diff options
authorJeroen Roovers <>2014-05-03 15:47:46 +0000
committerJeroen Roovers <>2014-05-03 15:47:46 +0000
commit9bb06946b93791e90d2fd5df73055fe0cee1c489 (patch)
parentUse python-2 for gtest (bug 509462) (diff)
Version bump (bug #489958). Use /run not /var/run. Migrate away from python.eclass.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.10/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xA792A613
6 files changed, 514 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/net-dialup/freeradius/ChangeLog b/net-dialup/freeradius/ChangeLog
index 95189666cb5f..2429fdb9bd9a 100644
--- a/net-dialup/freeradius/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-dialup/freeradius/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for net-dialup/freeradius
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/freeradius/ChangeLog,v 1.117 2014/01/03 12:06:30 naota Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/freeradius/ChangeLog,v 1.118 2014/05/03 15:47:45 jer Exp $
+*freeradius-3.0.2 (03 May 2014)
+*freeradius-2.2.5 (03 May 2014)
+ 03 May 2014; Jeroen Roovers <> +freeradius-2.2.5.ebuild,
+ +freeradius-3.0.2.ebuild, +files/freeradius-2.2.5-gentoo.patch,
+ files/radius.init-r3:
+ Version bump (bug #489958). Use /run not /var/run. Migrate away from
+ python.eclass.
03 Jan 2014; Naohiro Aota <> freeradius-2.2.0.ebuild:
Add ~x86-fbsd. #354151
diff --git a/net-dialup/freeradius/Manifest b/net-dialup/freeradius/Manifest
index 53fd8c645c69..5c765d21c922 100644
--- a/net-dialup/freeradius/Manifest
+++ b/net-dialup/freeradius/Manifest
@@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
Hash: SHA256
+AUX freeradius-2.2.5-gentoo.patch 3459 SHA256 73dc67b4a59f93b70750c6dff3c92ffca6dd737e151c632dbee50badf2810b11 SHA512 eb51c40828b1f423755f0cf69dbb0df920ee01321ba90b0c02ad1b73a40e0dd56a47ee3bb7b9644fe2488df6384668d2f0e284fc450cc3f84e3b4db262b53d12 WHIRLPOOL ab077890ad747083a9d5cf3de303aab48fd6f2384750f1c5ba977a15c6a9ae7fa5f6ccb40534f766fc2541cc836b6aef02afec6260231f9da8b25935ff3d06f5
AUX radius.conf-r3 467 SHA256 f76dd3c55117611d636f7fb645e98c58ae733f33cd9ba54a54075368625ddaae SHA512 b28bf4c22e72a3074aba79f7edeb48b69cc0e7671f7023e8888846dec6db4a428c6d1a0803b714fd9b9b3f45bbc1bad93cfa7911d716a856505da043c1f9c6d5 WHIRLPOOL d6e6847fa3aa45e8cb9ba370eaa8f1df33e3b29e121392369e251a71543c21413940fae2bca5d75553d0d91bc06541f00df301171ad9b3a6dc20f481d87e9e99
-AUX radius.init-r3 747 SHA256 73149697af1fb0cd6a72b01709688bc4b95b4c19db3ef2baa0e97dc2954ce0a3 SHA512 494a062d21f6bcf9273a3f4fee016614c279cffc8a4650dd96843fa8ee124ec682cff1ceb6b92d27f4caf1a5ef5179228dd6974fcbd76aa11af282ef83f4e0ae WHIRLPOOL f489ba88adc0b525c4ea146e52103aaf22b31a19f2166232689e954b2f4bd21e127c6f34d2b83ac9fd3528ee7f8399b88205152aa6cfcfdce0b28a3eaf47330d
+AUX radius.init-r3 846 SHA256 689adb714ab16e6eef62ddced777b9b9158b0e5f19e903f8d1b7d59666580b31 SHA512 4de0955ec901a8eb3f6e32ebcf9cdfd662135d4ab4b4ba70f8d79717e99bc71a337a4f5b89d4c116c9e3c168d79a181ef09bdafb3edbabb59f35852de1b736b7 WHIRLPOOL afcee9c9c24b20e6d2fc6966abe521783c69c27cbce74d4b8bd8f9753b5b646722bffe675602358a956d96d902d962037852274cf019d38e3c72c5882bd6235e
