diff options
authorPetteri Räty <>2008-12-06 13:46:13 +0000
committerPetteri Räty <>2008-12-06 13:46:13 +0000
commit0f37f5a18a52885768260d6d5d1ab6da8bf8f459 (patch)
tree572a40798bc69abddbc8774f897b898674f39161 /app-emulation
parentRemove old versions. (diff)
Version bumps for security bug #250012.
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.6_rc2/cvs/Linux 2.6.27-gentoo-r2 i686
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation')
5 files changed, 345 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog
index 6f720d8783f2..ad997e5e271b 100644
--- a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
# ChangeLog for app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog,v 1.62 2008/12/06 13:41:33 betelgeuse Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog,v 1.63 2008/12/06 13:46:13 betelgeuse Exp $
+*emul-linux-x86-java- (06 Dec 2008)
+*emul-linux-x86-java- (06 Dec 2008)
+*emul-linux-x86-java- (06 Dec 2008)
+ 06 Dec 2008; Petteri Räty <>
+ +emul-linux-x86-java-,
+ +emul-linux-x86-java-,
+ +emul-linux-x86-java-
+ Version bumps for security bug #250012.
06 Dec 2008; Petteri Räty <>
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/Manifest b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/Manifest
index 160d7a7c48d6..4c246336f605 100644
--- a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/Manifest
@@ -7,19 +7,25 @@ AUX emul-linux-x86-java-1.4.env 857 RMD160 65dc6da72579122d52475e5fe2c965f7aaea9
AUX emul-linux-x86-java-1.5.env 855 RMD160 e9ce4d40ee6a8bd9b0720e00838c399d5f3fdca0 SHA1 d989ddc315757eb44aff787ea2c70a6dc848130d SHA256 d36f364c0855d13d7ec2eb4ea3cdbaa483318f1f57b7720edfa5eb0050a12cdb
AUX emul-linux-x86-java-1.6.env 894 RMD160 86bb5a85c4a7b51a52016376438052673da53636 SHA1 8d62dde36f42a769246235662d6f9b25490cd4c8 SHA256 47fa2c1923a0ee6940cc1deb8a12258d900cacbeabcf3e69b5bbc85ce39dc4df
DIST j2re-1_4_2_18-linux-i586.bin 14379606 RMD160 725d9aeac47ee775cf904676c27a12b598847b74 SHA1 7558ba72c1002b6a0dd362041693bd3baa28cbc6 SHA256 75750575b54d15b47b5b7d50e03cc111e958edc1c6b18cc55cc582853d612206
+DIST j2re-1_4_2_19-linux-i586.bin 14384815 RMD160 54b15f0ea03c7cb7e35b91fe8a6269e21a0d39b2 SHA1 7b230633bf6eaf3581f69d668542431c5833184a SHA256 d1d2f7cd9f0cddee9f65a0d093a0718faceb4b013b0658a92457512f84c8e973
DIST jdk-5.0u16-dlj-linux-i586.bin 49676902 RMD160 e358a1c3e554eb06cd4362ad175a95004661f38e SHA1 56e29e2d96fca31f6b0e34c208c13c82c523098d SHA256 0df21a7e636740c9812e3e1cd4002e914150acf3c806930d5128d05b37c28a08
+DIST jdk-5.0u17-dlj-linux-i586.bin 49690762 RMD160 a9baa1a26acf284b31b7b81278bd32a7dada7c38 SHA1 d9f72fbb0aed5c27d7d40671a318597906771fd9 SHA256 427a6abd1435c23bf3bc953cca13a0d3b22f3be5e1c1bb14d21ac88e898c021a
DIST jdk-6u10-dlj-linux-i586.bin 80041857 RMD160 a280938fb2ff5208294b76afa9e8c8f459f64841 SHA1 f4dc9d497042c5196afb7ae75257de8614673ea6 SHA256 dae79e8c56090ac3fb4ac3fe0df9faf6a0c9694a89ef978dce0ab970557ad264
+DIST jdk-6u11-dlj-linux-i586.bin 80060361 RMD160 ad6a4f82d103fb7e101351b7347ca8a9992a72db SHA1 6c1bb54d383e1fff69c5e33bfe9e3fcc05c653ab SHA256 c41faea381c3abae0e973a19b88f6e17f83c66fc6bc602a05ccd9a1c3d8a9303
