diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mirrorselect/selectors.py')
1 files changed, 551 insertions, 470 deletions
diff --git a/mirrorselect/selectors.py b/mirrorselect/selectors.py
index 9647e56..4ec4474 100644
--- a/mirrorselect/selectors.py
+++ b/mirrorselect/selectors.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import time
import hashlib
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
url_parse = urllib.parse.urlparse
url_unparse = urllib.parse.urlunparse
url_open = urllib.request.urlopen
@@ -53,515 +54,595 @@ NETSELECT_SUPPORTS_IPV4_IPV6 = True
class Shallow:
- """handles rapid server selection via netselect"""
- def __init__(self, hosts, options, output):
- self._options = options
- self.output = output
- self.urls = []
- if options.blocksize is not None:
- self.netselect_split(hosts, options.servers,
- options.blocksize)
- else:
- self.netselect(hosts, options.servers)
- if len(self.urls) == 0:
- self.output.print_err('Netselect failed to return any mirrors.'
- ' Try again using block mode.')
+ """handles rapid server selection via netselect"""
- def netselect(self, hosts, number, quiet=False):
- """
- Uses Netselect to choose the closest hosts, _very_ quickly
- """
- if not quiet:
- hosts = [host[0] for host in hosts]
- top_host_dict = {}
- top_hosts = []
+ def __init__(self, hosts, options, output):
+ self._options = options
+ self.output = output
+ self.urls = []
- if not quiet:
- self.output.print_info('Using netselect to choose the top '
- '%d mirrors...' % number)
+ if options.blocksize is not None:
+ self.netselect_split(hosts, options.servers, options.blocksize)
+ else:
+ self.netselect(hosts, options.servers)
+ if len(self.urls) == 0:
+ self.output.print_err(
+ "Netselect failed to return any mirrors." " Try again using block mode."
+ )
- host_string = ' '.join(hosts)
+ def netselect(self, hosts, number, quiet=False):
+ """
+ Uses Netselect to choose the closest hosts, _very_ quickly
+ """
+ if not quiet:
+ hosts = [host[0] for host in hosts]
+ top_host_dict = {}
+ top_hosts = []
- cmd = ['netselect', '-s%d' % (number,)]
+ if not quiet:
+ self.output.print_info(
+ "Using netselect to choose the top " "%d mirrors..." % number
+ )
- if self._options.ipv4:
- cmd.append('-4')
- elif self._options.ipv6:
- cmd.append('-6')
+ host_string = " ".join(hosts)
- cmd.extend(hosts)
+ cmd = ["netselect", "-s%d" % (number,)]
- self.output.write('\nnetselect(): running "%s"\n'
- % ' '.join(cmd), 2)
+ if self._options.ipv4:
+ cmd.append("-4")
+ elif self._options.ipv6:
+ cmd.append("-6")
+ cmd.extend(hosts)
+ self.output.write('\nnetselect(): running "%s"\n' % " ".join(cmd), 2)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = proc.communicate()
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ if err:
+ self.output.write("netselect(): netselect stderr: %s\n" % err, 2)
- out, err = proc.communicate()
+ for line in out.splitlines():
+ line = line.split()
+ if len(line) < 2:
+ continue
+ top_hosts.append(line[1])
+ top_host_dict[line[0]] = line[1]
- if err:
- self.output.write('netselect(): netselect stderr: %s\n' % err, 2)
+ if not quiet:
+ self.output.write("Done.\n")
- for line in out.splitlines():
- line = line.split()
- if len(line) < 2:
- continue
- top_hosts.append(line[1])
- top_host_dict[line[0]] = line[1]
+ self.output.write(
+ "\nnetselect(): returning {} and {}\n".format(top_hosts, top_host_dict), 2
+ )
- if not quiet:
- self.output.write('Done.\n')
+ if quiet:
+ return top_hosts, top_host_dict
+ else:
+ self.urls = top_hosts
- self.output.write('\nnetselect(): returning {} and {}\n'.format(top_hosts,
- top_host_dict), 2)
+ def netselect_split(self, hosts, number, block_size):
+ """
+ This uses netselect to test mirrors in chunks,
+ each at most block_size in length.