DIST freeradius-2.2.0-patches-4.tar.xz 3140 SHA256 9fd7b6f7e1501d63a073e6279b20eb6d8154e7898d81c85a5c548543ab33c1af SHA512 38ebd65d9ad8ce8f513f2f5c7fd9ff43b81cf468038a49f9eb7f4a54d13783e88866c3031e7abc0fc8b65d2aec4f347efa358b9e7e2aadb2d15567ce7e125d1d WHIRLPOOL a532444f6bfebe260a6b4bf43157fa1624ce9920a86635172ac94e0f757263904bac6ca6a472e12df73e32a8d25d6f7b094272bd743d13c566f23bfcbff6df27
DIST freeradius-server-2.2.0.tar.gz 4289865 SHA256 ac22eefe7bd7c1c2b4de28613e628fd3e9ccae08a00a103e5f75aac0927bf009 SHA512 8652d27a292c3a8627c13b0bf12b829d3f2c50d82ed85eb342d1ec5c84ceabf8963907d50464a5907d2934f1b069a491411b1d5129efaaecefe4a30251b2b607 WHIRLPOOL 9f7dc926da7a33bfb425cb668bc9cf940a7a2dafa2a73ba8847a15f0d725476fdb4afc41963426ade9175709007f6f72892c3e9cd33d82c6601f57b873f92471
+DIST freeradius-server-2.2.5.tar.gz 4415950 SHA256 8c4c2a0b600a8d85d2235589a5e80d4fefd1f52317e9daf8193731566fa9d012 SHA512 511599b4f4f5906441d0cda61946341f2226b9aae69b6f68b03a19898b6385499a8221933c191232d50f736cab93f0f6f271e4defe4552e7738cb21e2415f053 WHIRLPOOL 629ac42749b736a7cd606c97fb149ea6f3b11d0e77bc5fc69785e4c7956f073131eb16420f276de5664e977a37a6784d0bbff08a15c1c23389f5369320a4cb12
+DIST freeradius-server-3.0.2.tar.gz 4233972 SHA256 687f6ca9870709bd433c044947225e365f5099499abba51419bf77134223713b SHA512 8d1168081929cd296e79a31fb3940535643c69c2f2012197e7730bf0886893bfdd49fce9b8c9495ecf6709f67a42b0bfe70c47bfda2e1519aa6baabc30dbfe30 WHIRLPOOL 7e8b326051356e9878db8e5599f5c7806e9c62d9c572ea9f3d07e1a6f359caf96d9d229f05b9b847f4fbb2a51567b30f5e1fe612eff9eaab966042d7fb372b00
EBUILD freeradius-2.2.0.ebuild 5116 SHA256 d824195666cdf9b96e164cac85c323346ee975a4546f2dcaca6d350630adf00a SHA512 2ccebbf419d568523a9fac00e8b8187a1aa873802ffdb0c92d755a39bb3b94b5e4009f9167a1dca311743c15418ad5fed362375f0229e3f0501a639ce32aeac3 WHIRLPOOL 72f73106896f87d0756fb327d34b81aebcf74e3aef0e86242c6c5fa99b22a01779b72cc4a5b74d5bd50b4edd20cc1b479325819edb62dc50775e937b9b3f2fc4
-MISC ChangeLog 25864 SHA256 e81c58dda2a83bff285d1f3fabdc584c36fffaaff8c9c81a4e31e24f9f09439e SHA512 646be04cb53180ee298707f2f6ef21927a7e10ceceecd8ca95ff959d665a95b61e58c85f422a8853ac7839d4ab237e6599137767ea18f47eba3634b015311e81 WHIRLPOOL b17cd7d6dd770e056f68f42670d817f961a801b2a9cb2058aaf81241aee741fbc6ecbde05d11ef9e3d479f2fe46a751aad0f046b73bc355b6f5576e3a32498ee
+EBUILD freeradius-2.2.5.ebuild 5314 SHA256 b5574381097474bacc3ed6d325889e87dc9e69d06ceea19e6f8f07645be31b52 SHA512 297b581208d04356a051461875817b504868cc10e0eb7fd5f273eef7b7cf2d35b4d4f6fbb6138cbe8d7555504071e73dd937b78b9112ead03aa424652dbe2c0c WHIRLPOOL 6cd819b1573681a68c67fff49320c8ca522b80eaebb817bf52a5e222994ba388999c835072322922cba4520a409215c2a0a8f21cc174a8e1a47494548d278c65
+EBUILD freeradius-3.0.2.ebuild 5117 SHA256 94a5ae8e079ee0f33332ba69c4a88a7fc09c998e7b1b53183992f97c666747b3 SHA512 5f79f3af8b33a722656d576d6593bd5b78070d28f18e582a534ff90aadf1a128ef97ea497410b6714d62acd685c3c19ad05e0bc5514006a735a63f710cbf3938 WHIRLPOOL 3220d15293ba68c6f78e050f1ea0d28e968a6f64767dab6b64ccaec3e34ba929353828b6665bfdc995c01126cb01795508708b2aedd71fa10c018358ccdece9c
+MISC ChangeLog 26179 SHA256 05cdf4dff90b5c4236bb89579042eee68c575e3abcf59fdf679519f8dcfa9661 SHA512 a5b93108296a12c25bb052ee508b9d93be4f5e8b3c60f734707290fd64d7d34d837e02ae8fc5305f7a2ee1f84d3f18436a9196fe3fc40200af6a80af4536b025 WHIRLPOOL d0cc5868301c75639142565be592c53bf907660b73fc72e7ce5fe21319198d00bc5afc81fa93849538c2bf68018ad7185144df608fb6784b76fd26674ccf4854
