addDescription( 'Export translations to files.' ); $this->addOption( 'group', 'Comma separated list of message group IDs (supports * wildcard) to export', self::REQUIRED, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'lang', 'Comma separated list of language codes to export or * for all languages', self::REQUIRED, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'always-export-languages', '(optional) Comma separated list of languages to export ignoring export threshold', self::OPTIONAL, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'never-export-languages', '(optional) Comma separated list of languages to never export (overrides everything else)', self::OPTIONAL, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'skip-source-language', '(optional) Do not export the source language of each message group', self::OPTIONAL, self::NO_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'target', 'Target directory for exported files', self::REQUIRED, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'skip', '(deprecated) See --never-export-languages', self::OPTIONAL, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'skipgroup', '(optional) Comma separated list of message group IDs (supports * wildcard) to not export', self::OPTIONAL, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'threshold', '(optional) Threshold for translation completion percentage that must be exceeded for initial export', self::OPTIONAL, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'removal-threshold', '(optional) Threshold for translation completion percentage that must be exceeded to keep the file', self::OPTIONAL, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'no-fuzzy', '(optional) Do not include any messages marked as fuzzy/outdated' ); $this->addOption( 'offline-gettext-format', '(optional) Export languages in offline Gettext format. Give a file pattern with ' . '%GROUPID% and %CODE%. Empty pattern defaults to %GROUPID%/%CODE%.po.', self::OPTIONAL, self::HAS_ARG ); $this->addOption( 'skip-group-sync-check', '(optional) Skip exporting group if synchronization is still in progress or if there ' . 'was an error during synchronization. See: ' . '' ); $this->requireExtension( 'Translate' ); } public function execute() { $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Translate.GroupSynchronization' ); $groupPattern = $this->getOption( 'group' ) ?? ''; $groupSkipPattern = $this->getOption( 'skipgroup' ) ?? ''; $skipGroupSyncCheck = $this->hasOption( 'skip-group-sync-check' ); $logger->info( 'Starting exports for groups {groups}', [ 'groups' => $groupPattern ] ); $exportStartTime = microtime( true ); $target = $this->getOption( 'target' ); if ( !is_writable( $target ) ) { $this->fatalError( "Target directory is not writable ($target)." ); } $exportThreshold = $this->getOption( 'threshold' ); $removalThreshold = $this->getOption( 'removal-threshold' ); $noFuzzy = $this->hasOption( 'no-fuzzy' ); $requestedLanguages = $this->parseLanguageCodes( $this->getOption( 'lang' ) ); $alwaysExportLanguages = $this->csv2array( $this->getOption( 'always-export-languages' ) ?? '' ); $neverExportLanguages = $this->csv2array( $this->getOption( 'never-export-languages' ) ?? $this->getOption( 'skip' ) ?? '' ); $skipSourceLanguage = $this->hasOption( 'skip-source-language' ); $forOffline = $this->hasOption( 'offline-gettext-format' ); $offlineTargetPattern = $this->getOption( 'offline-gettext-format' ) ?: "%GROUPID%/%CODE%.po"; $groups = $this->getMessageGroups( $groupPattern, $groupSkipPattern, $forOffline ); if ( $groups === [] ) { $this->fatalError( 'EE1: No valid message groups identified.' ); } $groupSyncCacheEnabled = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig() ->get( 'TranslateGroupSynchronizationCache' ); $groupSyncCache = Services::getInstance()->getGroupSynchronizationCache(); foreach ( $groups as $groupId => $group ) { if ( $groupSyncCacheEnabled && !$skipGroupSyncCheck ) { if ( !$this->canGroupBeExported( $groupSyncCache, $groupId ) ) { continue; } } if ( $exportThreshold !== null || $removalThreshold !== null ) { $logger->info( 'Calculating stats for group {groupId}', [ 'groupId' => $groupId ] ); $tStartTime = microtime( true ); $languageExportActions = $this->getLanguageExportActions( $groupId, $requestedLanguages, $alwaysExportLanguages, (int)$exportThreshold, (int)$removalThreshold ); $tEndTime = microtime( true ); $logger->info( 'Finished calculating stats for group {groupId}. Time: {duration} secs', [ 'groupId' => $groupId, 'duration' => round( $tEndTime - $tStartTime, 3 ), ] ); } else { // Convert list to an associative array $languageExportActions = array_fill_keys( $requestedLanguages, self::ACTION_CREATE ); foreach ( $alwaysExportLanguages as $code ) { $languageExportActions[ $code ] = self::ACTION_CREATE; } } foreach ( $neverExportLanguages as $code ) { unset( $languageExportActions[ $code ] ); } if ( $skipSourceLanguage ) { unset( $languageExportActions[ $group->getSourceLanguage() ] ); } if ( $languageExportActions === [] ) { continue; } $this->output( "Exporting group $groupId\n" ); $logger->info( 'Exporting group {groupId}', [ 'groupId' => $groupId ] ); if ( $forOffline ) { $fileBasedGroup = FileBasedMessageGroup::newFromMessageGroup( $group, $offlineTargetPattern ); $ffs = new GettextFFS( $fileBasedGroup ); $ffs->setOfflineMode( true ); } else { $fileBasedGroup = $group; // At this point $group should be an instance of FileBasedMessageGroup // This is primarily to keep linting tools / IDE happy. if ( !