+ This is done in a tournament style.
+ """
+ hosts = [host[0] for host in hosts]
- if quiet:
- return top_hosts, top_host_dict
- else:
- self.urls = top_hosts
+ self.output.write("netselect_split() got %s hosts.\n" % len(hosts), 2)
+ host_blocks = self.host_blocks(hosts, block_size)
- def netselect_split(self, hosts, number, block_size):
- """
- This uses netselect to test mirrors in chunks,
- each at most block_size in length.
- This is done in a tournament style.
- """
- hosts = [host[0] for host in hosts]
+ self.output.write(" split into %s blocks\n" % len(host_blocks), 2)
- self.output.write('netselect_split() got %s hosts.\n' % len(hosts), 2)
+ top_hosts = []
+ ret_hosts = {}
- host_blocks = self.host_blocks(hosts, block_size)
+ block_index = 0
+ for block in host_blocks:
+ self.output.print_info(
+ "Using netselect to choose the top "
+ "%d hosts, in blocks of %s. %s of %s blocks complete."
+ % (number, block_size, block_index, len(host_blocks))
+ )
- self.output.write(' split into %s blocks\n' % len(host_blocks), 2)
+ host_dict = self.netselect(block, len(block), quiet=True)[1]
- top_hosts = []
- ret_hosts = {}
+ self.output.write(
+ "ran netselect(%s, %s), and got %s\n" % (block, len(block), host_dict),
+ 2,
+ )
- block_index = 0
- for block in host_blocks:
- self.output.print_info('Using netselect to choose the top '
- '%d hosts, in blocks of %s. %s of %s blocks complete.'
- % (number, block_size, block_index, len(host_blocks)))
+ for key in list(host_dict.keys()):
+ ret_hosts[key] = host_dict[key]
+ block_index += 1
- host_dict = self.netselect(block, len(block), quiet=True)[1]
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "\rUsing netselect to choose the top"
+ "%d hosts, in blocks of %s. %s of %s blocks complete.\n"
+ % (number, block_size, block_index, len(host_blocks))
+ )
- self.output.write('ran netselect(%s, %s), and got %s\n'
- % (block, len(block), host_dict), 2)
+ host_ranking_keys = list(ret_hosts.keys())
+ host_ranking_keys.sort()
- for key in list(host_dict.keys()):
- ret_hosts[key] = host_dict[key]
- block_index += 1
+ for rank in host_ranking_keys[:number]:
+ top_hosts.append(ret_hosts[rank])
- sys.stderr.write('\rUsing netselect to choose the top'
- '%d hosts, in blocks of %s. %s of %s blocks complete.\n'
- % (number, block_size, block_index, len(host_blocks)))
+ self.output.write("netselect_split(): returns %s\n" % top_hosts, 2)
- host_ranking_keys = list(ret_hosts.keys())
- host_ranking_keys.sort()
+ self.urls = top_hosts
- for rank in host_ranking_keys[:number]:
- top_hosts.append(ret_hosts[rank])
+ def host_blocks(self, hosts, block_size):
+ """
+ Takes a list of hosts and a block size,
+ and returns an list of lists of URLs.
+ Each of the sublists is at most block_size in length.
+ """
+ host_array = []
+ mylist = []
- self.output.write('netselect_split(): returns %s\n' % top_hosts, 2)
+ while len(hosts) > block_size:
+ while len(mylist) < block_size:
+ mylist.append(hosts.pop())
+ host_array.append(mylist)
+ mylist = []
+ host_array.append(hosts)
- self.urls = top_hosts
+ self.output.write(
+ "\n_host_blocks(): returns "
+ "%s blocks, each about %s in size\n"
+ % (len(host_array), len(host_array[0])),
+ 2,
+ )
- def host_blocks(self, hosts, block_size):
- """
- Takes a list of hosts and a block size,
- and returns an list of lists of URLs.
- Each of the sublists is at most block_size in length.