DIST jdk-6u7-dlj-linux-i586.bin 78515200 RMD160 1c626fa6a16be412f082bdadcb4c3018bd0e188d SHA1 1a697ed721260331918fa34913203c78562d1d63 SHA256 b57a1f49ca3c9d3dd45b3fc2ab569d84d159a076124e842a9c8d82abce92ff8b
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 3527 RMD160 1fe42e6831ada25bb280cde700a7e98f1604e32c SHA1 c33c20ffa8447484bb7b842bc6d40205dc463606 SHA256 cf24e822c8cd15fec679aa12f1dd1dcad91de87adb2cffd56a54a8662583acd6
+EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 3530 RMD160 64e8c917fae872bc21c43cf867a8a7486082c64b SHA1 af2ba01d8b6b848f8cf1e78999e2b3b2486fa248 SHA256 3f75eee4701c8ee73ccae560525c8a41dc3fc0195e9868baa08be92e6653698d
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 2865 RMD160 bb6fecb8ec6027f8f51e1d7b9cf62bcfbcbc7cae SHA1 74367b80f4caab89bd74b24930fbc01fd0226a41 SHA256 28875b0675993f36497f0742dfdb8284fa737b85a6f583114f69deeea37e1f79
+EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 2870 RMD160 1f9db5794cf1e5b8b7792ed767ad8789d8705034 SHA1 6a209268d6cdebbdd6b5879b0799d410192bf158 SHA256 1f19c2c41a3c3fe33475536a27f6bb201421c572ee33dfbf3bf95011f1e1a8b9
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 2865 RMD160 5546eeff303c0486aafbcaad979e2770c1b8e8c0 SHA1 5eaa44771e789d4ef592db48e9073dc21fd04f1c SHA256 ab211b486b67af06c341e91483398a4fcc4b6b7782c627df0755b76e5a002de8
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 3226 RMD160 f93110d3dbc38fc788126e1311610f074cf26bdc SHA1 ada2816cbced0a44bd1dd9bdf439f3eacef2f64e SHA256 dc4efdd434ff62f398452ef45949c18095f08919b8f5b645fe5fe952c9aaea36
-MISC ChangeLog 12868 RMD160 9c919d48212d31dc173de283c85aad187048298b SHA1 826ff6ac5b19c1e1374ace0b15be42e925197a61 SHA256 744447d89f51c16a963537a493e36d51dc1fe988aab552eb1a4bb07445338ff4
+EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 3229 RMD160 1c1c78fe78712bbcb5da832bb28fe0288b70e751 SHA1 c5ef8612def98aa0dbad1f32b66c58bbb082401a SHA256 0e90ec977751a95834750e4356d9cf89d300fa24feeb18032f0f7ec17a0a2512
+MISC ChangeLog 13217 RMD160 c6a44a2154ca44772002f3fd2c8d2457063270f0 SHA1 e25a7750d8f96dbe1eb657ff9a45162a1e94718b SHA256 c5722ab69dd186b3fc86c7d9af4e66cb8e716af1774349c45d1dfc2c21529d8d
MISC metadata.xml 179 RMD160 eb23cc92511920eee7575e49cb97e3cc57ec2ffe SHA1 5f572596a2c474e808cdb21b8c2bf80f7cc011b1 SHA256 28110c7811a1bdcba5e23efc7018238140b1e9460b78215f914b7253a8c09ca8
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java- b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc278f267e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-,v 1.1 2008/12/06 13:46:13 betelgeuse Exp $
+inherit multilib eutils pax-utils java-vm-2
+DESCRIPTION="Sun's JRE (32bit)"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64"
+# pre stripped
+RESTRICT="fetch strip"
+IUSE="X alsa nsplugin"
+RDEPEND="alsa? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs )
+ X? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs )"
+ opt/${P}/plugin/i386/ns4/
+ opt/${P}/plugin/i386/ns610/
+ opt/${P}/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/"
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "Please download ${At} from:"
+ einfo ${DOWNLOAD_URL}
+ einfo "and move it to ${DISTDIR}"
+src_unpack() {
+ if [ ! -r "${DISTDIR}"/${At} ]; then
+ eerror "cannot read ${At}. Please check the permission and try again."
