# ChangeLog for dev-perl/Perlbal # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-perl/Perlbal/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2007/05/24 23:28:31 robbat2 Exp $ *Perlbal-1.59 (24 May 2007) 24 May 2007; Robin H. Johnson +Perlbal-1.59.ebuild: Version bump. Now uses IO::AIO instead of Linux::AIO, so should work on non-Linux boxes nicely. 13 May 2007; Robin H. Johnson Perlbal-1.57.ebuild, Perlbal-1.58.ebuild: Change to a more useful homepage. *Perlbal-1.58 (13 May 2007) 13 May 2007; Robin H. Johnson +files/Perlbal-1.58-Use-saner-name-in-process-listing.patch, +files/perlbal_conf.d_1.58, +files/perlbal_init.d_1.58, +Perlbal-1.58.ebuild: Patch perlbal to have a suitable cmdline in the process listing, and add an init script now that it is possible. *Perlbal-1.57 (30 Apr 2007) 30 Apr 2007; Robin H. Johnson +metadata.xml, +Perlbal-1.57.ebuild: Initial commit, ebuild by Robin H. Johnson .