diff options
authorFabian Groffen <>2005-09-30 19:42:05 +0000
committerFabian Groffen <>2005-09-30 19:42:05 +0000
commit70f4208dac80712540dc831349a400ea1456247c (patch)
treeabd4ffa05e2f97d3d9f81458a8b47b4c45602fcb /app-shells/tcsh
parentstable on amd64 wrt bug 106996 (diff)
Adding new revision of 6.14 which incorporates a whole new configuration setup.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'app-shells/tcsh')
5 files changed, 127 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/app-shells/tcsh/ChangeLog b/app-shells/tcsh/ChangeLog
index bc4dd0c3d96a..0049dfa621f5 100644
--- a/app-shells/tcsh/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-shells/tcsh/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
# ChangeLog for app-shells/tcsh
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-shells/tcsh/ChangeLog,v 1.40 2005/06/14 19:55:23 ferdy Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-shells/tcsh/ChangeLog,v 1.41 2005/09/30 19:42:05 grobian Exp $
+*tcsh-6.14-r1 (30 Sep 2005)
+ 30 Sep 2005; Fabian Groffen <> metadata.xml,
+ +tcsh-6.14-r1.ebuild:
+ Adding new revision of 6.14 which incorporates a whole new configuration
+ system, that resolves (hopefully) many bugs. The new config is much more
+ closer to the bare defaults and does not activate all kind of customisations
+ by default.
+ Made myself maintainer and updated metadata.xml.
+ Resolves bugs #17660 #17852 #18340 #18852 #26122 #26159 #27877 #47059 #49851
+ #89295 #93968 #105246
14 Jun 2005; Fernando J. Pereda <> tcsh-6.13-r1.ebuild:
Stable on alpha
diff --git a/app-shells/tcsh/Manifest b/app-shells/tcsh/Manifest
index 9967b526d495..78ae7d7c10ed 100644
--- a/app-shells/tcsh/Manifest
+++ b/app-shells/tcsh/Manifest
@@ -1,41 +1,33 @@
-Hash: SHA1
-MD5 68ae6ae936111250398633fbfe8b05c7 ChangeLog 5555
-MD5 299cd79eb3cbc2a3caeac1c3a0309556 files/csh.cshrc_new 2810
+MD5 1b865e9c0349146f352678370c667127 tcsh-6.13-r1.ebuild 1889
+MD5 c250d0af9e636acf93f75180f66ed639 tcsh-6.14.ebuild 1234
+MD5 89674d2fb5c06a3b4b5310a3212c81a2 tcsh-6.12-r3.ebuild 1382
+MD5 40885229543eeb01a6a91b426c29e29d tcsh-6.13.ebuild 1249
+MD5 efacfc119398b8f59b9ee3f65ca80c58 tcsh-6.14-r1.ebuild 2454
+MD5 17b2dbd92367c80ba3d034ac758d4267 ChangeLog 6074
+MD5 57ae68ef95b893d172203de06faf380d metadata.xml 655
MD5 4869b9da87c79854e2cc97241f125853 files/csh.login_new 1482
-MD5 968abc8b96dbc3821d09bc3ee58c41a7 files/digest-tcsh-6.12-r3 121
+MD5 c6384002cda1bc11c1e31ca9513b9ad6 files/tcsh-6.12.00-setpgrp.patch 545
+MD5 16713fff7d0ccc21e1c32b250cdc44ff files/tcsh-aliases 2399
+MD5 18a0fc2cb5f14ddf82a1947cdd43ca43 files/tcsh-6.11.00-termcap.patch 406
+MD5 1b31eca34600baccddcfdf5d8bca139d files/tcsh-6.13.00-charset.patch 616
+MD5 8c5915d05b8b0c2db109c754a2bee20f files/tcsh-bindkey 3597
+MD5 a51fb6146ec2bcb7a603e5af41f6c7a2 files/tcsh_enable_kanji.diff 466
+MD5 d612d75d8d811c7932e5c214946cb7ba files/tcsh-6.13.00-dspmbyte.patch 2312
MD5 36f0897401e2ff873f97e8eac302169d files/digest-tcsh-6.13 121
-MD5 36f0897401e2ff873f97e8eac302169d files/digest-tcsh-6.13-r1 121
MD5 8adf2e3c68136062a1023af2832b3c7a files/digest-tcsh-6.14 121
-MD5 18a0fc2cb5f14ddf82a1947cdd43ca43 files/tcsh-6.11.00-termcap.patch 406
