diff options
authorDiego Elio Pettenò <>2010-10-29 16:55:55 +0000
committerDiego Elio Pettenò <>2010-10-29 16:55:55 +0000
commitd874d8318ef1be0963feb498e177b7e515adbb7a (patch)
tree61770dcf9a1eff41c4a17cb003287859111e9c7c /app-emulation/libvirt
parentremove unused use flag (diff)
Version bump, which include my (partial) fix for USB devices from upstream; add a backport for the check target broken in 0.8.5 release when xen is not enabled; allow the backport tarball to be fetched either from my dev space or from Doug's. Audit support is disabled until properly tested.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha2/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation/libvirt')
4 files changed, 308 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/libvirt/ChangeLog b/app-emulation/libvirt/ChangeLog
index 3edc2369712f..268db520468d 100644
--- a/app-emulation/libvirt/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-emulation/libvirt/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
# ChangeLog for app-emulation/libvirt
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/libvirt/ChangeLog,v 1.76 2010/10/15 14:28:10 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/libvirt/ChangeLog,v 1.77 2010/10/29 16:55:55 flameeyes Exp $
+*libvirt-0.8.5 (29 Oct 2010)
+ 29 Oct 2010; Diego E. Pettenò <>
+ +libvirt-0.8.5.ebuild, metadata.xml:
+ Version bump, which include my (partial) fix for USB devices from
+ upstream; add a backport for the check target broken in 0.8.5 release when
+ xen is not enabled; allow the backport tarball to be fetched either from
+ my dev space or from Doug's. Audit support is disabled until properly
+ tested.
15 Oct 2010; Diego E. Pettenò <>
-libvirt-0.8.2-r1.ebuild, -libvirt-0.8.3.ebuild, -libvirt-0.8.3-r1.ebuild,
diff --git a/app-emulation/libvirt/Manifest b/app-emulation/libvirt/Manifest
index d8a714262852..ebe59e70814e 100644
--- a/app-emulation/libvirt/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/libvirt/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
+Hash: SHA1
AUX libvirtd.confd-r1 1248 RMD160 ebd5f28c671f2d26e9ff5d4879f959c11d72d7e3 SHA1 4789a80343f06b535d6bc27ef4206704c548c078 SHA256 851ab3f9678f0fa9c3ee03f7fc7bd00c4ee86d5f0777eecf9eb1ffe3243adfd1
AUX libvirtd.init-r1 2558 RMD160 d87b527e9917ef926045fa07e809dc4527f04af7 SHA1 b483a176d650cbf80d64d8da2b5165f62fc23e7f SHA256 03020823683a3374f05a0a45e023037433b2b6fc4c7c8d52ed90f61f3d3f5b7b
DIST libvirt-0.8.4.tar.gz 12726557 RMD160 c4fe8756aa952a6fa3ff276e5bcccb99020294a4 SHA1 dd960237bc54daa3260632763fea21bbb4774c04 SHA256 9c683b910a0b1d22c64065efa79668c954fa378a1699e06ea7393f4822f7ae29
+DIST libvirt-0.8.5-backports-1.tar.bz2 1004 RMD160 82d4ee109a7691bc3c8eafa520c4ebed92394607 SHA1 3ac066fc2bec2162068ebca1dca0385bc71437ec SHA256 94c69c491f1fc614f784c393195e9c7b12622432847b1c5fbe615dda42149781
+DIST libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz 13054019 RMD160 76c16d6b96fce74ab805e1f5cd4f7568dec6f48b SHA1 357da4d90d7730e6e529f086271d425a406c9c46 SHA256 0d4e6aa61ecbfccd3f3289a9821742d599db546eb3f37fe05036a616b3a9df8d
EBUILD libvirt-0.8.4.ebuild 7158 RMD160 cf61d91f1c3ce1a4bf2044ec5d62be3bdf5f61ba SHA1 5a8d6a2a66d49fa5225e0eca244a17d8bc96ce43 SHA256 2b0937ac50c59f7f578342db9626b719bd68e2b7be10df7ac8d0133530425685
-MISC ChangeLog 17323 RMD160 8f89f5153a43ab983421bb53bfa5ac50d895f2fd SHA1 1e707437f328a3fe633e34bbb4b23d706e419961 SHA256 69dc9328acadbe2410e54d51a6ca9919f6a18b9ed6ec27ab9941fe7efc6d267e
-MISC metadata.xml 1896 RMD160 e018b4e1c180f11e4dbfeb4cd427e375b075f928 SHA1 18710512850d875166b4291e37a345a335429044 SHA256 6ee748f059db268fe0974fc94735c0df8e130b5d60fbeb062b8165c5ea9c0a6c
+EBUILD libvirt-0.8.5.ebuild 7349 RMD160 010a07487dc381551fedcb48765392c9128e8300 SHA1 4ab4798274d81cce359c4e7f4541a850eebb54be SHA256 4b37be0d584facd662ddb8a83244003d901f0188cc2f1384eb3c78c85bf585d7
+MISC ChangeLog 17751 RMD160 ad131895158ded757b546d7184d0fcc98a91d40a SHA1 1cc0a5ec8357238b70d63495bfdd2c6cadb0cacb SHA256 24ea942bd115acc26e10957af28201b0ce67338cd81b0bfd1c3f25e4489b62e5
+MISC metadata.xml 2064 RMD160 e1f178f47b632c8b5b81d6576a2bf385d96f3fa6 SHA1 f388851157f86734622463975e422738ac034299 SHA256 19c0a40f533680c393da0d1706613d3c252a63a3b5959891511ae701e8b83f14
