 4380 RMD160 b6e603a53b1e71a492ee7689bade93d8d8b0538a SHA1 692e382bf95ba5acacfac82f805eb2e6bf626dda SHA256 c2495fc8a39f9c570389c44948628e6391ccca829fe3a5377ea0d84ec05c177c
+EBUILD vuze- 4385 RMD160 dea9559f598d7b19faa123b36bc9fb88f1638bfe SHA1 3ab135f8d7fcdc47c8fdbfb206353133d6f55e2d SHA256 f01949bafb913804d2efdb3b33a50d1e8a6ec5355e5901ce10371f0a0b08f338
EBUILD vuze- 4380 RMD160 b0c1d9d9573cf6c7762127aed27397b0a1c41e24 SHA1 414530019d8b112c20ecf9f5f0be726b15ea6df5 SHA256 36a5313f56ab180b386b35b5fa43a2bf3909d881c26f2252bd236d55c0d21e29
-MISC ChangeLog 25479 RMD160 41aa07399e40e6151fadb8005d2f1a89a3a9f0e1 SHA1 04f4d0749694c0ad30f7b0ba65ed9675cb0e5574 SHA256 4de34cbea0806760d91b5ccc7624a02762fea88b5dfedacc02c5823edf990cf7
+MISC ChangeLog 25651 RMD160 264c7532f9042cef2afe94a0ea4b4bc5bc86c8b0 SHA1 60f08af052151909ccda212655a730bf42f1f97a SHA256 29b09e332a36c499659d98b8e013fe1187c46615288eff432ec768a1095d2f89
MISC metadata.xml 158 RMD160 493079b5fb71d66863beea1b023901c90ba81be5 SHA1 77cd509a8b3c377b9a24480b48a5d5481b7874f1 SHA256 ea882ceccfd160b16cf7e79de423bdcc12b3fa000f124491a6df36f5783894fb
diff --git a/net-p2p/vuze/vuze- b/net-p2p/vuze/vuze-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f09dfebcbb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/vuze/vuze-
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/vuze/vuze-,v 1.1 2011/12/27 17:04:28 caster Exp $
+inherit eutils fdo-mime java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 versionator
+MY_PV=$(replace_all_version_separators "")
+DESCRIPTION="BitTorrent client in Java, formerly called Azureus"
+ mirror://gentoo/${PATCHSET}"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+# bundles parts of commons-lang, but modified
+# bundles parts of
+ dev-java/json-simple:0
+ dev-java/bcprov:1.3
+ >=dev-java/commons-cli-1.0:1
+ >=dev-java/log4j-1.2.8:0
+ dev-java/swt:3.7[cairo]
+ !net-p2p/azureus-bin
+ >=virtual/jre-1.5"
+ app-arch/unzip
+ dev-util/desktop-file-utils
+ >=virtual/jdk-1.5"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${PATCHSET}
+ mkdir "${S}" && cd "${S}" || die
+ unpack ${SRC_TARBALL}
+ # this is no longer needed
+ rm "${WORKDIR}/${PATCHSET_DIR}/0006-Remove-the-use-of-windows-only-Tree2-widget.patch" || die
+java_prepare() {
+ # build.xml disappeared from although it was there in
+ # hopefully that's just a packaging mistake
+ [[ -f build.xml ]] && die "upstream has build.xml again, don't overwrite"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}/build.xml" . || die "failed to copy build.xml"
+ ### Removes OS X files and entries.
+ rm -rv "org/gudy/azureus2/platform/macosx" \
+ "org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/osx" || die
+ ### Removes Windows files.
+ rm -v ./org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/win32/ || die
+ ### Removes test files.
+ rm -rv org/gudy/azureus2/ui/console/multiuser/ || die
+ ### Removes bouncycastle (we use our own bcprov).
+ rm -rv "org/bouncycastle" || die
+ ### Removes bundled json
+ rm -rv "org/json" || die
+ ### The Tree2 file does not compile against Linux SWT and is used only on Windows.
+ ### It's runtime-conditional use is thus patched out in the patchset.
+ rm -rf "org/eclipse" || die
+ mkdir -p build/libs || die
+src_compile() {
+ local mem
+ use amd64 && mem="320"
+ use x86 && mem="192"
+ use ppc && mem="192"
+ use ppc64 && mem="256"
+ export ANT_OPTS="-Xmx${mem}m"
+ java-pkg-2_src_compile
+ # bug #302058 - build.xml excludes .txt but upstream jar has it...
+ jar uf dist/Azureus2.jar ChangeLog.txt || die
+src_install() {
+ java-pkg_dojar dist/Azureus2.jar
+ dodoc ChangeLog.txt || die
+ java-pkg_dolauncher "${PN}" \
+ --main org.gudy.azureus2.ui.common.Main -pre "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-" \
+ --java_args '-Dazureus.install.path=/usr/share/vuze/ ${JAVA_OPTIONS}' \
+ --pkg_args '--ui=${UI}'
+ dosym vuze /usr/bin/azureus
+ #
+ java-pkg_register-environment-variable MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH /usr/lib/nsbrowser/plugins
+ newicon "${S}"/org/gudy/azureus2/ui/icons/a32.png vuze.png
+ domenu "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.desktop"
+ use source && java-pkg_dosrc "${S}"/{com,edu,org}
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "Running Vuze as root is not supported and may result in untracked"
+ ewarn "updates to shared components and then collisions on updates via ebuilds"
+ elog "Vuze has been formerly called Azureus and many references to the old name remain."
+ elog
+ elog "After running Vuze for the first time, configuration"
+ elog "options will be placed in '~/.azureus/gentoo.config'."
+ elog "If you need to change some startup options, you should"
+ elog "modify this file, rather than the startup script."
+ elog "Using this config file you can start the console UI."
+ elog
+ if ! has_version dev-java/swt:3.7[webkit]; then
+ elog
+ elog "Your dev-java/swt:3.7 was built without xulrunner support. Features such as Vuze HD Network will not work."
+ elog "Rebuild swt with USE=webkit (needs net-libs/webkit-gtk:2) to use these features."
+ fi
+ fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
+pkg_postrm() {
+ fdo-mime_desktop_database_update