+MD5 c2ca2472d2e81e30f23492c306c03ada files/tcsh-6.13.00-iconv.patch 11230
+MD5 fb2384289b070107607f18091513ec74 files/tcsh-6.13.00-cstr.patch 396
+MD5 968abc8b96dbc3821d09bc3ee58c41a7 files/digest-tcsh-6.12-r3 121
+MD5 36f0897401e2ff873f97e8eac302169d files/digest-tcsh-6.13-r1 121
+MD5 64585b7284837bece8d5ba281d3bda0c files/digest-tcsh-6.14-r1 135
+MD5 6bd69d3c815412ada4579ac8f8cc9c45 files/tcsh.config 1466
MD5 0c7590ddc33afe8fa448f51871ad677c files/tcsh-6.12-tc.os.h-gentoo.diff 363
-MD5 c6384002cda1bc11c1e31ca9513b9ad6 files/tcsh-6.12.00-setpgrp.patch 545
+MD5 299cd79eb3cbc2a3caeac1c3a0309556 files/csh.cshrc_new 2810
MD5 f47afb634d66cb19feac4ab83997a576 files/tcsh-6.13.00-arch.patch 1055
-MD5 1b31eca34600baccddcfdf5d8bca139d files/tcsh-6.13.00-charset.patch 616
-MD5 08dda7e3da3d8f4bc8e41d5ac7a4fbdd files/tcsh-6.13.00-closem.patch 433
-MD5 01e7c42d58599a89564127e92f85caac files/tcsh-6.13.00-codeset.patch 2448
-MD5 fb2384289b070107607f18091513ec74 files/tcsh-6.13.00-cstr.patch 396
-MD5 d612d75d8d811c7932e5c214946cb7ba files/tcsh-6.13.00-dspmbyte.patch 2312
+MD5 e717dd2122d1ae7ab9ee8ebf2c33636a files/tcsh-settings 3271
MD5 87462113a0339dfc85377c3fbef14828 files/tcsh-6.13.00-fcntl.patch 726
+MD5 01e7c42d58599a89564127e92f85caac files/tcsh-6.13.00-codeset.patch 2448
MD5 4ed6009ff61cfdc1f29287d8a0e0835c files/tcsh-6.13.00-glob.patch 305
-MD5 c2ca2472d2e81e30f23492c306c03ada files/tcsh-6.13.00-iconv.patch 11230
-MD5 88ecd43a2f94275ddecaae78650745f8 files/tcsh-6.13.00-utmp.patch 1578
MD5 8a48eb2d6512d50375df4e87e060feed files/tcsh-6.13.00-winchg.patch 1731
-MD5 16713fff7d0ccc21e1c32b250cdc44ff files/tcsh-aliases 2399
-MD5 8c5915d05b8b0c2db109c754a2bee20f files/tcsh-bindkey 3597
-MD5 e717dd2122d1ae7ab9ee8ebf2c33636a files/tcsh-settings 3271
-MD5 6bd69d3c815412ada4579ac8f8cc9c45 files/tcsh.config 1466
-MD5 a51fb6146ec2bcb7a603e5af41f6c7a2 files/tcsh_enable_kanji.diff 466
-MD5 6d796b061ed1c1337ef157a5f74dab35 metadata.xml 403
-MD5 89674d2fb5c06a3b4b5310a3212c81a2 tcsh-6.12-r3.ebuild 1382
-MD5 1b865e9c0349146f352678370c667127 tcsh-6.13-r1.ebuild 1889
-MD5 40885229543eeb01a6a91b426c29e29d tcsh-6.13.ebuild 1249
-MD5 c250d0af9e636acf93f75180f66ed639 tcsh-6.14.ebuild 1234
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 08dda7e3da3d8f4bc8e41d5ac7a4fbdd files/tcsh-6.13.00-closem.patch 433
+MD5 88ecd43a2f94275ddecaae78650745f8 files/tcsh-6.13.00-utmp.patch 1578
diff --git a/app-shells/tcsh/files/digest-tcsh-6.14-r1 b/app-shells/tcsh/files/digest-tcsh-6.14-r1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..077052c4f630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-shells/tcsh/files/digest-tcsh-6.14-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 353d1bb7d2741bf8de602c7b6f0efd79 tcsh-6.14.00.tar.gz 859780
+MD5 06d9a00fa7e034394bf1152f0fc3e950 tcsh-6.14-conffiles.tar.bz2 20200
diff --git a/app-shells/tcsh/metadata.xml b/app-shells/tcsh/metadata.xml
index b9fc2b9c6f11..8ff0690a87a8 100644
--- a/app-shells/tcsh/metadata.xml
+++ b/app-shells/tcsh/metadata.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Black</name>