MISC metadata.xml 435 SHA256 17d441afcfa0aac8ea4317f50436a55adad6b51dd407613df8e6a7341fc348a6 SHA512 17d166ec4154f6d9a85cfc7135f3b14641d0357d959b76af27067cf069f392f9fe7bbf44683f84a963552e0dd88c668f3c9c4f3a4e00ee98ab56de291d292b0a WHIRLPOOL 69f278ec8875ed0085e86db9373a04285c2452448f1220ed1c8c31e9f0283b8b80c720b108373ba9a0478a0118034faec7b91ab7f5d93adbff2bfca79b5460f1
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-dialup/freeradius/files/freeradius-2.2.5-gentoo.patch b/net-dialup/freeradius/files/freeradius-2.2.5-gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c51597cbb929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dialup/freeradius/files/freeradius-2.2.5-gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+--- a/raddb/
++++ b/raddb/
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+ # make
+ # make install
+ #
+-libdir = @libdir@
++libdir = @libdir@/freeradius
+ # pidfile: Where to place the PID of the RADIUS server.
+ #
+--- a/src/modules/Makefile
++++ b/src/modules/Makefile
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
+ @$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) WHAT_TO_MAKE=$@ common
+ install:
+- $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(R)$(libdir)
++ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(R)$(pkglibdir)
+ @$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) WHAT_TO_MAKE=$@ common
+ clean:
+--- a/src/modules/rules.mak
++++ b/src/modules/rules.mak
+@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
+ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link --tag=CC $(CC) -release $(RADIUSD_VERSION_STRING) \
+ -module $(LINK_MODE) $(LDFLAGS) $(RLM_LDFLAGS) -o $@ \
+- -rpath $(libdir) $^ $(LIBRADIUS) $(RLM_LIBS) $(LIBS)
++ -rpath $(pkglibdir) $^ $(LIBRADIUS) $(RLM_LIBS) $(LIBS)
+ #######################################################################
+ #
+@@ -163,13 +163,11 @@
+ # Do any module-specific installation.
+ #
+ # If there isn't a TARGET defined, then don't do anything.
+-# Otherwise, install the libraries into $(libdir)
++# Otherwise, install the libraries into $(pkglibdir)
+ #
+ install:
+ @[ "x$(RLM_INSTALL)" = "x" ] || $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(RLM_INSTALL)
+ if [ "x$(TARGET)" != "x" ]; then \
+ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL) -c \
+- $(TARGET).la $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET).la || exit $$?; \
+- rm -f $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET)-$(RADIUSD_VERSION_STRING).la; \
+- ln -s $(TARGET).la $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET)-$(RADIUSD_VERSION_STRING).la || exit $$?; \
++ $(TARGET).la $(R)$(pkglibdir)/$(TARGET).la || exit $$?; \
+ fi
+--- a/src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rules.mak
++++ b/src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rules.mak
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+ $(TARGET).la: $(LT_OBJS)
+ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link --tag=CC $(CC) -release $(RADIUSD_VERSION_STRING) \
+ -module $(LINK_MODE) $(LDFLAGS) $(RLM_SQL_LDFLAGS) -o $@ \
+- -rpath $(libdir) $^ $(RLM_SQL_LIBS)
++ -rpath $(pkglibdir) $^ $(RLM_SQL_LIBS)
+ #######################################################################
+ #
+@@ -141,12 +141,10 @@
+ # Do any module-specific installation.
