diff options
authorPatrick Lauer <>2010-07-11 11:05:36 +0000
committerPatrick Lauer <>2010-07-11 11:05:36 +0000
commit03aa7fb01a1b39648104ee197f7a5657e85468cb (patch)
tree62fe755eaf2dd7b4f04dd4427b8a3d607ffb3368 /dev-db/postgresql
parentfix EMUL_DEPS, just list direct dependencies (diff)
Remove obsolete libpq and postgresql
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-db/postgresql')
44 files changed, 0 insertions, 5999 deletions
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/ChangeLog b/dev-db/postgresql/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index e0742fd61412..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2116 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for dev-db/postgresql
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/ChangeLog,v 1.387 2009/11/07 19:48:21 patrick Exp $
- 07 Nov 2009; Patrick Lauer <> postgresql-8.1.18.ebuild:
- Fixing tests for other versions too
- 07 Nov 2009; Patrick Lauer <> postgresql-8.2.14.ebuild:
- Fixing wrong patch name, closes #292153
-*postgresql-8.2.14 (05 Nov 2009)
-*postgresql-8.1.18 (05 Nov 2009)
-*postgresql-8.0.22 (05 Nov 2009)
-*postgresql-7.4.26 (05 Nov 2009)
- 05 Nov 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +postgresql-7.4.26.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.22.ebuild, +postgresql-8.1.18.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.2.14.ebuild:
- Bump for #284274
- 14 Oct 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #268138).
- 03 Oct 2009; Brent Baude <> postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild:
- Marking postgresql-8.1.11 ppc64 for bug 268138
- 24 Sep 2009; Raúl Porcel <> postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild:
- alpha/arm/ia64/s390/sh/sparc stable
- 02 Aug 2009; Markus Meier <> postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild:
- amd64 stable, bug #268138
- 31 May 2009; nixnut <> postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild:
- ppc stable #268138
- 29 May 2009; Christian Faulhammer <>
- postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild:
- x86 stable, to fix the mess I caused
- 09 Apr 2009; Caleb Tennis <> -files/postgresql.conf-8.3,
- -files/postgresql.init-8.3, -files/postgresql-8.3.1-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.3.1-regress_su.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.3.1-sh.patch, -postgresql-8.3.1.ebuild:
- remove 8.3, use postgresql-{base,server} if you want it instead
- 05 Aug 2008; Ulrich Mueller <> metadata.xml:
- Add USE flag description to metadata wrt GLEP 56.
- 19 May 2008; Tiziano Müller <>
- postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild, postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.2.6.ebuild, postgresql-8.2.7.ebuild, postgresql-8.3.1.ebuild:
- Added blockers for dev-db/postgresql-server
-*postgresql-8.3.1 (26 Mar 2008)
- 26 Mar 2008; Caleb Tennis <> +files/postgresql.conf-8.3,
- +files/postgresql.init-8.3, +files/postgresql-8.3.1-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.3.1-regress_su.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.3.1-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.3.1.ebuild:
- Version bump, with ebuilds and modifications from 206725
-*postgresql-8.2.7 (26 Mar 2008)
- 26 Mar 2008; Caleb Tennis <>
- +files/postgresql-8.2.7-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.7-no-test.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.7-python-threads.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.7-regress_fix.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.7-regress_su.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.7-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.2.7.ebuild:
- Version bump
- 20 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <>
- -files/postgresql-7.3.19-cubeparse.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.17-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.13-sh.patch, -postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- Remove vulnerable versions for #204760
- 16 Jan 2008; Peter Weller <> postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64; bug 204760
- 16 Jan 2008; Peter Weller <> postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64; bug 204760
- 16 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <> postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild:
- Fix multi-lib issue on 7.3.21, reported in #204760
- 16 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <>
- -files/postgresql-8.1.9-regress_su.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.9-sh.patch, -files/postgresql-8.2.4-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.2.4-no-test.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.2.4-python-threads.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.2.4-regress_fix.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.2.4-regress_su.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.2.4-sh.patch:
- Remove patches for removed versions
- 16 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <> -postgresql-8.1.9.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.2.4-r1.ebuild:
- Remove vulnerable non-stable targets for #204760
- 15 Jan 2008; Tobias Scherbaum <>
- postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild:
- ppc stable, bug #204760
- 15 Jan 2008; Brent Baude <> postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild:
- Marking postgresql-7.4.19 ppc64 for bug 204760
- 15 Jan 2008; Raúl Porcel <> postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild:
- alpha/ia64/sparc stable wrt security #204760
- 15 Jan 2008; Brent Baude <> postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild:
- Marking postgresql-8.0.15 ppc64 for bug 204760
- 14 Jan 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #204760).
- 14 Jan 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #204760).
- 14 Jan 2008; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #204760).
- 14 Jan 2008; Brent Baude <> postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild:
- Marking postgresql-7.3.21 ppc64 for bug 204760
- 13 Jan 2008; Christian Faulhammer <>
- postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild:
- stable x86, security bug 204760
-*postgresql-8.1.11 (13 Jan 2008)
- 13 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <>
- +files/postgresql-8.1.11-regress_su.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.11-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild:
- Bump to 8.1.11 for #204760
-*postgresql-7.3.21 (13 Jan 2008)
- 13 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <>
- +files/postgresql-7.3.21-cubeparse.patch, +postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild:
- Bump to 7.3.21 for #204760
-*postgresql-7.4.19 (13 Jan 2008)
- 13 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <>
- +files/postgresql-7.4.19-hppa-testandset.patch, +postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild:
- Bump to 7.4.19 for #204760
-*postgresql-8.0.15 (13 Jan 2008)
- 13 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.15-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild:
- Bump to 8.0.15 for #204760
-*postgresql-8.2.6 (13 Jan 2008)
- 13 Jan 2008; Martin Jackson <>
- +files/postgresql-8.2.6-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.6-no-test.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.6-python-threads.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.6-regress_fix.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.6-regress_su.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.6-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.2.6.ebuild:
- Bump to 8.2.6 for #204760. Thanks to Michael Kefeder for ebuilds.
- 28 Oct 2007; Christian Heim <> postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.1.9.ebuild, postgresql-8.2.4-r1.ebuild:
- Include virtual/logger in RDEPEND, as the initscript already specifies 'need
- logger'.
- 17 Aug 2007; Roy Marples <> files/postgresql.conf-8.2,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.4-python-threads.patch, postgresql-8.2.4-r1.ebuild:
- Drop the default number of allowed connections from 512 to 40
- so that we work on the default FreeBSD kernel as well, #189141 thanks to Jason.
- Add a patch that removes the check for a threaded python on *BSD as
- Gentoo/FreeBSD supplies a working threaded python, #189080.
- 11 Jul 2007; Tiziano Müller <>
- files/postgresql.conf-8.0, files/postgresql.init-8.0,
- files/postgresql.conf-8.1, files/postgresql.init-8.1,
- files/postgresql.conf-8.2, files/postgresql.init-8.2:
- Fixed s-s-d env var abuse (bug #175210, thanks to Roy Marples)
- 24 Jun 2007; Tiziano Müller <>
- -files/postgresql-8.0.12-gentoo.patch, -files/postgresql-8.0.12-sh.patch,
- -postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- Dropped old versions.
- 24 Jun 2007; Tiziano Müller <>
- -files/postgresql-8.0-gentoo.patch, -files/postgresql-8.0-sh.patch,
- -postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- Dropped old version.
- 11 Jun 2007; Joshua Kinard <> postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- Stable on mips, per #158075.
- 09 Jun 2007; Tiziano Müller <>
- -files/postgresql-7.3.16-cubeparse.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.16-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.18-cubeparse.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.18-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.3-cubeparse.patch, -files/postgresql-7.3-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.14-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.14-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.16-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.16-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.9-gentoo.patch, -files/postgresql-8.0.9-sh.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.5-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.5-regress_fix.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.5-regress_su.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.5-sh.patch, -files/postgresql-8.1.8-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.8-regress_fix.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.8-regress_su.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.8-sh.patch, -files/postgresql-8.1-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1-sh.patch, -postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild, -postgresql-7.3.18.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.1.5-r1.ebuild, -postgresql-8.1.8.ebuild:
- Dropped old versions.
- 07 May 2007; Jose Luis Rivero <>
- postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha wrt security bug #175791
- 05 May 2007; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64; bug #175791
- 05 May 2007; Tobias Scherbaum <>
- postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- ppc stable, bug #175791
- 04 May 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #175791).
- 04 May 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #175791).
- 04 May 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #175791).
- 04 May 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
- postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64 wrt security bug #175791.
- 04 May 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt security #175791
- 04 May 2007; Raúl Porcel <> postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- ia64 + x86 stable wrt security bug 175791
-*postgresql-8.1.9 (03 May 2007)
- 03 May 2007; Andrew Ross <>
- +files/postgresql-8.1.9-regress_su.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.9-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.1.9.ebuild:
- Version bump from 8.1.8 to 8.1.9 for bug #175791 (CVE-2007-2138 privilege
- escalation in SECURITY DEFINER functions).
-*postgresql-7.4.17 (03 May 2007)
- 03 May 2007; Andrew Ross <>
- +files/postgresql-7.4.17-hppa-testandset.patch, +postgresql-7.4.17.ebuild:
- Version bump from 7.4.16 to 7.4.17 for bug #175791 (CVE-2007-2138 privilege
- escalation in SECURITY DEFINER functions).
-*postgresql-7.3.19 (03 May 2007)
- 03 May 2007; Andrew Ross <>
- +files/postgresql-7.3.19-cubeparse.patch, +postgresql-7.3.19.ebuild:
- Version bump to 7.3.19 for bug #175791 (CVE-2007-2138 privilege escalation
- in SECURITY DEFINER functions).
-*postgresql-8.2.4-r1 (02 May 2007)
- 02 May 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
- -postgresql-8.2.4.ebuild, +postgresql-8.2.4-r1.ebuild:
- Closing bug #176743.
-*postgresql-8.2.4 (01 May 2007)
- 01 May 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
- +files/postgresql-8.2.4-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.4-no-test.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.4-regress_fix.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.4-regress_su.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.2.4-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.2.4.ebuild:
- Version bump, closing bug #157337.
-*postgresql-8.0.13 (01 May 2007)
- 01 May 2007; Andrew Ross <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.13-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.0.13.ebuild:
- Version bump for bug #175791 (CVE-2007-2138 privilege escalation in SECURITY
- DEFINER functions).
- 28 Apr 2007; Torsten Veller <> postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- Fix *initd, *confd and *envd calls (#173884, #174266)
- 04 Mar 2007; Simon Stelling <> postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- stable on amd64; security bug 165482
- 03 Mar 2007; Steve Dibb <> postgresql-7.3.18.ebuild:
- amd64 stable, security bug 165482
- 18 Feb 2007; Tobias Scherbaum <>
- postgresql-7.3.18.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc wrt bug #165482.
- 16 Feb 2007; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-7.3.18.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- Stable on Alpha + IA64, bug 165482.
- 14 Feb 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #165482).
- 14 Feb 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-7.3.18.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #165482).
- 13 Feb 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-7.3.18.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt security #165482
- 13 Feb 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #165482).
- 13 Feb 2007; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64; bug #165482
- 13 Feb 2007; Christian Faulhammer <>
- postgresql-7.3.18.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- stable x86; security bug 165482
- 12 Feb 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt security #165482
-*postgresql-8.1.8 (12 Feb 2007)
- 12 Feb 2007; Martin Jackson <>
- +files/postgresql-8.1.8-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.8-regress_fix.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.8-regress_su.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.8-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.1.8.ebuild:
- Fixing the 8.1 branch for 165482
-*postgresql-8.0.12 (12 Feb 2007)
- 12 Feb 2007; Martin Jackson <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.12-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.0.12-sh.patch,
- +postgresql-8.0.12.ebuild:
- New 8.0 version for bug 165482
-*postgresql-7.4.16 (12 Feb 2007)
- 12 Feb 2007; Martin Jackson <>
- +files/postgresql-7.4.16-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.16-hppa-testandset.patch, +postgresql-7.4.16.ebuild:
- New version of 7.4 branch for bug 165482
- 11 Feb 2007; Tiziano Müller <>
- postgresql-7.3.18.ebuild:
- Resetted alpha to ~alpha
- 18 Dec 2006; Tiziano Müller <>
- postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- Added a new check for pg-hier USE-flag
- 18 Dec 2006; Tiziano Müller <>
- postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- Removed broken pg-hier USE-flag detection.
- 18 Dec 2006; Jason Wever <> postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild:
- Stable on SPARC wrt security bug #152783.
- 17 Dec 2006; René Nussbaumer <>
- postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa. See bug #152783.
- 17 Dec 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
- postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64 wrt security bug #152783.
- 17 Dec 2006; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on Alpha + ia64, bug 152783.
- 17 Dec 2006; Jason Wever <> postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on SPARC wrt security bug #152783.
- 17 Dec 2006; Tiziano Müller <>
- postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild, -postgresql-8.1.5.ebuild:
- Dropped old versions. Added note for people having the pg-hier USE-flag set.
- 17 Dec 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
- postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc wrt bug #152783.
- 14 Dec 2006; Markus Rothe <> ChangeLog:
- got disconnected from internet while commiting - fixing digest
- 14 Dec 2006; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64; bug #152783
- 14 Dec 2006; Christian Faulhammer <>
- postgresql-8.0.9-r1.ebuild:
- stable x86, security bug #152783
- 14 Dec 2006; Christian Faulhammer <>
- postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild:
- stable x86, security bug #152783
- 14 Dec 2006; Christian Faulhammer <>
- postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild:
- stable x86, security bug #152783
- 12 Dec 2006; Tiziano Müller <> ChangeLog:
- Added new conf.d/init.d files for version 8.0 and 8.1.
- 11 Nov 2006; Tiziano Müller <>
- files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4, files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4,
- files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0, files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0:
- Added PGPORT var for pg_autovacuum: bug #53443, thanks to Paul Komarek
- 11 Nov 2006; Tiziano Müller <>
- files/postgresql.conf-7.4, files/postgresql.init-7.4:
- Added PGDATA_ALT env var for postgres-7.4: bug #69139
- 09 Nov 2006; Luca Longinotti <>
- postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.9.ebuild, postgresql-8.1.5.ebuild:
- Fix blockers.
- 09 Nov 2006; Luca Longinotti <> postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.1.5.ebuild:
- Add blockers for older LibPQs.
- 08 Nov 2006; Luca Longinotti <> postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.1.5.ebuild:
- Make the notice $ROOT aware.
- 08 Nov 2006; Tiziano Müller <>
- postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.9.ebuild, postgresql-8.1.5.ebuild:
- Added note for global psqlrc
-*postgresql-8.1.5 (07 Nov 2006)
-*postgresql-8.0.9 (07 Nov 2006)
-*postgresql-7.4.14 (07 Nov 2006)
-*postgresql-7.3.16 (07 Nov 2006)
- 07 Nov 2006; Luca Longinotti <>
- files/postgresql.conf-7.3, files/postgresql.init-7.3,
- +files/postgresql-7.3.16-cubeparse.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.3.16-gentoo.patch, files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4,
- files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4, files/postgresql.conf-7.4,
- files/postgresql.init-7.4, +files/postgresql-7.4.14-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.14-hppa-testandset.patch,
- files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0, files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0,
- files/postgresql.conf-8.0, files/postgresql.init-8.0,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.9-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.0.9-sh.patch,
- files/postgresql.conf-8.1, files/postgresql.init-8.1,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.5-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.5-regress_fix.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.5-regress_su.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.5-sh.patch, -postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild, +postgresql-7.3.16.ebuild,
- +postgresql-7.4.14.ebuild, +postgresql-8.0.9.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.1.4.ebuild, +postgresql-8.1.5.ebuild:
- New PostgreSQL ebuilds.
- 24 Oct 2006; Roy Marples <> postgresql-8.1.4.ebuild:
- Added ~sparc-fbsd keyword.
- 14 Oct 2006; Aron Griffis <>
- postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild:
- Mark 7.3.15-r1 stable on ia64. #135187
- 01 Oct 2006; Jeroen Roovers <> postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild:
- Stable for HPPA (bug #135187).
- 16 Aug 2006; Joshua Jackson <>
- postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild:
- Stable x86; bug #135187
- 11 Aug 2006; Jason Wever <> postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on SPARC wrt bug #135187.
- 10 Aug 2006; Thomas Cort <> postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha and amd64 wrt Bug #135187.
- 04 Aug 2006; Doug Goldstein <> postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild, postgresql-8.1.4.ebuild:
- USE flag split tcltk-> tcl & tk per bug #17808
- 31 Jul 2006; Luca Longinotti <>
- -files/postgresql-7.3.15-cubeparse.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.3-cubeparse.patch, postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild:
- Both 7.3 releases need the cubeparse patch to compile successfully.
- 31 Jul 2006; Luca Longinotti <> Manifest:
- Fix Manifest.
- 30 Jul 2006; Luca Longinotti <>
- +files/postgresql.conf-7.3, +files/postgresql.init-7.3,
- -files/postgresql.init-7.3.6, -files/postgresql.init-7.3.9,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.9-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.9-securityfix.patch, -files/postgresql.init-7.3.11,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.11-gentoo.patch, -files/postgresql.init-7.3.13,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.13-gentoo.patch, -files/postgresql.init-7.3.14,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.14-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-7.3-gentoo.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4,
- +files/postgresql.conf-7.4, +files/postgresql.init-7.4,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.7, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.7,
- -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.7, -files/postgresql.init-7.4.7,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.7-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.7-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.7-securityfix.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.7-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.8, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.8,
- -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.8, -files/postgresql.init-7.4.8,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.8-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.8-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.8-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.9, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.9,
- -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.9, -files/postgresql.init-7.4.9,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.9-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.9-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.9-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.11, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.11,
- -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.11, -files/postgresql.init-7.4.11,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.11-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.11-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.11-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.12, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.12,
- -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.12, -files/postgresql.init-7.4.12,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.12-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.12-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.12-vacuum-delay.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4-vacuum-delay.patch, +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0, +files/postgresql.conf-8.0,
- +files/postgresql.init-8.0, -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.3,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.3, -files/postgresql.conf-8.0.3,
- -files/postgresql.init-8.0.3, -files/postgresql-8.0.3-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.3-sh.patch, -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.4,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.4, -files/postgresql.conf-8.0.4,
- -files/postgresql.init-8.0.4, -files/postgresql-8.0.4-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.4-sh.patch, -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.6,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.6, -files/postgresql.conf-8.0.6,
- -files/postgresql.init-8.0.6, -files/postgresql-8.0.6-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.6-sh.patch, -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.7,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.7, -files/postgresql.conf-8.0.7,
- -files/postgresql.init-8.0.7, -files/postgresql-8.0.7-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.7-sh.patch, +files/postgresql-8.0-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.0-sh.patch, +files/postgresql.conf-8.1,
- +files/postgresql.init-8.1, -files/postgresql.conf-8.1.2,
- -files/postgresql.init-8.1.2, -files/postgresql-8.1.2-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.2-sh.patch, -files/postgresql.conf-8.1.3,
- -files/postgresql.init-8.1.3, -files/postgresql-8.1.3-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.3-sh.patch, +files/postgresql-8.1-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1-sh.patch, -files/CAN-2005-1409-doc.patch,
- -files/CAN-2005-1409.patch, -files/CAN-2005-1410.patch,
- -files/postgresql.conf, metadata.xml, -postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.3.13.ebuild, -postgresql-7.3.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.8.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.11.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.12.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.6.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.7.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild, -postgresql-8.1.2.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.1.3.ebuild, -postgresql-8.1.3-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.1.4.ebuild:
- Cleanup.