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/app-emulation/libvirt/libvirt-0.8.5.ebuild b/app-emulation/libvirt/libvirt-0.8.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a3ff9304823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/libvirt/libvirt-0.8.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/libvirt/libvirt-0.8.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/10/29 16:55:55 flameeyes Exp $
+PYTHON_DEPEND="python? 2:2.4"
+inherit eutils python autotools
+DESCRIPTION="C toolkit to manipulate virtual machines"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="avahi caps debug iscsi +libvirtd lvm +lxc macvtap +network nfs nls \
+ numa openvz parted pcap phyp policykit python qemu sasl selinux
+ uml virtualbox xen udev +json"
+# IUSE=one : bug #293416 & bug #299011
+ sys-libs/ncurses
+ >=net-misc/curl-7.18.0
+ >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.7.6
+ >=dev-libs/libnl-1.1
+ >=net-libs/gnutls-1.0.25
+ sys-fs/sysfsutils
+ sys-apps/util-linux
+ >=net-analyzer/netcat6-1.0-r2
+ avahi? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6[dbus] )
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap-ng )
+ iscsi? ( sys-block/open-iscsi )
+ libvirtd? ( net-misc/bridge-utils )
+ lvm? ( >=sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.48-r2 )
+ macvtap? ( >=dev-libs/libnl-1.1 )
+ nfs? ( net-fs/nfs-utils )
+ numa? ( sys-process/numactl )
+ openvz? ( sys-kernel/openvz-sources )
+ parted? ( >=sys-block/parted-1.8[device-mapper] )
+ pcap? ( >=net-libs/libpcap-1.0.0 )
+ phyp? ( net-libs/libssh2 )
+ policykit? ( >=sys-auth/polkit-0.9 )
+ qemu? ( || ( app-emulation/qemu-kvm >=app-emulation/qemu-0.10.0 app-emulation/qemu-kvm-spice ) )
+ sasl? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl )
+ selinux? ( >=sys-libs/libselinux-2.0.85 )
+ virtualbox? ( || ( >=app-emulation/virtualbox-ose-2.2.0 >=app-emulation/virtualbox-bin-2.2.0 ) )
+ xen? ( app-emulation/xen-tools app-emulation/xen )
+ udev? ( >=sys-fs/udev-145 >=x11-libs/libpciaccess-0.10.9 )
+ json? ( dev-libs/yajl )"
+# one? ( dev-libs/xmlrpc-c )
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ python_set_active_version 2
+src_prepare() {
+ [[ -n ${BACKPORTS} ]] && \
+ epatch
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=""
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable debug)"
+ ## enable/disable daemon, otherwise client only utils
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with libvirtd)"
+ ## enable/disable the daemon using avahi to find VMs
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with avahi)"
+ ## hypervisors on the local host
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with xen) $(use_with xen xen-inotify)"
+ if ! use policykit && use xen; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-xen-proxy"
+ fi
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with openvz)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with lxc)"
+ if use virtualbox && has_version app-emulation/virtualbox-ose; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-vbox=/usr/lib/virtualbox-ose/"
+ else
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with virtualbox vbox)"
+ fi
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with uml)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with qemu)"
+ # doesn't belong with hypervisors but links to libvirtd for some reason
+ #myconf="${myconf} $(use_with one)"
+ ## hypervisor protocols
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with phyp)"
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-esx"
+ ## additional host drivers
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with network)"
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-storage-fs"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with lvm storage-lvm)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with iscsi storage-iscsi)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with parted storage-disk)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with lvm storage-mpath)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with numa numactl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with selinux)"
+ # udev for device support details
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with udev)"