+ #
+ # If there isn't a TARGET defined, then don't do anything.
+-# Otherwise, install the libraries into $(libdir)
++# Otherwise, install the libraries into $(pkglibdir)
+ #
+ install:
+ if [ "x$(TARGET)" != "x" ]; then \
+ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL) -c \
+- $(TARGET).la $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET).la || exit $$?; \
+- rm -f $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET)-$(RADIUSD_VERSION_STRING).la; \
+- ln -s $(TARGET).la $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET)-$(RADIUSD_VERSION_STRING).la || exit $$?; \
++ $(TARGET).la $(R)$(pkglibdir)/$(TARGET).la || exit $$?; \
+ fi
+--- a/src/lib/Makefile
++++ b/src/lib/Makefile
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ $(TARGET).la: $(LT_OBJS)
+ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link --tag=CC $(CC) -release $(RADIUSD_VERSION) \
+- $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_MODE) -o $@ -rpath $(libdir) $^
++ $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_MODE) -o $@ -rpath $(libdir) $^ $(LIBS)
+@@ -54,7 +54,5 @@
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(R)$(libdir)
+ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL) -c $(TARGET).la \
+ $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET).la
+- rm -f $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET)-$(RADIUSD_VERSION).la;
+- ln -s $(TARGET).la $(R)$(libdir)/$(TARGET)-$(RADIUSD_VERSION).la
+ reconfig:
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+ localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+ libdir = @libdir@
++pkglibdir = @libdir@/freeradius
+ bindir = @bindir@
+ sbindir = @sbindir@
+ docdir = @docdir@
diff --git a/net-dialup/freeradius/files/radius.init-r3 b/net-dialup/freeradius/files/radius.init-r3
index 73a368a9505e..473c4c569042 100644
--- a/net-dialup/freeradius/files/radius.init-r3
+++ b/net-dialup/freeradius/files/radius.init-r3
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/freeradius/files/radius.init-r3,v 1.3 2012/12/28 13:08:17 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/freeradius/files/radius.init-r3,v 1.4 2014/05/03 15:47:45 jer Exp $
depend() {
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ start_pre() {
checkpath -m0750 -o "${RADIUSD_USER:-root}:${RADIUSD_GROUP:-root}" -d \
$(dirname ${pidfile}) /var/log/radius
+ checkpath -m0750 -o "${RADIUSD_USER:-root}:${RADIUSD_GROUP:-root}" -d \
+ $(dirname ${pidfile}) /run/radius
reload() {
diff --git a/net-dialup/freeradius/freeradius-2.2.5.ebuild b/net-dialup/freeradius/freeradius-2.2.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e433de5d8ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dialup/freeradius/freeradius-2.2.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/freeradius/freeradius-2.2.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/05/03 15:47:45 jer Exp $
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
+inherit autotools eutils pam python-any-r1 user
+DESCRIPTION="Highly configurable free RADIUS server"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+ bindist debug firebird iodbc kerberos ldap mysql odbc oracle pam pcap
+ postgres python readline sqlite ssl
+ !net-dialup/gnuradius
+ sys-devel/libtool
+ dev-lang/perl
+ sys-libs/gdbm
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
+ readline? ( sys-libs/readline )
+ pcap? ( net-libs/libpcap )
+ mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql-base )
+ firebird? ( dev-db/firebird )
+ pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
+ odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
+ iodbc? ( dev-db/libiodbc )
+ oracle? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic )"
+REQUIRED_USE="bindist? ( !firebird )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup radius
+ enewuser radius -1 -1 /var/log/radius radius
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch \
+ "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0002*patch \
+ "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0004*patch \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gentoo.patch
+ # most of the configuration options do not appear as ./configure
+ # switches. Instead it identifies the directories that are available
+ # and run through them. These might check for the presence of
+ # various libraries, in which case they are not built. To avoid
+ # automagic dependencies, we just remove all the modules that we're
+ # not interested in using.
