diff options
authorAron Griffis <>2006-03-16 13:07:11 +0000
committerAron Griffis <>2006-03-16 13:07:11 +0000
commita87c595de1a379e873539566d2ddd76a8a950a41 (patch)
parentDon't install INSTALL and COPYING, found by QA script. (diff)
Bump to post-3.6 nightly snapshot with Xen fixes
Package-Manager: portage-2.1_pre5-r4
6 files changed, 178 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/elilo/ChangeLog b/sys-boot/elilo/ChangeLog
index f0da58a5523a..75b2ad37d89a 100644
--- a/sys-boot/elilo/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-boot/elilo/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-boot/elilo
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/elilo/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2006/03/10 18:49:06 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/elilo/ChangeLog,v 1.17 2006/03/16 13:07:11 agriffis Exp $
+*elilo-3.6_p20060314 (16 Mar 2006)
+ 16 Mar 2006; Aron Griffis <>
+ +files/, +files/,
+ +elilo-3.6_p20060314.ebuild:
+ Bump to post-3.6 nightly snapshot with Xen fixes
10 Mar 2006; Aron Griffis <> elilo-3.4-r3.ebuild,
diff --git a/sys-boot/elilo/Manifest b/sys-boot/elilo/Manifest
index 151f4ce4d956..84a7eb4c842b 100644
--- a/sys-boot/elilo/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/elilo/Manifest
@@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
Hash: SHA1
-MD5 28d143762e6196236321944997e0c8e0 ChangeLog 2520
-RMD160 f112b4cfb298c22de3ee0f39b3bb86a622e16cc0 ChangeLog 2520
-SHA256 b523b4be22fb38ba38826e5e0a42cac0fb24455748161878d32d9aafbadb02fd ChangeLog 2520
+MD5 9683bdc3edbbde64873b7e1b7633e502 ChangeLog 2750
+RMD160 dddb0ac27f35815df7541215bd0145ab3569085c ChangeLog 2750
+SHA256 9978928ded434dc1d32e5f32454ad73be50046887b15dcb860a9ac057a8f96cb ChangeLog 2750
MD5 24e5e38b2e95ae9eaa46fa34f75c57a3 elilo-3.4-r3.ebuild 1702
RMD160 ae2b285b982c6c979b0b4160a3c8ea7078d1d9aa elilo-3.4-r3.ebuild 1702
SHA256 0d2a3d22067e5eda6a3c5fb35f6176b5d013924502ab7759397a7140c93d3aa9 elilo-3.4-r3.ebuild 1702
MD5 3c6c6811fcd8ce2413dfc92c525341eb elilo-3.6.ebuild 1657
RMD160 d76feb03a0cd4bb26971f9a5a6fc41b205c4e76e elilo-3.6.ebuild 1657
SHA256 61ca372c0015235a5324be998e26faa78a4545e64b2f2237ef8b9a457654027a elilo-3.6.ebuild 1657
+MD5 2c67458a6fd16b351a62b29abf2dd6e5 elilo-3.6_p20060314.ebuild 2419
+RMD160 d377ad29316d7a9fd4e16ade701dac4e8709ac77 elilo-3.6_p20060314.ebuild 2419
+SHA256 28913ad9730bf540d9412626a1d144ac7aa2f4bb479876f523e179467043aaf6 elilo-3.6_p20060314.ebuild 2419
MD5 f0780671bcf192ebb0f1d7ee557f1286 files/digest-elilo-3.4-r3 440
RMD160 caaa7f3ae538215d21bf39adea015337f7a0f73c files/digest-elilo-3.4-r3 440
SHA256 5c8f0a906d06ee6ddf5508d1660f29827a89f48806fbfadac1b2a9af1618c0f3 files/digest-elilo-3.4-r3 440
MD5 8f06a45c25f09850bdccdef1717c9073 files/digest-elilo-3.6 443
RMD160 09228a66e9af58c3d91677face2c0bd3eff5d8eb files/digest-elilo-3.6 443
SHA256 a25b11588df44ddc979dfdfc5f261ad426e319b1527015ca46a53b7aa8f67115 files/digest-elilo-3.6 443
+MD5 ff24d6059d629a2cdb715001bc0422c3 files/digest-elilo-3.6_p20060314 500
+RMD160 27848399bb1b55608187a805b89565255d854d6c files/digest-elilo-3.6_p20060314 500
+SHA256 3d6dc825c042cf5161e00e2be86669d006891f761dcdb0ec012df20a24c4bb9c files/digest-elilo-3.6_p20060314 500
MD5 2640f713f5f00cf0a17e31d220c8242c files/elilo-3.3a-devscheme.patch 3571
