Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* fix bug in qtgui where we included qwt5 but linked to qwt6, fix missing inclu...Rick Farina2014-08-251-208/+0
* cheetah is an rdep of grc, and an unconditional dep of build.Rick Farina2014-08-191-1/+2
* per upstream and bug 519586, fix dep on cheetahRick Farina2014-08-151-2/+2
* Make python USE dependency even stricter, bug #517994.Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn2014-08-011-2/+2
* fixing deps per bug 517994Rick Farina2014-08-011-2/+2
* fix deps, ctrlport was missing IceRick Farina2014-07-261-1/+4
* adding ~arm keyword backRick Farina2014-07-221-2/+2
* bunch of bug fixes and dep updates, dropping ~arm due to needing keywords on ...Rick Farina2014-07-221-0/+204