+ use ssl || rm -r src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_{tls,ttls,peap}
+ use ldap || rm -r src/modules/rlm_ldap
+ use kerberos || rm -r src/modules/rlm_krb5
+ use pam || rm -r src/modules/rlm_pam
+ use python || rm -r src/modules/rlm_python
+ # Do not install ruby rlm module, bug #483108
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_ruby
+ # these are all things we don't have in portage/I don't want to deal
+ # with myself
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_tnc # requires TNCS library
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_ikev2 # requires libeap-ikev2
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_opendirectory # requires some membership.h
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_redis{,who} # requires redis
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rlm_sql_{db2,freetds,sybase}
+ # sql drivers that are not part of experimental are loaded from a
+ # file, so we have to remove them from the file itself when we
+ # remove them.
+ usesqldriver() {
+ local flag=$1
+ local driver=rlm_sql_${2:-${flag}}
+ if ! use ${flag}; then
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/${driver} || die
+ sed -i -e /${driver}/d src/modules/rlm_sql/stable || die
+ fi
+ }
+ usesqldriver mysql
+ usesqldriver postgres postgresql
+ usesqldriver firebird
+ usesqldriver iodbc
+ usesqldriver odbc unixodbc
+ usesqldriver oracle
+ usesqldriver sqlite
+ # remove bundled ltdl to avoid conflicts
+ rm -r libltdl
+ epatch_user
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ # fix bug #77613
+ if has_version app-crypt/heimdal; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-heimdal-krb5"
+ fi
+ use readline || export ac_cv_lib_readline=no
+ use pcap || export ac_cv_lib_pcap_pcap_open_live=no
+ # do not try to enable static with static-libs; upstream is a
+ # massacre of libtool best practices so you also have to make sure
+ # to --enable-shared explicitly.
+ econf \
+ --enable-shared --disable-static \
+ --disable-ltdl-install \
+ --with-system-libtool \
+ --with-system-libltdl \
+ --with-ascend-binary \
+ --with-udpfromto \
+ --with-dhcp \
+ --with-iodbc-include-dir=/usr/include/iodbc \
+ --with-experimental-modules \
+ --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
+ --with-logdir=/var/log/radius \
+ $(use_enable debug developer) \
+ $(use_with ldap edir) \
+ $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+ ${myconf}
+src_install() {
+ dodir /etc
+ diropts -m0750 -o root -g radius
+ dodir /etc/raddb
+ diropts -m0750 -o radius -g radius
+ dodir /var/log/radius
+ keepdir /var/log/radius/radacct
+ diropts
+ emake R="${D}" install
+ fowners -R root:radius /etc/raddb
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:/var/run/radiusd:/run/radiusd:' \
+ "${D}"/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf || die
+ pamd_mimic_system radiusd auth account password session
+ dodoc CREDITS
+ rm "${D}/usr/sbin/rc.radiusd"
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/radius.init-r3" radiusd
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/radius.conf-r3" radiusd
+pkg_config() {
+ if use ssl; then
+ cd "${ROOT}"/etc/raddb/certs
+ ./bootstrap
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "Users are no longer read from /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf. Please"
+ elog "configure them in /etc/conf.d/radius instead."
+ elog "Also make sure that if you change the pidfile in /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf"
+ elog "you change the pidfile definition in /etc/conf.d/radius as well."
+ if use ssl; then
+ ewarn "You have to run \`emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}\` to be able"
+ ewarn "to start the radiusd service."
