diff options
authorAndreas K. Hüttel <>2011-12-22 22:25:01 +0000
committerAndreas K. Hüttel <>2011-12-22 22:25:01 +0000
commita30befcaa86b91f3f8982502ce01d44943e61f28 (patch)
tree19d2b7735eaee93c2a9fdbe5ed84bd3af1869d89 /app-office
parentold (diff)
Remove old
(Portage version: x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'app-office')
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/app-office/calligra/ChangeLog b/app-office/calligra/ChangeLog
index 953392e6e132..a451c4368b6d 100644
--- a/app-office/calligra/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-office/calligra/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for app-office/calligra
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-office/calligra/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2011/12/11 01:23:12 dilfridge Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-office/calligra/ChangeLog,v 1.17 2011/12/22 22:25:01 dilfridge Exp $
+ 22 Dec 2011; Andreas K. Huettel <>
+ -calligra-2.3.83.ebuild:
+ Remove old
11 Dec 2011; Andreas K. Huettel <>
calligra-2.3.85.ebuild, +files/calligra-2.3.85-asneeded.patch:
diff --git a/app-office/calligra/calligra-2.3.83.ebuild b/app-office/calligra/calligra-2.3.83.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b3e531c244e..000000000000
--- a/app-office/calligra/calligra-2.3.83.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-office/calligra/calligra-2.3.83.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/10/29 17:44:14 dilfridge Exp $
-# note: files that need to be checked for dependencies etc:
-# CMakeLists.txt, kexi/CMakeLists.txt kexi/migration/CMakeLists.txt
-# krita/CMakeLists.txt
-# KDE_HANDBOOK=optional
-# no handbook in 83
-inherit kde4-base
-[[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] || SRC_URI="mirror://kde/unstable/${P}/${P}.tar.bz2"
-[[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] || KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="+crypt +eigen +exif fftw +fontconfig freetds +gif glew +glib +gsf
-gsl +iconv +jpeg jpeg2k +kdcraw kdepim +lcms marble mysql +mso +okular openctl openexr
-+pdf postgres +semantic-desktop +ssl sybase test tiff +threads +truetype
-+wmf word-perfect xbase +xml +xslt"
-# please do not sort here, order is same as in CMakeLists.txt
-CAL_FTS="kexi words flow plan stage tables krita karbon braindump"
-for cal_ft in ${CAL_FTS}; do
- IUSE+=" calligra_features_${cal_ft}"
-unset cal_ft
- calligra_features_kexi? ( calligra_features_tables )
- calligra_features_krita? ( eigen exif lcms )
- calligra_features_plan? ( kdepim )
- calligra_features_tables? ( eigen )
- test? ( calligra_features_karbon )
- !app-office/karbon
- !app-office/koffice-data
- !app-office/koffice-l10n
- !app-office/koffice-libs
- !app-office/koffice-meta
- !app-office/krita
- !app-office/kplato
- !app-office/kpresenter
- !app-office/kspread
- !app-office/kword
- dev-db/sqlite:3
- dev-lang/perl
- dev-libs/boost
- dev-libs/libxml2
- $(add_kdebase_dep knewstuff)
- media-libs/libpng
- sys-libs/zlib
- crypt? ( app-crypt/qca:2 )
- eigen? ( dev-cpp/eigen:2 )
- exif? ( media-gfx/exiv2 )
- fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0 )
- fontconfig? ( media-libs/fontconfig )
- freetds? ( dev-db/freetds )
- gif? ( media-libs/giflib )
- glew? ( media-libs/glew )
- glib? ( dev-libs/glib:2 )
- gsf? ( gnome-extra/libgsf )
- gsl? ( sci-libs/gsl )
- iconv? ( virtual/libiconv )
- jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg )
- jpeg2k? ( media-libs/openjpeg )
- kdcraw? ( $(add_kdebase_dep libkdcraw) )
- kdepim? ( $(add_kdebase_dep kdepimlibs) )
- lcms? ( media-libs/lcms:2 )
- marble? ( $(add_kdebase_dep marble) )
- mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
- okular? ( $(add_kdebase_dep okular) )
- openctl? ( >=media-libs/opengtl-0.9.15 )
- openexr? ( media-libs/openexr )
- pdf? (
- app-text/poppler
- media-gfx/pstoedit
- )
- postgres? (
- dev-db/postgresql-base
- =dev-libs/libpqxx-3*
- )
- semantic-desktop? ( dev-libs/soprano )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- sybase? ( dev-db/freetds )
- tiff? ( media-libs/tiff )
- truetype? ( media-libs/freetype:2 )
- word-perfect? (
- app-text/libwpd
- app-text/libwps
- app-text/libwpg
- )
- xbase? ( dev-db/xbase )
- xslt? ( dev-libs/libxslt )
- calligra_features_kexi? ( >=dev-db/sqlite-3.7.3 )
-src_configure() {
- local cal_ft
- # first write out things we want to hard-enable
- local mycmakeargs=(
- "-DWITH_Boost=ON"
- "-DWITH_LibXml2=ON"
- "-DWITH_X11=ON"
- "-DWITH_Qt4=ON"
- )
- # default disablers
- mycmakeargs+=(
- "-DBUILD_mobile=OFF" # we dont suppor mobile gui, maybe arm could
- "-DWITH_LCMS=OFF" # we use lcms:2
- "-DWITH_XBase=OFF" # i am not the one to support this
- "-DWITH_CreateResources=OFF" # NOT PACKAGED:
- )
- # regular options
- mycmakeargs+=(
- $(cmake-utils_use_with crypt QCA2)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with eigen Eigen2)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with exif Exiv2)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with fftw FFTW3)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with fontconfig Fontconfig)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with freetds FreeTDS)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with gif GIF2)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with glew GLEW)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with glib GLIB2)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with glib GObject)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with gsf LIBGSF)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with gsl GSL)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with iconv Iconv)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with jpeg JPEG)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with jpeg2k OpenJPEG)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with kdcraw Kdcraw)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with kdepim KdepimLibs)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with lcms LCMS2)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with marble Marble)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with mysql MySQL)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with okular Okular)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with openctl OpenCTL)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with openexr OpenEXR)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with opengl OpenGL)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with pdf Poppler)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with pdf Pstoedit)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with postgres PostgreSQL)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with semantic-desktop Soprano)
- $(cmake-utils_use semantic-desktop NEPOMUK)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with ssl OpenSSL)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with sybase FreeTDS)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with tiff TIFF)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with threads Threads)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with truetype Freetype)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with word-perfect WPD)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with word-perfect WPG)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with xbase XBase)
- $(cmake-utils_use_with xslt LibXslt)
- $(cmake-utils_use_build wmf libkowmf)
- $(cmake-utils_use_build mso libmsooxml)
- )
- # applications
- for cal_ft in ${CAL_FTS}; do
- mycmakeargs+=( $(cmake-utils_use_build calligra_features_${cal_ft} ${cal_ft}) )
- done
- mycmakeargs+=( $(cmake-utils_use_build test cstester) )
- # filters
- kde4-base_src_configure