RMD160 5d9adf423262c563f8124d67dedd14da6bf6f8d5 files/elilo-3.3a-devscheme.patch 3571
SHA256 9d21c53d4d9e0e17bd26d803403eee1c33fd0144d472d937d1fd2e5d79532a03 files/elilo-3.3a-devscheme.patch 3571
@@ -31,6 +37,12 @@ SHA256 22c2388e7b6ce5778249acbbe987e19618428ff556c554690a818d888744e2a5 files/el
MD5 28d31c36279045f43b3c61c5000b7821 files/elilo.conf.sample 150
RMD160 d268dd0c0b18b1467694acab4c9f1943b713b532 files/elilo.conf.sample 150
SHA256 aa42c5582f5b282ed1fe5ef85c2c190e7c66283da905c4ef23886d313845d353 files/elilo.conf.sample 150
+MD5 6f8b6f1af15c6b4dcb61e60883884ed0 files/ 833
+RMD160 d9c36a3726cbefe20e6ee6b54014d2eb3c2bc413 files/ 833
+SHA256 bcab65496766878d6cd4c8aca9abf83145fc14fe659dc524756f210a0301a118 files/ 833
+MD5 6c012a54cb02235bc9f973fccfa2cdef files/ 2099
+RMD160 888dd1d63a05f87feb6c69133eec7326bebbb556 files/ 2099
+SHA256 250fe3d335b8810d33de868f3599b11ab5b3b93bc27ed45344c7f1c675c5a10c files/ 2099
MD5 a479f5334497679bd91ddc7181866f52 files/eliloalt.8-3.4 550
RMD160 ff0ba8d02c5a6a1800a4e8fd494681e78230e88e files/eliloalt.8-3.4 550
SHA256 9b49f022c95f11de63ff27fb9cba2c58a4966fe8750192a1e8c192d5e1d5b77f files/eliloalt.8-3.4 550
@@ -40,7 +52,7 @@ SHA256 7e261fbe78f2088ab2a27fe3bd23a4224dde9a11031edcb4b7bb95dd3ba1fe4a metadata
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-boot/elilo/elilo-3.6_p20060314.ebuild b/sys-boot/elilo/elilo-3.6_p20060314.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0cc3cb1db20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/elilo/elilo-3.6_p20060314.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/elilo/elilo-3.6_p20060314.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/03/16 13:07:11 agriffis Exp $
+inherit toolchain-funcs eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Linux boot loader for EFI-based systems such as IA-64"
+if [[ $PV == *_p* ]]; then
+ MY_P=${PV#*_p}
+ MY_P=${PN}-nightly_${MY_P:0:4}-${MY_P:4:2}-${MY_P:6:2}
+ SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tgz"
+ S="${WORKDIR}/elilo"
+ MY_P=${P}
+ SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/elilo/${P}.src.tgz"
+SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} mirror://debian/pool/main/e/elilo/elilo_3.6-1.diff.gz"
+# gnu-efi contains only static libs, so there's no run-time dep on it
+ sys-devel/patch
+ dev-util/patchutils"
+ sys-fs/dosfstools"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ ebegin Applying ../*.diff
+ # Using epatch on this is annoying because it wants to create the elilo-3.6/
+ # directory. Since all the files are new, it doesn't know better.
+ filterdiff -p1 -i debian/\* ../*.diff | patch -s -p1
+ eend $? || return
+ # Add patch for vmm support, from
+ #
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/
+ # Don't count files twice when summing bytesneeded
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/
+ # Now Gentooize it
+ sed -i "
+ 1s/sh/bash/;
+ s/##VERSION##/$PV/;
+ s/Debian GNU\//Gentoo /g;
+ s/Debian/Gentoo/g;
+ s/debian/gentoo/g;
+ s/dpkg --print-installation-architecture/uname -m/" debian/
+src_compile() {
+ local iarch
+ case $(tc-arch) in
+ ia64) iarch=ia64 ;;
+ x86) iarch=ia32 ;;
+ *) die "unknown architecture: $(tc-arch)" ;;
+ esac
+ # "prefix" on the next line specifies where to find gcc, as, ld,
+ # etc. It's not the usual meaning of "prefix". By blanking it we
+ # allow PATH to be searched.
