diff options
authorPacho Ramos <>2011-08-01 09:49:03 +0000
committerPacho Ramos <>2011-08-01 09:49:03 +0000
commitf665903dcd4d8a6c17c40e0986a2023bd15329e1 (patch)
parentadd entropy-kioslaves entry (diff)
Version bump and remove old (4.96 will be the next stable candidate if possible).
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
-rw-r--r--net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.96-r1.ebuild (renamed from net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r1.ebuild)4
-rw-r--r--net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.96.ebuild (renamed from net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95.ebuild)4
18 files changed, 35 insertions, 951 deletions
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/ChangeLog b/net-wireless/bluez/ChangeLog
index 5a80cd5b159b..e03e946c68ba 100644
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-wireless/bluez/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
# ChangeLog for net-wireless/bluez
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/ChangeLog,v 1.99 2011/07/28 15:33:24 pva Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/ChangeLog,v 1.100 2011/08/01 09:49:02 pacho Exp $
+*bluez-4.96-r1 (01 Aug 2011)
+*bluez-4.96 (01 Aug 2011)
+ 01 Aug 2011; Pacho Ramos <> -bluez-4.94.ebuild,
+ -files/4.18/bluetooth-conf.d, -files/4.18/conf.d-hidd, -bluez-4.95.ebuild,
+ -files/4.18/bluetooth-init.d, -files/4.18/cups-location.patch,
+ -bluez-4.95-r1.ebuild, -files/4.18/init.d-hidd, -bluez-4.95-r2.ebuild,
+ -files/4.60/bluetooth-conf.d, -bluez-4.95-r3.ebuild,
+ -files/4.60/bluetooth-init.d, -bluez-4.87.ebuild,
+ -files/bluez-4.95-high-cpu-usage.patch, +bluez-4.96.ebuild,
+ -files/4.60/cups-location.patch, +bluez-4.96-r1.ebuild:
+ Version bump and remove old (4.96 will be the next stable candidate if
+ possible).
*bluez-4.95-r3 (28 Jul 2011)
*bluez-4.95-r2 (28 Jul 2011)
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/Manifest b/net-wireless/bluez/Manifest
index 2e9322d59a18..2569c2b292b4 100644
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/Manifest
+++ b/net-wireless/bluez/Manifest
@@ -1,35 +1,28 @@
-AUX 4.18/bluetooth-conf.d 257 RMD160 d3a6cd6e9fb77f6bc0c6aac4833b15c60b781c52 SHA1 c1088c509e2182a3b5987148da03393ab2053101 SHA256 73427f2c46e7be41c24e4c536107ecf8845e0125b34997d74934b92d40f79ee4
-AUX 4.18/bluetooth-init.d 1171 RMD160 6ef1d5dc53200f282ccd02aacd5ff50d78484d78 SHA1 ef39d708cf433d9ec2d8e59b1bd3729586895449 SHA256 e314970474e19b33598272c0539bb540b45fd6e65a2d1d165648f50d54308b6e
-AUX 4.18/conf.d-hidd 89 RMD160 31407e00bcb00eb0b9c1adeb7434a922bfb967e9 SHA1 dc6831fa817c8bd2378830e13bc96d3ff3fdffa2 SHA256 8fc50b8c644e0bc69eacef2a9555118b2f4758aafcb42e8ea3ca1293e8f3a211
-AUX 4.18/cups-location.patch 480 RMD160 3da74418b140c2ea05d2c9e0d743eaf004deba5d SHA1 3605b1633c92b2b7eefc7e6b78e98df3e12088a8 SHA256 cede5fed7e4ece7cf4977d40e7fd8f9a22200660b06cca15d39c9c40542ab33d
-AUX 4.18/init.d-hidd 779 RMD160 8dc919f4d0aa2df8464e3326c14b6f5a9f0c360f SHA1 45901988313787db4f1d5a0fdc44009ffa3d650b SHA256 d5816349cc85313a8f7f1b79112918aeda863ff59f298b99462611860605c737
-AUX 4.60/bluetooth-conf.d 181 RMD160 287e1806e25a4f74b4a9f6fc401b78dac31d44ee SHA1 595f897553a6e99000b4a4757f8973b9f39ce11d SHA256 63a96c907996158f637abc3202235b81e7c8a998df487b3e83554062433dd2f8
-AUX 4.60/bluetooth-init.d 744 RMD160 2ba879ecc26046d64957d87f6fd67efd4b16a75f SHA1 bfee70f3491d57f5da556850260d49c06408dfa6 SHA256 bd15833f1fab747a1e90997696c49754e0b1ba121ad8017df567b35c60e2ac3a