- <description>A user ebuild that I felt obliged to include. Please take over if you want
+ <herd>no-herd</herd>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Fabian Groffen</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <longdescription>
+ Tcsh is an enhanced, but completely compatible version of the
+ Berkeley UNIX C shell (csh). It is a command language
+ interpreter usable both as an interactive login shell and a
+ shell script command processor. It includes a command-line
+ editor, programmable word completion, spelling correction, a
+ history mechanism, job control and a C-like syntax.
+ </longdescription>
diff --git a/app-shells/tcsh/tcsh-6.14-r1.ebuild b/app-shells/tcsh/tcsh-6.14-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7a759f65a508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-shells/tcsh/tcsh-6.14-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-shells/tcsh/tcsh-6.14-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/09/30 19:42:05 grobian Exp $
+DESCRIPTION="Enhanced version of the Berkeley C shell (csh)"
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}-conffiles.tar.bz2"
+# note: starting from this version the various files scattered around
+# the place in ${FILESDIR} are now stored in a versioned tarball
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~alpha ~arm ~hppa ~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc64 ~mips"
+ >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.1
+ perl? ( dev-lang/perl )"
+src_compile() {
+ econf --prefix=/ || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "compile problem"
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
+ if use perl ; then
+ perl tcsh.man2html || die
+ dohtml tcsh.html/*.html
+ fi
+ dosym /bin/tcsh /bin/csh
+ dodoc FAQ Fixes NewThings Ported README WishList Y2K
+ insinto /etc
+ doins ${WORKDIR}/gentoo/csh.cshrc
+ doins ${WORKDIR}/gentoo/csh.login
+ insinto /etc/skel
+ newins ${WORKDIR}/gentoo/tcsh.config .tcsh.config
+ insinto /etc/profile.d
+ doins ${WORKDIR}/gentoo/tcsh-bindkey.csh
+ doins ${WORKDIR}/gentoo/tcsh-settings.csh
+ doins ${WORKDIR}/gentoo/tcsh-aliases
+ doins ${WORKDIR}/gentoo/tcsh-complete
+ doins ${WORKDIR}/gentoo/tcsh-gentoo_legacy
+pkg_postinst() {
+ while read line; do einfo "${line}"; done <<EOF
+The default behaviour of tcsh has significantly changed starting from
+this ebuild. In contrast to previous ebuilds, the amount of
+customisation to the default shell's behaviour has been reduced to a
+bare minimum (a customised prompt).
+If you rely on the customisations provided by previous ebuilds, you will
+have to copy over the relevant (now commented out) parts to your own
+~/.tcshrc. Please check all tcsh-* files in /etc/profiles.d/ and add
+sourceing of /etc/profiles.d/tcsh-complete to restore previous
+Please note that the tcsh-complete file is a large set of examples that
+is not meant to be used in its exact form, as it defines an excessive --
+sometimes conflicting -- amount of completion scripts. It is highly
+encouraged to copy over the desired auto completion scripts to the
+personal ~/.tcshrc file. The tcsh-complete file is not any longer
+sourced by the default system scripts.