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1 files changed, 42 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/nx-x11/ChangeLog b/net-misc/nx-x11/ChangeLog
index a5d634e4794c..b6069da55be2 100644
--- a/net-misc/nx-x11/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-misc/nx-x11/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,47 @@
# ChangeLog for net-misc/nx-x11
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/nx-x11/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2006/03/05 13:21:33 stuart Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/nx-x11/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2006/04/30 17:16:01 stuart Exp $
+*nx-x11-1.5.0-r8 (30 Apr 2006)
+ 30 Apr 2006; Stuart Herbert <>
+ -files/1.5.0/nxcomp-gcc4.patch,
+ +files/1.5.0/nxcompext-1.5.0-nxcomp-fix.patch,
+ +files/1.5.0/nxdesktop-1.5.0-nxcomp-fix.patch,
+ +files/1.5.0/nxviewer-1.5.0-nxcomp-fix.patch,
+ +files/1.5.0/nx-x11-1.5.0-plastik-render-fix.patch, -files/1.5.0/50nx-x11,
+ +files/1.5.0/nx-x11-1.5.0-nxcomp-fix.patch,
+ +files/1.5.0/nx-x11-1.5.0-xorg7-font-fix.patch, -nx-x11-1.5.0-r5.ebuild,
+ +nx-x11-1.5.0-r8.ebuild:
+ Huge thanks to Jon Scruggs for all of the following changes:
+ * Changed the download load address
+ * removed nxesd from the list of files to download, unpack, and install.
+ (Moved
+ to it's own ebuild) (Thanks to Jon Severinsson for suggesting that)
+ * Cleaned up the dependency list
+ * Added two use flags: rdesktop and vnc to control building of those
+ components
+ only if the user needs them.
+ * Added in the plastik render fix patch to fix the redraw issue when resuming
+ and using the plastix window decoration (Thanks to Eike Hein)
+ * Added in the nxcomp pic patch to ad the -fPIC compile flag
+ * nxcomp and nxesd are no longer installed by this ebuild. Be careful when
+ updating to make sure nxcomp and nxesd components are not uninstalled. To be
+ on the safe side emerge nxcomp nxesd again. :)
+ * Cleaned up the install code.
+ * Added xorg 7 font directory fix. #123449
+ * Removed "dodir /var/lib/nxserver"
+ * Added a depend option to not include nx-x11-bin
+ * I was able to remove nxcomp completely from the ebuild and remove it from
+ being compiled by nx-x11. This means that nxcomp is no longer compiled twice.
+ This saves timne and is much better, imho.
+ * Added option to block all previous versions so that the new install won't
+ delete the needed nxcomp files. :) This is really important.
+ 05 Mar 2006; Stuart Herbert <> nx-x11-1.5.0-r5.ebuild:
+ Re-use already compiled libXcomp from nxcomp-1.5 package; thanks to Jon
+ Severinsson <> for the patch
*nx-x11-1.5.0-r5 (05 Mar 2006)