-AUX 4.60/cups-location.patch 311 RMD160 25260d0d4c0b28def0ca29dbe4579d582c632a06 SHA1 0e5218280082a2121c7553e79aba9cbb703c9fe0 SHA256 2240f0ce509f323f0b657049140a75fda3d83242b02546d81eeaa1bb3f7c26ec
+Hash: SHA1
AUX bluetooth-conf.d 181 RMD160 287e1806e25a4f74b4a9f6fc401b78dac31d44ee SHA1 595f897553a6e99000b4a4757f8973b9f39ce11d SHA256 63a96c907996158f637abc3202235b81e7c8a998df487b3e83554062433dd2f8
AUX bluetooth-init.d 767 RMD160 7afb50646e359ed1ede5abdc4e5e01319dc9e3c4 SHA1 3685d4dbbf56802cb03a483dad23825968dc57f8 SHA256 38efb9dffaab70477f7525dd6657dffc725c61e29c05b0649e95c31f589b31ce
AUX bluez-4.18-udev.rules 228 RMD160 ab9b4ce8907c62eb9d1f14406cc2ff3f5ec69a19 SHA1 14e652de6cfed28f215727800460e600129007c2 SHA256 7577c2ed295b67f960f17ac65a44889c6536c125b34e33860d6d9f128a59fa82
AUX bluez-4.18-udev.script 752 RMD160 d8f60749dbe497bef7362a4c3f56b2b83ca079cb SHA1 0c39b4b4f4c57fb334daa793f89c0ffac046b956 SHA256 cb41a4eeea5137fb27d82d74f34e5e7dd725ddf8442c39ea623afe0d3c041fcf
-AUX bluez-4.95-high-cpu-usage.patch 1404 RMD160 5462f40b110120fe1812161b5908a73639b9b998 SHA1 0ffa65611ab37c10da6502fd251fae90eb3eae9c SHA256 912b2344b20e1c7891e1baefbb67688e33b1427226a8058fbaad02848def489c
AUX bluez-plugdev.patch 469 RMD160 a70cd0310240491cf14a5a6d7b60e760804e9816 SHA1 b273aac740e7c19aebc441c6c77e0ba8d32f3480 SHA256 ec3f06f24f530574edf5eef308afcf16bb7e0a88336a454a0b24698d2491f5f2
AUX conf.d-dund 96 RMD160 cf0a59a45f6f1bab134e4aab3545a94dfe094ae0 SHA1 c8d3196d8a917ee5240900af8478bb5adc6c7dea SHA256 fcbf3993c373a71e14557ed35854e839fd7ebf3526f753c83cee07194afca64b
AUX conf.d-hidd 89 RMD160 31407e00bcb00eb0b9c1adeb7434a922bfb967e9 SHA1 dc6831fa817c8bd2378830e13bc96d3ff3fdffa2 SHA256 8fc50b8c644e0bc69eacef2a9555118b2f4758aafcb42e8ea3ca1293e8f3a211
AUX init.d-dund 551 RMD160 273a9fb1989b80f12dc9813e9fe9ca42bd010e33 SHA1 51a24ecdf6d973c09553ed525e97e1cad2d6261f SHA256 e4985a2295d1cd2361b4a6a01b2d474820bf66cb1ff9251742d7aacd0fa574aa
AUX init.d-hidd 780 RMD160 46a761ad2e151c2e1d997a9455edf4e3e4d61df0 SHA1 7d2d80a91517d5fa2965c1ac6078d8cc4f382198 SHA256 b1878d70112fd8fa1b851aaa4caa5e2b4efb55bf8e2dda02c014b55ce93adedb
-DIST bluez-4.87.tar.gz 1114526 RMD160 1caa1068d99dc37f1fe48cfc3c83dd756ff03c14 SHA1 a7b0f04d3005e130a193afd457e4fe5450ea9aa0 SHA256 86afb988935e5385fb22ea0893f269f870d6f78b18aaccea6d4d0e253e2f241b
DIST bluez-4.93.tar.gz 1153210 RMD160 6355a2b6fe4449e3656bae9156bc37705f526da8 SHA1 30cabd0deec55ba44ca25f5621485e1d6a6e10d4 SHA256 ad370dbc8c4d37a0cc3d5078d62542f0e53a33f5b2df849cf7601ef25c5e6087
-DIST bluez-4.94.tar.gz 1152526 RMD160 20010e0db361fce9e08c0342d092f8397e478551 SHA1 5a6ac6dfe6074e002a517f6e841623f0ded66e41 SHA256 c36d11cb9dae2143cf513e9b3e76c4a96cb88635a141c721a909136aae9af1c5
-DIST bluez-4.95.tar.gz 1155933 RMD160 077c8345f7ce791d2f8f4637f478cc64b0fc6e08 SHA1 9e7a9461ab77e219ad32914a2832660ddf56cd35 SHA256 d6ea9de410fc2bcd2620d709c2202893b218e2e6a55c3c0ce6bebd27fa4120f6
-DIST oui-20110128.txt 2329914 RMD160 d9c875e85ac0e2d6516ff24ec84bd0f3551a3c25 SHA1 0d4c1bd7d63326a6f1187718989e51b24c38078a SHA256 16d8cdd4e14fabe0aacc3366c83b75a949cd0afc03cf0ff342833d3e7fba0ba2
+DIST bluez-4.96.tar.gz 1164913 RMD160 7775a70c5cd86fc418547fae83621dab39196147 SHA1 c9327784cbcf1efc03cc547ceb18de90c8fb4c7c SHA256 c06fd50fd77909cad55e3181a42c6bce7cfcf7abb8cd87871c13d0d70f87fa99
DIST oui-20110505.txt.xz 509796 RMD160 8f2cab01a07547256f265bdcd43b7c216e748bc2 SHA1 0fc5363b0f4cb34fa7005e61e35f20a7fe35d8de SHA256 4980dbc81fc91c6efdc7d1110203dfb0c0c2eb41dc0b95e6b3ecacbc8cdec1e2
-DIST oui-20110605.txt.xz 513744 RMD160 9d6d09d1cc8fbabe9b4d23395e9e2f401be6d3c5 SHA1 2ffbb6aead3b36d9f18c642c4febdfa61aae6977 SHA256 3e0b16a7293eadaea7bea9b58cde119769a948ccd3c1f89413efc2183956fc38