- 16 Jul 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
- postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild:
- ppc stable, bug #135187
-*postgresql-7.3.15-r1 (12 Jul 2006)
- 12 Jul 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <>
- +postgresql-7.3.15-r1.ebuild, +files/postgresql-7.3.15-cubeparse.patch,
- -postgresql-7.3.15.ebuild:
- Closing bug #135187 by patch from Giacomo Cariello <>.
- 05 Jul 2006; Michael Sterrett <>
- postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.8.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.11.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.12.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.6.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.7.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild, postgresql-8.1.2.ebuild, postgresql-8.1.3.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.1.3-r1.ebuild, postgresql-8.1.4.ebuild:
- xml2 use flag changed to xml
- 04 Jun 2006; Thomas Cort <> postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64 wrt security Bug #134168.
- 04 Jun 2006; Thomas Cort <> postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64 wrt security Bug #134168.
- 03 Jun 2006; Rene Nussbaumer <>
- postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa. See bug #134168.
- 03 Jun 2006; Rene Nussbaumer <>
- postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa. See bug #134168.
- 03 Jun 2006; Mark Loeser <> postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- Stable on x86; bug #134168
- 01 Jun 2006; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt security #134168
- 01 Jun 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <>
- postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- ppc stable, bug #134168
- 01 Jun 2006; Thomas Cort <> postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha wrt security Bug #134168.
- 01 Jun 2006; Thomas Cort <> postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha wrt security Bug #134168.
- 31 May 2006; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64; bug #134168
- 31 May 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +postgresql-8.1.4.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.8.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.13.ebuild,
- +postgresql-7.3.15.ebuild:
- Version bump wrt security bug #134168.
- 27 Apr 2006; Marien Zwart <>
- files/digest-postgresql-7.3.6-r2, files/digest-postgresql-7.3.9-r1,
- files/digest-postgresql-7.3.11, files/digest-postgresql-7.3.13,
- files/digest-postgresql-7.3.14, files/digest-postgresql-7.4.7-r1,
- files/digest-postgresql-7.4.7-r2, files/digest-postgresql-7.4.8,
- files/digest-postgresql-7.4.9, files/digest-postgresql-7.4.11,
- files/digest-postgresql-7.4.12, files/digest-postgresql-8.0.3,
- files/digest-postgresql-8.0.4, files/digest-postgresql-8.0.6,
- files/digest-postgresql-8.0.7, files/digest-postgresql-8.1.2,
- files/digest-postgresql-8.1.3, Manifest:
- Fixing SHA256 digest, pass four
- 17 Apr 2006; Diego Pettenò <>
- postgresql-8.1.3-r1.ebuild:
- Add ~x86-fbsd keyword.
-*postgresql-8.1.3-r1 (10 Apr 2006)
- 10 Apr 2006; <> +postgresql-8.1.3-r1.ebuild:
- Re-add threads support, bug #120190.
- 09 Mar 2006; Aron Griffis <> postgresql-8.0.7.ebuild:
- Mark 8.0.7 stable on ia64
- 20 Feb 2006; Joshua Kinard <> postgresql-8.1.3.ebuild:
- Kick 8.1.3 back down to mips unstable -- no need to jump ahead of the other
- archs.
- 20 Feb 2006; Joshua Kinard <> postgresql-7.3.14.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.12.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.7.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.1.3.ebuild:
- Marked stable on mips.
- 19 Feb 2006; Bryan Østergaard <
- postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild:
- Stable 7.3.11 + 7.4.9 on Alpha.
- 16 Feb 2006; Masatomo Nakano <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed digest/Manifest.
-*postgresql-8.0.7 (15 Feb 2006)
-*postgresql-7.4.12 (15 Feb 2006)
-*postgresql-7.3.14 (15 Feb 2006)
- 15 Feb 2006; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.init-7.3.14, +files/postgresql-7.3.14-gentoo.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.12, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.12,
- +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.12, +files/postgresql.init-7.4.12,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.12-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.12-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.12-vacuum-delay.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.7, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.7,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.0.7, +files/postgresql.init-8.0.7,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.7-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.0.7-sh.patch,
- +postgresql-7.3.14.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.12.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.7.ebuild:
- Version bump.
-*postgresql-8.1.3 (14 Feb 2006)
- 14 Feb 2006; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.1.3, +files/postgresql.init-8.1.3,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.3-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.1.3-sh.patch,
- +postgresql-8.1.3.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 04 Feb 2006; Aron Griffis <> postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild:
- Mark 8.0.4 stable on alpha
- 29 Jan 2006; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/postgresql.init-7.3.10, -files/postgresql-7.3.10-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql.init-7.3.12, -files/postgresql-7.3.12-gentoo.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.10, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.10,
- -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.10, -files/postgresql.init-7.4.10,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.10-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.10-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.10-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.1, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.1,
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.0.1, -files/postgresql.init-8.0.1,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.1-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.1-gentoo-libpq.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.1-securityfix.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.5, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.5,
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.0.5, -files/postgresql.init-8.0.5,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.5-gentoo.patch, -files/postgresql-8.0.5-sh.patch,
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.1.0, -files/postgresql.init-8.1.0,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.0-gentoo.patch, -files/postgresql-8.1.0-sh.patch,
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.1.1, -files/postgresql.init-8.1.1,
- -files/postgresql-8.1.1-gentoo.patch, -files/postgresql-8.1.1-sh.patch,
- -postgresql-7.3.10.ebuild, -postgresql-7.3.12.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.10.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.5.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.1.0.ebuild, -postgresql-8.1.1.ebuild:
- Removed old versions.
-*postgresql-8.1.2 (28 Jan 2006)
-*postgresql-8.0.6 (28 Jan 2006)
-*postgresql-7.4.11 (28 Jan 2006)
-*postgresql-7.3.13 (28 Jan 2006)
- 28 Jan 2006; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.init-7.3.13, +files/postgresql-7.3.13-gentoo.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.11, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.11,
- +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.11, +files/postgresql.init-7.4.11,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.11-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.11-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.11-vacuum-delay.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.6, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.6,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.0.6, +files/postgresql.init-8.0.6,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.6-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.0.6-sh.patch,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.1.2, +files/postgresql.init-8.1.2,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.2-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.1.2-sh.patch,
- +postgresql-7.3.13.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.11.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.6.ebuild, +postgresql-8.1.2.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 26 Dec 2005; Simon Stelling <> postgresql-7.3.12.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild:
- - 7.3.12: fix multilib-strict wise
- - 7.4.9 & 8.0.4: mark stable on amd64
-*postgresql-8.1.1 (25 Dec 2005)
-*postgresql-8.0.5 (25 Dec 2005)
-*postgresql-7.4.10 (25 Dec 2005)
-*postgresql-7.3.12 (25 Dec 2005)
- 25 Dec 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.init-7.3.12, +files/postgresql-7.3.12-gentoo.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.10, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.10,
- +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.10, +files/postgresql.init-7.4.10,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.10-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.10-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.10-vacuum-delay.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.5, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.5,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.0.5, +files/postgresql.init-8.0.5,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.5-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.0.5-sh.patch,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.1.1, +files/postgresql.init-8.1.1,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.1-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.1.1-sh.patch,
- +postgresql-7.3.12.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.10.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.5.ebuild, +postgresql-8.1.1.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 23 Nov 2005; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-8.1.0.ebuild:
- Fixed version check logic for 8.1. (#72814)
- 21 Nov 2005; Joseph Jezak <> postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild:
- Marked ppc stable for bug #111916.
- 21 Nov 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt #111916
- 19 Nov 2005; Rene Nussbaumer <>
- postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 19 Nov 2005; Mark Loeser <> postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild:
- Stable on x86; bug #111916
- 17 Nov 2005; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64; bug #111916
- 12 Nov 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.10.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.8.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild, postgresql-8.1.0.ebuild:
- removed --with-gnu-ld. (#108386).
- 08 Nov 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.1_beta3, -files/postgresql.init-8.1_beta3,
- -files/postgresql-8.1_beta3-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1_beta3-sh.patch, -postgresql-8.1_beta3.ebuild:
- removed beta version.
-*postgresql-8.1.0 (08 Nov 2005)
- 08 Nov 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.1.0, +files/postgresql.init-8.1.0,
- +files/postgresql-8.1.0-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.1.0-sh.patch,
- +postgresql-8.1.0.ebuild:
- version bump.
- 22 Oct 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.10.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.8.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.1_beta3.ebuild:
- Use emerge --config instead of ebuild ... config. #109482
- 17 Oct 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.1_beta1, -files/postgresql.init-8.1_beta1,
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.1_beta2, -files/postgresql.init-8.1_beta2,
- -files/postgresql-8.1_beta1-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1_beta1-sh.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1_beta2-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.1_beta2-sh.patch, -postgresql-8.1_beta1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.1_beta2.ebuild:
- Removed old versions.
-*postgresql-8.1_beta3 (15 Oct 2005)
- 15 Oct 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.1_beta3, +files/postgresql.init-8.1_beta3,
- +files/postgresql-8.1_beta3-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1_beta3-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.1_beta3.ebuild:
- Version bump.
-*postgresql-8.0.4 (09 Oct 2005)
-*postgresql-7.4.9 (09 Oct 2005)
-*postgresql-7.3.11 (09 Oct 2005)
- 09 Oct 2005; <> +files/postgresql.init-7.3.11,
- +files/postgresql-7.3.11-gentoo.patch, +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.9,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.9, +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.9,
- +files/postgresql.init-7.4.9, +files/postgresql-7.4.9-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.9-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.9-vacuum-delay.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.4, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.4,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.0.4, +files/postgresql.init-8.0.4,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.4-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql-8.0.4-sh.patch,
- +postgresql-7.3.11.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.9.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.4.ebuild:
- version bump
- 08 Oct 2005; Thomas Matthijs <> postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild:
- use java-pkg_dojar not dojar
-*postgresql-8.1_beta2 (21 Sep 2005)
- 21 Sep 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.1_beta2, +files/postgresql.init-8.1_beta2,
- +files/postgresql-8.1_beta2-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1_beta2-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.1_beta2.ebuild:
- Version bump.
-*postgresql-8.1_beta1 (28 Aug 2005)
- 28 Aug 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.1_beta1, +files/postgresql.init-8.1_beta1,
- +files/postgresql-8.1_beta1-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.1_beta1-sh.patch, +postgresql-8.1_beta1.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 17 Aug 2005; MATSUU Takuto <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.3-sh.patch, postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Stable on sh.
- 03 Aug 2005; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha.
- 31 Jul 2005; Tobias Scherbaum <>
- postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- ppc stable
- 29 Jul 2005; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.10.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.8.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Fixed dependency bug. (#100631)
- 28 Jul 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64.
- 28 Jul 2005; Rene Nussbaumer <>
- postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 21 Jul 2005; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64
- 20 Jul 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc
- 20 Jul 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86 and tidy up.
- 14 Jul 2005; Rene Nussbaumer <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 12 Jul 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc
- 11 Jul 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.2, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.2,
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.0.2, -files/postgresql.init-8.0.2,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.2-gentoo.patch, -postgresql-8.0.2.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.2-r1.ebuild:
- Removed postgresql-8.0.2 packages.
- 09 Jul 2005; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64
- 06 Jul 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
- 06 Jul 2005; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.8.ebuild:
- Makred stable on x86.
- 03 Jul 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- files/postgresql-7.4.8-gentoo.patch:
- Removed unnecessary patch.
- 03 Jul 2005; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.10.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
-*postgresql-8.0.3 (16 May 2005)
-*postgresql-7.4.8 (16 May 2005)
-*postgresql-7.3.10 (16 May 2005)
- 16 May 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.init-7.3.10, +files/postgresql-7.3.10-gentoo.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.8, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.8,
- +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.8, +files/postgresql.init-7.4.8,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.8-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.8-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.8-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.2-gentoo-libpq.patch,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.3, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.3,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.0.3, +files/postgresql.init-8.0.3,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.3-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-7.3.10.ebuild,
- +postgresql-7.4.8.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.2-r2.ebuild, +postgresql-8.0.3.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 15 May 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
- 09 May 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- files/postgresql-8.0.1-gentoo-libpq.patch,
- files/postgresql-8.0.2-gentoo-libpq.patch, postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.2-r2.ebuild:
- Removed header files installed by libpq package.
- 09 May 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.2-r2.ebuild:
- Fixed include files.
- 08 May 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.2-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.2-r2.ebuild:
- Removed sudo dependency.
-*postgresql-8.0.2-r2 (08 May 2005)
-*postgresql-8.0.1-r4 (08 May 2005)
- 08 May 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.1-gentoo-libpq.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.2-gentoo-libpq.patch, +postgresql-8.0.1-r4.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.2-r2.ebuild:
- Added ebuilds separated libpq version, which are still in package.mask.
- 07 May 2005; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild:
- Stable on ia64, bug 91231.
- 07 May 2005; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha, bug 91231.
- 07 May 2005; Aron Griffis <>
- postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild:
- stable on ia64
- 07 May 2005; Omkhar Arasaratnam <>
- postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64 wrt #91231
- 07 May 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
- postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 07 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64.
- 07 May 2005; Jeffrey Forman <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild:
- stable on sparc
- 07 May 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
- postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc.
-*postgresql-8.0.2-r1 (07 May 2005)
-*postgresql-8.0.1-r3 (07 May 2005)
-*postgresql-7.4.7-r2 (07 May 2005)
- 07 May 2005; MATSUU Takuto <>
- +files/CAN-2005-1409-doc.patch, +files/CAN-2005-1409.patch,
- +files/CAN-2005-1410.patch, +postgresql-7.4.7-r2.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.1-r3.ebuild, +postgresql-8.0.2-r1.ebuild:
- security bump - CAN-2005-1409, CAN-2005-1410 - bug 91231.
- 05 May 2005; Sven Wegener <>
- postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- Removed trailing * from <, <=, >= and > dependencies.
- 22 Apr 2005; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on ia64.
- 14 Apr 2005; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha.
-*postgresql-7.3.6-r2 (13 Apr 2005)
- 13 Apr 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql.init-7.3.6, +postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild:
- readded. (7.3.6 is used by postgis)
- 12 Apr 2005; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-8.0.2.ebuild:
- ~amd64 masked.
- 12 Apr 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/postgresql.init-7.3.6, -files/postgresql.init-7.3.7,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.7-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.7-tempfile.patch, -files/postgresql.init-7.3.8,
- -files/postgresql-7.3.8-gentoo.patch, -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.3,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.3, -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.3,
- -files/postgresql.init-7.4.3, -files/postgresql-7.4.3-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.3-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.3-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.5, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.5,
- -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.5, -files/postgresql.init-7.4.5,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.5-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.5-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.5-r1-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.5-tempfile.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.5-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.6, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.6,
- -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.6, -files/postgresql.init-7.4.6,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.6-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.6-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.6-vacuum-delay.patch,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0,
- -files/postgresql.conf-8.0.0, -files/postgresql.init-8.0.0,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0-gentoo.patch, -postgresql-7.3.6-r1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild, -postgresql-7.3.8.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.3.9.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.3.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.5-r1.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.7.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.0.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.1-r1.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.2.ebuild:
- Tidy up.
-*postgresql-8.0.2 (12 Apr 2005)
- 12 Apr 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.2, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.2,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.0.2, +files/postgresql.init-8.0.2,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.2-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-8.0.2.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 12 Apr 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc
- 10 Apr 2005; Simon Stelling <> postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- stable on amd64
- 09 Apr 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc.
- 08 Apr 2005; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64
- 05 Apr 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- removed blocking RDEPEND.
- 04 Apr 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
- 23 Mar 2005; MATSUU Takuto <> postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- filter-flags -feliminate-dwarf2-dups, #86878
-*postgresql-8.0.1-r2 (19 Mar 2005)
- 19 Mar 2005; MATSUU Takuto <> +postgresql-8.0.1-r2.ebuild:
- Added Kerberos support.
- Update pg-hier URL.
- Removed --with-maxbackends. It was removed in version 7.2(upstream).
- 08 Mar 2005; Jeremy Huddleston <>
- postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r1.ebuild:
- Multilib fixes for when DEFAULT_ABI is not the default of the toolchain.
- 24 Feb 2005; petre rodan <> postgresql-7.3.6-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.8.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.9.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.3.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.5-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.0.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.1-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.1.ebuild:
- added selinux RDEPEND - bug 79747
- 20 Feb 2005; Aron Griffis <> postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- stable on ia64 #81350
- 18 Feb 2005; Hardave Riar <> postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on mips, bug #81350
- 16 Feb 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
- postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 14 Feb 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt #81350
- 14 Feb 2005; Jan Brinkmann <>
- postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- stable on amd64. see #81350
- 13 Feb 2005; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha, bug 81350.
- 13 Feb 2005; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64; bug #81350
- 13 Feb 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
- postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc, bug 81350.
-*postgresql-7.4.7-r1 (11 Feb 2005)
- 11 Feb 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql-7.3.9-securityfix.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.7-securityfix.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.1-securityfix.patch, +postgresql-7.3.9-r1.ebuild,
- +postgresql-7.4.7-r1.ebuild, +postgresql-8.0.1-r1.ebuild:
- Fixed security problem. (#81350)
- 06 Feb 2005; Joshua Kinard <> postgresql-7.4.7.ebuild:
- Marked stable on mips.