+ die
+ fi
+ #Search for the ELF Header
+ testExp=$(echo -e '\0177\0105\0114\0106\0001\0001\0001')
+ startAt=`grep -aonm 1 ${testExp} ${DISTDIR}/${At} | cut -d: -f1`
+ tail -n +${startAt} "${DISTDIR}"/${At} > install.sfx
+ chmod +x install.sfx
+ ./install.sfx || die
+ rm install.sfx
+ if [ -f "${S}"/lib/unpack ]; then
+ UNPACK_CMD="${S}"/lib/unpack
+ chmod +x $UNPACK_CMD
+ sed -i 's#/tmp/unpack.log#/dev/null\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00#g' $UNPACK_CMD
+ local PACKED_JARS="lib/rt.jar lib/jsse.jar lib/charsets.jar \
+ lib/ext/localedata.jar lib/plugin.jar javaws/javaws.jar"
+ for i in $PACKED_JARS; do
+ PACK_FILE=${S}/`dirname $i`/`basename $i .jar`.pack
+ if [ -f ${PACK_FILE} ]; then
+ echo " unpacking: $i"
+ $UNPACK_CMD ${PACK_FILE} "${S}"/$i
+ rm -f ${PACK_FILE}
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ local dirs="bin lib man javaws plugin"
+ dodir /opt/${P}
+ cp -pPR ${dirs} "${D}/opt/${P}/"
+ pax-mark srpm $(list-paxables "${D}"/opt/${P}/bin/*)
+ dohtml Welcome.html ControlPanel.html || die
+ if use nsplugin; then
+ local plugin_dir="ns610"
+ if has_version '>=sys-devel/gcc-3.2' ; then
+ plugin_dir="ns610-gcc32"
+ fi
+ install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/plugin/i386/$plugin_dir/
+ fi
+ # bug #147259
+ dosym ../javaws/javaws /opt/${P}/bin/javaws
+ # create dir for system preferences
+ dodir /opt/${P}/.systemPrefs
+ # create dir for system preferences
+ dodir /opt/${P}/.systemPrefs
+ # Create files used as storage for system preferences.
+ touch "${D}/opt/${P}/.systemPrefs/.system.lock"
+ chmod 644 "${D}/opt/${P}/.systemPrefs/.system.lock"
+ touch "${D}/opt/${P}/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile"
+ chmod 644 "${D}/opt/${P}/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile"
+ # FIXME figure out how to handle the control pannel conflict with
+ # sun-jdk-bin
+ # install control panel for Gnome/KDE
+# sed -e "s/INSTALL_DIR\/JRE_NAME_VERSION/\/opt\/${P}/" \
+# -e "s/\(Name=Java\)/\1 Control Panel/" \
+# "${D}/opt/${P}/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop" > \
+# "${T}/sun_java-jre.desktop"
+# domenu "${T}/sun_java-jre.desktop"
+ set_java_env
+ java-vm_revdep-mask
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java- b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fcc44236ec77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-,v 1.1 2008/12/06 13:46:13 betelgeuse Exp $
+inherit versionator pax-utils eutils java-vm-2
+UPDATE="$(get_version_component_range 4)"
+MY_PV="$(get_version_component_range 2-3)u${UPDATE}"
+DESCRIPTION="32bit version Sun's J2SE Runtime Environment"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64"
+IUSE="X alsa nsplugin"
+RDEPEND="alsa? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs )
+ X? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs )"
+JAVA_PROVIDE="jdbc-stdext jdbc-rowset"
+ opt/${P}/lib/i386/"
+src_unpack() {
+ mkdir bundled-jdk
+ cd bundled-jdk
+ sh "${DISTDIR}"/${At} --accept-license --unpack || die "Failed to unpack"
+ cd ..
+ bash "${FILESDIR}"/ bundled-jdk sun-jdk-${PV} ${P} || die " failed"
+src_compile() {
+ # Set PaX markings on all JDK/JRE executables to allow code-generation on
+ # the heap by the JIT compiler. This has to be done before CDS - #215225
+ pax-mark m $(list-paxables "${S}"/bin/*)
+ # see bug #207282
+ einfo "Creating the Class Data Sharing archives"
+ "${S}"/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump || die
+src_install() {
+ dodir /opt/${P}
+ cp -pPR bin lib man javaws plugin "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die "failed to copy"
+ dohtml Welcome.html || die
+ if use nsplugin; then
+ local plugin_dir="ns7-gcc29"
+ if has_version '>=sys-devel/gcc-3' ; then
+ plugin_dir="ns7"
+ fi
+ install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/plugin/i386/$plugin_dir/
+ fi
+ # FIXME figure out how to handle the control pannel conflict with
+ # sun-jdk-bin
+ # install control panel for Gnome/KDE
+# sed -e "s/INSTALL_DIR\/JRE_NAME_VERSION/\/opt\/${P}\/jre/" \
+# -e "s/\(Name=Java\)/\1 Control Panel ${SLOT}/" \
+# ${D}/opt/${P}/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop > \
+# ${T}/sun_java-${SLOT}.desktop
+# domenu ${T}/sun_java-${SLOT}.desktop
+ set_java_env
+ java-vm_revdep-mask
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # Set as default VM if none exists
+ java-vm-2_pkg_postinst
+ if ! use X; then
+ local xwarn="X11 libraries and/or"
+ fi
+ echo
+ ewarn "Some parts of Sun's JDK require ${xwarn} virtual/lpr to be installed."
