# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vagrant/vagrant-1.0.1.ebuild,v 1.2 2012/03/22 10:46:20 radhermit Exp $ EAPI="4" USE_RUBY="ruby18 ruby19" RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRADOC="CHANGELOG.md README.md" RUBY_FAKEGEM_GEMSPEC="vagrant.gemspec" RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRAINSTALL="config keys templates" inherit ruby-fakegem DESCRIPTION="A tool for building and distributing virtual machines using VirtualBox" HOMEPAGE="http://vagrantup.com/" LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~x64-macos" IUSE="test" # Missing ebuild for contest RESTRICT="test" RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} !x64-macos? ( || ( app-emulation/virtualbox app-emulation/virtualbox-bin ) )" ruby_add_rdepend " ~dev-ruby/archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2 >=dev-ruby/childprocess-0.3.1 >=dev-ruby/erubis-2.7.0 >=dev-ruby/i18n-0.6.0 >=dev-ruby/json-1.5.1 >=dev-ruby/log4r-1.1.9 >=dev-ruby/net-scp-1.0.4 >=dev-ruby/net-ssh-2.2.2 " ruby_add_bdepend " dev-ruby/rake test? ( dev-ruby/mocha virtual/ruby-minitest ) " all_ruby_prepare() { # remove bundler support sed -i -e '/[Bb]undler/d' Rakefile || die rm Gemfile || die # loosen unslotted dependencies sed -i -e '/json\|net-ssh/s/~>/>=/' ${PN}.gemspec || die # avoid calling git sed -i -e '/git ls-files/d' ${PN}.gemspec || die } pkg_postinst() { if use x64-macos ; then ewarn ewarn "For Mac OS X prefixes, you must install the virtualbox" ewarn "package specifically for OS X which can be found at:" ewarn "https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads" ewarn fi }