+ # linux capability support so we don't need privileged accounts
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with caps capng)"
+ ## auth stuff
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with policykit polkit)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with sasl)"
+ # network biits
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with pcap libpcap)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with macvtap)"
+ ## other
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable nls)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with python)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with json yajl)"
+ ## stuff we don't yet support
+ myconf="${myconf} --without-netcf --without-audit"
+ # we use udev over hal
+ myconf="${myconf} --without-hal"
+ # this is a nasty trick to work around the problem in bug
+ # #275073. The reason why we don't solve this properly is that
+ # it'll require us to rebuild autotools (and we don't really want
+ # to do that right now). The proper solution has been sent
+ # upstream and should hopefully land in 0.7.7, in the mean time,
+ # mime the same functionality with this.
+ case ${CHOST} in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw* )
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ac_cv_prog_WINDRES=no
+ ;;
+ esac
+ econf \
+ ${myconf} \
+ --disable-static \
+ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
+ --with-remote \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-remote-pid-file=/var/run/
+src_test() {
+ # Explicitly allow parallel build of tests
+ emake check || die "tests failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake install \
+ DESTDIR="${D}" \
+ HTML_DIR=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html \
+ DOCS_DIR=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/python \
+ EXAMPLE_DIR=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/python/examples \
+ || die "emake install failed"
+ find "${D}" -name '*.la' -delete || die
+ use libvirtd || return 0
+ # From here, only libvirtd-related instructions, be warned!
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/libvirtd.init-r1" libvirtd || die
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/libvirtd.confd-r1" libvirtd || die
+ keepdir /var/lib/libvirt/images
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # we only ever want to generate this once
+ if [[ -e "${ROOT}"/etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml ]]; then
+ rm -rf "${D}"/etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml
+ fi
+ # We really don't want to use or support old PolicyKit cause it
+ # screws with the new polkit integration
+ if has_version sys-auth/policykit; then
+ rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/PolicyKit/policy/org.libvirt.unix.policy
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ use python && python_mod_optimize $(python_get_sitedir)/
+ elog
+ if use policykit && has_version sys-auth/policykit; then
+ elog "You must have run the following at least once:"
+ elog
+ elog "$ polkit-auth --grant org.libvirt.unix.manage --user \"USERNAME\""
+ elog
+ elog "to grant USERNAME access to libvirt when using USE=policykit"
+ else
+ elog "To allow normal users to connect to libvirtd you must change the"
+ elog " unix sock group and/or perms in /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf"
+ fi
+ use libvirtd || return 0
+ # From here, only libvirtd-related instructions, be warned!
+ elog
+ elog "For the basic networking support (bridged and routed networks)"
+ elog "you don't need any extra software. For more complex network modes"
+ elog "including but not limited to NATed network, you'll need the"
+ elog "following packages":
+ elog
+ elog " net-dns/dnsmasq"
+ elog " >=net-firewall/iptables-1.4.9"
+ elog " net-firewall/ebtables"
+ elog
+ if has_version net-dns/dnsmasq; then
+ ewarn "If you have a DNS server setup on your machine, you will have"
+ ewarn "to configure /etc/dnsmasq.conf to enable the following settings: "
+ ewarn " bind-interfaces"
+ ewarn " interface or except-interface"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Otherwise you might have issues with your existing DNS server."