$fileBasedGroup instanceof FileBasedMessageGroup ) { $this->fatalError( "EE2: Unexportable message group $groupId" ); } $ffs = $fileBasedGroup->getFFS(); } $ffs->setWritePath( $target ); $sourceLanguage = $group->getSourceLanguage(); $collection = $group->initCollection( $sourceLanguage ); $inclusionList = $group->getTranslatableLanguages(); $langExportTimes = [ 'collection' => 0, 'ffs' => 0, ]; $languagesExportedCount = 0; $langStartTime = microtime( true ); foreach ( $languageExportActions as $lang => $action ) { // Do not export languages that are excluded (or not included). // Also check that inclusion list is not null, which means that all // languages are allowed for translation and export. if ( is_array( $inclusionList ) && !isset( $inclusionList[$lang] ) ) { continue; } $targetFilePath = $target . '/' . $fileBasedGroup->getTargetFilename( $lang ); if ( $action === self::ACTION_DELETE ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged @$ok = unlink( $targetFilePath ); if ( $ok ) { $logger->info( "Removed $targetFilePath due to removal threshold" ); } continue; } elseif ( $action === self::ACTION_UPDATE && !file_exists( $targetFilePath ) ) { // Language is under export threshold, do not export yet $logger->info( "Not creating $targetFilePath due to export threshold" ); continue; } $startTime = microtime( true ); $collection->resetForNewLanguage( $lang ); $collection->loadTranslations(); // Don't export ignored, unless it is the source language // or message documentation global $wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode; if ( $lang !== $wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode && $lang !== $sourceLanguage ) { $collection->filter( 'ignored' ); } if ( $noFuzzy ) { $collection->filter( 'fuzzy' ); } $languagesExportedCount++; $endTime = microtime( true ); $langExportTimes['collection'] += ( $endTime - $startTime ); $startTime = microtime( true ); $ffs->write( $collection ); $endTime = microtime( true ); $langExportTimes['ffs'] += ( $endTime - $startTime ); } $langEndTime = microtime( true ); $logger->info( 'Done exporting {count} languages for group {groupId}. Time taken {duration} secs.', [ 'count' => $languagesExportedCount, 'groupId' => $groupId, 'duration' => round( $langEndTime - $langStartTime, 3 ), ] ); foreach ( $langExportTimes as $type => $time ) { $logger->info( 'Time taken by "{type}" for group {groupId} – {duration} secs.', [ 'groupId' => $groupId, 'type' => $type, 'duration' => round( $time, 3 ), ] ); } } $exportEndTime = microtime( true ); $logger->info( 'Finished export process for groups {groups}. Time: {duration} secs.', [ 'groups' => $groupPattern, 'duration' => round( $exportEndTime - $exportStartTime, 3 ), ] ); } /** @return MessageGroup[] */ private function getMessageGroups( string $groupPattern, string $excludePattern, bool $forOffline ): array { $groupIds = MessageGroups::expandWildcards( explode( ',', trim( $groupPattern ) ) ); $groups = MessageGroups::getGroupsById( $groupIds ); foreach ( $groups as $groupId => $group ) { if ( $group->isMeta() ) { $this->output( "Skipping meta message group $groupId.\n" ); unset( $groups[$groupId] ); continue; } if ( !$forOffline && !$group instanceof FileBasedMessageGroup ) { $this->output( "EE2: Unexportable message group $groupId.\n" ); unset( $groups[$groupId] ); } } $skipIds = MessageGroups::expandWildcards( explode( ',', trim( $excludePattern ) ) ); foreach ( $skipIds as $groupId ) { if ( isset( $groups[$groupId] ) ) { unset( $groups[$groupId] ); $this->output( "Group $groupId is in skipgroup.\n" ); } } return $groups; } /** @return string[] */ private function getLanguageExportActions( string $groupId, array $requestedLanguages, array $alwaysExportLanguages, int $exportThreshold = 0, int $removalThreshold = 0 ): array { $stats = MessageGroupStats::forGroup( $groupId ); $languages = []; foreach ( $requestedLanguages as $code ) { // Statistics unavailable. This should only happen if unknown language code requested. if ( !isset( $stats[$code] ) ) { continue; } $total = $stats[$code][MessageGroupStats::TOTAL]; $translated = $stats[$code][MessageGroupStats::TRANSLATED]; $percentage = $total === 0 ? 0 : $translated / $total * 100; if ( $percentage === 0 || $percentage < $removalThreshold ) { $languages[$code] = self::ACTION_DELETE; } elseif ( $percentage > $exportThreshold ) { $languages[$code] = self::ACTION_CREATE; } else { $languages[$code] = self::ACTION_UPDATE; } } foreach ( $alwaysExportLanguages as $code ) { $languages[$code] = self::ACTION_CREATE; // DWIM: Do not export languages with zero translations, even if requested if ( ( $stats[$code][MessageGroupStats::TRANSLATED] ?? null ) === 0 ) { $languages[$code] = self::ACTION_DELETE; } } return $languages; } private function canGroupBeExported( GroupSynchronizationCache $groupSyncCache, string $groupId ): bool { if ( $groupSyncCache->isGroupBeingProcessed( $groupId ) ) { $this->error( "Group $groupId is currently being synchronized; skipping exports\n" ); return false; } if ( $groupSyncCache->groupHasErrors( $groupId ) ) { $this->error( "Skipping $groupId due to synchronization error\n" ); return false; } if ( $groupSyncCache->isGroupInReview( $groupId ) ) { $this->error( "Group $groupId is currently in review. Review changes on Special:ManageMessageGroups\n" ); return false; } return true; } /** @return string[] */ private function csv2array( string $input ): array { return array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $input ) ), static function ( $v ) { return $v !== ''; } ); } /** @return string[] */ private function parseLanguageCodes( string $input ): array { if ( $input === '*' ) { $languageNameUtils = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLanguageNameUtils(); $languages = $languageNameUtils->getLanguageNames(); ksort( $languages ); return array_keys( $languages ); } return $this->csv2array( $input ); } }