diff options
3 files changed, 288 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/dev-ruby/fssm/ChangeLog b/dev-ruby/fssm/ChangeLog
index 1e2be2a0416c..7bd734f9c69c 100644
--- a/dev-ruby/fssm/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-ruby/fssm/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-ruby/fssm
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/fssm/ChangeLog,v 1.9 2011/08/07 14:13:32 armin76 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/fssm/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2011/08/14 07:23:25 graaff Exp $
+*fssm-0.2.7-r1 (14 Aug 2011)
+ 14 Aug 2011; Hans de Graaff <> +fssm-0.2.7-r1.ebuild,
+ +files/fssm-0.2.7-test.patch:
+ Add dependency on rb-inotify as encouraged by upstream, so that inotify
+ events can be used instead of polling. Dropped keywords, bug 379131.
07 Aug 2011; Raúl Porcel <> fssm-0.2.5.ebuild,
diff --git a/dev-ruby/fssm/files/fssm-0.2.7-test.patch b/dev-ruby/fssm/files/fssm-0.2.7-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..775a016f8d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-ruby/fssm/files/fssm-0.2.7-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+commit e997e7411d5ffd041331b03b298b0919a3250ff7
+Author: Travis Tilley <>
+Date: Sat Jul 30 02:19:10 2011 -0400
+ more brutal honesty, document important FIXME items, and comment out specs for functionality that has never worked outside the polling backend ever
+diff --git a/spec/monitor_spec.rb b/spec/monitor_spec.rb
+index 08d465f..2ebba9a 100644
+--- a/spec/monitor_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/monitor_spec.rb
+@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
++# FIXME: burn this shit with fire for chrissake. this is not an acceptable
++# test suite. given variance between ruby versions and backends
++# regarding threads this is quite likely one of the most brittle
++# test suites EVAR.
+ require 'spec_helper'
+ require 'count_down_latch'
+@@ -43,6 +48,12 @@ module FSSM::MonitorSpecHelpers
+ end
+ end
++RSpec::Matchers.define :intersect_with do |test_enum|
++ match do |result_enum|
++ (result_enum & test_enum).length == test_enum.length
++ end
+ describe "The File System State Monitor" do
+ describe "monitor" do
+ include FSSM::MonitorSpecHelpers
+@@ -62,29 +73,29 @@ describe "The File System State Monitor" do
+ File.exists?(file).should be_false
+ FileUtils.touch file
+ end
+- @handler_results[:create].should == [[@tmp_dir, 'newfile.rb']]
++ @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'newfile.rb'])
+ end
+ it "should call update callback upon file modification" do
+ run_monitor(1) do
+ FileUtils.touch @tmp_dir + '/root/file.rb'
+ end
+- @handler_results[:update].should == [[@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb']]
++ @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb'])
+ end
+ it "should call delete callback upon file deletion" do
+ run_monitor(1) do
+ FileUtils.rm @tmp_dir + "/root/file.rb"
+ end
+- @handler_results[:delete].should == [[@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb']]
++ @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb'])
+ end
+ it "should call create and delete callbacks upon file renaming in the same directory" do
+ run_monitor(2) do
+ @tmp_dir + "/root/file.rb", @tmp_dir + "/root/old_file.rb"
+ end
+- @handler_results[:create].should == [[@tmp_dir, 'root/old_file.rb']]
+- @handler_results[:delete].should == [[@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb']]
++ @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/old_file.rb'])
++ @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb'])
+ @handler_results[:update].should == []
+ end
+@@ -92,8 +103,8 @@ describe "The File System State Monitor" do
+ run_monitor(2) do
+ @tmp_dir + "/root/file.rb", @tmp_dir + "/old_file.rb"
+ end
+- @handler_results[:create].should == [[@tmp_dir, 'old_file.rb']]
+- @handler_results[:delete].should == [[@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb']]
++ @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'old_file.rb'])
++ @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb'])
+ @handler_results[:update].should == []
+ end
+@@ -122,81 +133,83 @@ describe "The File System State Monitor" do
+ @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/yawn', :directory])
+ end
+- it "should call create, update, and delete callbacks upon directory renaming in the same directory" do
+- run_monitor(3, :directories => true) do
+- @tmp_dir + "/root/yawn", @tmp_dir + "/root/old_yawn"
+- end
+- @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/old_yawn', :directory])
+- @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/yawn', :directory])
+- @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory])
+- end
+- it "should call create, update, and delete callbacks upon directory moving to another directory" do
+- run_monitor(3, :directories => true) do
+- @tmp_dir + "/root/yawn", @tmp_dir + "/old_yawn"
+- end
+- @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'old_yawn', :directory])
+- @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/yawn', :directory])
+- @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory])
+- end
+- it "should call create, update, and delete callbacks upon file renaming in the same directory" do
+- run_monitor(3, :directories => true) do
+- @tmp_dir + "/root/file.rb", @tmp_dir + "/root/old_file.rb"
+- end
+- @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/old_file.rb', :file])
+- @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb', :file])
+- @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory])
+- end
+- it "should call create, update, and delete callbacks upon file moving to another directory" do
+- run_monitor(3, :directories => true) do
+- @tmp_dir + "/root/file.rb", @tmp_dir + "/old_file.rb"
+- end
+- @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'old_file.rb', :file])
+- @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb', :file])
+- @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory])
+- end
+- it "should call delete callbacks upon directory structure deletion, in reverse order" do
+- expected_delete_events = [
+- ['root/yawn', :directory],
+- ['root/moo/cow.txt', :file],
+- ['root/moo', :directory],
+- ['root/file.yml', :file],
+- ['root/file.rb', :file],
+- ['root/file.css', :file],
+- ['root/duck/quack.txt', :file],
+- ['root/duck', :directory],
+- ['root', :directory]
+- ]
+- run_monitor(expected_delete_events.size, :directories => true) do
+- FileUtils.rm_rf @tmp_dir + '/.'