- """
- host_array = []
- mylist = []
- while len(hosts) > block_size:
- while (len(mylist) < block_size):
- mylist.append(hosts.pop())
- host_array.append(mylist)
- mylist = []
- host_array.append(hosts)
- self.output.write('\n_host_blocks(): returns '
- '%s blocks, each about %s in size\n'
- % (len(host_array), len(host_array[0])), 2)
- return host_array
+ return host_array
class TimeoutException(Exception):
- pass
+ pass
def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
- raise TimeoutException()
+ raise TimeoutException()
class Deep:
- """handles deep mode mirror selection."""
- def __init__(self, hosts, options, output):
- self.output = output
- self.urls = []
- self._hosts = hosts
- self._number = options.servers
- self._dns_timeout = options.timeout
- self._connect_timeout = options.timeout
- self._download_timeout = options.timeout
- self.test_file = options.file
- self.test_md5 = options.md5
- addr_families = []
- if options.ipv4:
- addr_families.append(socket.AF_INET)
- elif options.ipv6:
- addr_families.append(socket.AF_INET6)
- else:
- addr_families.append(socket.AF_UNSPEC)
- self._addr_families = addr_families
- self.deeptest()
- def deeptest(self):
- """
- Takes a list of hosts and returns the fastest, using _deeptime()
- Doesn't waste time finnishing a test that has already taken longer than
- the slowest mirror weve already got.
- """
- top_hosts = {}
- prog = 0
- maxtime = self._download_timeout
- hosts = [host[0] for host in self._hosts]
- num_hosts = len(hosts)
- self.dl_failures = 0
- for host in hosts:
- prog += 1
- if self.test_file != 'mirrorselect-test':
- self.output.print_info(
- 'Downloading %s files from each mirror... [%s of %s]'
- % (self.test_file, prog, num_hosts) )
- else:
- self.output.print_info(
- 'Downloading 100k files from each mirror... [%s of %s]'
- % (prog, num_hosts) )
- mytime, ignore = self.deeptime(host, maxtime)
- if not ignore and mytime < maxtime:
- maxtime, top_hosts = self._list_add((mytime, host), \
- maxtime, top_hosts, self._number)
- else:
- continue
- self.output.write('deeptest(): got %s hosts, and returned %s\n'
- % (num_hosts, str(list(top_hosts.values()))), 2)
- self.output.write('\n') #this just makes output nicer
- #can't just return the dict.values,
- #because we want the fastest mirror first...
- keys = list(top_hosts.keys())
- keys.sort()
- rethosts = []
- for key in keys:
- #self.output.write('deeptest(): adding rethost '
- #'%s, %s' % (key, top_hosts[key]), 2)
- rethosts.append(top_hosts[key])
- self.output.write('deeptest(): final rethost %s\n' % (rethosts), 2)
- self.output.write('deeptest(): final md5 failures %s of %s\n'
- % (self.dl_failures, num_hosts), 2)
- self.urls = rethosts
- def deeptime(self, url, maxtime):
- """
- Takes a single url and fetch command, and downloads the test file.
- Can be given an optional timeout, for use with a clever algorithm.
- Like mine.
- """
- self.output.write('\n_deeptime(): maxtime is %s\n' % maxtime, 2)
- if url.endswith('/'): #append the path to the testfile to the URL
- url = url + 'distfiles/' + self.test_file
- else:
- url = url + '/distfiles/' + self.test_file
- url_parts = url_parse(url)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
- ips = []
- for addr_family in self._addr_families:
- try:
- try:
- signal.alarm(self._dns_timeout)
- for result in socket.getaddrinfo(
- url_parts.hostname, None, addr_family,
- socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG):
- family, _, __, ___, sockaddr = result
- ip = sockaddr[0]
- if family == socket.AF_INET6:
- ip = "[%s]" % ip
- ips.append(ip)
- finally:
- signal.alarm(0)
- except OSError as e:
- self.output.write('deeptime(): dns error for host %s: %s\n'
- % (url_parts.hostname, e), 2)
- except TimeoutException:
- self.output.write('deeptime(): dns timeout for host %s\n'
- % url_parts.hostname, 2)
- if not ips:
- self.output.write('deeptime(): unable to resolve ip for host %s\n'
- % url_parts.hostname, 2)
- return (None, True)
- self.output.write("deeptime(): ip's for host %s: %s\n"
- % (url_parts.hostname, str(ips)), 2)
- delta = 0
- f = None
- for ip in ips:
- test_parts = url_parts._replace(netloc=ip)
- test_url = url_unparse(test_parts)
- self.output.write('deeptime(): testing url: %s\n' % test_url, 2)
- f, test_url, early_out = self._test_connection(test_url, url_parts,
- ip, ips[ips.index(ip):])
- if early_out:
- break
- if f is None:
- self.output.write('deeptime(): unable to ' + \
- 'connect to host %s\n' % \
- (url_parts.hostname,), 2)
- return (None, True)
- try:
- # Close the initial "wake up" connection.