-DIST oui-20110708.txt.xz 518100 RMD160 d15ca019fb9de4400b8f633988d3c9e1f21a235e SHA1 92cbc281219e0f296945ddc1d9906f6185da60ab SHA256 88409b472371516a32788235de337170a0de126e8e5a06eb8fa9d5edbf414eb5
-EBUILD bluez-4.87.ebuild 5642 RMD160 a1da5c51be06ad13e38882f8ef0743c625039141 SHA1 f75a250518751965b12a4f74b70a611bce2b6e85 SHA256 27e24d62f1521a4bff9e23664cd48eb20cd1be16f64bda879b27d008b65cb767
+DIST oui-20110801.txt.xz 520980 RMD160 2f7c863825fa8ae35d9beebe6bbd49fddd32f32e SHA1 a210a711e4e8046627676e5adf56132c977b663c SHA256 47be96b0e7b4a3235260f94ad77445fbf5226832ede588d9ea67d61759ff32e3
EBUILD bluez-4.93.ebuild 4792 RMD160 54618a9ccc7016f67ac8378ae138fd7ec4d31de5 SHA1 15f00d4130d5daefda1fb85b104d1e5a0aa14b36 SHA256 8827d77280be8b5a009edd2620c1b827ef94d33b58104770a78c14af437b3131
-EBUILD bluez-4.94.ebuild 4796 RMD160 3f17dcba87c2a10f0cdeef43ba9827572ba63984 SHA1 992ef07315ddcf4b519fb795ff0f2d3e16095521 SHA256 27d45cbc0896f9afe2f23a9cc8949b9f953144e9c261497db902eb5bc631a897
-EBUILD bluez-4.95-r1.ebuild 4847 RMD160 d87892234a975ba3d92dce3951a51a6208c4853e SHA1 39b1913f15d75195562c205db654c0b69291d6dd SHA256 81e6e0d9f3da3d300117e1c2fa5af12342a6153dffa3b61976d73658713ee5ed
-EBUILD bluez-4.95-r2.ebuild 4889 RMD160 1e2ea4f2ee062859a6a70e63ad7efc9c80ed7c95 SHA1 1f0a8539c30617a5e74e32634b49955dff9c4b19 SHA256 efc0694a765c971c8abc10d038ba8f3196fb27752574174d26cee9e457a9dee9
-EBUILD bluez-4.95-r3.ebuild 4902 RMD160 f9ac9d90351dc433a1ddaa43984aa14ce8f44b32 SHA1 2adc533f61c4b01527aa9cfce4d5ce025f0f12b1 SHA256 c3f2134f78f635fc201f279f157a3af49bde6c9d9ed5927193fd36aee46682ab
-EBUILD bluez-4.95.ebuild 4831 RMD160 51457444bea018297448490b816abcbb2fc560c1 SHA1 4359b8bee27e7946440b411d26ab732c45465e32 SHA256 cb89523966d7a2419ad6b21ad9d0c2eb7b9cbdc7cb4232415cfaffe44efe2e97
-MISC ChangeLog 18309 RMD160 29710b3c026495dc3b12dd1ccac7c2ed74102052 SHA1 215fca25e947bfc727b03b88e2602d7e1764623a SHA256 f149f7c9b4bf806bbe9bc77b7f780c9393077f7bdcf99db155f78138081a4f84
-MISC metadata.xml 1052 RMD160 5df0b0075716e5e6aee6ebcb4b734c61ca4e372e SHA1 9b13c6123b253d99e742c8a1e9be5ed50b430c80 SHA256 7006466957d5bb3c892604d1e76093d1ee2ba9fc85ebe6459f643138af174c5c
+EBUILD bluez-4.96-r1.ebuild 4847 RMD160 9eeebb7537ae10093ae250305b7002d16da3dfa5 SHA1 8ccf949da2af769c5248479b99c33afa1262d688 SHA256 7914a8022e5fa9c3911232444462d4c2e6f556b951891da61f86148228585192
+EBUILD bluez-4.96.ebuild 4831 RMD160 9cd5ff5cdcfae6a06e5e0a6685b4cb95cdaf81d5 SHA1 b512d7ccaa8fab093b974661185e34c18a5d7ec7 SHA256 2b9b795c63c7c28686f99b230568a874ad8f0c7c85cfa0ef7eac81cb3613ff14
+MISC ChangeLog 18963 RMD160 333e162d4cdfe53af5332e9eb108da709e5020bf SHA1 c62e559532b93cf948d8b5d47c3de16d8193e2db SHA256 bef837c1941268f8cb7d6bfef9473a00531386a71a6fc9abca40d54fddc66adc
+MISC metadata.xml 1002 RMD160 39cba3b507b69bcf58bb5561d8d6af1fd4a9aef4 SHA1 b7eaf92005d3a6f1a697f179f87a2b31e52cf50e SHA256 eefe2611dfa35dc04b39e2c7b36d9ebdfb3764bf945249bf994bd20606dfdeef
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.87.ebuild b/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.87.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index dfd75988c64a..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.87.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.87.ebuild,v 1.7 2011/03/21 23:00:35 maekke Exp $
-inherit multilib eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Bluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux"
-# Because of oui.txt changing from time to time without noticement, we need to supply it
-# ourselves instead of using directly.
