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All links to www.github.com were changed to github.com (preferred by GitHub).
During the automated testing of all modified packages the following SRC_URIs
were discovered to have changed upstream. Upon closer inspection they were
all confirmed to not be regressions. They will all continue to work when
served from the mirrors.
* dev-python/catkin_pkg-0.2.10 (upstream tarball changed)
* dev-python/rosdistro-0.4.4 (upstream tarball changed)
* dev-util/rosdep-0.11.4 (upstream tarball changed)
* dev-util/wstool-0.1.12 (upstream tarball changed)
* dev-util/wstool-0.1.13 (upstream tarball changed)
* dev-util/rosdep-0.11.5 (upstream tarball deleted)