- try:
- signal.alarm(self._connect_timeout)
- f.close()
- finally:
- signal.alarm(0)
- except OSError as e:
- self.output.write(('deeptime(): closing connection to host %s '
- 'failed for ip %s: %s\n') % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e), 2)
- except TimeoutException:
- self.output.write(('deeptime(): closing connection to host %s '
- 'timed out for ip %s\n') % (url_parts.hostname, ip), 2)
- self.output.write('deeptime(): timing url: %s\n' % test_url, 2)
- try:
- # The first connection serves to "wake up" the route between
- # the local and remote machines. A second connection is used
- # for the timed run.
- try:
- signal.alarm(int(math.ceil(maxtime)))
- stime = time.time()
- r = url_request(test_url)
- r.host = url_parts.netloc
- f = url_open(r)
- md5 = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
- delta = time.time() - stime
- f.close()
- if md5 != self.test_md5:
- self.output.write(
- "\ndeeptime(): md5sum error for file: %s\n"
- % self.test_file +
- " expected: %s\n" % self.test_md5 +
- " got.....: %s\n" % md5 +
- " host....: %s, %s\n"
- % (url_parts.hostname, ip))
- self.dl_failures += 1
- return (None, True)
- finally:
- signal.alarm(0)
- except (OSError, ssl.CertificateError) as e:
- self.output.write(('\ndeeptime(): download from host %s '
- 'failed for ip %s: %s\n') % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e), 2)
- return (None, True)
- except TimeoutException:
- self.output.write(('\ndeeptime(): download from host %s '
- 'timed out for ip %s\n') % (url_parts.hostname, ip), 2)
- return (None, True)
- except IncompleteRead as e:
- self.output.write(('\ndeeptime(): download from host %s '
- 'failed for ip %s: %s\n') % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e), 2)
- return (None, True)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL)
- self.output.write('deeptime(): download completed.\n', 2)
- self.output.write('deeptime(): %s seconds for host %s\n'
- % (delta, url), 2)
- return (delta, False)
- def _test_connection(self, test_url, url_parts, ip, ips):
- """Tests the url for a connection, will recurse using
- the original url instead of the ip if an HTTPError occurs
- Returns f, test_url, early_out
- """
- early_out = False
- f = None
- try:
- try:
- signal.alarm(self._connect_timeout)
- r = url_request(test_url)
- r.host = url_parts.netloc
- f = url_open(r)
- early_out = True
- finally:
- signal.alarm(0)
- except HTTPError as e:
- self.output.write('deeptime(): connection to host %s\n'
- ' returned HTTPError: %s for ip %s\n'
- ' Switching back to original url\n'
- % (url_parts.hostname, e, ip), 2)
- if len(ips) == 1:
- test_url = url_unparse(url_parts)
- return self._test_connection(test_url, url_parts, ip, [])
- except (OSError, ssl.CertificateError) as e:
- self.output.write('deeptime(): connection to host %s '
- 'failed for ip %s:\n %s\n'
- % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e), 2)
- except TimeoutException:
- self.output.write(('deeptime(): connection to host %s '
- 'timed out for ip %s\n') % (url_parts.hostname, ip), 2)
- except Exception as e: # Add general exception to catch any other errors
- self.output.print_warn(('deeptime(): connection to host %s '
- 'errored for ip %s\n %s\n'
- ' Please file a bug for this error at bugs.gentoo.org')
- % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e), 0)
- return f, test_url, early_out
- def _list_add(self, time_host, maxtime, host_dict, maxlen):
- """
- Takes argumets ((time, host), maxtime, host_dict, maxlen)
- Adds a new time:host pair to the dictionary of top hosts.