-# See bugs #345263 and #349473 for reference.
-OUIDATE="20110128" # Needed because of bug #345263
-KEYWORDS="amd64 arm hppa ppc ppc64 x86"
-IUSE="alsa attrib caps +consolekit cups debug gstreamer maemo6 health old-daemons pcmcia pnat test-programs usb"
-CDEPEND="alsa? (
- media-libs/alsa-lib[alsa_pcm_plugins_extplug,alsa_pcm_plugins_ioplug]
- )
- caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.6.2 )
- gstreamer? (
- >=media-libs/gstreamer-0.10
- >=media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10 )
- usb? ( dev-libs/libusb )
- cups? ( net-print/cups )
- >=sys-fs/udev-146[extras]
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.14
- sys-apps/dbus
- media-libs/libsndfile
- >=dev-libs/libnl-1.1
- !net-wireless/bluez-libs
- !net-wireless/bluez-utils"
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.20
- consolekit? ( sys-auth/pambase[consolekit] )
- test-programs? (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- dev-python/pygobject )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use consolekit; then
- enewgroup plugdev
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- if ! use consolekit; then
- # No consolekit for at_console etc, so we grant plugdev the rights
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/bluez-plugdev.patch"
- fi
- if use cups; then
- sed -i -e "s:cupsdir = \$(libdir)/cups:cupsdir = `cups-config --serverbin`:" \
- || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- econf \
- $(use_enable caps capng) \
- --enable-network \
- --enable-serial \
- --enable-input \
- --enable-audio \
- --enable-service \
- $(use_enable gstreamer) \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable usb) \
- --enable-tools \
- --enable-bccmd \
- --enable-dfutool \
- $(use_enable old-daemons hidd) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons pand) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons dund) \
- $(use_enable attrib) \
- $(use_enable health) \
- $(use_enable pnat) \
- $(use_enable maemo6) \
- $(use_enable cups) \
- $(use_enable test-programs test) \
- --enable-udevrules \
- --enable-configfiles \
- $(use_enable pcmcia) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --disable-hal
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
- dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog README || die
- if use test-programs ; then
- cd "${S}/test"
- dobin simple-agent simple-service monitor-bluetooth || die
- newbin list-devices list-bluetooth-devices || die
- for b in apitest hsmicro hsplay test-* ; do
- newbin "${b}" "bluez-${b}" || die
- done
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/test-services
- doins service-* || die
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- if use old-daemons; then
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/4.18/conf.d-hidd" hidd || die
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/init.d-hidd" hidd || die
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/conf.d-dund" dund || die
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/init.d-dund" dund || die
- fi
- insinto /etc/bluetooth
- doins \
- input/input.conf \
- audio/audio.conf \
- network/network.conf \
- serial/serial.conf \
- || die
- insinto /$(get_libdir)/udev/rules.d/
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.18-udev.rules" 70-bluetooth.rules || die
- exeinto /$(get_libdir)/udev/
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.18-udev.script" || die
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/bluetooth-init.d" bluetooth || die
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/4.60/bluetooth-conf.d" bluetooth || die
- # Install oui.txt as requested in bug #283791 and approved by upstream
- insinto /var/lib/misc
- newins "${DISTDIR}/oui-${OUIDATE}.txt" oui.txt || die
- find "${ED}" -name "*.la" -delete || die "remove of la files failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=bluetooth
- if ! has_version "net-dialup/ppp"; then
- elog
- elog "To use dial up networking you must install net-dialup/ppp."
- fi
- if ! has_version "net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth" && ! has_version "net-wireless/kbluetooth"; then
- elog
- elog "For desktop integration you can try net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth"
- elog "for gnome and net-wireless/kbluetooth for kde."
- fi
- if ! use old-daemons; then
- elog
- elog "Use the old-daemons use flag to get the old daemons like hidd or pand"
- elog "installed. Please note that 'bluetooth' init script doesn't stop the old"
- elog "daemons after you update it, so it's recommended to stop all of them using"
- elog "their own init scripts or manually killing them."
- fi
- if use consolekit; then
- elog
- elog "If you want to use rfcomm as a normal user, you need to add the user"
- elog "to the uucp group."
- else
- elog
- elog "Since you have the consolekit use flag disabled, you will only be able to run"
- elog "bluetooth clients as root. If you want to be able to run bluetooth clientes as "
- elog "a regular user, you need to enable the consolekit use flag for this package or"
- elog "to add the user to the plugdev group."
