{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Tim Starling", "Aaron Schulz", "John Du Hart" ] }, "checkuser-summary": "This tool scans recent changes to retrieve the IP addresses used by a user or show the edit/user data for an IP address.\nUsers and edits by a client IP address can be retrieved via XFF headers by appending the IP address with \"/xff\". IPv4 (CIDR $1-32) and IPv6 (CIDR $2-128) are supported.\nNo more than 5,000 edits will be returned for performance reasons.\nUse this in accordance with policy.", "checkuser-desc": "Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information", "checkuser-logcase": "The log search is case sensitive.", "checkuser": "Check user", "checkuserlog": "Check user log", "checkuser-contribs": "check user IP addresses", "checkuser-contribs-log": "recent user checks", "group-checkuser": "Check users", "group-checkuser-member": "{{GENDER:$1|check user}}", "right-checkuser": "Check user's IP addresses and other information", "right-checkuser-log": "View the checkuser log", "action-checkuser": "check user's IP addresses and other information", "action-checkuser-log": "view the checkuser log", "grouppage-checkuser": "{{ns:project}}:Check user", "checkuser-reason": "Reason:", "checkuser-reason-api": "API: $1", "checkuser-showlog": "Switch to CheckUser log", "checkuser-query": "Query recent changes", "checkuser-target": "IP address or username:", "checkuser-users": "Get users", "checkuser-edits": "Get edits", "checkuser-ips": "Get IP addresses", "checkuser-period": "Duration:", "checkuser-week-1": "last week", "checkuser-week-2": "last two weeks", "checkuser-month": "last 30 days", "checkuser-all": "all", "checkuser-cidr-label": "Find common range and affected IP addresses for a list of IP addresses", "checkuser-cidr-res": "Common CIDR:", "checkuser-empty": "The log contains no items.", "checkuser-nomatch": "No matches found.", "checkuser-nomatch-edits": "No matches found.\nLast edit was on $1 at $2.", "checkuser-check": "Check", "checkuser-check-this-user": "Check this user", "checkuser-recent-checks": "Recent checks for this user", "checkuser-log-fail": "Unable to add log entry", "checkuser-nolog": "No log file found.", "checkuser-blocked": "Blocked", "checkuser-gblocked": "Blocked globally", "checkuser-locked": "Locked", "checkuser-wasblocked": "Previously blocked", "checkuser-localonly": "Not unified", "checkuser-massblock": "Block selected users", "checkuser-massblock-text": "Selected accounts will be blocked indefinitely, with autoblocking of IP addresses enabled and account creation disabled.\nIP addresses will be blocked for one week for anonymous users only and account creation will be disabled.", "checkuser-blockemail": "Prevent from sending email", "checkuser-blocktalk": "Prevent from editing their own talk page while blocked", "checkuser-blocktag": "Replace user pages with:", "checkuser-blocktag-talk": "Replace talk pages with:", "checkuser-massblock-commit": "Block selected users", "checkuser-block-success": "'''The {{PLURAL:$2|user|users}} $1 {{PLURAL:$2|is|are}} now blocked.'''", "checkuser-block-failure": "'''No users blocked.'''", "checkuser-block-limit": "Too many users selected.", "checkuser-block-noreason": "You must give a reason for the blocks.", "checkuser-centralauth-multilock": "Multi lock selected accounts", "checkuser-noreason": "You must give a reason for this query.", "checkuser-accounts": "$1 new {{PLURAL:$1|account|accounts}}", "checkuser-too-many": "Too many results (according to query estimate), please narrow down the CIDR.\nHere are the IP addresses used (5000 max, sorted by address):", "checkuser-user-nonexistent": "The specified user does not exist.", "checkuser-search": "Search check user log entries", "checkuser-search-submit": "Search", "checkuser-search-initiator": "initiator", "checkuser-search-target": "target", "checkuser-log-search-target": "Target:", "checkuser-log-search-type": "Search by:", "checkuser-ipeditcount": "~$1 from all users", "checkuser-showmain": "Switch to CheckUser main form", "checkuser-limited": "'''These results have been truncated for performance reasons.'''", "checkuser-log-entry-userips": "$3, $1 got IP addresses for $2", "checkuser-log-entry-ipedits": "$3, $1 got edits for $2", "checkuser-log-entry-ipusers": "$3, $1 got users for $2", "checkuser-log-entry-ipedits-xff": "$3, $1 got edits for XFF $2", "checkuser-log-entry-ipusers-xff": "$3, $1 got users for XFF $2", "checkuser-log-entry-useredits": "$3, $1 got edits for $2", "checkuser-autocreate-action": "was automatically created", "checkuser-create-action": "was created", "checkuser-email-action": "sent an email to user \"$1\"", "checkuser-reset-action": "reset password for user \"$1\"", "checkuser-userlinks-ip": "([https://www.robtex.com/whois/$1.html WHOIS/RDNS])", "checkuser-toollinks": "[[https://www.robtex.com/whois/$1.html WHOIS/RDNS] ·\n[https://www.robtex.com/rbls/$1.html RBLs] ·\n[http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/tracert.ch?ip=$1 Traceroute] ·\n[https://www.ip2location.com/$1 Geolocate] ·\n[https://www.dan.me.uk/torcheck?ip=$1 Tor check]]", "checkuser-token-fail": "Session failure. Please try again.", "checkuser-login-failure": "Failed to log in to {{SITENAME}} as $1", "checkuser-login-success": "Successfully logged in to {{SITENAME}} as $1", "group-checkuser.css": "/* CSS placed here will affect checkuser only */", "group-checkuser.js": "/* JS placed here will affect checkuser only */", "apihelp-query+checkuser-description": "Check which IP addresses are used by a given username or which usernames are used by a given IP address.", "apihelp-query+checkuser-summary": "Check which IP addresses are used by a given username or which usernames are used by a given IP address.", "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-request": "Type of CheckUser request:\n;userips:Get IP address of target user.\n;edits:Get changes from target IP address or range.\n;ipusers:Get users from target IP address or range.", "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-target": "Username, IP address, or CIDR range to check.", "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-reason": "Reason to check.", "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-limit": "Limit of rows.", "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-timecond": "Time limit of user data (like \"-2 weeks\" or \"2 weeks ago\").", "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-xff": "Use XFF data instead of IP address.", "apihelp-query+checkuser-example-1": "Check IP addresses for [[User:Example]]", "apihelp-query+checkuser-example-2": "Check edits from", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-description": "Get entries from the CheckUser log.", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-summary": "Get entries from the CheckUser log.", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-user": "Username of the CheckUser.", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-target": "Checked user, IP address, or CIDR range.", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-limit": "Limit of rows.", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-from": "The timestamp to start enumerating from.", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-to": "The timestamp to end enumerating.", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-example-1": "Show checks of [[User:Example]]", "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-example-2": "Show checks of after 2011-10-15T23:00:00Z", "apierror-checkuser-missingsummary": "You must define reason for check.", "apierror-checkuser-timelimit": "You need use correct time limit (like \"-2 weeks\" or \"2 weeks ago\").", "apierror-checkuser-invalidmode": "Invalid request mode" }