- 04 Feb 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
- postgresql-7.4.7.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc.
- 03 Feb 2005; Gustavo Zacarias <> postgresql-7.3.9.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt #80342
- 02 Feb 2005; Markus Rothe <> postgresql-7.4.7.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc64; bug #80342
-*postgresql-7.3.9 (01 Feb 2005)
- 01 Feb 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.7, +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.1,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.7, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.1,
- +files/postgresql-7.3.9-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.7-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.7-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.7-vacuum-delay.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.1-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.7,
- +files/postgresql.conf-8.0.1, +files/postgresql.init-7.3.9,
- +files/postgresql.init-7.4.7, +files/postgresql.init-8.0.1,
- +postgresql-7.3.9.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.7.ebuild,
- +postgresql-8.0.1.ebuild:
- Version bump. (this is security fixed version. see #80342)
- 22 Jan 2005; Jeremy Huddleston <>
- postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild, postgresql-8.0.0.ebuild:
- Multilib fixes
- 21 Jan 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc4, -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc5,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc4, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc5,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc4-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc5-gentoo.patch, -postgresql-8.0.0_rc4.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.0_rc5.ebuild:
- removed old ebuilds.
-*postgresql-8.0.0 (19 Jan 2005)
- 19 Jan 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-8.0.0.ebuild:
- Version bump.
-*postgresql-8.0.0_rc5 (11 Jan 2005)
- 11 Jan 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc5, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc5,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc5-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-8.0.0_rc5.ebuild:
- Version bump.
-*postgresql-8.0.0_rc4 (07 Jan 2005)
- 07 Jan 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc2, -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc3,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc4, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc2,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc3, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc4,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc2-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc3-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc4-gentoo.patch, -postgresql-8.0.0_rc2.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.0_rc3.ebuild, +postgresql-8.0.0_rc4.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 07 Jan 2005; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.0_rc3.ebuild:
- Added pkgconfig DEPEND. (#76784)
- 04 Jan 2005; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild:
- Added xml support. (#75701)
-*postgresql-8.0.0_rc3 (04 Jan 2005)
- 04 Jan 2005; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc3, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc3,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc3-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-8.0.0_rc3.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 29 Dec 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <> :
- Change encoding to UTF-8 for GLEP 31 compliance
- 28 Dec 2004; Guy Martin <> postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 22 Dec 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_beta5,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc1,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_beta5,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc1,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_beta5-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc1-gentoo.patch, -postgresql-8.0.0_beta5.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.0_rc1.ebuild:
- Remove old ebuilds.
-*postgresql-8.0.0_rc2 (22 Dec 2004)
- 22 Dec 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_rc2, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_rc2,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc2-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-8.0.0_rc2.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 20 Dec 2004; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha.
- 16 Dec 2004; Dylan Carlson <> postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64.
- 06 Dec 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-8.0.0_rc1.ebuild:
- Fixed missing libxslt dependency.
-*postgresql-8.0.0_rc1 (04 Dec 2004)
- 04 Dec 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_rc1-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-8.0.0_rc1.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 30 Nov 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-8.0.0_beta5.ebuild:
- Added xml2 support. (#72942)
-*postgresql-8.0.0_beta5 (23 Nov 2004)
- 23 Nov 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_beta3,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_beta5,
- -files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_beta3,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_beta5,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_beta3-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_beta5-gentoo.patch,
- +postgresql-8.0.0_beta5.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 10 Nov 2004; Gustavo Zacarias <> postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc
- 06 Nov 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.8.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
- 06 Nov 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0.0_beta3,
- +files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0.0_beta3, postgresql-8.0.0_beta3.ebuild:
- Added init script for autovacuum. (#68114)
- 05 Nov 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.8.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild:
- Added threads support.
-*postgresql-7.3.8 (24 Oct 2004)
- 24 Oct 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.6, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.6,
- +files/postgresql-7.3.8-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.6-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.6-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.6-vacuum-delay.patch, +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.6,
- +files/postgresql.init-7.3.8, +files/postgresql.init-7.4.6,
- +postgresql-7.3.8.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.6.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 23 Oct 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -postgresql-7.3.7-r1.ebuild, -postgresql-7.3.7.ebuild:
- Removed old ebuilds.
- 17 Oct 2004; Akinori Hattori <>
- postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild:
- stable on ia64, bug #66371
- 17 Oct 2004; Thomas Matthijs <> postgresql-7.3.6-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.7-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.7.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.3.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.5-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild:
- dojar --> java-pkg_dojar
- 16 Oct 2004; Danny van Dyk <>
- postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild:
- Marked stable on amd64.
- 14 Oct 2004; Jason Wever <> postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt security bug #66371.
- 14 Oct 2004; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha, bug 66371.
- 13 Oct 2004; Guy Martin <> postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 13 Oct 2004; Akinori Hattori <>
- postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild:
- stable on ia64, bug #66371
- 13 Oct 2004; <> postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild:
- stable on ppc gsla: 66371
-*postgresql-7.3.7-r2 (13 Oct 2004)
- 13 Oct 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql-7.3.7-tempfile.patch, +postgresql-7.3.7-r2.ebuild:
- Security update. #66371.
- 13 Oct 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
- 10 Oct 2004; Tom Gall <> postgresql-7.4.5-r1.ebuild:
- stable on ppc64, bug #66371
- 10 Oct 2004; MATSUU Takuto <> postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.3.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.5-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild,
- postgresql-8.0.0_beta3.ebuild:
- fixed typo. dev-db/pygresq -> dev-db/pygresql. #66887.
- 09 Oct 2004; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha, bug 66371.
- 08 Oct 2004; Gustavo Zacarias <>
- postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc wrt #66371
-*postgresql-7.4.5-r2 (08 Oct 2004)
- 08 Oct 2004; MATSUU Takuto <> +postgresql-7.4.5-r2.ebuild:
- Security update. #66371.
- 06 Oct 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha.
-*postgresql-7.3.7-r1 (03 Oct 2004)
- 03 Oct 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.5, +files/postgresql-7.3.7-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_beta1-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-8.0.0_beta2-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-7.3.7-r1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-8.0.0_beta2.ebuild:
- Fixed fail to start up pg_vacuum problem(#51503). Added patch not to use
- termcap library in 7.3.7. See #63073 and #63181.
-*postgresql-8.0.0_beta3 (28 Sep 2004)
- 28 Sep 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_beta3-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-8.0.0_beta3.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 17 Sep 2004; Jason Wever <> postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc.
-*postgresql-7.4.5-r1 (15 Sep 2004)
- 15 Sep 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql-7.4.5-r1-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-7.4.5-r1.ebuild:
- Added patch not to use termcap library. See bug 63073 and 63181.
- 09 Sep 2004; Guy Martin <> postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 06 Sep 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild, -postgresql-8.0.0_beta1.ebuild:
- Removed old ebuilds.
- 06 Sep 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
- 06 Sep 2004; Bryan Østergaard <>
- postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha.
-*postgresql-8.0.0_beta2 (02 Sep 2004)
- 02 Sep 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_beta2-gentoo.patch, +postgresql-8.0.0_beta2.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 01 Sep 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.7.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
- 22 Aug 2004; Jason Wever <> postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild:
- Marking ~sparc since it was insta-stablized.
- 22 Aug 2004; Joshua Kinard <> postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild:
- Marked stable on mips.
- 22 Aug 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> :
- Fixed merging bug which happens with USE="java" because jdbc driver
- has been removed from PostgreSQL core distribution since version 8.0.0.
- This closes bug #61178.
-*postgresql-7.4.5 (21 Aug 2004)
- 21 Aug 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.5, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.5,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.5-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.5-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.5-vacuum-delay.patch, +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.5,
- +files/postgresql.init-7.3.7, +files/postgresql.init-7.4.5,
- +postgresql-7.3.7.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.5.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 18 Aug 2004; Jason Wever <> postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc.
- 14 Aug 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
-*postgresql-8.0.0_beta1 (10 Aug 2004)
- 10 Aug 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/postgresql-8.0.0_beta1-gentoo.patch, +files/postgresql.conf-8.0.0,
- +files/postgresql.init-8.0.0, +postgresql-8.0.0_beta1.ebuild:
- Version bump. But this is hard masked because of beta version.
- 27 Jul 2004; MATSUU Takuto <> postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild:
- Fixed SHMMAX_MIN to calculate from MAX_CONNECTIONS.
- 21 Jul 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild:
- Fixed header path. (#56091)
-*postgresql-7.3.6-r2 (18 Jul 2004)
-*postgresql-7.4.3-r1 (18 Jul 2004)
- 18 Jul 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.2, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.2,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.1-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.2-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.2-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.2-vacuum-delay.patch, -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.2,
- -files/postgresql.init-7.4.2, +postgresql-7.3.6-r2.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.3.6.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.2-r1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.3-r1.ebuild:
- Replaced sudo with su. Removed old ebuilds.
- 04 Jul 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.6-r1.ebuild:
- Marked stable.
- 29 Jun 2004; Aron Griffis <> postgresql-7.3.6-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.6.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.2-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.3.ebuild:
- sync IUSE (+doc), glibc -> libc
- 03 Jul 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.3.ebuild:
- Marked stable.
-*postgresql-7.4.3 (16 Jun 2004)
- 16 Jun 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.3, +files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.3,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.3-gentoo.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.3-hppa-testandset.patch,
- +files/postgresql-7.4.3-vacuum-delay.patch, +files/postgresql.conf-7.4.3,
- +files/postgresql.init-7.4.3, +postgresql-7.4.3.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 16 Jun 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.2-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- Fixed URL. (#54072)
- 13 Jun 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- Fixed RDEPEND bug. (#53598)
- 02 Jun 2004; Tom Gall <> postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- stable on ppc64, bug #52709
- 02 Jun 2004; Aron Griffis <> postgresql-7.3.6-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.6.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.2-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- Fix use invocation and a couple bugs involving use, particularly involving
- amd64 and ppc
-*postgresql-7.3.6-r1 (31 May 2004)
- 31 May 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- +postgresql-7.3.6-r1.ebuild:
- Fixed dependencies in ppc/amd64.
- 31 May 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- Modified for installing INSTALL and HISTORY file.
- 25 May 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- Fixed problem about installing jdbc driver.
- 25 May 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.2, postgresql-7.4.2-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- Fixed a reference to pg_autovacuum document(#51723). Fixed Java problem on
- amd64.
- 14 May 2004; Guy Martin <> postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild,
- files/postgresql-7.4.1-hppa-testandset.patch:
- Readded test and set support for hppa.
- 11 May 2004; Michael McCabe <> postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- Added s390 keywords
- 04 May 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.2-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild:
- Added message for python modules.
-*postgresql-7.4.2-r2 (03 May 2004)
- 03 May 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- -files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.1, -files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.1,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.1-gentoo.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.1-hppa-testandset.patch,
- -files/postgresql-7.4.1-vacuum-delay.patch, -files/postgresql.conf-7.4.1,
- -files/postgresql.init-7.3.4, -files/postgresql.init-7.3.5,
- -files/postgresql.init-7.4.1, -postgresql-7.3.4-r1.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.3.5.ebuild, -postgresql-7.4.1-r4.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.2-r1.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.2-r2.ebuild,
- -postgresql-7.4.2.ebuild:
- Marked stable on ppc/sparc/alpha/amd64/hppa/ia64/mips.
- Updated pg-hier patch in postgresql-7.4.2-r2
- Removed old files.
-*postgresql-7.4.2-r1 (01 May 2004)
- 01 May 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.4-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.5.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.6.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r4.ebuild, +postgresql-7.4.2-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.2.ebuild:
- Marked stable on x86.
- Added managing kernel resources. (#48752)
- Fixed some messages in post_install. (#43367, #44411)
- 21 Mar 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.6.ebuild:
- Marked as stable.
- 21 Mar 2004; Joshua Kinard <> postgresql-7.3.6.ebuild:
- Marked 7.3.6 stable on mips (repoman deps).
- 21 Mar 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.1-r4.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.2.ebuild:
- Fixed trivial DESCRIPTION bug.
-*postgresql-7.4.2 (11 Mar 2004)
- 11 Mar 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.2.ebuild,
- files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.2, files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.2,
- files/postgresql-7.4.2-gentoo.patch,
- files/postgresql-7.4.2-hppa-testandset.patch,
- files/postgresql-7.4.2-vacuum-delay.patch, files/postgresql.conf-7.4.2,
- files/postgresql.init-7.4.2:
- Version bump.
-*postgresql-7.3.6 (05 Mar 2004)
- 05 Mar 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.6.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r4.ebuild, files/postgresql.init-7.3.6:
- Version bump and fixed dependency in 7.3.4-r1 on mips.
-*postgresql-7.3.6 (05 Mar 2004)
- 27 Feb 2004; Joshua Kinard <> :
- Added ~mips to KEYWORDS to satisfy repoman deps, and added gnuconfig to fix up
- the configure to detect mips systems correctly.
- 27 Feb 2004; Masatomo Nakano <>
- files/postgresql.init-7.3.4, files/postgresql.init-7.3.5,
- files/postgresql.init-7.4.1:
- Added 'reload' action to /etc/init.d/postgresql.
- 23 Feb 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.5-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.5-r2.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.5.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.1-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r3.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.1-r4.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1.ebuild, files/postgresql-7.4-gentoo.patch,
- files/postgresql.env-7.3.5, files/postgresql.env-7.4.1,
- files/postgresql.init:
- Fixed pg-hier bug for 7.4.1. Removed pg-hier patch from 7.3.5 because
- the patch doesn't apply against it. And cleanup unnecessary files.
- This should fix #39589.
-*postgresql-7.4.1-r4 (17 Feb 2004)
- 17 Feb 2004; <> postgresql-7.4.1-r4.ebuild:
- Update pg-hier URL. Resolves #39589
-*postgresql-7.4.1-r3 (18 Jan 2004)
- 18 Jan 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.5-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r3.ebuild:
- Fixed include path.
-*postgresql-7.4.1-r2 (16 Jan 2004)
- 16 Jan 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.5-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r2.ebuild, files/postgresql.env-7.3.5,
- files/postgresql.env-7.4.1:
- Fixed library path and several issues.
- 15 Jan 2004; root <> postgresql-7.4.1-r1.ebuild,
- files/postgresql-7.4.1-hppa-testandset.patch:
- Added hppa implementation of test and set.
- 06 Jan 2004; <> postgresql-7.3.5.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r1.ebuild:
- add ia64 keywords
- 06 Jan 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.5.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r1.ebuild, files/postgresql.conf-7.4,
- files/postgresql.init-7.4:
- Fixed digest file and added a message for pg-hire.
- This closes #35754,37345. And Clean up old ebuild.
-*postgresql-7.4.1-r1 (05 Jan 2004)
- 05 Jan 2004; Robin H. Johnson <> postgresql-7.4-r2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.1-r1.ebuild:
- fix bug #34605. no response from postgres herd so fixing it myself
- 03 Jan 2004; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.5.ebuild:
- Marked as stable.
- 29 Dec 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.4-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.5.ebuild, postgresql-7.4-r1.ebuild, postgresql-7.4.1.ebuild:
- Fixed Java dependency. Close #36723.
-*postgresql-7.4.1 (25 Dec 2003)
- 25 Dec 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.1.ebuild,
- files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4.1, files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4.1,
- files/postgresql-7.4.1-gentoo.patch,
- files/postgresql-7.4.1-vacuum-delay.patch, files/postgresql.conf-7.4.1,
- files/postgresql.init-7.4.1:
- Version bump.
- Included vacuum-delay.patch and added pg_autovacuum init script.
- Thanks to Arthur Ward <>.
- Close #35152, #36449.
-*postgresql-7.3.5 (19 Dec 2003)
- 19 Dec 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.5.ebuild,
- files/postgresql.init-7.3.5:
- Version bump.
-*postgresql-7.4-r1 (25 Nov 2003)
- 19 Dec 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.4-r1.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4-r1.ebuild:
- Fixed SRC_URI. Close #36006
- 15 Dec 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> files/digest-postgresql-7.4-r1:
- Updated digest file since pg-hier patch was updated in upstream.
- 06 Dec 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.2.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.3.3.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.4.ebuild, postgresql-7.3.ebuild,
- postgresql-7.4.ebuild, files/pgsql, files/postgres, files/postgresql,
- files/postmaster-wrapper, files/7.3/postgresql, files/7.3.2/postgresql:
- Removed old ebuilds/files.
- 25 Nov 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4-r1.ebuild,
- files/postgresql.init-7.4:
- Added hier patch(#34163).
- Changed download files to base/opt tar balls(#14258).
- Modified init file from 'need net' to 'use net'(#33161).
-*postgresql-7.4 (20 Nov 2003)
- 21 Nov 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.ebuild:
- Added bison dependency. close #33973
- 20 Nov 2003; Martin Holzer <> postgresql-7.4.ebuild:
- Adding RESTRICT="nomirror".
- 20 Nov 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.ebuild,
- files/postgresql.env-7.4:
- Removed postgresql.env file.
- 20 Nov 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.4.ebuild:
- files/postgresql.conf-7.4, files/postgresql.init-7.4,
- files/postgresql.env-7.4, postgresql-7.4-gentoo.patch:
- Version bump as unstable.
-*postgresql-7.3.4-r1 (06 Nov 2003)
- 15 Dec 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.4-r1.ebuild:
- Fixed DEPEND/RDEPEND in amd64/hppa.
- 17 Nov 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.4-r1.ebuild:
- Marked as stable.
- 06 Nov 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.4-r1.ebuild:
- Enable recursive queries like Oracle's 'CONNECT BY' feature.
- Thanks to Christian A. <>. Close #32248
- 07 Oct 2003; John Mylchreest <>; postgresql-7.3.4.ebuild:
- fixing POSIX 1003.1-2001 chown change. '.' now ':'
-*postgresql-7.3.4 (31 Jul 2003)
- 10 Aug 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.4.ebuild:
- Marked as stable.
- 06 Aug 2003; Guy Martin <> postgresql-7.3.4.ebuild :
- Added warning and fix for running postgresql and initdb on hppa.
- Added hppa to KEYWORDS.
- 31 Jul 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.4.ebuild,
- files/postgresql.init-7.3.4:
- Version bumped and modified init script.