- fi
- if use old-daemons; then
- elog
- elog "dund and hidd init scripts were installed because you have the old-daemons"
- elog "use flag on. They are not started by default via udev so please add them"
- elog "to the required runlevels using rc-update <runlevel> add <dund/hidd>. If"
- elog "you need init scripts for the other daemons, please file requests"
- elog "to"
- fi
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.94.ebuild b/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.94.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6831baa92adc..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.94.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.94.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/06/05 12:17:16 pacho Exp $
-inherit multilib eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Bluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux"
-# Because of oui.txt changing from time to time without noticement, we need to supply it
-# ourselves instead of using directly.
-# See bugs #345263 and #349473 for reference.
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
-IUSE="alsa caps +consolekit cups debug gstreamer maemo6 health old-daemons pcmcia pnat test-programs usb"
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.14:2
- media-libs/libsndfile
- sys-apps/dbus
- >=sys-fs/udev-146[extras]
- alsa? (
- media-libs/alsa-lib[alsa_pcm_plugins_extplug,alsa_pcm_plugins_ioplug]
- )
- caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.6.2 )
- cups? ( net-print/cups )
- gstreamer? (
- >=media-libs/gstreamer-0.10:0.10
- >=media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10:0.10
- )
- usb? ( dev-libs/libusb:1 )
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.20
- sys-devel/flex
- !net-wireless/bluez-libs
- !net-wireless/bluez-utils
- consolekit? ( sys-auth/consolekit )
- test-programs? (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- dev-python/pygobject:2
- )
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use consolekit; then
- enewgroup plugdev
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- if ! use consolekit; then
- # No consolekit for at_console etc, so we grant plugdev the rights
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/bluez-plugdev.patch"
- fi
- if use cups; then
- sed -i \
- -e "s:cupsdir = \$(libdir)/cups:cupsdir = `cups-config --serverbin`:" \
- || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- econf \
- $(use_enable caps capng) \
- --enable-network \
- --enable-serial \
- --enable-input \
- --enable-audio \
- --enable-service \
- $(use_enable gstreamer) \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable usb) \
- --enable-tools \
- --enable-bccmd \
- --enable-dfutool \
- $(use_enable old-daemons hidd) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons pand) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons dund) \
- $(use_enable health) \
- $(use_enable pnat) \
- $(use_enable maemo6) \
- $(use_enable cups) \
- $(use_enable test-programs test) \
- --enable-udevrules \
- --enable-configfiles \
- $(use_enable pcmcia) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --disable-hal
-src_install() {
- default
- if use test-programs ; then
- cd "${S}/test"
- dobin simple-agent simple-service monitor-bluetooth
- newbin list-devices list-bluetooth-devices
- rm test-textfile.{c,o} || die # bug #356529
- for b in apitest hsmicro hsplay test-* ; do
- newbin "${b}" "bluez-${b}"
- done
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/test-services
- doins service-*
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- if use old-daemons; then
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/conf.d-hidd" hidd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/init.d-hidd" hidd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/conf.d-dund" dund
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/init.d-dund" dund
- fi
- insinto /etc/bluetooth
- doins \
- input/input.conf \
- audio/audio.conf \
- network/network.conf \
- serial/serial.conf
- insinto /lib/udev/rules.d/
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.18-udev.rules" 70-bluetooth.rules
- exeinto /lib/udev/
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.18-udev.script"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/bluetooth-init.d" bluetooth
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/bluetooth-conf.d" bluetooth
- # Install oui.txt as requested in bug #283791 and approved by upstream
- insinto /var/lib/misc
- newins "${WORKDIR}/oui-${OUIDATE}.txt" oui.txt
- find "${ED}" -name "*.la" -delete
-pkg_postinst() {
- udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=bluetooth
- if ! has_version "net-dialup/ppp"; then
- elog "To use dial up networking you must install net-dialup/ppp."
- fi
- if use old-daemons; then
- elog "dund and hidd init scripts were installed because you have the old-daemons"
- elog "use flag on. They are not started by default via udev so please add them"
- elog "to the required runlevels using rc-update <runlevel> add <dund/hidd>. If"
- elog "you need init scripts for the other daemons, please file requests"
- elog "to"
- fi
- if use consolekit; then
- elog "If you want to use rfcomm as a normal user, you need to add the user"
- elog "to the uucp group."
- else
- elog "Since you have the consolekit use flag disabled, you will only be able to run"
- elog "bluetooth clients as root. If you want to be able to run bluetooth clientes as "
- elog "a regular user, you need to enable the consolekit use flag for this package or"
- elog "to add the user to the plugdev group."
- fi
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r2.ebuild b/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c808e90f006..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/07/28 15:33:24 pva Exp $
-inherit multilib eutils systemd
-DESCRIPTION="Bluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux"
-# Because of oui.txt changing from time to time without noticement, we need to supply it
-# ourselves instead of using directly.
-# See bugs #345263 and #349473 for reference.