+ ewarn "Be careful which Java libraries you attempt to use."
+ echo
+ elog "Beginning with the hotspot vm can use epoll"
+ elog "The epoll-based implementation of SelectorProvider is not selected by"
+ elog "default."
+ elog "Use java"
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java- b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa70420c920c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-,v 1.1 2008/12/06 13:46:13 betelgeuse Exp $
+inherit versionator pax-utils java-vm-2 eutils
+UPDATE="$(get_version_component_range 4)"
+MY_PV="$(get_version_component_range 2)u${UPDATE}"
+DESCRIPTION="32bit version Sun's J2SE Runtime Environment"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64"
+IUSE="X alsa nsplugin"
+RDEPEND="alsa? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs )
+ X? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs )
+ app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat"
+JAVA_PROVIDE="jdbc-stdext jdbc-rowset"
+ opt/${P}/lib/i386/
+ opt/${P}/lib/i386/client/
+ opt/${P}/lib/i386/server/"
+src_unpack() {
+ mkdir bundled-jdk
+ cd bundled-jdk
+ sh "${DISTDIR}"/${At} --accept-license --unpack || die "Failed to unpack"
+ cd ..
+ bash "${FILESDIR}"/construct-${SLOT}.sh bundled-jdk sun-jdk-${PV} ${P} || die "construct-${SLOT}.sh failed"
+src_compile() {
+ # Set PaX markings on all JDK/JRE executables to allow code-generation on
+ # the heap by the JIT compiler. This has to be done before CDS - #215225
+ pax-mark m $(list-paxables "${S}"/bin/*)
+ # see bug #207282
+ einfo "Creating the Class Data Sharing archives"
+ "${S}"/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump || die
+ "${S}"/bin/java -server -Xshare:dump || die
+src_install() {
+ local dirs="bin lib man javaws plugin"
+ dodir /opt/${P}
+ cp -pPR ${dirs} "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die "failed to copy"
+ dohtml Welcome.html || die
+ dodir /opt/${P}/share/
+ if use nsplugin; then
+ local plugin_dir="ns7-gcc29"
+ if has_version '>=sys-devel/gcc-3' ; then
+ plugin_dir="ns7"
+ fi
+ install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/plugin/i386/$plugin_dir/
+ install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/lib/i386/ plugin2
+ fi
+ # FIXME figure out how to handle the control pannel conflict with
+ # sun-jdk-bin
+ # install control panel for Gnome/KDE
+# sed -e "s/INSTALL_DIR\/JRE_NAME_VERSION/\/opt\/${P}\/jre/" \
+# -e "s/\(Name=Java\)/\1 Control Panel ${SLOT}/" \
+# ${D}/opt/${P}/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop > \
+# ${T}/sun_java-${SLOT}.desktop
+# domenu ${T}/sun_java-${SLOT}.desktop
+ set_java_env
+ java-vm_revdep-mask
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # Set as default VM if none exists
+ java-vm-2_pkg_postinst
+ elog
+ elog "Two variants of the nsplugin are available via eselect java-nsplugin:"
+ elog "${VMHANDLE} and ${VMHANDLE}-plugin2 (the Next-Generation Plug-In) "
+ ewarn "Note that the ${VMHANDLE}-plugin2 works only in Firefox 3!"
+ elog "For more info see"
+ elog
+ if ! use X; then
+ local xwarn="X11 libraries and/or"
+ fi
+ echo
+ ewarn "Some parts of Sun's JDK require ${xwarn} virtual/lpr to be installed."
+ ewarn "Be careful which Java libraries you attempt to use."