- If the dictionary is full, the slowest host is removed to make space.
- Returns the new maxtime, be it the specified timeout,
- or the slowest host.
- """
- if len(host_dict) < maxlen: #still have room, and host is fast. add it.
- self.output.write('_list_add(): added host %s. with a time of %s\n'
- % (time_host[1], time_host[0]), 2)
- host_dict.update(dict([time_host]))
- times = list(host_dict.keys())
- times.sort()
- else: #We need to make room in the dict before we add. Kill the slowest.
- self.output.write('_list_add(): Adding host %s with a time of %s\n'
- % (time_host[1], time_host[0]), 2)
- times = list(host_dict.keys())
- times.sort()
- self.output.write('_list_add(): removing %s\n'
- % host_dict[times[-1]], 2)
- del host_dict[times[-1]]
- host_dict.update(dict([time_host]))
- #done adding. now return the appropriate time
- times = list(host_dict.keys())
- times.sort()
- if len(host_dict) < maxlen: #check again to choose new timeout
- self.output.write('_list_add(): host_dict is not full yet.'
- ' reusing timeout of %s sec.\n' % maxtime, 2)
- retval = maxtime
- else:
- self.output.write('_list_add(): host_dict is full. '
- 'Selecting the best timeout\n', 2)
- if times[-1] < maxtime:
- retval = times[-1]
- else:
- retval = maxtime
- self.output.write('_list_add(): new max time is %s seconds,'
- ' and now len(host_dict)= %s\n' % (retval, len(host_dict)), 2)
- return retval, host_dict
+ """handles deep mode mirror selection."""
+ def __init__(self, hosts, options, output):
+ self.output = output
+ self.urls = []
+ self._hosts = hosts
+ self._number = options.servers
+ self._dns_timeout = options.timeout
+ self._connect_timeout = options.timeout
+ self._download_timeout = options.timeout
+ self.test_file = options.file
+ self.test_md5 = options.md5
+ addr_families = []
+ if options.ipv4:
+ addr_families.append(socket.AF_INET)
+ elif options.ipv6:
+ addr_families.append(socket.AF_INET6)
+ else:
+ addr_families.append(socket.AF_UNSPEC)
+ self._addr_families = addr_families
+ self.deeptest()
+ def deeptest(self):
+ """
+ Takes a list of hosts and returns the fastest, using _deeptime()
+ Doesn't waste time finnishing a test that has already taken longer than
+ the slowest mirror weve already got.
+ """
+ top_hosts = {}
+ prog = 0
+ maxtime = self._download_timeout
+ hosts = [host[0] for host in self._hosts]
+ num_hosts = len(hosts)
+ self.dl_failures = 0
+ for host in hosts:
+ prog += 1
+ if self.test_file != "mirrorselect-test":
+ self.output.print_info(
+ "Downloading %s files from each mirror... [%s of %s]"
+ % (self.test_file, prog, num_hosts)
+ )
+ else:
+ self.output.print_info(
+ "Downloading 100k files from each mirror... [%s of %s]"
+ % (prog, num_hosts)
+ )
+ mytime, ignore = self.deeptime(host, maxtime)
+ if not ignore and mytime < maxtime:
+ maxtime, top_hosts = self._list_add(
+ (mytime, host), maxtime, top_hosts, self._number
+ )
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptest(): got %s hosts, and returned %s\n"
+ % (num_hosts, str(list(top_hosts.values()))),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.output.write("\n") # this just makes output nicer
+ # can't just return the dict.values,
+ # because we want the fastest mirror first...
+ keys = list(top_hosts.keys())
+ keys.sort()
+ rethosts = []
+ for key in keys:
+ # self.output.write('deeptest(): adding rethost '
+ #'%s, %s' % (key, top_hosts[key]), 2)
+ rethosts.append(top_hosts[key])
+ self.output.write("deeptest(): final rethost %s\n" % (rethosts), 2)
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptest(): final md5 failures %s of %s\n" % (self.dl_failures, num_hosts),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.urls = rethosts
+ def deeptime(self, url, maxtime):
+ """
+ Takes a single url and fetch command, and downloads the test file.
