Summary of Gentoo council meeting 12 August 2014 Agenda ====== 1. Roll call (5 minutes) 2. Handling of bash-completion [1] (10 minutes) 3. Phase functions in eclasses [2] (5 minutes) 4. Games team policies [3] (15 minutes) 5. Dynamic dependencies in Portage [4] (10 minutes) 6. Additional features for EAPI 6 [5] (10 minutes) 7. Open bugs with council involvement (5 minutes) - Bug 424647 - Broken URLs for e.g. gentoo-dev-announce and others [6] - Bug 477030 - Missing summary for 20130611 council meeting [7] - Bug 503382 - Missing summaries for 20131210, 20140114, and 20140225 council meetings [8] 8. Open floor (10 minutes) Roll call ========= Present: blueness, dberkholz, scarabeus (proxy for dilfridge), radhermit, rich0, ulm, williamh Handling of bash-completion =========================== After a short discussion of the topic, a majority of council members agreed that it is up to the shell-tools team to resolve the issue. dberkholz recommends that the eselect module should be kept, with all completions enabled by default but allowing opt-out by users. Phase functions in eclasses =========================== The council voted unanimously that more discussion of this topic in the gentoo-dev mailing list will be needed. The question was then raised if we should move away from phase functions in eclasses altogether. Council members expressed different opinions on this. No vote was taken. Games team policies =================== The discussion focussed upon two issues, namely that the games team allegedly tries to enforce policies on packages that they are not maintaining, and that they have not responded to some requests for joining their team. The following decisions were taken: - Motion: "Every developer is allowed to commit and maintain games ebuilds, without the need to ask for permission or review from the games team. The games team does not have authority to override maintainer decisions on packages they don't maintain." Accepted unanimously. Note: This should be understood as clarification of existing policy. - There is consensus amongst council members that specific policies (e.g., games group, /usr/games hierarchy, and games.eclass) should be settled by the QA team. - Motion: "The council encourages the games team to accept join requests and elect a lead. In the event they don't elect a lead within 6 weeks, we will consider the team as dysfunctional and thus disband it." Accepted with 6 yes votes and 1 abstention. - Motion: "The council appoints radhermit as the interim lead of games until the elections are held." Accepted with 4 yes votes and 3 abstentions. At this point the meeting was adjourned. The council will continue with the remaining topics in two weeks. Next meeting date ================= Tuesday, 26 Aug 2014, 19:00 UTC [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]