-*postgresql-7.3.3 (06 Jun 2003)
- 10 Jun 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.3.ebuild:
- Marked as stable.
- 06 Jun 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.3.ebuild,
- files/postgresql.conf, files/postgresql.init:
- Version bump.
-*postgresql-7.3.2 (01 Mar 2003)
- 06 Jun 2003; Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.2.ebuild:
- fixed bug #18035
- 31 Mar 2003: Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.2.ebuild:
- Changed to use USE of readline, zlib and pam.
- Removed obsoleted configure options.
- 23 Mar 2003: Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.2.ebuild:
- Move to stable.
- 17 Mar 2003: Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.2.ebuild:
- Fixed bug #14953
- 01 Mar 2003: Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.2.ebuild:
- version bump. masked for test.
-*postgresql-7.3.1 (31 Dec 2002)
- 03 Feb 2003: Will Woods <> postgresql-7.3.1.ebuild:
- added ~alpha keyword
- 04 Dec 2002: Michael Cummings <>
- postgresql-7.3.ebuild:
- Added sparc64 keyword - installs and runs just fine
- 07 Feb 2003; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.3.1.ebuild :
- Added egenix-mx-base dep for python support
- 02 Feb 2003; Pieter Van den Abeele <> postgresql-7.3.1.ebuild :
- Changed java dep back to virtual/jdk because sun-jdk is x86-only.
- Uncomment the x86 ? keyword line if you want a sun-jdk dependency or emerge sun-jdk manually
- 31 Jan 2003; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.3.1.ebuild :
- Changed java dep to be sun-jdk for compatibility
- 31 Dec 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.3.1.ebuild :
- Version bump.. Masked for testing.
-*postgresql-7.3 (1 Dec 2002)
- 17 Mar 2003: Masatomo Nakano <> postgresql-7.3.ebuild:
- Fixed bug #14953
- 21 Dec 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.3.ebuild:
- Added an addwrite to the perl script
- 03 Dec 2002: Preston A. Elder <> files/7.3/postgresql:
- Forgot the init script, added now.
- 01 Dec 2002: Preston A. Elder <> postgresql-7.3.ebuild:
- Added new version, also stopped forcing Java 1.3, 1.4 works fine now.
-*postgresql-7.2.3-r1 (27 Oct 2002)
- 26 Nov 2002; Mark Guertin <> postgresql-7.2.3-r1.ebuild:
- forced CFLAGS="-pipe -fsigned-char", any more aggressive optimizations
- cause failures on ppc
- 26 Nov 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.3-r1.ebuild :
- Notified the user to give the postgres user a /bin/bash or /bin/true account
- 25 Nov 2002; Mark Guertin <> portgresql-7.2.3.ebuild,
- portgresql-7.2.3-r1.ebuild:
- Set -ppc to all the 7.2.3 builds, none of them even compile on
- ppc, please please check with devs before upgrading new pkgs
- that are untested to stable ;)
- 14 Nov 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.3-r1.ebuild :
- Fixed location that is printed out
- 07 Nov 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.3-r1.ebuild :
- Fixes a few bugs:
- Log File (#10368)
- Removed the check for the postgres user
- 27 Oct 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.3-r1.ebuild :
- added new init.d and conf.d scripts
-*postgresql-7.2.3 (08 Oct 2002)
- 18 Oct 2002; <>
- Added perl patch fix
- 08 Oct 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.3.ebuild :
- *Security Fix*. Submitted by Richard C. Bug #8905
- removed libperl-gentoo.diff patch, causing sandbox errors
-*postgresql-7.2.2 (26 Aug 2002)
- 25 Sep 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild :
- Added perl patch because of sandbox violations
- 08 Sep 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild :
- Minor tweak to SSL...
- 2 Sep 2002; Owen Stampflee <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild :
- Added PPC to KEYWORDS.
- 29 Aug 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild :
- Changed java dep to 1.3.1
- 28 Aug 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild :
- Some fixes to the dependency list
- 28 Aug 2002; Mark Guertin <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild :
- Set the java?() depend to be x86 only (ant is currently broken on ppc)
- 26 Aug 2002; Daniel Ahlberg <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild:
- Moved message to postinst. Fixed .jar file installation.
- 26 Aug 2002; Daniel Ahlberg <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild:
- Small cleanups and fixes.
- 26 Aug 2002; Daniel Ahlberg <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild:
- Cleaned up ebuild. Removed tarballs of documentation and manpages from
- docdir.
- 26 Aug 2002; Daniel Ahlberg <> postgresql-7.2.2.ebuild:
- Security update.
-* postgresql-7.2.1-r2 (31 Jul 2002)
- 18 Aug 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.1-r2.ebuild :
- Postgresql doesn't like emake due to multiple processor support.
- Using make instead
- 13 Aug 2002; Pieter Van den Abeele <> postgresql-7.2.1-r2.ebuild:
- Added ppc keyword
- 31 Jul 2002; Stuart Bouyer <> postgresql-7.2.1-r2.ebuild:
- Moved --enable-multibyte to nls flag after it was pointed out that it
- enables much more than just CJK support (ie unicode and latin1 etc).
-* postgresql-7.2.1-r2 (24 Jul 2002)
- 24 Jul 2002; Stuart Bouyer <> postgresql-7.2.1-r2.ebuild:
- Added cjk flag to enable multibyte characters. Changed If [ "`use foo`" ]
- statement to use foo && ...
- (CJK support suggested by Masamoto Nakano <>)
-*postgresql-7.2-r3 (02 Jul 2002)
- 08 Jul 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2-r3.ebuild :
- Added creation of user and group
- 02 Jul 2002; Ryan Phillips <> files/7.2/postgresql,
- postgresql-7.2-r3.ebuild
- Fixes to the path of the postmaster pidfile.
- Fixes to the ebuild to disable java version checking if java
- is not in the use vars.
-*postgresql-7.2.1-r1 (20 Jun 2002)
- 14 Jul 2002l Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.1-r1.ebuild :
- Added init.d startup file for 7.2.1
- 13 Jul 2002l Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.1-r1.ebuild :
- Added sudo dependency
- 13 Jul 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.1-r1.ebuild :
- Removed daemontools dep
- 12 Jul 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.1-r1.ebuild :
- Fixed user and group additions. Thx to Andy Dustman
- 08 Jul 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.1-r1.ebuild :
- Added creation of user and group
- 20 Jun 2002; Preston A. Elder <> files/7.2.1/postgresql :
- Changed the startup script to a) one that works, and b) to be in the
- same style as all other startup scripts we use.
-*postgresql-7.2.1-r1 (20 Jun 2002)
- 20 Jun 2002; Preston A. Elder <> postgresql-7.2.1-r1.ebuild :
- Changed the arguments to configure to increase things such as max
- simultaneous connections, etc.
-*postgresql-7.2.1 (16 Jun 2002)
- 16 Jun 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.1.ebuild :
- Doesn't check for java version if java is *not* in the USE vars.
-*postgresql-7.2.1 (14 Jun 2002)
- 14 Jun 2002; Ryan Phillips <> postgresql-7.2.1.ebuild :
- Updated package versionn
-*postgresql-7.2-r2 (10 Apr 2002)
- 10 Apr 2002; Karl Trygve Kalleberg <> postgresql-7.2-r2.ebuild files/digest-postgresql-7.2-r2:
- Added proper code in pkg_setup() so that it will refuse to compile if the
- user has JDK 1.4.0 as his system VM.
- Removed postgresql-7.2-r1.ebuild files/digest-postgresql-7.2-r1
-*postgresql-7.2-r1 (18 Feb 2002)
- 18 Feb 2002; Karl Trygve Kalleberg <> postgresql-7.2-r1.ebuild files/digest-postgresql-7.2-r1:
- Now requires a jdk-1.3 instead of >=1.3, as 1.4 blows up when compiling.
-*postgresql-7.2 (15 Feb 2002)
- 15 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <> postgresql-7.2.ebuild ,
- files/postgresql-7.2-dyn-libperl-gentoo.diff files/digest-postgresql-7.2:
- Upgraded to version 7.2. Python now also works with python 2.2 and there
- are less patches needed to make the perl install go smoothly ... nice :-)
-*postgresql-7.1.3-r4 (5 Feb 2002)
- 5 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <> postgresql-7.1.3-r4.ebuild :
- Changed data dirs to use a fixed path instead of determining it from the
- package name. Also added a binary compatibility slot. Changed data dir to
- /var/lib/postgresql/data to follow what has been done by the mysql ebuild.
- 5 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <> files/7.1.3/postgresql :
- Fixed wrong data dir in init script.
-*postgresql-7.1-r1 (1 Feb 2002)
- 13 Aug 2002; Pieter Van den Abeele <> postgresql-7.1-r1.ebuild :
- removed broken jaxp dependency
-*postgresql-7.1.3-r3 (1 Feb 2002)
- 1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <> ChangeLog :
- Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is
- updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the
- comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about
- writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you
- can find in the root directory of the portage repository.
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/Manifest b/dev-db/postgresql/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index dc232b53a3d4..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-AUX pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4 503 RMD160 ee3da3918e26113918a47cc6e2da544f97879bc2 SHA1 b47f6f3698ce12cbe955490b80ec98ac4cdd8afb SHA256 8141a1ab17a74e3916b4ba834f10eaf0bd925de374ead972d3d2f5e78078e090
-AUX pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0 503 RMD160 ee3da3918e26113918a47cc6e2da544f97879bc2 SHA1 b47f6f3698ce12cbe955490b80ec98ac4cdd8afb SHA256 8141a1ab17a74e3916b4ba834f10eaf0bd925de374ead972d3d2f5e78078e090
-AUX pg_autovacuum.init-7.4 1457 RMD160 2fc862398fa074d1a5dea66daaddaf330a8c3bb4 SHA1 9cd74d6a3722942927c03cb6e542eb203ccfc870 SHA256 63d360019c8e3d1ee9d79e47ce38d6db2c17af95306bd183ad92b544d31fc585
-AUX pg_autovacuum.init-8.0 1457 RMD160 620731601a73267e52d0cf459dac4c13a1dc94f4 SHA1 849d3b8f8ba2e2f0ac02e201a47a705020f57d10 SHA256 f0f8c1f85fdad5fc0c75a1299ddf904f9b1165eece2e67de7a3a99f82c97fa42
-AUX postgresql-7.3.21-cubeparse.patch 1296 RMD160 9b9c0fcf4d58fb989ae77d9ada4588b1876400a6 SHA1 c128746e9938d7aaa4f2be6521530d07c7e207a8 SHA256 1844950b55509b83f38bfdd113350df7422f96ca4c773def6d38ca2f48fcfada
-AUX postgresql-7.4.19-hppa-testandset.patch 1394 RMD160 8f65f37b7e6cf251c4ab134227570ee9974915a8 SHA1 359a4b598aa419d5ae92d746d13abd4a6e05a0cf SHA256 226f17c6064f53be2908325153b64e5f3b7d3e2275b7bd0f1abac27404b4678e
-AUX postgresql-8.0.15-sh.patch 617 RMD160 d826fbb45265d09880000ea33ac3323beabb0f50 SHA1 e9a271f0fae2bad9150dbb8579615c90253e538b SHA256 420023f4789c650189da203d43b134d511ff1b976d17a3948774b0c7bf72d683
-AUX postgresql-8.1.11-regress_su.patch 5256 RMD160 7fe3080e015dd329e4502958a743f625e1ce9ccd SHA1 da1a69d3a622ebb1f3af68aa6fd0d4939c8e72b7 SHA256 a7ee073ac2940db3d7a8241923a58836c4e0c6b85b3dd3845ee6024cf4b83a05
-AUX postgresql-8.1.11-sh.patch 617 RMD160 56d0cb67f9b35402aa18dfce97fef343b78e1def SHA1 9ea425884b643a2ab364c4d4baa45e54a782206a SHA256 02ed0204e5075d6989e6d7f99def819396672468f829ce13b03e4763b74c0cad
-AUX postgresql-8.2.6-gentoo.patch 1673 RMD160 59a9fb0ba13b7662a9a76e6722288cbb79e8bdd9 SHA1 ab66eef2b0f36bfde8dc8206dfa8a8a61a1825d4 SHA256 4f017d33da9f53937f19b2e3231b9f892fff13d37758f6462f0ac16f8c212fbe
-AUX postgresql-8.2.6-no-test.patch 290 RMD160 230ac3d019715752a33c6f9cb40e59e6c53b2826 SHA1 89f3e1ab21b0ecd5588210bd237d2c7fce1a83e0 SHA256 37d6e60b5ae4ba20e765448e484568c7cb2c597ad57cd68b05d224f0c9b8f27a
-AUX postgresql-8.2.6-python-threads.patch 1634 RMD160 2b7b7656c96e5294b619acd68d1fd2e26793f5b9 SHA1 6e0ed3f28aa0fd53039fd1d1ed9414987d962741 SHA256 acbd2bbe5c7396ac10f9985fb9d313cea35d9604f82e0fb5fbf6315c63673f6a
-AUX postgresql-8.2.6-regress_fix.patch 1405 RMD160 268d2bd60d1abb12e7d42f1f8a98f064eda05f46 SHA1 7d7d826c14a3c6a00e29c2e4edb1e7d33812a978 SHA256 217a588720f9e20ab1db5f4eb4cda6189cb471477901a9e281d0cca0a1ed2862
-AUX postgresql-8.2.6-regress_su.patch 898 RMD160 509319d82d263d903197f645c6db9fb3c020e11c SHA1 d090aa9870cda00ade6a53380ce95cdb416523e1 SHA256 953e4e2667fae709f764c81a6c3f176fb20692071fc00341a869cfbfab4a5977
-AUX postgresql-8.2.6-sh.patch 771 RMD160 10fed524ffd10845a59c7764a5eebe4d6fb2047f SHA1 e53700e73d98e863e7930b4ef0409ca45a004039 SHA256 14c917eaabf3c02033a2ce148f3aadb1c71b6ac3deb7147757bc06116cfd5413
-AUX postgresql-8.2.7-gentoo.patch 1673 RMD160 59a9fb0ba13b7662a9a76e6722288cbb79e8bdd9 SHA1 ab66eef2b0f36bfde8dc8206dfa8a8a61a1825d4 SHA256 4f017d33da9f53937f19b2e3231b9f892fff13d37758f6462f0ac16f8c212fbe
-AUX postgresql-8.2.7-no-test.patch 290 RMD160 230ac3d019715752a33c6f9cb40e59e6c53b2826 SHA1 89f3e1ab21b0ecd5588210bd237d2c7fce1a83e0 SHA256 37d6e60b5ae4ba20e765448e484568c7cb2c597ad57cd68b05d224f0c9b8f27a
-AUX postgresql-8.2.7-python-threads.patch 1634 RMD160 2b7b7656c96e5294b619acd68d1fd2e26793f5b9 SHA1 6e0ed3f28aa0fd53039fd1d1ed9414987d962741 SHA256 acbd2bbe5c7396ac10f9985fb9d313cea35d9604f82e0fb5fbf6315c63673f6a
-AUX postgresql-8.2.7-regress_fix.patch 1405 RMD160 268d2bd60d1abb12e7d42f1f8a98f064eda05f46 SHA1 7d7d826c14a3c6a00e29c2e4edb1e7d33812a978 SHA256 217a588720f9e20ab1db5f4eb4cda6189cb471477901a9e281d0cca0a1ed2862
-AUX postgresql-8.2.7-regress_su.patch 898 RMD160 509319d82d263d903197f645c6db9fb3c020e11c SHA1 d090aa9870cda00ade6a53380ce95cdb416523e1 SHA256 953e4e2667fae709f764c81a6c3f176fb20692071fc00341a869cfbfab4a5977
-AUX postgresql-8.2.7-sh.patch 771 RMD160 10fed524ffd10845a59c7764a5eebe4d6fb2047f SHA1 e53700e73d98e863e7930b4ef0409ca45a004039 SHA256 14c917eaabf3c02033a2ce148f3aadb1c71b6ac3deb7147757bc06116cfd5413
-AUX postgresql.conf-7.3 391 RMD160 08437cac48aa9fc5d5b2840cf23395cb71fc270b SHA1 5a627c9f3d7f41df9e3228a2301f6ee0daf5f16f SHA256 b935682b39bf139f7d0a20a5901dd084476e4cc17189c0fc979f17334063701e
-AUX postgresql.conf-7.4 609 RMD160 eeee59a542da3f1f4f8ea06f344e75764a141a14 SHA1 19e59878bfee0be66af1ad35dd46cbc70e761844 SHA256 f906adea9223b0d03455d4a27a09639212ef8576d59c1148dccf9596c0c42683
-AUX postgresql.conf-8.0 1501 RMD160 000cf1b34d89eaa84abd24743f16e9cb97ab3c47 SHA1 a4cbcd665213739fc95adb879dbb68d1dde2fa60 SHA256 d3d2c3f72fae8470274b754656f2fadba1937d5246c14c0e258c9d59eb6073fd
-AUX postgresql.conf-8.1 1501 RMD160 000cf1b34d89eaa84abd24743f16e9cb97ab3c47 SHA1 a4cbcd665213739fc95adb879dbb68d1dde2fa60 SHA256 d3d2c3f72fae8470274b754656f2fadba1937d5246c14c0e258c9d59eb6073fd
-AUX postgresql.conf-8.2 1498 RMD160 7e6777f5d794bf207f9e4838c5d06a61974c0f75 SHA1 d00c7e6c9ca415962eba95b8448d1b4ae878c33d SHA256 f0fe5599b4850f476fa23b9e663b83b1bcc46fb343fea2db1625375e4e7121f8
-AUX postgresql.init-7.3 1332 RMD160 deb0bbb69d96ec21ac9b9b636f62fb47f5d997ab SHA1 571fc01d85a37061baef8f7e291cae481f6cf87a SHA256 15296b663506b9840990a08d592adda16acbb1b59b57b81484808e5486b35ab4
-AUX postgresql.init-7.4 1348 RMD160 6fbb9aeff7137cc15a58b7bc957d4b6025a03b82 SHA1 445397c698f30ecc8124f7d65b3f92b13f5e4e97 SHA256 5f7d16795081250a2f97f4ad3b2cfee8bcbd822c83c10cc168d31cdd28eff7dc
-AUX postgresql.init-8.0 1427 RMD160 5c986fd26088de238209f87b286e6ed03ea66de1 SHA1 20d33878df08a12e89e9402f6f9c0610a6336c92 SHA256 15539a700866cec666bdd692749ccdec2dd538f61500c0d5e6c024e8a8db106f
-AUX postgresql.init-8.1 1427 RMD160 5dd0d8e818d26e296d9b81f754043597bda02901 SHA1 47814beca16af4e2f03df3e810b50c2b71bc0d1a SHA256 f315e1c54f7b7d1d94fa4a2229bd49aac38534a44fb6d9d8c08c21c27c39b199