+ emake -j1 prefix= CC="$(tc-getCC)" ARCH=${iarch} || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ exeinto /usr/lib/elilo
+ doexe elilo.efi || die "elilo.efi failed"
+ newsbin debian/ elilo || die "elilo failed"
+ dosbin tools/eliloalt || die "eliloalt failed"
+ insinto /etc
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/elilo.conf.sample elilo.conf
+ dodoc docs/* ${FILESDIR}/elilo.conf.sample
+ doman debian/*.[0-9]
diff --git a/sys-boot/elilo/files/digest-elilo-3.6_p20060314 b/sys-boot/elilo/files/digest-elilo-3.6_p20060314
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f1c3778df47f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/elilo/files/digest-elilo-3.6_p20060314
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 3b23007224435933d1ec8f075848f881 elilo-nightly_2006-03-14.tgz 168991
+RMD160 ea5952bff2563fa22b09135d68d2012fd2abfcae elilo-nightly_2006-03-14.tgz 168991
+SHA256 b5174f1d921212b65f708869ea374e7c3e4e1b0771738b03ae6a1830cb4fe65c elilo-nightly_2006-03-14.tgz 168991
+MD5 323e7fec2e398073d92c4cccd0307c18 elilo_3.6-1.diff.gz 14944
+RMD160 6edb6f85187724ac1f798d894cbd99242ce2d62b elilo_3.6-1.diff.gz 14944
+SHA256 cc9e3d753823ad1bc50f935017e8b5cdc5d76cac2a37c498c862ef021e0e0073 elilo_3.6-1.diff.gz 14944
diff --git a/sys-boot/elilo/files/ b/sys-boot/elilo/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..710780e8da6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/elilo/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Don't count duplicate files twice when summing bytesneeded
+--- elilo/debian/ 2006-03-16 07:53:00.000000000 -0500
++++ elilo/debian/ 2006-03-16 07:53:27.000000000 -0500
+@@ -580,7 +580,9 @@
+ sed 's/.*=[[:space:]]*//' | grep -v ':'`
+ vmmfiles=`grep '^[[:space:]]*vmm[[:space:]]*=' $bootconf | \
+ sed 's/.*=[[:space:]]*//' | grep -v ':'`
+- bytesneeded=`cat $imagefiles $initrdfiles $vmmfiles 2>/dev/null | wc -c`
++ allfiles=`for f in $imagefiles $initrdfiles $install $bootconf; do \
++ echo $f; done | sort -u`
++ bytesneeded=`cat $allfiles 2>/dev/null | wc -c`
+ # convert to KB, allowing 5% overhead
+ kbneeded=$(( bytesneeded / 1024 + bytesneeded / 20480 ))
+ kbavailable=$(df -P -k $TARGET | sed -n "s|^$boot[[:space:]]\+[0-9]\+[[:space:]]\+[0-9]\+[[:space:]]\+\([0-9]\+\).*$|\1|p")
diff --git a/sys-boot/elilo/files/ b/sys-boot/elilo/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..294eb03b2226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/elilo/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Patch from Alex Williamson in
+ support of vmm= in the
+elilo script
+--- elilo/debian/ 2006-03-16 07:49:19.000000000 -0500
++++ elilo/debian/ 2006-03-16 07:48:47.000000000 -0500
+@@ -364,6 +364,8 @@
+ sed 's/^image[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*//' | grep -v ':'`
+ initrdfiles=`grep '^[[:space:]]*initrd[[:space:]]*=' $bootconf | \
+ sed 's/.*=[[:space:]]*//' | grep -v ':'`
++ vmmfiles=`grep '^[[:space:]]*vmm[[:space:]]*=' $bootconf | \
++ sed 's/.*=[[:space:]]*//' | grep -v ':'`
+ ## Point of no return, removing the old EFI/debian tree
+@@ -398,6 +400,7 @@
+ -e "s|\t| |g" \
+ -e "s|\(^image[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\)\([^:]*\)$|\1$EFIROOT\2|" \
+ -e "s|\(^[[:space:]]*initrd[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\)\([^:]*\)$|\1$EFIROOT\2|" \
++ -e "s|\(^[[:space:]]*vmm[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\)\([^:]*\)$|\1$EFIROOT\2|" \
+ < "$bootconf" > "$TARGET/$EFIROOT/$CFFILE"
+ if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
+ echo 1>&2 "$PRG: An error occured while writing to $boot"
+@@ -406,7 +409,7 @@
+ [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ] && echo "----" && cat "$TARGET/$EFIROOT/$CFFILE" && echo "----"
+- for i in $imagefiles $initrdfiles; do
++ for i in $imagefiles $initrdfiles $vmmfiles; do
+ [ "$VERBOSE" = 1 ] && echo "$PRG: Installing $i on $boot..."
+ if [ -f $i ]; then
+ mkdir -p `dirname "$TARGET/$EFIROOT/$i"`
+@@ -575,7 +578,9 @@
+ sed 's/^image[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*//' | grep -v ':'`
+ initrdfiles=`grep '^[[:space:]]*initrd[[:space:]]*=' $bootconf | \
+ sed 's/.*=[[:space:]]*//' | grep -v ':'`
+- bytesneeded=`cat $imagefiles $initrdfiles $install $bootconf 2>/dev/null | wc -c`
++ vmmfiles=`grep '^[[:space:]]*vmm[[:space:]]*=' $bootconf | \
++ sed 's/.*=[[:space:]]*//' | grep -v ':'`
++ bytesneeded=`cat $imagefiles $initrdfiles $vmmfiles 2>/dev/null | wc -c`
+ # convert to KB, allowing 5% overhead
+ kbneeded=$(( bytesneeded / 1024 + bytesneeded / 20480 ))
+ kbavailable=$(df -P -k $TARGET | sed -n "s|^$boot[[:space:]]\+[0-9]\+[[:space:]]\+[0-9]\+[[:space:]]\+\([0-9]\+\).*$|\1|p")