+ Can be given an optional timeout, for use with a clever algorithm.
+ Like mine.
+ """
+ self.output.write("\n_deeptime(): maxtime is %s\n" % maxtime, 2)
+ if url.endswith("/"): # append the path to the testfile to the URL
+ url = url + "distfiles/" + self.test_file
+ else:
+ url = url + "/distfiles/" + self.test_file
+ url_parts = url_parse(url)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
+ ips = []
+ for addr_family in self._addr_families:
+ try:
+ try:
+ signal.alarm(self._dns_timeout)
+ for result in socket.getaddrinfo(
+ url_parts.hostname,
+ None,
+ addr_family,
+ socket.SOCK_STREAM,
+ 0,
+ ):
+ family, _, __, ___, sockaddr = result
+ ip = sockaddr[0]
+ if family == socket.AF_INET6:
+ ip = "[%s]" % ip
+ ips.append(ip)
+ finally:
+ signal.alarm(0)
+ except OSError as e:
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptime(): dns error for host %s: %s\n" % (url_parts.hostname, e),
+ 2,
+ )
+ except TimeoutException:
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptime(): dns timeout for host %s\n" % url_parts.hostname, 2
+ )
+ if not ips:
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptime(): unable to resolve ip for host %s\n" % url_parts.hostname, 2
+ )
+ return (None, True)
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptime(): ip's for host %s: %s\n" % (url_parts.hostname, str(ips)), 2
+ )
+ delta = 0
+ f = None
+ for ip in ips:
+ test_parts = url_parts._replace(netloc=ip)
+ test_url = url_unparse(test_parts)
+ self.output.write("deeptime(): testing url: %s\n" % test_url, 2)
+ f, test_url, early_out = self._test_connection(
+ test_url, url_parts, ip, ips[ips.index(ip) :]
+ )
+ if early_out:
+ break
+ if f is None:
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptime(): unable to "
+ + "connect to host %s\n" % (url_parts.hostname,),
+ 2,
+ )
+ return (None, True)
+ try:
+ # Close the initial "wake up" connection.
+ try:
+ signal.alarm(self._connect_timeout)
+ f.close()
+ finally:
+ signal.alarm(0)
+ except OSError as e:
+ self.output.write(
+ ("deeptime(): closing connection to host %s " "failed for ip %s: %s\n")
+ % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e),
+ 2,
+ )
+ except TimeoutException:
+ self.output.write(
+ ("deeptime(): closing connection to host %s " "timed out for ip %s\n")
+ % (url_parts.hostname, ip),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.output.write("deeptime(): timing url: %s\n" % test_url, 2)
+ try:
+ # The first connection serves to "wake up" the route between
+ # the local and remote machines. A second connection is used
+ # for the timed run.
+ try:
+ signal.alarm(int(math.ceil(maxtime)))
+ stime = time.time()
+ r = url_request(test_url)
+ r.host = url_parts.netloc
+ f = url_open(r)
+ md5 = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
+ delta = time.time() - stime
+ f.close()
+ if md5 != self.test_md5:
+ self.output.write(
+ "\ndeeptime(): md5sum error for file: %s\n" % self.test_file
+ + " expected: %s\n" % self.test_md5
+ + " got.....: %s\n" % md5
+ + " host....: %s, %s\n" % (url_parts.hostname, ip)
+ )
+ self.dl_failures += 1
+ return (None, True)
+ finally:
+ signal.alarm(0)
+ except (OSError, ssl.CertificateError) as e:
+ self.output.write(
+ ("\ndeeptime(): download from host %s " "failed for ip %s: %s\n")
+ % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e),
+ 2,
+ )
+ return (None, True)
+ except TimeoutException:
+ self.output.write(
+ ("\ndeeptime(): download from host %s " "timed out for ip %s\n")
+ % (url_parts.hostname, ip),
+ 2,
+ )
+ return (None, True)
+ except IncompleteRead as e:
+ self.output.write(
+ ("\ndeeptime(): download from host %s " "failed for ip %s: %s\n")
+ % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e),
+ 2,
+ )