-AUX postgresql.init-8.2 1427 RMD160 74393b4eb2b851c01deaa3dea10757c9bb74bd73 SHA1 2b0365f9c8d1121f948a7e6c83d3f10dfa568a87 SHA256 c42e7ba85638a31826b4ed7a92a9f95cd242bbe7c846e52a8b87e0db28c17da5
-DIST postgresql-7.3.21.tar.bz2 9284558 RMD160 f9de4676b4fbe3d96e6d1462b8bc3c05600d6525 SHA1 bdfa3bddc483c6642cc2ee271d076bfaa4c20c92 SHA256 bf44e0ac259e9f6e14ac102f2977496b6996ecea2fd227fbdcea5fa70e342888
-DIST postgresql-7.4.19.tar.bz2 10307396 RMD160 c9a1c7dc8e7bf9ce93c3b4f061af0563b1cc2627 SHA1 19c563d47b0d5deeef03b5ca7707c9f1917853ce SHA256 447ac7070aa0a547f17a307e842734fc27e2716cb4a251fa9a810b178d44c389
-DIST postgresql-7.4.26.tar.bz2 10340993 RMD160 c92093ffee634ba140ac176182ad80f7226eaa52 SHA1 cb7638b492aeb5a44ce071862bf9f1c2fdcc5515 SHA256 ae91cdcf8cd57336634a40d73a194fafd7128f6a98e61e5f183743abd1100a64
-DIST postgresql-8.0.15.tar.bz2 11253897 RMD160 6aff5c63dce73eea609f0b6e013cd043ae8b7a37 SHA1 66a6fef7749afb91471200005511c04fc1ac2706 SHA256 59408a00db1c73e638a11af10438a827507b7a72b53916d58f2d44c477718714
-DIST postgresql-8.0.22.tar.bz2 11267440 RMD160 379f45b48e7ab630977fc38a1cf84c939da48421 SHA1 81bee76a2ad2ff9e4bdd4b12ac750a74bb80b5cb SHA256 2f533396e67686024d1ff495e75cc4de308a68202de07974658e722bb780fe86
-DIST postgresql-8.1.11.tar.bz2 11735420 RMD160 9fb98eadc4f1015205970f26b31b68ea0378bda9 SHA1 73c0f09754fc8e3c7f8d7de49d70244b76927416 SHA256 3e91cdfc1353fa9c6416d9fc8ae9d6ab3171565f00aeb6c882214c2f08a03e2e
-DIST postgresql-8.1.18.tar.bz2 11814583 RMD160 07d162543cd052c9e836d9f84a81fe6fe9f92748 SHA1 d745b9d8bda3c0d4500c1d4760139a8ea964c760 SHA256 f2e5d558aebb191c55ab59513f91e6f710f0da8876f5bb77d5e51f83248a4e4e
-DIST postgresql-8.2.14.tar.bz2 12638205 RMD160 4ee0b40b0a00eef2f626ebb23fc5eb1bfcc7ae74 SHA1 b01d304cbae190b2d0c547d2a9c0c2f1cb1f8c98 SHA256 b2ece44f8a5b14e16aad08590c2af2a795fc1de63e292c61fb7930ec13560f36
-DIST postgresql-8.2.6.tar.bz2 12559117 RMD160 fa12ce310919cb52be3558d38a7e329bc73bbe33 SHA1 8934dfbd4c1d8c4f2945cb80f02072611681f967 SHA256 ee41327e821f933de2894d6e0c319edc4b63e80cb902e673b490b7eaf4ead114
-DIST postgresql-8.2.7.tar.bz2 12576126 RMD160 96700e91c3b9e733c686b0fe377c7ba661710942 SHA1 0be0dbaa488810ebcba77ac7246180c5b2a9b669 SHA256 39528d1ba50f5abc51569e8b9bdeb47d0d4650d289a2c2e465621864b1ff3584
-EBUILD postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild 8252 RMD160 488d36419eb9083cfc6cd141f8a124c761513905 SHA1 2c4152c1b18d5ecd10a8b20ef2f565a686b1cd65 SHA256 9cbf3d6d0bd36ee430abc8a287aa484d44ac80c24df4837edb444ce4edfa6efd
-EBUILD postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild 9663 RMD160 d6db73d090be67d32138f6c5901ebdf23bf37074 SHA1 5508451c771b1deeff76df04d05d16536264ac4c SHA256 6ea1aaf2b6a9986150e37dffb7446e173f52c135f026ada9e998a3561caf733b
-EBUILD postgresql-7.4.26.ebuild 9681 RMD160 80327f8235702d6a6e4b42ad7ebc5ad9edc9bfe8 SHA1 13235972cafc995635e582315fb5a95a0f734bd3 SHA256 40c2318897a1a3a12e07b43381104bd91938ba910d9c2c5fde0cd14e7dab42c3
-EBUILD postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild 9637 RMD160 981ebeb484c881edb57ddd9451117dcba397d3a7 SHA1 8d90869d706d7dc32fb031a7756fd4c081a0fcba SHA256 f0c42b21272fbd8ee402e3810834fde7a6ba0d60086a61e7668fd85ba4303c6f
-EBUILD postgresql-8.0.22.ebuild 9655 RMD160 da0630bb6d4b6fa5b561f6afaf1e3a306e586684 SHA1 22dd3704d735bfa24b981ac71941cc86ce150951 SHA256 46b12c2425e217c8ef552f48d76e1a7dac3003cea44c82ae56f766adb5aa338e
-EBUILD postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild 8525 RMD160 69f6117d07ceb6d9dac6bea67a795dad4ce3c216 SHA1 7436822da4efae275fc5808e116ebabb120fea22 SHA256 82ebdbef469026b7d9027f0447132d71501d1aaabcb80278772a287cedcebe9a
-EBUILD postgresql-8.1.18.ebuild 8564 RMD160 e154a43bdb60dd653bfcfe7254187cb4dd4a96fb SHA1 c86dbdc841efcc0c784fe33f3ae5f2f4004d8189 SHA256 302c5e062d929123bed66b25cf35d5fe560e9fdd3716964805630a61bf1b1c65
-EBUILD postgresql-8.2.14.ebuild 8122 RMD160 c69e69c1842bfe768a378175995a7454fa5a2bbd SHA1 dc38cb5a84f9fd89494faef727cc3ddb9130d2fb SHA256 31bcbbdead4f5eaedd1191c93286ff1b9f7dac49e89ebfdc587affbaec476784
-EBUILD postgresql-8.2.6.ebuild 8134 RMD160 46830bb0d16edcfca6c8cdf63c4733defb63118b SHA1 6ae33507e995a80bdd73a9b7a673c98eab6dce04 SHA256 edda2380471319585435de2c648b5fac77865740d41d184890f0e34f697a0ef3
-EBUILD postgresql-8.2.7.ebuild 8122 RMD160 fc17d6d6cdd3845e2307e3f1e3f0b9dcf38d6f23 SHA1 c0a176df064b2760918bb2ddab445e57ed4d8f96 SHA256 b54f9779fa116d5e1f8fa568ea19b591c9d888dfb4275c8fe940f30aa4c6062b
-MISC ChangeLog 81780 RMD160 c3ac4f284f1f4548276ee586e49d620c7648c0f7 SHA1 68ac2aca8db430279a6261655a38109a71bb1c17 SHA256 e2d3829374ebdd6be22385da930f162964516c59d20b25a1f1e27639b0051998
-MISC metadata.xml 329 RMD160 3b8f9c5e1c05696380c649d2f4f6eb3f1d3b688b SHA1 d7d9e8fbd6a509c5016fc764ccc4239af8feb5b8 SHA256 d9eed0f3b1f204ace8472c343d526d6c949124b5fe5ab8174b2e555712b3e831
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a745c9c4a47..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.conf-7.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Logfile path (NOTE: This must be owned by the uid/gid of $PGUSER!)
-# PostgreSQL user
-# If you changed the default database port, you have to set
-# PGPORT to the new port number, otherwise pg_autovacuum won't work.
-# See the pg_autovacuum documentation for the details of how these
-# parameters affect pg_autovacuum's aggressiveness.
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a745c9c4a47..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.conf-8.0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Logfile path (NOTE: This must be owned by the uid/gid of $PGUSER!)
-# PostgreSQL user
-# If you changed the default database port, you have to set
-# PGPORT to the new port number, otherwise pg_autovacuum won't work.
-# See the pg_autovacuum documentation for the details of how these
-# parameters affect pg_autovacuum's aggressiveness.
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4
deleted file mode 100644
index ec157a2f131b..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.init-7.4,v 1.3 2006/11/11 13:39:14 dev-zero Exp $
-depend() {
- need postgresql logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting pg_autovacuum"
- echo
- echo -n "Waiting max. 20 sec. for PostgreSQL to start "
- while [ "$CONTINUE" -eq 0 ] && [ $TOO_LONG -lt 20 ]
- do
- psql -U $PGUSER -d template1 -c "SELECT 1" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
- if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
- then
- else
- echo -n "."
- TOO_LONG=`expr $TOO_LONG + 1`
- sleep 1
- fi
- done
- start-stop-daemon -o --chuid $PGUSER --start --quiet --exec /usr/bin/pg_autovacuum -- -D ${PGPORT:+-p ${PGPORT}} -v $VACUUM_BASE -V $VACUUM_SCALE -s $SLEEP_BASE -S $SLEEP_SCALE -L $PG_AUTOVACUUM_LOG
- sleep 1
- pidof /usr/bin/pg_autovacuum > /dev/null
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- eend 0
- else
- eerror
- eerror "Please check the $PG_AUTOVACUUM_LOG log file for errors."
- eerror "You may need to add the following lines to /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf and restart PostgreSQL."
- eerror " stats_start_collector = true"
- eerror " stats_row_level = true"
- eerror
- eerror "Please read ___DOCDIR___/contrib/README.pg_autovacuum for details!"
- eerror
- eend 1
- fi
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping pg_autovacuum"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/bin/pg_autovacuum
- eend $?
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0
deleted file mode 100644
index a7b4cb979501..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/files/pg_autovacuum.init-8.0,v 1.3 2006/11/11 13:39:14 dev-zero Exp $
-depend() {
- need postgresql logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting pg_autovacuum"
- echo
- echo -n "Waiting max. 20 sec. for PostgreSQL to start "
- while [ "$CONTINUE" -eq 0 ] && [ $TOO_LONG -lt 20 ]
- do
- psql -U $PGUSER -d template1 -c "SELECT 1" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
- if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
- then
- else
- echo -n "."
- TOO_LONG=`expr $TOO_LONG + 1`
- sleep 1
- fi
- done
- start-stop-daemon -o --chuid $PGUSER --start --quiet --exec /usr/bin/pg_autovacuum -- -D ${PGPORT:+-p ${PGPORT}} -v $VACUUM_BASE -V $VACUUM_SCALE -s $SLEEP_BASE -S $SLEEP_SCALE -L $PG_AUTOVACUUM_LOG
- sleep 1
- pidof /usr/bin/pg_autovacuum > /dev/null
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- eend 0
- else
- eerror
- eerror "Please check the $PG_AUTOVACUUM_LOG log file for errors."
- eerror "You may need to add the following lines to /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf and restart PostgreSQL."
- eerror " stats_start_collector = true"
- eerror " stats_row_level = true"
- eerror
- eerror "Please read ___DOCDIR___/contrib/README.pg_autovacuum for details!"
- eerror
- eend 1
- fi
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping pg_autovacuum"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/bin/pg_autovacuum
- eend $?
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-7.3.21-cubeparse.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-7.3.21-cubeparse.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 705e073c8e45..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-7.3.21-cubeparse.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
---- contrib/cube/cubescan.l.orig 2006-07-05 06:56:04.000000000 +0000
-+++ contrib/cube/cubescan.l 2006-07-05 06:56:12.000000000 +0000
-@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
- /* flex screws a couple symbols when used with the -P option; fix those */
-+#ifndef YY_PROTO
-+#define YY_PROTO(proto) proto
- #define YY_DECL int cube_yylex YY_PROTO(( void )); \
- int cube_yylex YY_PROTO(( void ))
- #define yylval cube_yylval
---- contrib/seg/segscan.l.orig 2006-07-05 07:08:26.000000000 +0000
-+++ contrib/seg/segscan.l 2006-07-05 07:08:51.000000000 +0000
-@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
- /* flex screws a couple symbols when used with the -P option; fix those */
-+#ifndef YY_PROTO
-+#define YY_PROTO(proto) proto
- #define YY_DECL int seg_yylex YY_PROTO(( void )); \
- int seg_yylex YY_PROTO(( void ))
- #define yylval seg_yylval
---- contrib/tsearch/parser.l.orig 2006-07-05 07:22:36.000000000 +0000
-+++ contrib/tsearch/parser.l 2006-07-05 07:23:33.000000000 +0000
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- char *s = NULL; /* to return WHOLE hyphenated-word */
- YY_BUFFER_STATE buf = NULL; /* buffer to parse; it need for parse from string */
-+static YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_current_buffer = 0;
- int lrlimit = -1; /* for limiting read from filehandle ( -1 - unlimited read ) */
- int bytestoread = 0; /* for limiting read from filehandle */
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-7.4.19-hppa-testandset.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-7.4.19-hppa-testandset.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d5f916d455eb..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-7.4.19-hppa-testandset.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
---- postgresql-7.4.12.orig/src/include/port/linux.h 2003-10-26 01:41:10.000000000 +0000
-+++ postgresql-7.4.12/src/include/port/linux.h 2004-01-09 20:22:50.000000000 +0000
-@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
- #define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
-+#elif defined(__hppa__)
-+typedef struct { int sema[4]; } slock_t;
-+#define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
- #elif defined(__sparc__)
- typedef unsigned char slock_t;
---- postgresql-7.4.12.orig/src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2003-11-04 09:43:56.000000000 +0000
-+++ postgresql-7.4.12/src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2004-01-09 20:12:15.000000000 +0000
-@@ -112,6 +112,33 @@
- #endif /* __i386__ || __x86_64__ */
-+#if defined(__hppa__) || defined(__hppa)
-+#define TAS(lock) tas(lock)
-+#define __ldcw(a) ({ \
-+ unsigned int __ret; \
-+ __asm__ __volatile__("ldcw 0(%2),%0" \
-+ : "=r" (__ret), "=m" (*(a)) : "r" (a)); \
-+ __ret; \
-+#define __PA_LDCW_ALIGNMENT 16
-+#define __ldcw_align(a) ({ \
-+ volatile unsigned int __ret = (unsigned int) a; \
-+ if ((__ret & ~(__PA_LDCW_ALIGNMENT - 1)) < (unsigned int) a) \
-+ __ret = (__ret & ~(__PA_LDCW_ALIGNMENT - 1)) + __PA_LDCW_ALIGNMENT; \
-+ (unsigned int *) __ret; \
-+static __inline__ int
-+tas(volatile slock_t *lock)
-+ volatile unsigned int *a = __ldcw_align (lock);
-+ return (__ldcw(a) == 0);
-+#endif /* __hppa__ || __hppa */
- /* Intel Itanium */
- #if defined(__ia64__) || defined(__ia64)
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.0.15-sh.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.0.15-sh.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fc1dafe83d15..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.0.15-sh.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
---- src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2005-01-01 07:03:42.000000000 +0900
-+++ src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2005-08-17 23:09:19.000000000 +0900
-@@ -239,6 +239,31 @@
- #endif /* __s390__ || __s390x__ */
-+#if defined(__sh__)
-+#define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
-+typedef unsigned char slock_t;
-+#define TAS(lock) tas(lock)
-+static __inline__ int
-+tas(volatile slock_t *lock)
-+ register int _res = 1;
-+ __asm__ __volatile__(
-+ "tas.b @%1\n\t"
-+ "movt %0\n\t"
-+ "xor #1,%0"
-+: "=z"(_res)
-+: "r"(lock)
-+: "t","memory");
-+ return _res;
-+#endif /* __sh__ */
- #if defined(__sparc__)
- #define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.1.11-regress_su.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.1.11-regress_su.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e29253dacb..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.1.11-regress_su.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
---- src/test/regress/ 2006-08-01 10:57:17.000000000 +0200
-+++ src/test/regress/ 2006-08-04 00:14:39.000000000 +0200
-@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
- # Initialize default settings
- # ----------
--: ${inputdir=.}
--: ${outputdir=.}
-+: ${inputdir=PORTAGETEMPDIRPG}
-+: ${outputdir=PORTAGETEMPDIRPG}
- libdir='@libdir@'
- bindir='@bindir@'
-@@ -410,7 +410,8 @@
- message "initializing database system"
- [ "$debug" = yes ] && initdb_options="--debug"
- [ "$nolocale" = yes ] && initdb_options="$initdb_options --no-locale"
-- "$bindir/initdb" -D "$PGDATA" -L "$datadir" --noclean $initdb_options >"$LOGDIR/initdb.log" 2>&1
-+ chown portage "${datadir}" "${temp_install}" "${inputdir}/testtablespace"
-+ su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='ISO, MDY' $bindir/initdb -D '$PGDATA' -L '$datadir' --noclean $initdb_options" >"$LOGDIR/initdb.log" 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
-@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@
- else
- postmaster_options="$postmaster_options -c listen_addresses="
- fi
-- "$bindir/postmaster" -D "$PGDATA" -F $postmaster_options >"$LOGDIR/postmaster.log" 2>&1 &
-+ su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='ISO, MDY' $bindir/postmaster -D '$PGDATA' -F $postmaster_options" >"$LOGDIR/postmaster.log" 2>&1 &
- postmaster_pid=$!
- # Wait till postmaster is able to accept connections (normally only
-@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@
- # wait forever, however.