+- end
+- @handler_results[:create].should == []
+- @handler_results[:delete].should == { |(file, type)| [@tmp_dir, file, type] }
+- @handler_results[:update].should == []
+- end
+- it "should call create callbacks upon directory structure creation, in order" do
+- expected_create_events = [
+- ['new_root', :directory],
+- ['new_root/duck', :directory],
+- ['new_root/duck/quack.txt', :file],
+- ['new_root/file.css', :file],
+- ['new_root/file.rb', :file],
+- ['new_root/file.yml', :file],
+- ['new_root/moo', :directory],
+- ['new_root/moo/cow.txt', :file],
+- ['new_root/yawn', :directory]
+- ]
+- run_monitor(expected_create_events.size, :directories => true) do
+- FileUtils.cp_r @tmp_dir + '/root/.', @tmp_dir + '/new_root'
+- end
+- @handler_results[:create].should == { |(file, type)| [@tmp_dir, file, type] }
+- @handler_results[:delete].should == []
+- @handler_results[:update].should == []
+- end
++# FIXME: this never worked outside the polling backend.
++# it "should call create, update, and delete callbacks upon directory renaming in the same directory" do
++# run_monitor(3, :directories => true) do
++# @tmp_dir + "/root/yawn", @tmp_dir + "/root/old_yawn"
++# end
++# @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/old_yawn', :directory])
++# @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/yawn', :directory])
++# @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory])
++# end
++# it "should call create, update, and delete callbacks upon directory moving to another directory" do
++# run_monitor(3, :directories => true) do
++# @tmp_dir + "/root/yawn", @tmp_dir + "/old_yawn"
++# end
++# @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'old_yawn', :directory])
++# @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/yawn', :directory])
++# @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory])
++# end
++# it "should call create, update, and delete callbacks upon file renaming in the same directory" do
++# run_monitor(3, :directories => true) do
++# @tmp_dir + "/root/file.rb", @tmp_dir + "/root/old_file.rb"
++# end
++# @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/old_file.rb', :file])
++# @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb', :file])
++# @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory])
++# end
++# it "should call create, update, and delete callbacks upon file moving to another directory" do
++# run_monitor(3, :directories => true) do
++# @tmp_dir + "/root/file.rb", @tmp_dir + "/old_file.rb"
++# end
++# @handler_results[:create].should include([@tmp_dir, 'old_file.rb', :file])
++# @handler_results[:delete].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb', :file])
++# @handler_results[:update].should include([@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory])
++# end
++# it "should call delete callbacks upon directory structure deletion" do
++# expected_delete_events = [
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root/yawn', :directory],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root/moo/cow.txt', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root/moo', :directory],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root/file.yml', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root/file.rb', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root/file.css', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root/duck/quack.txt', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root/duck', :directory],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'root', :directory]
++# ]
++# run_monitor(expected_delete_events.size, :directories => true) do
++# FileUtils.rm_rf @tmp_dir + '/.'
++# end
++# @handler_results[:create].should == []
++# @handler_results[:delete].should intersect_with(expected_delete_events)
++# @handler_results[:update].should == []
++# end
++# it "should call create callbacks upon directory structure creation" do
++# expected_create_events = [
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root', :directory],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root/duck', :directory],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root/duck/quack.txt', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root/file.css', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root/file.rb', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root/file.yml', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root/moo', :directory],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root/moo/cow.txt', :file],
++# [@tmp_dir, 'new_root/yawn', :directory]
++# ]
++# run_monitor(expected_create_events.size, :directories => true) do
++# FileUtils.cp_r @tmp_dir + '/root/.', @tmp_dir + '/new_root'
++# end
++# @handler_results[:create].should intersect_with(expected_create_events)
++# @handler_results[:delete].should == []
++# @handler_results[:update].should == []
++# end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/dev-ruby/fssm/fssm-0.2.7-r1.ebuild b/dev-ruby/fssm/fssm-0.2.7-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..162a62a5effc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-ruby/fssm/fssm-0.2.7-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/fssm/fssm-0.2.7-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/08/14 07:23:25 graaff Exp $
+USE_RUBY="ruby18 ree18 jruby"
+inherit ruby-fakegem
+# rb-inotify is a Linux-specific extension, so we will need to make this
+# conditional when keywords are added that are not linux-specific.
+ruby_add_rdepend ">=dev-ruby/rb-inotify-0.8.6-r1"
+ruby_add_bdepend "test? ( >=dev-ruby/rspec-2.4.0:2 )"
+all_ruby_prepare() {
+ # Remove bundler support
+ sed -i -e '/[Bb]undler/d' Rakefile spec/spec_helper.rb || die
+ rm Gemfile || die
+ # Fix/ignore broken specs with patch from upstream
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-test.patch"
+all_ruby_install() {
+ all_fakegem_install
+ dodoc example.rb