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
-IUSE="alsa caps +consolekit cups debug gstreamer maemo6 health old-daemons pcmcia pnat test-programs usb"
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.14:2
- sys-apps/dbus
- >=sys-fs/udev-146[extras]
- alsa? (
- media-libs/alsa-lib[alsa_pcm_plugins_extplug,alsa_pcm_plugins_ioplug]
- media-libs/libsndfile
- )
- caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.6.2 )
- cups? ( net-print/cups )
- gstreamer? (
- >=media-libs/gstreamer-0.10:0.10
- >=media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10:0.10
- )
- usb? ( dev-libs/libusb:1 )
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.20
- sys-devel/flex
- !net-wireless/bluez-libs
- !net-wireless/bluez-utils
- consolekit? ( sys-auth/consolekit )
- test-programs? (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- dev-python/pygobject:2
- )
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use consolekit; then
- enewgroup plugdev
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-high-cpu-usage.patch" #376677
- if ! use consolekit; then
- # No consolekit for at_console etc, so we grant plugdev the rights
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/bluez-plugdev.patch"
- fi
- if use cups; then
- sed -i \
- -e "s:cupsdir = \$(libdir)/cups:cupsdir = `cups-config --serverbin`:" \
- || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- econf \
- --enable-audio \
- --enable-bccmd \
- --enable-datafiles \
- --enable-dfutool \
- --enable-input \
- --enable-network \
- --enable-serial \
- --enable-service \
- --enable-tools \
- --disable-hal \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-systemdunitdir="$(systemd_get_unitdir)" \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable caps capng) \
- $(use_enable cups) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable gstreamer) \
- $(use_enable health) \
- $(use_enable maemo6) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons dund) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons hidd) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons pand) \
- $(use_enable pcmcia) \
- $(use_enable pnat) \
- $(use_enable test-programs test) \
- $(use_enable usb)
-src_install() {
- default
- if use test-programs ; then
- cd "${S}/test"
- dobin simple-agent simple-service monitor-bluetooth
- newbin list-devices list-bluetooth-devices
- rm test-textfile.{c,o} || die # bug #356529
- for b in apitest hsmicro hsplay test-* ; do
- newbin "${b}" "bluez-${b}"
- done
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/test-services
- doins service-*
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- if use old-daemons; then
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/conf.d-hidd" hidd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/init.d-hidd" hidd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/conf.d-dund" dund
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/init.d-dund" dund
- fi
- insinto /etc/bluetooth
- doins \
- input/input.conf \
- audio/audio.conf \
- network/network.conf \
- serial/serial.conf
- insinto /lib/udev/rules.d/
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.18-udev.rules" 70-bluetooth.rules
- exeinto /lib/udev/
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.18-udev.script"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/bluetooth-init.d" bluetooth
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/bluetooth-conf.d" bluetooth
- # Install oui.txt as requested in bug #283791 and approved by upstream
- insinto /var/lib/misc
- newins "${WORKDIR}/oui-${OUIDATE}.txt" oui.txt
- find "${ED}" -name "*.la" -delete
-pkg_postinst() {
- udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=bluetooth
- if ! has_version "net-dialup/ppp"; then
- elog "To use dial up networking you must install net-dialup/ppp."
- fi
- if use old-daemons; then
- elog "dund and hidd init scripts were installed because you have the old-daemons"
- elog "use flag on. They are not started by default via udev so please add them"
- elog "to the required runlevels using rc-update <runlevel> add <dund/hidd>. If"
- elog "you need init scripts for the other daemons, please file requests"
- elog "to"
- fi
- if use consolekit; then
- elog "If you want to use rfcomm as a normal user, you need to add the user"
- elog "to the uucp group."
- else
- elog "Since you have the consolekit use flag disabled, you will only be able to run"
- elog "bluetooth clients as root. If you want to be able to run bluetooth clientes as "
- elog "a regular user, you need to enable the consolekit use flag for this package or"
- elog "to add the user to the plugdev group."
- fi
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r3.ebuild b/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c4b18b08f91..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/07/28 15:33:24 pva Exp $
-inherit multilib eutils systemd
-DESCRIPTION="Bluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux"
-# Because of oui.txt changing from time to time without noticement, we need to supply it
-# ourselves instead of using directly.
-# See bugs #345263 and #349473 for reference.