- i=0
- max=60
-- until "$bindir/psql" -X $psql_options postgres </dev/null 2>/dev/null
-+ until su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='ISO, MDY' $bindir/psql -X $psql_options postgres </dev/null 2>/dev/null"
- do
- i=`expr $i + 1`
- if [ $i -ge $max ]
-@@ -498,7 +499,7 @@
- fi
- message "dropping database \"$dbname\""
-- "$bindir/dropdb" $psql_options "$dbname"
-+ su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='ISO, MDY' $bindir/dropdb $psql_options '$dbname'"
- # errors can be ignored
- fi
-@@ -538,17 +539,17 @@
- # ----------
- message "creating database \"$dbname\""
--"$bindir/createdb" $encoding_opt $psql_options --template template0 "$dbname"
-+su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='Postgres, MDY' $bindir/createdb $encoding_opt $psql_options --template template0 '$dbname'"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "$me: createdb failed"
- (exit 2); exit
- fi
--"$bindir/psql" -q -X $psql_options -c "\
-+su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='Postgres, MDY' $bindir/psql -q -X $psql_options -c \"\
- alter database \"$dbname\" set lc_messages to 'C';
- alter database \"$dbname\" set lc_monetary to 'C';
- alter database \"$dbname\" set lc_numeric to 'C';
--alter database \"$dbname\" set lc_time to 'C';" "$dbname"
-+alter database \"$dbname\" set lc_time to 'C';\" '$dbname'"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "$me: could not set database default locales"
- (exit 2); exit
-@@ -560,7 +561,7 @@
- # ----------
- message "dropping regression test user accounts"
--"$bindir/psql" -q -X $psql_options -c 'DROP GROUP regressgroup1; DROP GROUP regressgroup2; DROP USER regressuser1, regressuser2, regressuser3, regressuser4;' $dbname 2>/dev/null
-+su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='Postgres, MDY' $bindir/psql -q -X $psql_options -c 'DROP GROUP regressgroup1; DROP GROUP regressgroup2; DROP USER regressuser1, regressuser2, regressuser3, regressuser4;' '$dbname' 2>/dev/null"
- if [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
- echo "$me: could not drop user accounts"
- (exit 2); exit
-@@ -575,7 +576,7 @@
- for lang in xyzzy $load_langs ; do
- if [ "$lang" != "xyzzy" ]; then
- message "installing $lang"
-- "$bindir/createlang" $psql_options $lang $dbname
-+ su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='Postgres, MDY' $bindir/createlang $psql_options $lang '$dbname'"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ $? -ne 2 ]; then
- echo "$me: createlang $lang failed"
- (exit 2); exit
-@@ -635,7 +636,7 @@
- # Run a single test
- formatted=`echo $1 | awk '{printf "%-20.20s", $1;}'`
- $ECHO_N "test $formatted ... $ECHO_C"
-- ( $PSQL -d "$dbname" <"$inputdir/sql/$1.sql" >"$outputdir/results/$1.out" 2>&1 )&
-+ ( su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='Postgres, MDY' ${PSQL} -d '${dbname}' < '${inputdir}/sql/${1}.sql' > '${outputdir}/results/${1}.out' 2>&1" )&
- wait
- else
- # Start a parallel group
-@@ -646,7 +647,7 @@
- fi
- for name do
- (
-- $PSQL -d "$dbname" <"$inputdir/sql/$name.sql" >"$outputdir/results/$name.out" 2>&1
-+ su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='Postgres, MDY' ${PSQL} -d '${dbname}' < '${inputdir}/sql/${name}.sql' > '${outputdir}/results/${name}.out' 2>&1"
- $ECHO_N " $name$ECHO_C"
- ) &
- if [ $maxconnections -gt 0 ] ; then
-@@ -740,7 +741,7 @@
- if [ -n "$postmaster_pid" ]; then
- message "shutting down postmaster"
-- "$bindir/pg_ctl" -s -D "$PGDATA" stop
-+ su -s /bin/sh -l portage -c "PGTZ='PST8PDT' PGDATESTYLE='Postgres, MDY' $bindir/pg_ctl -s -D '$PGDATA' stop"
- wait "$postmaster_pid"
- unset postmaster_pid
- fi
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.1.11-sh.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.1.11-sh.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6350771080e8..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.1.11-sh.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
---- src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2005-01-01 07:03:42.000000000 +0900
-+++ src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2005-08-17 23:09:19.000000000 +0900
-@@ -300,6 +300,31 @@
- #endif /* __s390__ || __s390x__ */
-+#if defined(__sh__)
-+#define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
-+typedef unsigned char slock_t;
-+#define TAS(lock) tas(lock)
-+static __inline__ int
-+tas(volatile slock_t *lock)
-+ register int _res = 1;
-+ __asm__ __volatile__(
-+ "tas.b @%1\n\t"
-+ "movt %0\n\t"
-+ "xor #1,%0"
-+: "=z"(_res)
-+: "r"(lock)
-+: "t","memory");
-+ return _res;
-+#endif /* __sh__ */
- #if defined(__sparc__)
- #define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-gentoo.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-gentoo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d47d2535980..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-gentoo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
---- postgresql-8.2.3.orig/src/bin/Makefile 2006-03-05 16:58:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ postgresql-8.2.3/src/bin/Makefile 2007-03-29 12:12:26.000000000 +0200
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- include $(top_builddir)/src/
- DIRS := initdb ipcclean pg_ctl pg_dump \
-- psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata pg_resetxlog
-+ psql scripts pg_controldata pg_resetxlog
- ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
- DIRS+=pgevent
- endif
---- postgresql-8.2.3.orig/src/interfaces/Makefile 2004-04-20 02:33:51.000000000 +0200
-+++ postgresql-8.2.3/src/interfaces/Makefile 2007-03-29 12:14:01.000000000 +0200
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- top_builddir = ../..
- include $(top_builddir)/src/
--DIRS := libpq ecpg
-+DIRS := ecpg
---- postgresql-8.2.3.orig/src/Makefile 2006-06-23 01:50:35.000000000 +0200
-+++ postgresql-8.2.3/src/Makefile 2007-03-29 12:54:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -18,12 +18,10 @@
- $(MAKE) -C timezone $@
- $(MAKE) -C backend $@
- $(MAKE) -C backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs $@
-- $(MAKE) -C include $@
- $(MAKE) -C interfaces $@
- $(MAKE) -C bin $@
- $(MAKE) -C pl $@
- $(MAKE) -C makefiles $@
-- $(MAKE) -C test/regress $@
- install: install-local
-@@ -47,7 +45,6 @@
- $(MAKE) -C port $@
- $(MAKE) -C timezone $@
- $(MAKE) -C backend $@
-- $(MAKE) -C include $@
- $(MAKE) -C interfaces $@
- $(MAKE) -C bin $@
- $(MAKE) -C pl $@
-@@ -60,12 +57,10 @@
- -$(MAKE) -C port $@
- -$(MAKE) -C timezone $@
- -$(MAKE) -C backend $@
-- -$(MAKE) -C include $@
- -$(MAKE) -C interfaces $@
- -$(MAKE) -C bin $@
- -$(MAKE) -C pl $@
- -$(MAKE) -C makefiles $@
-- -$(MAKE) -C test $@
- -$(MAKE) -C tutorial NO_PGXS=1 $@
- -$(MAKE) -C test/thread $@
- rm -f Makefile.port
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-no-test.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-no-test.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f887e28d22c..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-no-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
-index 5eb7c4a..0f9fff0 100644
---- a/src/Makefile
-+++ b/src/Makefile
-@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ all install installdirs uninstall dep de
- $(MAKE) -C bin $@
- $(MAKE) -C pl $@
- $(MAKE) -C makefiles $@
-- $(MAKE) -C test/regress $@
- install: install-local
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-python-threads.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-python-threads.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 520ba13a6473..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-python-threads.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur a/config/python.m4 b/config/python.m4
---- a/config/python.m4 2006-10-16 18:24:54 +0100
-+++ b/config/python.m4 2007-08-17 15:37:00 +0100
-@@ -78,18 +78,4 @@
- AC_SUBST(python_libspec)[]dnl
- AC_SUBST(python_additional_libs)[]dnl
--# threaded python is not supported on bsd's
--AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether Python is compiled with thread support)
--pythreads=`${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print int('thread' in sys.builtin_module_names)"`
--if test "$pythreads" = "1"; then
-- case $host_os in
-- openbsd*|freebsd*)
-- AC_MSG_ERROR([threaded Python not supported on this platform])
-- ;;
-- esac
-diff -ur a/configure b/configure
---- a/configure 2007-04-20 04:20:41 +0100
-+++ b/configure 2007-08-17 15:37:20 +0100
-@@ -5002,24 +5002,6 @@
- echo "${ECHO_T}${python_libspec} ${python_additional_libs}" >&6
--# threaded python is not supported on bsd's
--echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether Python is compiled with thread support" >&5
--echo $ECHO_N "checking whether Python is compiled with thread support... $ECHO_C" >&6
--pythreads=`${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print int('thread' in sys.builtin_module_names)"`
--if test "$pythreads" = "1"; then
-- echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
--echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6
-- case $host_os in
-- openbsd*|freebsd*)
-- { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: threaded Python not supported on this platform" >&5
--echo "$as_me: error: threaded Python not supported on this platform" >&2;}
-- { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-- ;;
-- esac
-- echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
--echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6
- fi
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-regress_fix.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-regress_fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0af8c3fbfd80..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-regress_fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out b/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out
-index f7c35de..183a963 100644
---- a/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out
-+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out
-@@ -293,12 +293,6 @@ (10 rows)
- -- test avg(interval), which is somewhat fragile since people have been
- -- known to change the allowed input syntax for type interval without
- -- updating pg_aggregate.agginitval
--select avg(f1) from interval_tbl;
-- avg
-- @ 4 years 1 mon 10 days 4 hours 18 mins 23 secs
--(1 row)
- -- test long interval input
- select '4 millenniums 5 centuries 4 decades 1 year 4 months 4 days 17 minutes 31 seconds'::interval;
- interval
-diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql
-index 9b2e625..cb44d12 100644
---- a/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql
-+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql
-@@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ SELECT '' AS ten, * FROM INTERVAL_TBL;
- -- test avg(interval), which is somewhat fragile since people have been
- -- known to change the allowed input syntax for type interval without
- -- updating pg_aggregate.agginitval
--select avg(f1) from interval_tbl;
- -- test long interval input
- select '4 millenniums 5 centuries 4 decades 1 year 4 months 4 days 17 minutes 31 seconds'::interval;
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-regress_su.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-regress_su.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 83c56d7ab100..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-regress_su.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile b/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
-index f2319d2..b14a6f0 100644
---- a/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
-+++ b/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
-@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ ##
- check: all
- -rm -rf ./testtablespace
- mkdir ./testtablespace
-- ./pg_regress --temp-install=./tmp_check --top-builddir=$(top_builddir) --temp-port=$(TEMP_PORT) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule --multibyte=$(MULTIBYTE) --load-language=plpgsql $(MAXCONNOPT) $(NOLOCALE)
-+ chown portage testtablespace .
-+ su -s /bin/sh portage -c "./pg_regress --psqldir=`pwd`/../../bin/psql --temp-install=./tmp_check --top-builddir=$(top_builddir) --temp-port=$(TEMP_PORT) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule --multibyte=$(MULTIBYTE) --load-language=plpgsql $(MAXCONNOPT) $(NOLOCALE)"
- installcheck: all
- -rm -rf ./testtablespace
-diff --git a/src/test/regress/pg_regress.c b/src/test/regress/pg_regress.c
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-sh.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-sh.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 295bb6cfb600..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.6-sh.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
---- postgresql-8.2.3.orig/src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2006-06-08 00:24:45.000000000 +0200
-+++ postgresql-8.2.3/src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2007-03-29 12:25:56.000000000 +0200
-@@ -299,6 +299,31 @@
- #endif /* __s390__ || __s390x__ */
-+#if defined(__sh__)
-+#define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
-+typedef unsigned char slock_t;
-+#define TAS(lock) tas(lock)
-+static __inline__ int
-+tas(volatile slock_t *lock)
-+ register int _res = 1;
-+ __asm__ __volatile__(
-+ "tas.b @%1\n\t"
-+ "movt %0\n\t"
-+ "xor #1,%0"
-+: "=z"(_res)
-+: "r"(lock)
-+: "t","memory");
-+ return _res;
-+#endif /* __sh__ */
- #if defined(__sparc__) /* Sparc */
- #define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-gentoo.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-gentoo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d47d2535980..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-gentoo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
---- postgresql-8.2.3.orig/src/bin/Makefile 2006-03-05 16:58:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ postgresql-8.2.3/src/bin/Makefile 2007-03-29 12:12:26.000000000 +0200
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- include $(top_builddir)/src/
- DIRS := initdb ipcclean pg_ctl pg_dump \
-- psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata pg_resetxlog
-+ psql scripts pg_controldata pg_resetxlog
- ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
- DIRS+=pgevent
- endif
---- postgresql-8.2.3.orig/src/interfaces/Makefile 2004-04-20 02:33:51.000000000 +0200
-+++ postgresql-8.2.3/src/interfaces/Makefile 2007-03-29 12:14:01.000000000 +0200
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- top_builddir = ../..
- include $(top_builddir)/src/
--DIRS := libpq ecpg
-+DIRS := ecpg
---- postgresql-8.2.3.orig/src/Makefile 2006-06-23 01:50:35.000000000 +0200
-+++ postgresql-8.2.3/src/Makefile 2007-03-29 12:54:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -18,12 +18,10 @@
- $(MAKE) -C timezone $@
- $(MAKE) -C backend $@
- $(MAKE) -C backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs $@
-- $(MAKE) -C include $@
- $(MAKE) -C interfaces $@
- $(MAKE) -C bin $@
- $(MAKE) -C pl $@
- $(MAKE) -C makefiles $@
-- $(MAKE) -C test/regress $@
- install: install-local
-@@ -47,7 +45,6 @@
- $(MAKE) -C port $@
- $(MAKE) -C timezone $@
- $(MAKE) -C backend $@
-- $(MAKE) -C include $@
- $(MAKE) -C interfaces $@
- $(MAKE) -C bin $@
- $(MAKE) -C pl $@
-@@ -60,12 +57,10 @@
- -$(MAKE) -C port $@
- -$(MAKE) -C timezone $@
- -$(MAKE) -C backend $@
-- -$(MAKE) -C include $@
- -$(MAKE) -C interfaces $@
- -$(MAKE) -C bin $@
- -$(MAKE) -C pl $@
- -$(MAKE) -C makefiles $@
-- -$(MAKE) -C test $@
- -$(MAKE) -C tutorial NO_PGXS=1 $@
- -$(MAKE) -C test/thread $@
- rm -f Makefile.port
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-no-test.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-no-test.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f887e28d22c..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-no-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
-index 5eb7c4a..0f9fff0 100644
---- a/src/Makefile
-+++ b/src/Makefile
-@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ all install installdirs uninstall dep de
- $(MAKE) -C bin $@
- $(MAKE) -C pl $@
- $(MAKE) -C makefiles $@
-- $(MAKE) -C test/regress $@
- install: install-local
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-python-threads.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-python-threads.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 520ba13a6473..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-python-threads.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur a/config/python.m4 b/config/python.m4
---- a/config/python.m4 2006-10-16 18:24:54 +0100
-+++ b/config/python.m4 2007-08-17 15:37:00 +0100
-@@ -78,18 +78,4 @@
- AC_SUBST(python_libspec)[]dnl
- AC_SUBST(python_additional_libs)[]dnl
--# threaded python is not supported on bsd's
--AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether Python is compiled with thread support)
--pythreads=`${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print int('thread' in sys.builtin_module_names)"`
--if test "$pythreads" = "1"; then
-- case $host_os in
-- openbsd*|freebsd*)
-- AC_MSG_ERROR([threaded Python not supported on this platform])
-- ;;
-- esac
-diff -ur a/configure b/configure
---- a/configure 2007-04-20 04:20:41 +0100
-+++ b/configure 2007-08-17 15:37:20 +0100
-@@ -5002,24 +5002,6 @@
- echo "${ECHO_T}${python_libspec} ${python_additional_libs}" >&6
--# threaded python is not supported on bsd's
--echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether Python is compiled with thread support" >&5
--echo $ECHO_N "checking whether Python is compiled with thread support... $ECHO_C" >&6
--pythreads=`${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print int('thread' in sys.builtin_module_names)"`
--if test "$pythreads" = "1"; then
-- echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
--echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6
-- case $host_os in
-- openbsd*|freebsd*)
-- { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: threaded Python not supported on this platform" >&5
--echo "$as_me: error: threaded Python not supported on this platform" >&2;}
-- { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-- ;;
-- esac
-- echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
--echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6
- fi
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-regress_fix.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-regress_fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0af8c3fbfd80..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-regress_fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out b/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out
-index f7c35de..183a963 100644
---- a/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out
-+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out
-@@ -293,12 +293,6 @@ (10 rows)
- -- test avg(interval), which is somewhat fragile since people have been
- -- known to change the allowed input syntax for type interval without
- -- updating pg_aggregate.agginitval
--select avg(f1) from interval_tbl;
-- avg
-- @ 4 years 1 mon 10 days 4 hours 18 mins 23 secs
--(1 row)
- -- test long interval input
- select '4 millenniums 5 centuries 4 decades 1 year 4 months 4 days 17 minutes 31 seconds'::interval;
- interval
-diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql
-index 9b2e625..cb44d12 100644
---- a/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql
-+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql
-@@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ SELECT '' AS ten, * FROM INTERVAL_TBL;
- -- test avg(interval), which is somewhat fragile since people have been
- -- known to change the allowed input syntax for type interval without
- -- updating pg_aggregate.agginitval
--select avg(f1) from interval_tbl;
- -- test long interval input
- select '4 millenniums 5 centuries 4 decades 1 year 4 months 4 days 17 minutes 31 seconds'::interval;
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-regress_su.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-regress_su.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 83c56d7ab100..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-regress_su.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile b/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
-index f2319d2..b14a6f0 100644
---- a/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
-+++ b/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
-@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ ##
- check: all
- -rm -rf ./testtablespace
- mkdir ./testtablespace
-- ./pg_regress --temp-install=./tmp_check --top-builddir=$(top_builddir) --temp-port=$(TEMP_PORT) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule --multibyte=$(MULTIBYTE) --load-language=plpgsql $(MAXCONNOPT) $(NOLOCALE)
-+ chown portage testtablespace .