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use python && python_mod_cleanup $(python_get_sitedir)/
diff --git a/app-emulation/libvirt/metadata.xml b/app-emulation/libvirt/metadata.xml
index 4838896e449b..116f7b300998 100644
--- a/app-emulation/libvirt/metadata.xml
+++ b/app-emulation/libvirt/metadata.xml
@@ -1,41 +1,44 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <herd>virtualization</herd>
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Doug Goldstein</name>
- </maintainer>
- <use>
- <flag name='iscsi'>Add support for iSCSI (Internet SCSI) remote
- storage</flag>
- <flag name='lvm'>Add support for the Logical Volume Manager
- <pkg>sys-apps/lvm2</pkg></flag>
- <flag name='lxc'>Add support for the Linux Containers</flag>
- <flag name='openvz'>Add support for <pkg>sys-kernel/openvz-sources</pkg>
- OpenVZ-based virtual machines</flag>
- <flag name='parted'>Add support for the <pkg>sys-block/parted</pkg>
- partition editor</flag>
- <flag name='uml'>Add support for User Mode Linux based virtual
- machines</flag>
- <flag name='qemu'>Add support for <pkg>app-emulation/qemu</pkg> based
- virtual machines</flag>
- <flag name='xen'>Add support for <pkg>app-emulation/xen</pkg> based
- virtual machines</flag>
- <flag name='network'>Enable networking support for guests</flag>
- <flag name='virtualbox'>Adds support for VirtualBox based virtual
- machines</flag>
- <flag name='numa'>Use NUMA for memory segmenting via
- <pkg>sys-process/numactl</pkg></flag>
- <flag name='nfs'>Allow the libvirtd daemon store VM images on NFS
- mounts</flag>
- <flag name='libvirtd'>Builds the libvirtd daemon as well as the client
- utilities instead of just the client utilities</flag>
- <flag name='phyp'>Support the PHYP hypervisor protocol</flag>
- <flag name='pcap'>Support auto learning IP addreses for routing</flag>
- <flag name='macvtap'>Support for MAC-based TAP (macvlan/macvtap). For
- networking instead of the normal TUN/TAP. It has its advantages and
- disadvantages. macvtap support requires very new kernels and is
- currently evolving. Support for this is experimental at best</flag>
- </use>
+ <herd>virtualization</herd>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Doug Goldstein</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <use>
+ <flag name='iscsi'>Add support for iSCSI (Internet SCSI) remote
+ storage</flag>
+ <flag name='lvm'>Add support for the Logical Volume Manager
+ <pkg>sys-apps/lvm2</pkg></flag>
+ <flag name='lxc'>Add support for the Linux Containers</flag>
+ <flag name='openvz'>Add support for <pkg>sys-kernel/openvz-sources</pkg>
+ OpenVZ-based virtual machines</flag>
+ <flag name='parted'>Add support for the <pkg>sys-block/parted</pkg>
+ partition editor</flag>
+ <flag name='uml'>Add support for User Mode Linux based virtual
+ machines</flag>
+ <flag name='qemu'>Add support for <pkg>app-emulation/qemu</pkg> based
+ virtual machines</flag>
+ <flag name='xen'>Add support for <pkg>app-emulation/xen</pkg> based
+ virtual machines</flag>
+ <flag name='network'>Enable networking support for guests</flag>
+ <flag name='virtualbox'>Adds support for VirtualBox based virtual
+ machines</flag>
+ <flag name='numa'>Use NUMA for memory segmenting via
+ <pkg>sys-process/numactl</pkg></flag>
+ <flag name='nfs'>Allow the libvirtd daemon store VM images on NFS
+ mounts</flag>
+ <flag name='libvirtd'>Builds the libvirtd daemon as well as the client
+ utilities instead of just the client utilities</flag>
+ <flag name='phyp'>Support the PHYP hypervisor protocol</flag>
+ <flag name='pcap'>Support auto learning IP addreses for routing</flag>
+ <flag name='macvtap'>Support for MAC-based TAP (macvlan/macvtap). For
+ networking instead of the normal TUN/TAP. It has its advantages and
+ disadvantages. macvtap support requires very new kernels and is
+ currently evolving. Support for this is experimental at best</flag>
+ <flag name='json'>
+ Support QEmu 0.13 JSON-based interface, using <pkg>dev-libs/yajl</pkg>.
+ </flag>
+ </use>