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
-IUSE="alsa caps +consolekit cups debug gstreamer maemo6 health old-daemons pcmcia pnat test-programs usb"
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.14:2
- sys-apps/dbus
- >=sys-fs/udev-169
- alsa? (
- media-libs/alsa-lib[alsa_pcm_plugins_extplug,alsa_pcm_plugins_ioplug]
- media-libs/libsndfile
- )
- caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.6.2 )
- cups? ( net-print/cups )
- gstreamer? (
- >=media-libs/gstreamer-0.10:0.10
- >=media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10:0.10
- )
- usb? ( dev-libs/libusb:1 )
- >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.20
- sys-devel/flex
- !net-wireless/bluez-libs
- !net-wireless/bluez-utils
- consolekit? ( sys-auth/consolekit )
- test-programs? (
- dev-python/dbus-python
- dev-python/pygobject:2
- )
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use consolekit; then
- enewgroup plugdev
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-high-cpu-usage.patch" #376677
- if ! use consolekit; then
- # No consolekit for at_console etc, so we grant plugdev the rights
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/bluez-plugdev.patch"
- fi
- if use cups; then
- sed -i \
- -e "s:cupsdir = \$(libdir)/cups:cupsdir = `cups-config --serverbin`:" \
- || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- econf \
- --enable-audio \
- --enable-bccmd \
- --enable-datafiles \
- --enable-dfutool \
- --enable-hid2hci \
- --enable-input \
- --enable-network \
- --enable-serial \
- --enable-service \
- --enable-tools \
- --disable-hal \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-systemdunitdir="$(systemd_get_unitdir)" \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable caps capng) \
- $(use_enable cups) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable gstreamer) \
- $(use_enable health) \
- $(use_enable maemo6) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons dund) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons hidd) \
- $(use_enable old-daemons pand) \
- $(use_enable pcmcia) \
- $(use_enable pnat) \
- $(use_enable test-programs test) \
- $(use_enable usb)
-src_install() {
- default
- if use test-programs ; then
- cd "${S}/test"
- dobin simple-agent simple-service monitor-bluetooth
- newbin list-devices list-bluetooth-devices
- rm test-textfile.{c,o} || die # bug #356529
- for b in apitest hsmicro hsplay test-* ; do
- newbin "${b}" "bluez-${b}"
- done
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/test-services
- doins service-*
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- if use old-daemons; then
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/conf.d-hidd" hidd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/init.d-hidd" hidd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/conf.d-dund" dund
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/init.d-dund" dund
- fi
- insinto /etc/bluetooth
- doins \
- input/input.conf \
- audio/audio.conf \
- network/network.conf \
- serial/serial.conf
- insinto /lib/udev/rules.d/
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.18-udev.rules" 70-bluetooth.rules
- exeinto /lib/udev/
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.18-udev.script"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/bluetooth-init.d" bluetooth
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/bluetooth-conf.d" bluetooth
- # Install oui.txt as requested in bug #283791 and approved by upstream
- insinto /var/lib/misc
- newins "${WORKDIR}/oui-${OUIDATE}.txt" oui.txt
- find "${ED}" -name "*.la" -delete
-pkg_postinst() {
- udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=bluetooth
- if ! has_version "net-dialup/ppp"; then
- elog "To use dial up networking you must install net-dialup/ppp."
- fi
- if use old-daemons; then
- elog "dund and hidd init scripts were installed because you have the old-daemons"
- elog "use flag on. They are not started by default via udev so please add them"
- elog "to the required runlevels using rc-update <runlevel> add <dund/hidd>. If"
- elog "you need init scripts for the other daemons, please file requests"
- elog "to"
- fi
- if use consolekit; then
- elog "If you want to use rfcomm as a normal user, you need to add the user"
- elog "to the uucp group."
- else
- elog "Since you have the consolekit use flag disabled, you will only be able to run"
- elog "bluetooth clients as root. If you want to be able to run bluetooth clientes as "
- elog "a regular user, you need to enable the consolekit use flag for this package or"
- elog "to add the user to the plugdev group."
- fi
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r1.ebuild b/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.96-r1.ebuild
index 1293560ace93..bc1f3af7cd1a 100644
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r1.ebuild
+++ b/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.96-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/07/08 19:32:58 pacho Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.96-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/08/01 09:49:02 pacho Exp $
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ HOMEPAGE=""
# Because of oui.txt changing from time to time without noticement, we need to supply it
# ourselves instead of using directly.
# See bugs #345263 and #349473 for reference.
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95.ebuild b/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.96.ebuild
index 276906e5fa19..4d03b6021997 100644
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95.ebuild
+++ b/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.96.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.95.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/07/08 19:32:58 pacho Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/bluez-4.96.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/08/01 09:49:02 pacho Exp $
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ HOMEPAGE=""
# Because of oui.txt changing from time to time without noticement, we need to supply it
# ourselves instead of using directly.
# See bugs #345263 and #349473 for reference.
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/bluetooth-conf.d b/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/bluetooth-conf.d
deleted file mode 100644
index c84ac4f1175c..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/bluetooth-conf.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Bluetooth configuraton file
-# Run hid2hci (allowed values are "true" and "false")
-# Bind rfcomm devices (allowed values are "true" and "false")
-# Config file for rfcomm
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/bluetooth-init.d b/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/bluetooth-init.d
deleted file mode 100644
index d66708495cf7..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/bluetooth-init.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/bluetooth-init.d,v 1.1 2008/11/28 21:21:35 dev-zero Exp $
-depend() {
- after coldplug
- need dbus localmount
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting Bluetooth"
- local result=0
- ebegin " Starting bluetoothd"
- # -s enables internal sdp server
- start-stop-daemon --start \
- --exec /usr/sbin/bluetoothd
- result=$?
- eend ${result}
- if [ "${HID2HCI_ENABLE}" = "true" -a -x /usr/sbin/hid2hci ]; then
- ebegin " Running hid2hci"
- /usr/sbin/hid2hci --tohci -q #be quiet
- [ ${result} == 0 ] && result=$?
- eend ${result}
- fi
- if [ "${RFCOMM_ENABLE}" = "true" -a -x /usr/bin/rfcomm ]; then
- if [ -f "${RFCOMM_CONFIG}" ]; then
- ebegin " Starting rfcomm"
- /usr/bin/rfcomm -f "${RFCOMM_CONFIG}" bind all
- [ ${result} == 0 ] && result=$?
- eend ${result}
- else
- ewarn "Not enabling rfcomm because RFCOMM_CONFIG does not exists"
- fi
- fi
- eend ${result}
-stop() {
- ebegin "Shutting down Bluetooth"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/bluetoothd
- eend $?