-+ su -s /bin/sh portage -c "./pg_regress --psqldir=`pwd`/../../bin/psql --temp-install=./tmp_check --top-builddir=$(top_builddir) --temp-port=$(TEMP_PORT) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule --multibyte=$(MULTIBYTE) --load-language=plpgsql $(MAXCONNOPT) $(NOLOCALE)"
- installcheck: all
- -rm -rf ./testtablespace
-diff --git a/src/test/regress/pg_regress.c b/src/test/regress/pg_regress.c
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-sh.patch b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-sh.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 295bb6cfb600..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql-8.2.7-sh.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
---- postgresql-8.2.3.orig/src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2006-06-08 00:24:45.000000000 +0200
-+++ postgresql-8.2.3/src/include/storage/s_lock.h 2007-03-29 12:25:56.000000000 +0200
-@@ -299,6 +299,31 @@
- #endif /* __s390__ || __s390x__ */
-+#if defined(__sh__)
-+#define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
-+typedef unsigned char slock_t;
-+#define TAS(lock) tas(lock)
-+static __inline__ int
-+tas(volatile slock_t *lock)
-+ register int _res = 1;
-+ __asm__ __volatile__(
-+ "tas.b @%1\n\t"
-+ "movt %0\n\t"
-+ "xor #1,%0"
-+: "=z"(_res)
-+: "r"(lock)
-+: "t","memory");
-+ return _res;
-+#endif /* __sh__ */
- #if defined(__sparc__) /* Sparc */
- #define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-7.3 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-7.3
deleted file mode 100644
index c6fd787f744d..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-7.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# PostgreSQL's Database Directory
-# Logfile path (NOTE: This must be owned by the uid/gid of $PGUSER!)
-# PostgreSQL User
-# Extra options to run postmaster with
-# If you want to enable TCP/IP for PostgreSQL, add -i, like the following:
-# PGOPTS="-N 512 -B 1024 -i"
-PGOPTS="-N 512 -B 1024"
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-7.4 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-7.4
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c8ecc5963dc..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-7.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# PostgreSQL's Database Directory
-# Alternate database data locations
-# Please read
-# for more information.
-# Example:
-# PGDATA_ALT="PGDATA_RAID=/mnt/superfastraid"
-# Logfile path (NOTE: This must be owned by the uid/gid of $PGUSER!)
-# PostgreSQL User
-# Extra options to run postmaster with
-# If you want to enable TCP/IP for PostgreSQL, add -i, like the following:
-# PGOPTS="-N 512 -B 1024 -i"
-PGOPTS="-N 512 -B 1024"
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.0 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e439fc0f38b..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# PostgreSQL's Database Directory
-# PostgreSQL User
-# PostgreSQL Group
-# Extra options to run postmaster with
-# -N is the maximal number of client connections
-# -B is the number of shared buffers and has to be at least 2x the value for -N
-# Please read the man-page to postmaster for more options. Many of these options
-# can be set directly in the configuration-file.
-PGOPTS="-N 512 -B 1024"
-# The server will receive 3 signals in the worst case:
-# This signals the server to ignore new connections and to
-# wait for all clients to end their transactions before shutting down.
-# Use WAIT_FOR_DISCONNECT to control how much time the clients
-# should have until the next signal is being sent.
-# 2. SIGINT
-# Tell the server to forcefully disconnect all clients.
-# Terminating a client results in a rollback of the open transactions for this client.
-# Use WAIT_FOR_CLEANUP to determine how much time the server has
-# for cleanup. (Set it to "forever" if you want to wait forever.)
-# This will terminate the server immediately and results in a recovery run for the next start.
-# Wait for clients to disconnect (seconds or "forever")
-# Time the server has to clean up (seconds or "forever")
-# If you have to export environment variables for the database process,
-# this can be done here.
-# Example:
-# export R_HOME="/usr/lib/R"
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.1 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e439fc0f38b..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# PostgreSQL's Database Directory
-# PostgreSQL User
-# PostgreSQL Group
-# Extra options to run postmaster with
-# -N is the maximal number of client connections
-# -B is the number of shared buffers and has to be at least 2x the value for -N
-# Please read the man-page to postmaster for more options. Many of these options
-# can be set directly in the configuration-file.
-PGOPTS="-N 512 -B 1024"
-# The server will receive 3 signals in the worst case:
-# This signals the server to ignore new connections and to
-# wait for all clients to end their transactions before shutting down.
-# Use WAIT_FOR_DISCONNECT to control how much time the clients
-# should have until the next signal is being sent.
-# 2. SIGINT
-# Tell the server to forcefully disconnect all clients.
-# Terminating a client results in a rollback of the open transactions for this client.
-# Use WAIT_FOR_CLEANUP to determine how much time the server has
-# for cleanup. (Set it to "forever" if you want to wait forever.)
-# This will terminate the server immediately and results in a recovery run for the next start.
-# Wait for clients to disconnect (seconds or "forever")
-# Time the server has to clean up (seconds or "forever")
-# If you have to export environment variables for the database process,
-# this can be done here.
-# Example:
-# export R_HOME="/usr/lib/R"
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.2 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.2
deleted file mode 100644
index af813ec3d8b3..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.conf-8.2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# PostgreSQL's Database Directory
-# PostgreSQL User
-# PostgreSQL Group
-# Extra options to run postmaster with
-# -N is the maximal number of client connections
-# -B is the number of shared buffers and has to be at least 2x the value for -N
-# Please read the man-page to postmaster for more options. Many of these options
-# can be set directly in the configuration-file.
-PGOPTS="-N 40 -B 80"
-# The server will receive 3 signals in the worst case:
-# This signals the server to ignore new connections and to
-# wait for all clients to end their transactions before shutting down.
-# Use WAIT_FOR_DISCONNECT to control how much time the clients
-# should have until the next signal is being sent.
-# 2. SIGINT
-# Tell the server to forcefully disconnect all clients.
-# Terminating a client results in a rollback of the open transactions for this client.
-# Use WAIT_FOR_CLEANUP to determine how much time the server has
-# for cleanup. (Set it to "forever" if you want to wait forever.)
-# This will terminate the server immediately and results in a recovery run for the next start.
-# Wait for clients to disconnect (seconds or "forever")
-# Time the server has to clean up (seconds or "forever")
-# If you have to export environment variables for the database process,
-# this can be done here.
-# Example:
-# export R_HOME="/usr/lib/R"
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-7.3 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-7.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d94d141dbfc..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-7.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-7.3,v 1.2 2006/11/07 22:48:22 chtekk Exp $
-opts="${opts} reload"
-depend() {
- use net
-checkconfig() {
- if [ ! -d "$PGDATA" ] ; then
- eerror "Directory not found: $PGDATA"
- eerror "You must create the $PGDATA directory first!"
- return 1
- fi
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting PostgreSQL"
- if [ -f "$PGDATA/" ] ; then
- rm -f "$PGDATA/"
- fi
- su - $PGUSER -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl start -D '$PGDATA' -s -l '$PGLOG' -o '$PGOPTS'"
- while :
- do
- cnt=$(($cnt + 1))
- if [ -f "$PGDATA/" ] ; then
- ret=0
- break
- fi
- if [ $cnt -eq 30 ] ; then
- eerror
- eerror "Please check the $PGLOG log file for errors."
- eerror
- ret=1
- break
- fi
- sleep 1
- done
- eend $ret
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping PostgreSQL"
- su - $PGUSER -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl stop -D '$PGDATA' -s -m fast"
- eend $?
-svc_restart() {
- ebegin "Restarting PostgreSQL"
- su - $PGUSER -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl restart -D '$PGDATA' -s -m fast -l '$PGLOG' -o '$PGOPTS'"
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Reloading PostgreSQL configuration"
- su - $PGUSER -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl reload -D '$PGDATA' -s"
- eend $?
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-7.4 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-7.4
deleted file mode 100644
index 4efe43485f26..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-7.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-7.4,v 1.6 2006/11/11 12:15:02 dev-zero Exp $
-opts="${opts} reload"
-depend() {
- use net
-checkconfig() {
- if [ ! -d "$PGDATA" ] ; then
- eerror "Directory not found: $PGDATA"
- eerror "You must create the $PGDATA directory first!"
- return 1
- fi
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting PostgreSQL"
- if [ -f "$PGDATA/" ] ; then
- rm -f "$PGDATA/"
- fi
- su - $PGUSER -c "${PGDATA_ALT} /usr/bin/pg_ctl start -D '$PGDATA' -s -l '$PGLOG' -o '$PGOPTS'"
- while :
- do
- cnt=$(($cnt + 1))
- if [ -f "$PGDATA/" ] ; then
- ret=0
- break
- fi
- if [ $cnt -eq 30 ] ; then
- eerror
- eerror "Please check the $PGLOG log file for errors."
- eerror
- ret=1
- break
- fi
- sleep 1
- done
- eend $ret
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping PostgreSQL"
- su - $PGUSER -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl stop -D '$PGDATA' -s -m fast"
- eend $?
-svc_restart() {
- ebegin "Restarting PostgreSQL"
- su - $PGUSER -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl restart -D '$PGDATA' -s -m fast -l '$PGLOG' -o '$PGOPTS'"
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Reloading PostgreSQL configuration"
- su - $PGUSER -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl reload -D '$PGDATA' -s"
- eend $?
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.0 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 60a2237ec6ba..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.0,v 1.4 2007/07/11 08:46:51 dev-zero Exp $
-opts="${opts} reload"
-depend() {
- use net
-checkconfig() {
- if [ ! -d "$PGDATA" ] ; then
- eerror "Directory not found: $PGDATA"
- eerror "Please make sure that PGDATA points to the right path."
- eerror "You can run 'emerge postgresql --config' to setup a new database cluster."
- return 1
- fi
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting PostgreSQL"
- if [ -f "$PGDATA/" ] ; then
- rm -f "$PGDATA/"
- fi
- start-stop-daemon --start \
- --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" \
- --chuid ${PGUSER}:${PGGROUP} \
- --exec /usr/bin/postmaster \
- -- \
- -D "${PGDATA}" \
- --silent-mode=true \
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping PostgreSQL"
- # Note: we have to do --oknodo here, otherwise it will always fail
- # when there are open transactions. This bug has been corrected
- # in baselayout-1.13.0_alpha8.
- start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" \
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Reloading PostgreSQL configuration"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" --signal HUP --oknodo
- eend $?
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.1 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 666fad2424de..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.1,v 1.4 2007/07/11 08:46:51 dev-zero Exp $
-opts="${opts} reload"
-depend() {
- use net
-checkconfig() {
- if [ ! -d "$PGDATA" ] ; then
- eerror "Directory not found: $PGDATA"
- eerror "Please make sure that PGDATA points to the right path."
- eerror "You can run 'emerge postgresql --config' to setup a new database cluster."
- return 1
- fi
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting PostgreSQL"
- if [ -f "$PGDATA/" ] ; then
- rm -f "$PGDATA/"
- fi
- start-stop-daemon --start \
- --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" \
- --chuid ${PGUSER}:${PGGROUP} \
- --exec /usr/bin/postmaster \
- -- \
- -D "${PGDATA}" \
- --silent-mode=true \
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping PostgreSQL"
- # Note: we have to do --oknodo here, otherwise it will always fail
- # when there are open transactions. This bug has been corrected
- # in baselayout-1.13.0_alpha8.
- start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" \
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Reloading PostgreSQL configuration"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" --signal HUP --oknodo
- eend $?
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.2 b/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.2
deleted file mode 100644
index 0178c2c94829..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/files/postgresql.init-8.2,v 1.2 2007/07/11 08:46:51 dev-zero Exp $
-opts="${opts} reload"
-depend() {
- use net
-checkconfig() {
- if [ ! -d "$PGDATA" ] ; then
- eerror "Directory not found: $PGDATA"
- eerror "Please make sure that PGDATA points to the right path."
- eerror "You can run 'emerge postgresql --config' to setup a new database cluster."
- return 1
- fi
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting PostgreSQL"
- if [ -f "$PGDATA/" ] ; then
- rm -f "$PGDATA/"
- fi
- start-stop-daemon --start \
- --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" \
- --chuid ${PGUSER}:${PGGROUP} \
- --exec /usr/bin/postmaster \
- -- \
- -D "${PGDATA}" \
- --silent-mode=true \
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping PostgreSQL"
- # Note: we have to do --oknodo here, otherwise it will always fail
- # when there are open transactions. This bug has been corrected
- # in baselayout-1.13.0_alpha8.
- start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" \
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Reloading PostgreSQL configuration"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "${PGDATA}/" --signal HUP --oknodo
- eend $?
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/metadata.xml b/dev-db/postgresql/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 407f0f0f6a64..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <flag name='pg-intdatetime'>Enable --enable-integer-datetimes configure
- option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage</flag>
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 88074a94be34..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.3.21.ebuild,v 1.10 2008/05/19 19:22:40 dev-zero Exp $
-inherit eutils gnuconfig flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- virtual/logger
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- if [[ $(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION") != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases, you must"
- eerror "use pg_dump to export your existing databases to a file, and then"
- eerror "pg_restore to import them when you have upgraded completely."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- sed -i -e '/for pgac_lib in "" " -ltermcap"/ s/" -ltermcap"//' configure
- # libpq is provided separately as dev-db/libpq
- sed -i -e 's/^DIRS := libpq ecpg/DIRS := ecpg/' src/interfaces/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/\W\+\$.MAKE. -C include \$/d' src/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/^\W\+psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata/ s/pg_config //' src/bin/Makefile
- # Fix multi-lib problem reported in #204760
- sed -i -e "s/\/lib\/python/\/$(get_libdir)\/python/" configure
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-cubeparse.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, well, we
- # don't support that in this version of PostgreSQL ... :)
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- # Correctly support the XML stuff
- if use xml ; then
- CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} $(pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0)"
- LIBS="${LIBS} $(pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0)"
- fi
- # Detect mips systems properly
- gnuconfig_update
- cd "${S}"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- --without-tk \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- dodoc contrib/adddepend/*
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT%/}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT%/}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}"
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- else
- eerror "Tests won't be run if FEATURES=userpriv is disabled!"
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a0ac1a334a8..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.4.19.ebuild,v 1.9 2008/05/19 19:22:40 dev-zero Exp $
-inherit eutils gnuconfig flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- virtual/logger
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-cluster_exists() {
- [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] && return 0
- return 1
-pkg_setup() {
- if hasq pg-hier ${USE} ; then
- ewarn "Warning: pg-hier USE-flag detected:"
- ewarn "The hier-patch has been dropped for this version and the pg-hier USE-flag is therefore deprecated."
- ewarn "If you really used the 'hier' patch in your database with the 'CONNECT BY' statement,"
- ewarn "you should stop now and reconsider. You will be able to reuse your data, but not"
- ewarn "any VIEWS or QUERIES based on that statement."
- ewarn "Please disable the pg-hier USE-flag!"
- ebeep 3
- if cluster_exists ; then
- eerror "There is already a database in '${PG_DIR}/data' and you have the pg-hier USE-flag set."
- eerror "Please read the message above first. If you decide that the warnings there don't"
- eerror "apply to your situation, dump the database using pg_dump and move the '${PG_DIR}/data'"
- eerror "away. Then restart the merge. After that create a new database cluster and use pg_restore to"
- eerror "re-import the previously dumped data."
- eerror "Moving '${PG_DIR}/data' temporarely away or just disable the 'pg-hier' USE-flag won't work."
- die "Can't update this database."
- fi
- fi
- if cluster_exists ; then
- local cluster_version=$(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION")
- if [[ ${cluster_version} != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "There is a database in '${PG_DIR}/data' from PostgreSQL version ${cluster_version}."
- eerror "PostgreSQL doesn't support upgrades between major versions, you have to use pg_dump"
- eerror "to dump your existing database. Then move your '${PG_DIR}/data' directory away and"
- eerror "restart the merge. After that create a new database cluster and use pg_restore to"
- eerror "re-import the previously dumped data."
- die "Can't update this database."
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # libpq is provided separately as dev-db/libpq
- sed -i -e 's/^DIRS := libpq ecpg/DIRS := ecpg/' src/interfaces/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/\W\+\$.MAKE. -C include \$/d' src/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/^\W\+psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata/ s/pg_config //' src/bin/Makefile
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-hppa-testandset.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, well, we
- # don't support that in this version of PostgreSQL ... :)
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- # Correctly support the XML stuff
- if use xml ; then
- CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} $(pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0)"
- LIBS="${LIBS} $(pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0)"
- fi
- # Detect mips systems properly
- gnuconfig_update
- cd "${S}"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- --without-tk \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- dodoc contrib/adddepend/*
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/pg_autovacuum.init-${PV%.*}" pg_autovacuum || die "Inserting pg_autovacuum init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/pg_autovacuum.conf-${PV%.*}" pg_autovacuum || die "Inserting pg_autovacuum conf.d-file failed"
- dosed "s:___DOCDIR___:/usr/share/doc/${PF}:" /etc/init.d/pg_autovacuum
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT%/}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT%/}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}"
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- else
- eerror "Tests won't be run if FEATURES=userpriv is disabled!"
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.4.26.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.4.26.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index dda3164f3394..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.4.26.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-7.4.26.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/11/05 21:34:49 patrick Exp $
-inherit eutils gnuconfig flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- virtual/logger
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-cluster_exists() {
- [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] && return 0
- return 1
-pkg_setup() {
- if hasq pg-hier ${USE} ; then
- ewarn "Warning: pg-hier USE-flag detected:"
- ewarn "The hier-patch has been dropped for this version and the pg-hier USE-flag is therefore deprecated."
- ewarn "If you really used the 'hier' patch in your database with the 'CONNECT BY' statement,"
- ewarn "you should stop now and reconsider. You will be able to reuse your data, but not"
- ewarn "any VIEWS or QUERIES based on that statement."
- ewarn "Please disable the pg-hier USE-flag!"
- ebeep 3
- if cluster_exists ; then
- eerror "There is already a database in '${PG_DIR}/data' and you have the pg-hier USE-flag set."
- eerror "Please read the message above first. If you decide that the warnings there don't"
- eerror "apply to your situation, dump the database using pg_dump and move the '${PG_DIR}/data'"
- eerror "away. Then restart the merge. After that create a new database cluster and use pg_restore to"
- eerror "re-import the previously dumped data."
- eerror "Moving '${PG_DIR}/data' temporarely away or just disable the 'pg-hier' USE-flag won't work."
- die "Can't update this database."
- fi
- fi
- if cluster_exists ; then
- local cluster_version=$(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION")
- if [[ ${cluster_version} != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "There is a database in '${PG_DIR}/data' from PostgreSQL version ${cluster_version}."