+ fi
diff --git a/net-dialup/freeradius/freeradius-3.0.2.ebuild b/net-dialup/freeradius/freeradius-3.0.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..353357ef60a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dialup/freeradius/freeradius-3.0.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/freeradius/freeradius-3.0.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/05/03 15:47:45 jer Exp $
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
+inherit autotools eutils pam python-any-r1 user
+DESCRIPTION="Highly configurable free RADIUS server"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+ bindist debug firebird iodbc kerberos ldap mysql odbc oracle pam pcap
+ postgres python readline sqlite ssl
+ !net-dialup/gnuradius
+ sys-devel/libtool
+ dev-lang/perl
+ sys-libs/gdbm
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
+ readline? ( sys-libs/readline )
+ pcap? ( net-libs/libpcap )
+ mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql-base )
+ firebird? ( dev-db/firebird )
+ pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
+ odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
+ iodbc? ( dev-db/libiodbc )
+ oracle? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic )"
+REQUIRED_USE="bindist? ( !firebird )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup radius
+ enewuser radius -1 -1 /var/log/radius radius
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ # most of the configuration options do not appear as ./configure
+ # switches. Instead it identifies the directories that are available
+ # and run through them. These might check for the presence of
+ # various libraries, in which case they are not built. To avoid
+ # automagic dependencies, we just remove all the modules that we're
+ # not interested in using.
+ use ssl || rm -r src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_{tls,ttls,peap}
+ use ldap || rm -r src/modules/rlm_ldap
+ use kerberos || rm -r src/modules/rlm_krb5
+ use pam || rm -r src/modules/rlm_pam
+ use python || rm -r src/modules/rlm_python
+ # Do not install ruby rlm module, bug #483108
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_ruby
+ # these are all things we don't have in portage/I don't want to deal
+ # with myself
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_tnc # requires TNCS library
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_ikev2 # requires libeap-ikev2
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_opendirectory # requires some membership.h
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_redis{,who} # requires redis
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rlm_sql_{db2,freetds,sybase}
+ # sql drivers that are not part of experimental are loaded from a
+ # file, so we have to remove them from the file itself when we
+ # remove them.
+ usesqldriver() {
+ local flag=$1
+ local driver=rlm_sql_${2:-${flag}}
+ if ! use ${flag}; then
+ rm -r src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/${driver} || die
+ sed -i -e /${driver}/d src/modules/rlm_sql/stable || die
+ fi
+ }
+ usesqldriver mysql
+ usesqldriver postgres postgresql
+ usesqldriver firebird
+ usesqldriver iodbc
+ usesqldriver odbc unixodbc
+ usesqldriver oracle
+ usesqldriver sqlite
+ # remove bundled ltdl to avoid conflicts
+ rm -r libltdl
+ epatch_user
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ # fix bug #77613
+ if has_version app-crypt/heimdal; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-heimdal-krb5"
+ fi
+ use readline || export ac_cv_lib_readline=no
+ use pcap || export ac_cv_lib_pcap_pcap_open_live=no
+ # do not try to enable static with static-libs; upstream is a
+ # massacre of libtool best practices so you also have to make sure
+ # to --enable-shared explicitly.
+ econf \
+ --enable-shared --disable-static \
+ --disable-ltdl-install \
+ --with-system-libtool \
+ --with-system-libltdl \
+ --with-ascend-binary \
+ --with-udpfromto \
+ --with-dhcp \
+ --with-iodbc-include-dir=/usr/include/iodbc \
+ --with-experimental-modules \
+ --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
+ --with-logdir=/var/log/radius \
+ $(use_enable debug developer) \
+ $(use_with ldap edir) \
+ $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+ ${myconf}
+src_install() {
+ dodir /etc
+ diropts -m0750 -o root -g radius
+ dodir /etc/raddb
+ diropts -m0750 -o radius -g radius
+ dodir /var/log/radius
+ keepdir /var/log/radius/radacct
+ diropts
+ emake R="${D}" install
+ fowners -R root:radius /etc/raddb
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:/var/run/radiusd:/run/radiusd:' \
+ "${D}"/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf || die
+ pamd_mimic_system radiusd auth account password session
+ dodoc CREDITS
+ rm "${D}/usr/sbin/rc.radiusd"
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/radius.init-r3" radiusd
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/radius.conf-r3" radiusd
+pkg_config() {
+ if use ssl; then
+ cd "${ROOT}"/etc/raddb/certs
+ ./bootstrap
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "Users are no longer read from /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf. Please"
+ elog "configure them in /etc/conf.d/radius instead."
+ elog "Also make sure that if you change the pidfile in /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf"
+ elog "you change the pidfile definition in /etc/conf.d/radius as well."
+ if use ssl; then
+ ewarn "You have to run \`emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}\` to be able"
+ ewarn "to start the radiusd service."
+ fi