+ return (None, True)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ self.output.write("deeptime(): download completed.\n", 2)
+ self.output.write("deeptime(): %s seconds for host %s\n" % (delta, url), 2)
+ return (delta, False)
+ def _test_connection(self, test_url, url_parts, ip, ips):
+ """Tests the url for a connection, will recurse using
+ the original url instead of the ip if an HTTPError occurs
+ Returns f, test_url, early_out
+ """
+ early_out = False
+ f = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ signal.alarm(self._connect_timeout)
+ r = url_request(test_url)
+ r.host = url_parts.netloc
+ f = url_open(r)
+ early_out = True
+ finally:
+ signal.alarm(0)
+ except HTTPError as e:
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptime(): connection to host %s\n"
+ " returned HTTPError: %s for ip %s\n"
+ " Switching back to original url\n"
+ % (url_parts.hostname, e, ip),
+ 2,
+ )
+ if len(ips) == 1:
+ test_url = url_unparse(url_parts)
+ return self._test_connection(test_url, url_parts, ip, [])
+ except (OSError, ssl.CertificateError) as e:
+ self.output.write(
+ "deeptime(): connection to host %s "
+ "failed for ip %s:\n %s\n" % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e),
+ 2,
+ )
+ except TimeoutException:
+ self.output.write(
+ ("deeptime(): connection to host %s " "timed out for ip %s\n")
+ % (url_parts.hostname, ip),
+ 2,
+ )
+ except Exception as e: # Add general exception to catch any other errors
+ self.output.print_warn(
+ (
+ "deeptime(): connection to host %s "
+ "errored for ip %s\n %s\n"
+ " Please file a bug for this error at bugs.gentoo.org"
+ )
+ % (url_parts.hostname, ip, e),
+ 0,
+ )
+ return f, test_url, early_out
+ def _list_add(self, time_host, maxtime, host_dict, maxlen):
+ """
+ Takes argumets ((time, host), maxtime, host_dict, maxlen)
+ Adds a new time:host pair to the dictionary of top hosts.
+ If the dictionary is full, the slowest host is removed to make space.
+ Returns the new maxtime, be it the specified timeout,
+ or the slowest host.
+ """
+ if len(host_dict) < maxlen: # still have room, and host is fast. add it.
+ self.output.write(
+ "_list_add(): added host %s. with a time of %s\n"
+ % (time_host[1], time_host[0]),
+ 2,
+ )
+ host_dict.update(dict([time_host]))
+ times = list(host_dict.keys())
+ times.sort()
+ else: # We need to make room in the dict before we add. Kill the slowest.
+ self.output.write(
+ "_list_add(): Adding host %s with a time of %s\n"
+ % (time_host[1], time_host[0]),
+ 2,
+ )
+ times = list(host_dict.keys())
+ times.sort()
+ self.output.write("_list_add(): removing %s\n" % host_dict[times[-1]], 2)
+ del host_dict[times[-1]]
+ host_dict.update(dict([time_host]))
+ # done adding. now return the appropriate time
+ times = list(host_dict.keys())
+ times.sort()
+ if len(host_dict) < maxlen: # check again to choose new timeout
+ self.output.write(
+ "_list_add(): host_dict is not full yet."
+ " reusing timeout of %s sec.\n" % maxtime,
+ 2,
+ )
+ retval = maxtime
+ else:
+ self.output.write(
+ "_list_add(): host_dict is full. " "Selecting the best timeout\n", 2
+ )
+ if times[-1] < maxtime:
+ retval = times[-1]
+ else:
+ retval = maxtime
+ self.output.write(
+ "_list_add(): new max time is %s seconds,"
+ " and now len(host_dict)= %s\n" % (retval, len(host_dict)),
+ 2,
+ )
+ return retval, host_dict
class Interactive:
- """Handles interactive host selection."""
- def __init__(self, hosts, options, output):
- self.output = output
- self.urls = []
- self.interactive(hosts, options)
- self.output.write('Interactive.interactive(): self.urls = %s\n'
- % self.urls, 2)
- if not self.urls or len(self.urls[0]) == 0:
- sys.exit(1)
- def interactive(self, hosts, options):
- """
- Some sort of interactive menu thingy.