- eerror "PostgreSQL doesn't support upgrades between major versions, you have to use pg_dump"
- eerror "to dump your existing database. Then move your '${PG_DIR}/data' directory away and"
- eerror "restart the merge. After that create a new database cluster and use pg_restore to"
- eerror "re-import the previously dumped data."
- die "Can't update this database."
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # libpq is provided separately as dev-db/libpq
- sed -i -e 's/^DIRS := libpq ecpg/DIRS := ecpg/' src/interfaces/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/\W\+\$.MAKE. -C include \$/d' src/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/^\W\+psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata/ s/pg_config //' src/bin/Makefile
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.4.19-hppa-testandset.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, well, we
- # don't support that in this version of PostgreSQL ... :)
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- # Correctly support the XML stuff
- if use xml ; then
- CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} $(pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0)"
- LIBS="${LIBS} $(pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0)"
- fi
- # Detect mips systems properly
- gnuconfig_update
- cd "${S}"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- --without-tk \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- dodoc contrib/adddepend/*
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/pg_autovacuum.init-${PV%.*}" pg_autovacuum || die "Inserting pg_autovacuum init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/pg_autovacuum.conf-${PV%.*}" pg_autovacuum || die "Inserting pg_autovacuum conf.d-file failed"
- dosed "s:___DOCDIR___:/usr/share/doc/${PF}:" /etc/init.d/pg_autovacuum
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT%/}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT%/}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}"
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- else
- eerror "Tests won't be run if FEATURES=userpriv is disabled!"
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b121e512d3a..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.15.ebuild,v 1.9 2008/05/19 19:22:40 dev-zero Exp $
-inherit eutils gnuconfig flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- virtual/logger
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-cluster_exists() {
- [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] && return 0
- return 1
-pkg_setup() {
- if hasq pg-hier ${USE} ; then
- ewarn "Warning: pg-hier USE-flag detected:"
- ewarn "The hier-patch has been dropped for this version and the pg-hier USE-flag is therefore deprecated."
- ewarn "If you really used the 'hier' patch in your database with the 'CONNECT BY' statement,"
- ewarn "you should stop now and reconsider. You will be able to reuse your data, but not"
- ewarn "any VIEWS or QUERIES based on that statement."
- ewarn "Please disable the pg-hier USE-flag!"
- ebeep 3
- if cluster_exists ; then
- eerror "There is already a database in '${PG_DIR}/data' and you have the pg-hier USE-flag set."
- eerror "Please read the message above first. If you decide that the warnings there don't"
- eerror "apply to your situation, dump the database using pg_dump and move the '${PG_DIR}/data'"
- eerror "away. Then restart the merge. After that create a new database cluster and use pg_restore to"
- eerror "re-import the previously dumped data."
- eerror "Moving '${PG_DIR}/data' temporarely away or just disable the 'pg-hier' USE-flag won't work."
- die "Can't update this database."
- fi
- fi
- if cluster_exists ; then
- local cluster_version=$(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION")
- if [[ ${cluster_version} != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "There is a database in '${PG_DIR}/data' from PostgreSQL version ${cluster_version}."
- eerror "PostgreSQL doesn't support upgrades between major versions, you have to use pg_dump"
- eerror "to dump your existing database. Then move your '${PG_DIR}/data' directory away and"
- eerror "restart the merge. After that create a new database cluster and use pg_restore to"
- eerror "re-import the previously dumped data."
- die "Can't update this database."
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # libpq is provided separately as dev-db/libpq
- sed -i -e 's/^DIRS := libpq ecpg/DIRS := ecpg/' src/interfaces/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/\W\+\$.MAKE. -C include \$/d' src/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/^\W\+psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata/ s/pg_config //' src/bin/Makefile
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-sh.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # Fix sandbox violation
- sed -e "s|/no/such/location|${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check/no/such/location|g" -i src/test/regress/{input,output}/tablespace.source
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, well, we
- # don't support that in this version of PostgreSQL ... :)
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- # Detect mips systems properly
- gnuconfig_update
- cd "${S}"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml2 emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml2 emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- dodoc contrib/adddepend/*
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/pg_autovacuum.init-${PV%.*}" pg_autovacuum || die "Inserting pg_autovacuum init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/pg_autovacuum.conf-${PV%.*}" pg_autovacuum || die "Inserting pg_autovacuum conf.d-file failed"
- dosed "s:___DOCDIR___:/usr/share/doc/${PF}:" /etc/init.d/pg_autovacuum
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}"
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- else
- eerror "Tests won't be run if FEATURES=userpriv is disabled!"
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.22.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.22.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d49247ea151c..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.22.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.22.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/11/05 21:34:49 patrick Exp $
-inherit eutils gnuconfig flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- virtual/logger
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-cluster_exists() {
- [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] && return 0
- return 1
-pkg_setup() {
- if hasq pg-hier ${USE} ; then
- ewarn "Warning: pg-hier USE-flag detected:"
- ewarn "The hier-patch has been dropped for this version and the pg-hier USE-flag is therefore deprecated."
- ewarn "If you really used the 'hier' patch in your database with the 'CONNECT BY' statement,"
- ewarn "you should stop now and reconsider. You will be able to reuse your data, but not"
- ewarn "any VIEWS or QUERIES based on that statement."
- ewarn "Please disable the pg-hier USE-flag!"
- ebeep 3
- if cluster_exists ; then
- eerror "There is already a database in '${PG_DIR}/data' and you have the pg-hier USE-flag set."
- eerror "Please read the message above first. If you decide that the warnings there don't"
- eerror "apply to your situation, dump the database using pg_dump and move the '${PG_DIR}/data'"
- eerror "away. Then restart the merge. After that create a new database cluster and use pg_restore to"
- eerror "re-import the previously dumped data."
- eerror "Moving '${PG_DIR}/data' temporarely away or just disable the 'pg-hier' USE-flag won't work."
- die "Can't update this database."
- fi
- fi
- if cluster_exists ; then
- local cluster_version=$(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION")
- if [[ ${cluster_version} != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "There is a database in '${PG_DIR}/data' from PostgreSQL version ${cluster_version}."
- eerror "PostgreSQL doesn't support upgrades between major versions, you have to use pg_dump"
- eerror "to dump your existing database. Then move your '${PG_DIR}/data' directory away and"
- eerror "restart the merge. After that create a new database cluster and use pg_restore to"
- eerror "re-import the previously dumped data."
- die "Can't update this database."
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # libpq is provided separately as dev-db/libpq
- sed -i -e 's/^DIRS := libpq ecpg/DIRS := ecpg/' src/interfaces/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/\W\+\$.MAKE. -C include \$/d' src/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/^\W\+psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata/ s/pg_config //' src/bin/Makefile
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-8.0.15-sh.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # Fix sandbox violation
- sed -e "s|/no/such/location|${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check/no/such/location|g" -i src/test/regress/{input,output}/tablespace.source
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, well, we
- # don't support that in this version of PostgreSQL ... :)
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- # Detect mips systems properly
- gnuconfig_update
- cd "${S}"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml2 emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml2 emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- dodoc contrib/adddepend/*
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/pg_autovacuum.init-${PV%.*}" pg_autovacuum || die "Inserting pg_autovacuum init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/pg_autovacuum.conf-${PV%.*}" pg_autovacuum || die "Inserting pg_autovacuum conf.d-file failed"
- dosed "s:___DOCDIR___:/usr/share/doc/${PF}:" /etc/init.d/pg_autovacuum
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}"
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- else
- eerror "Tests won't be run if FEATURES=userpriv is disabled!"
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d7e6ceae160..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.11.ebuild,v 1.8 2009/10/14 00:35:33 jer Exp $
-inherit eutils gnuconfig flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- virtual/logger
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- if [[ $(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION") != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases, you must"
- eerror "use pg_dump to export your existing databases to a file, and then"
- eerror "pg_restore to import them when you have upgraded completely."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # libpq is provided separately as dev-db/libpq
- sed -i -e 's/^DIRS := libpq ecpg/DIRS := ecpg/' src/interfaces/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/\W\+\$.MAKE. -C include \$/d' src/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/^\W\+psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata/ s/pg_config //' src/bin/Makefile
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-sh.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # Fix sandbox violation
- sed -e "s|/no/such/location|${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check/no/such/location|g" -i src/test/regress/{input,output}/tablespace.source
- # Fix broken tests
- #epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-regress_fix.patch"
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, we need to
- # su - to a valid user, portage again, so we patch the test-scripts to do that.
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- if ! hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-regress_su.patch"
- sed -e "s|PORTAGETEMPDIRPG|${S}/src/test/regress|g" -i src/test/regress/
- fi
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- # Detect mips systems properly
- gnuconfig_update
- cd "${S}"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml2 emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml2 emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- dodoc contrib/adddepend/*
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "The autovacuum function, which was in contrib, has been moved to the main"
- elog "PostgreSQL functions starting with 8.1."
- elog "You can enable it in ${ROOT%/}/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf."
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT%/}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT%/}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}"
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.18.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.18.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4066c96a6d1b..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.18.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.18.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/11/07 19:48:21 patrick Exp $
-inherit eutils gnuconfig flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- virtual/logger
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- if [[ $(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION") != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases, you must"
- eerror "use pg_dump to export your existing databases to a file, and then"
- eerror "pg_restore to import them when you have upgraded completely."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # libpq is provided separately as dev-db/libpq
- sed -i -e 's/^DIRS := libpq ecpg/DIRS := ecpg/' src/interfaces/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/\W\+\$.MAKE. -C include \$/d' src/Makefile
- sed -i -e '/^\W\+psql scripts pg_config pg_controldata/ s/pg_config //' src/bin/Makefile
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-8.1.11-sh.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # Fix sandbox violation
- sed -e "s|/no/such/location|${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check/no/such/location|g" -i src/test/regress/{input,output}/tablespace.source
- # Fix broken tests
- #epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-8.1.11-regress_fix.patch"
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, we need to
- # su - to a valid user, portage again, so we patch the test-scripts to do that.
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- if ! hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-8.1.11-regress_su.patch"
- sed -e "s|PORTAGETEMPDIRPG|${S}/src/test/regress|g" -i src/test/regress/
- fi
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- # Detect mips systems properly
- gnuconfig_update
- cd "${S}"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml2 emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml2 emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- dodoc contrib/adddepend/*
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "The autovacuum function, which was in contrib, has been moved to the main"
- elog "PostgreSQL functions starting with 8.1."
- elog "You can enable it in ${ROOT%/}/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf."
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT%/}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT%/}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}"
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.14.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.14.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bf3ce44edcc5..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.14.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.14.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/11/07 19:09:45 patrick Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos kernel_linux nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- if [[ $(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION") != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases, you must"
- eerror "use pg_dump to export your existing databases to a file, and then"
- eerror "pg_restore to import them when you have upgraded completely."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-8.2.7-gentoo.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-8.2.7-sh.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # Fix sandbox violation
- sed -e "s|/no/such/location|${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check/no/such/location|g" -i src/test/regress/{input,output}/tablespace.source
- # Fix broken tests
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-8.2.7-regress_fix.patch"
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, we need to
- # su - to a valid user, portage again, so we patch the test-scripts to do that.
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- if ! hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-8.2.7-regress_su.patch"
- fi
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- econf --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml2 emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml2 emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "The autovacuum function, which was in contrib, has been moved to the main"
- elog "PostgreSQL functions starting with 8.1."
- elog "You can enable it in ${ROOT}/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf."
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.6.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.6.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d26fc4bebe8e..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.6.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.6.ebuild,v 1.2 2008/05/19 19:22:40 dev-zero Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~sparc-fbsd ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos kernel_linux nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- if [[ $(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION") != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases, you must"
- eerror "use pg_dump to export your existing databases to a file, and then"
- eerror "pg_restore to import them when you have upgraded completely."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-gentoo.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-sh.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # Fix sandbox violation
- sed -e "s|/no/such/location|${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check/no/such/location|g" -i src/test/regress/{input,output}/tablespace.source
- # Fix broken tests
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-regress_fix.patch"
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, we need to
- # su - to a valid user, portage again, so we patch the test-scripts to do that.
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- if ! hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-regress_su.patch"
- fi
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- econf --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml2 emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml2 emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "The autovacuum function, which was in contrib, has been moved to the main"
- elog "PostgreSQL functions starting with 8.1."
- elog "You can enable it in ${ROOT}/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf."
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- cd "${S}"
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."
diff --git a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.7.ebuild b/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 57810cdf953e..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/postgresql/postgresql-8.2.7.ebuild,v 1.2 2008/05/19 19:22:40 dev-zero Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~sparc-fbsd ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-DESCRIPTION="Sophisticated and powerful Object-Relational DBMS."
-IUSE="doc kerberos kernel_linux nls pam perl pg-intdatetime python readline selinux ssl tcl test xml zlib"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pam? ( virtual/pam )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r2 )
- python? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.2 dev-python/egenix-mx-base )
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postgresql )
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6-r1 )
- tcl? ( >=dev-lang/tcl-8 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3 )
- !dev-db/postgresql-server"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
- xml? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- if [[ $(cat "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION") != $(get_version_component_range 1-2) ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases, you must"
- eerror "use pg_dump to export your existing databases to a file, and then"
- eerror "pg_restore to import them when you have upgraded completely."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib postgres
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-gentoo.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-sh.patch"
- # Prepare package for future tests
- if use test ; then
- # Fix sandbox violation
- sed -e "s|/no/such/location|${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check/no/such/location|g" -i src/test/regress/{input,output}/tablespace.source
- # Fix broken tests
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-regress_fix.patch"
- # We need to run the tests as a non-root user, portage seems the most fitting here,
- # so if userpriv is enabled, we use it directly. If userpriv is disabled, we need to
- # su - to a valid user, portage again, so we patch the test-scripts to do that.
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/tmp_check"
- einfo "Tests will be run as user portage."
- if ! hasq userpriv ${FEATURES} ; then
- mkdir -p "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- chown portage "${S}/src/test/regress/results"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV}-regress_su.patch"
- fi
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -ffast-math -feliminate-dwarf2-dups
- econf --prefix=/usr \
- --includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --host=${CHOST} \
- --with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --enable-depend \
- $(use_with kerberos krb5) \
- $(use_enable nls ) \
- $(use_with pam) \
- $(use_with perl) \
- $(use_enable pg-intdatetime integer-datetimes ) \
- $(use_with python) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcl) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- || die "configure failed"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "main emake failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib emake failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)" || die "contrib/xml2 emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- if use perl ; then
- mv -f "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile" "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig"
- sed -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(plperl_installdir):\$(plperl_installdir):" \
- "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile_orig" > "${S}/src/pl/plperl/GNUmakefile"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "main emake install failed"
- cd "${S}/contrib"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib emake install failed"
- if use xml ; then
- cd "${S}/contrib/xml2"
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" install || die "contrib/xml2 emake install failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}"
- cd "${S}/doc"
- dodoc FAQ* README.* TODO bug.template
- if use doc ; then
- cd "${S}/doc"
- docinto FAQ_html
- dodoc src/FAQ/*
- docinto sgml
- dodoc src/sgml/*.{sgml,dsl}
- docinto sgml/ref
- dodoc src/sgml/ref/*.sgml
- docinto TODO.detail
- dodoc TODO.detail/*
- fi
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.init-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting init.d-file failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/postgresql.conf-${PV%.*}" postgresql || die "Inserting conf.d-file failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Execute the following command to setup the initial database environment:"
- elog
- elog "emerge --config =${PF}"
- elog
- elog "The autovacuum function, which was in contrib, has been moved to the main"
- elog "PostgreSQL functions starting with 8.1."
- elog "You can enable it in ${ROOT}/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf."
- elog
- elog "If you need a global psqlrc-file, you can place it in '${ROOT}/etc/postgresql/'."
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Creating the data directory ..."
- mkdir -p "${PG_DIR}/data"
- chown -Rf postgres:postgres "${PG_DIR}"
- chmod 0700 "${PG_DIR}/data"
- einfo "Initializing the database ..."
- if [[ -f "${PG_DIR}/data/PG_VERSION" ]] ; then
- eerror "PostgreSQL ${PV} cannot upgrade your existing databases."
- eerror "You must remove your entire database directory to continue."
- eerror "(database directory = ${PG_DIR})."
- die "Remove your database directory to continue"
- else
- if use kernel_linux ; then
- local SEM=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f-3`
- local SEMMNI=`sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4`
- local SEMMNI_MIN=`expr \( ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} + 15 \) / 16`
- local SHMMAX=`sysctl -n kernel.shmmax`
- local SHMMAX_MIN=`expr 500000 + 30600 \* ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS}`
- if [ ${SEMMNI} -lt ${SEMMNI_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SEMMNI is too low"
- eerror "for PostgreSQL to run ${PG_MAX_CONNECTIONS} connections!"
- eerror "Temporary setting this value to ${SEMMNI_MIN} while creating the initial database."
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- fi
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- if [ ! `sysctl -n kernel.sem | cut -f4` -eq ${SEMMNI} ] ; then
- echo ${SEM} ${SEMMNI} > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
- ewarn "Restoring the SEMMNI value to the previous value."
- ewarn "Please edit the last value of kernel.sem in /etc/sysctl.conf"
- ewarn "and set it to at least ${SEMMNI_MIN}:"
- ewarn
- ewarn " kernel.sem = ${SEM} ${SEMMNI_MIN}"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ ${SHMMAX} -lt ${SHMMAX_MIN} ] ; then
- eerror "The current value of SHMMAX is too low for postgresql to run."
- eerror "Please edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set this value to at least ${SHMMAX_MIN}:"
- eerror
- eerror " kernel.shmmax = ${SHMMAX_MIN}"
- eerror
- fi
- else
- su postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb --pgdata ${PG_DIR}/data"
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can use the '${ROOT}/etc/init.d/postgresql' script to run PostgreSQL instead of 'pg_ctl'."
- einfo
- fi
-src_test() {
- einfo ">>> Test phase [check]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- if ! emake -j1 check ; then
- hasq test ${FEATURES} && die "Make check failed. See above for details."
- hasq test ${FEATURES} || eerror "Make check failed. See above for details."
- fi
- einfo "Yes, there are other tests which could be run."
- einfo "... and no, we don't plan to add/support them."
- einfo "For now, the main regressions tests will suffice."
- einfo "If you think other tests are necessary, please submit a"
- einfo "bug including a patch for this ebuild to enable them."