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/conf.d-hidd b/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/conf.d-hidd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1677ef0f3556..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/conf.d-hidd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Bluetooth hidd daemon configuraton file
-# Arguments to hidd
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/cups-location.patch b/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/cups-location.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ddc020062b..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/cups-location.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-? cups/.deps
-? cups/Makefile
-? cups/
-Index: cups/
-RCS file: /cvsroot/bluez/utils/cups/,v
-retrieving revision 1.9
-diff -u -r1.9
---- cups/ 20 Aug 2006 02:21:03 -0000 1.9
-+++ cups/ 1 Jun 2007 15:47:14 -0000
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- if CUPS
--cupsdir = $(libdir)/cups/backend
-+cupsdir = `cups-config --serverbin`/backend
- cups_PROGRAMS = bluetooth
- else
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/init.d-hidd b/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/init.d-hidd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e61281a48fe..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/init.d-hidd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.18/init.d-hidd,v 1.1 2008/11/28 21:21:35 dev-zero Exp $
-depend() {
- need bluetooth
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting hidd"
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
- --exec /usr/bin/hidd -- ${HIDD_OPTIONS} --server
- local result="$?"
- local service="/etc/bluetooth/input.service"
- if [ "${result}" != "0" ] && grep -q "Autostart=true" ${service}; then
- eerror "You have Autostart=true in ${service}."
- eerror "Change this to false if you want to use hidd."
- fi
- eend ${result}
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping hidd"
- hidd --killall
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/bin/hidd
- eend $?
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/bluetooth-conf.d b/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/bluetooth-conf.d
deleted file mode 100644
index b0cc744415ad..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/bluetooth-conf.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Bluetooth configuraton file
-# Bind rfcomm devices (allowed values are "true" and "false")
-# Config file for rfcomm
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/bluetooth-init.d b/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/bluetooth-init.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 42f223896bb6..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/bluetooth-init.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/bluetooth-init.d,v 1.2 2010/06/11 10:14:00 pacho Exp $
-depend() {
- after coldplug
- need dbus localmount
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting Bluetooth"
- udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=bluetooth --action=add
- eend $?
- if [ "${RFCOMM_ENABLE}" = "true" -a -x /usr/bin/rfcomm ]; then
- if [ -f "${RFCOMM_CONFIG}" ]; then
- ebegin " Starting rfcomm"
- /usr/bin/rfcomm -f "${RFCOMM_CONFIG}" bind all
- eend $?
- else
- ewarn "Not enabling rfcomm because RFCOMM_CONFIG does not exists"
- fi
- fi
-stop() {
- ebegin "Shutting down Bluetooth"
- eend 0
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/cups-location.patch b/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/cups-location.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 66ed8dc22e5b..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/4.60/cups-location.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/ b/
-index d9a2425..a382e05 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += tools/dfubabel.1 tools/avctrl.8
- if CUPS
--cupsdir = $(libdir)/cups/backend
-+cupsdir = `cups-config --serverbin`/backend
- cups_PROGRAMS = cups/bluetooth
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/files/bluez-4.95-high-cpu-usage.patch b/net-wireless/bluez/files/bluez-4.95-high-cpu-usage.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a3029e102ef8..000000000000
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/files/bluez-4.95-high-cpu-usage.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <>
-Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 09:12:22 +0000 (+0300)
-Subject: Fix removing inotify watch whenever an adapter is removed
-Fix removing inotify watch whenever an adapter is removed
-This sometimes cause bluetoothd to burn cpu when an adapter is removed
-from the system.
-Since the watch is not really bond to any adapter, in fact it is added on
-plugin .init, its removal is now moved to plugin .exit.
-diff --git a/plugins/adaptername.c b/plugins/adaptername.c
-index 2a54cc0..9e99e6a 100644
---- a/plugins/adaptername.c
-+++ b/plugins/adaptername.c
-@@ -262,10 +262,6 @@ static gboolean handle_inotify_cb(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition cond,
- static void adaptername_remove(struct btd_adapter *adapter)
- {
-- if (watch_fd >= 0)
-- close(watch_fd);
-- if (inotify != NULL)
-- g_io_channel_shutdown(inotify, FALSE, NULL);
- }
- static struct btd_adapter_driver adaptername_driver = {
-@@ -314,6 +310,13 @@ static int adaptername_init(void)
- static void adaptername_exit(void)
- {
-+ if (watch_fd >= 0)
-+ close(watch_fd);
-+ if (inotify != NULL) {
-+ g_io_channel_shutdown(inotify, FALSE, NULL);
-+ g_io_channel_unref(inotify);
-+ }
- btd_unregister_adapter_driver(&adaptername_driver);
- }
diff --git a/net-wireless/bluez/metadata.xml b/net-wireless/bluez/metadata.xml
index a28f245d1092..71aa61a77f79 100644
--- a/net-wireless/bluez/metadata.xml
+++ b/net-wireless/bluez/metadata.xml
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
- <flag name='attrib'>Enable attrib plugin</flag>
<flag name='consolekit'>Use <pkg>sys-auth/pambase[consolekit]</pkg> to
determine access to bluetooth devices based on whether a user is
logged in locally or remotely</flag>