- """
- if options.rsync:
- dialog = ['dialog', '--stdout', '--title', '"Gentoo RSYNC Mirrors"',
- '--radiolist', '"Please select your desired mirror:"',
- '20', '110', '14']
- else:
- dialog = ['dialog', '--separate-output', '--stdout', '--title',
- '"Gentoo Download Mirrors"', '--checklist',
- '"Please select your desired mirrors:']
- if not options.ipv4 and not options.ipv6:
- dialog[-1] += '\n* = supports ipv6'
- dialog.extend(['20', '110', '14'])
- for (url, args) in sorted(hosts, key = lambda x:
- (x[1]['country'].lower(), x[1]['name'].lower()) ):
- marker = ""
- if options.rsync and not url.endswith("/gentoo-portage"):
- url+="/gentoo-portage"
- if (not options.ipv6 and not options.ipv4) and args['ipv6'] == 'y':
- marker = "* "
- if options.ipv6 and ( args['ipv6'] == 'n' ): continue
- if options.ipv4 and ( args['ipv4'] == 'n' ): continue
- #dialog.append('"%s" "%s%s: %s" "OFF"'
- #% ( url, marker, args['country'], args['name']))
- dialog.extend(["%s" %url,
- "%s%s: %s" %(marker, args['country'], args['name']),
- "OFF"])
- dialog = [encoder(x, get_encoding(sys.stdout)) for x in dialog]
- proc = subprocess.Popen( dialog,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = proc.communicate()
- self.urls = out.splitlines()
- sys.stderr.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H")
- if self.urls:
- if hasattr(self.urls[0], 'decode'):
- self.urls = decode_selection(
- [x.decode('utf-8').rstrip() for x in self.urls])
- else:
- self.urls = decode_selection([x.rstrip() for x in self.urls])
+ """Handles interactive host selection."""
+ def __init__(self, hosts, options, output):
+ self.output = output
+ self.urls = []
+ self.interactive(hosts, options)
+ self.output.write("Interactive.interactive(): self.urls = %s\n" % self.urls, 2)
+ if not self.urls or len(self.urls[0]) == 0:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def interactive(self, hosts, options):
+ """
+ Some sort of interactive menu thingy.
+ """
+ if options.rsync:
+ dialog = [
+ "dialog",
+ "--stdout",
+ "--title",
+ '"Gentoo RSYNC Mirrors"',
+ "--radiolist",
+ '"Please select your desired mirror:"',
+ "20",
+ "110",
+ "14",
+ ]
+ else:
+ dialog = [
+ "dialog",
+ "--separate-output",
+ "--stdout",
+ "--title",
+ '"Gentoo Download Mirrors"',
+ "--checklist",
+ '"Please select your desired mirrors:',
+ ]
+ if not options.ipv4 and not options.ipv6:
+ dialog[-1] += "\n* = supports ipv6"
+ dialog.extend(["20", "110", "14"])
+ for (url, args) in sorted(
+ hosts, key=lambda x: (x[1]["country"].lower(), x[1]["name"].lower())
+ ):
+ marker = ""
+ if options.rsync and not url.endswith("/gentoo-portage"):
+ url += "/gentoo-portage"
+ if (not options.ipv6 and not options.ipv4) and args["ipv6"] == "y":
+ marker = "* "
+ if options.ipv6 and (args["ipv6"] == "n"):
+ continue
+ if options.ipv4 and (args["ipv4"] == "n"):
+ continue
+ # dialog.append('"%s" "%s%s: %s" "OFF"'
+ #% ( url, marker, args['country'], args['name']))
+ dialog.extend(
+ [
+ "%s" % url,
+ "%s%s: %s" % (marker, args["country"], args["name"]),
+ "OFF",
+ ]
+ )
+ dialog = [encoder(x, get_encoding(sys.stdout)) for x in dialog]
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(dialog, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = proc.communicate()
+ self.urls = out.splitlines()
+ sys.stderr.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H")
+ if self.urls:
+ if hasattr(self.urls[0], "decode"):
+ self.urls = decode_selection(
+ [x.decode("utf-8").rstrip() for x in self.urls]
+ )
+ else:
+ self.urls = decode_selection([x.rstrip() for x in self.urls])