path: root/dev-db
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-db')
13 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/ChangeLog b/dev-db/monetdb/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..107f7827abe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# ChangeLog for dev-db/monetdb
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/monetdb/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2005/08/07 13:23:17 grobian Exp $
+*monetdb-4.8.2 (06 Aug 2005)
+ 06 Aug 2005; Fabian Groffen <>
+ +files/monetdb.conf-4.8.2, +files/monetdb.init-4.8.2,
+ +files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-MapiClient.patch,
+ +files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-conf.patch, +files/,
+ +files/, +files/, +files/,
+ +metadata.xml, +monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild:
+ Initial import of MonetDB 4.8.2 with SQL and XQuery support
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/Manifest b/dev-db/monetdb/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0fc577118aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+MD5 05841054d5996b2f58ff1160cb39f9d7 monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild 6334
+MD5 24272f95d7629d85f9268b0275643cba ChangeLog 643
+MD5 ca9ff61fbe7d29f666c1ffdc61bb168d metadata.xml 801
+MD5 a9a2dbac1941306b506077c635415e7e files/ 653
+MD5 739a372d2ff096d674002e3253eb4dad files/ 929
+MD5 e97ba2fc5180dac248822b8264841013 files/ 379
+MD5 be0eaed8b26f07c98efcbb9d59e15a64 files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-conf.patch 1038
+MD5 cae0e46fdfa11ea1f0be120005076b83 files/monetdb.init-4.8.2 328
+MD5 09aa9eafe8a4c3073b669baa9ea6ea6d files/monetdb.conf-4.8.2 768
+MD5 ab73e512460465c2653accc427d52e37 files/digest-monetdb-4.8.2 299
+MD5 324a083e56c76f02a3ba9ac34c188066 files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-MapiClient.patch 311
+MD5 07e71d02ee02ca4ebfbc4db68fa4f40e files/ 626
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/digest-monetdb-4.8.2 b/dev-db/monetdb/files/digest-monetdb-4.8.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce79c605363a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/digest-monetdb-4.8.2
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+MD5 5504707be924ec2c283d2285f72444d5 MonetDB-4.8.2.tar.gz 21260095
+MD5 76d4d4005675b7ed18cf98579124dbfe MonetDB-SQL-2.8.2.tar.gz 1063441
+MD5 5dec7614cd1835e6c1898eb8bb337ac4 MonetDB-XQuery-0.8.2.tar.gz 873414
+MD5 436151071d03a7256a419b779d0c834c monetdb-pathfinder-bison-sources-0.8.2.tar.bz2 79380
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-MapiClient.patch b/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-MapiClient.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7e25ac4e751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-MapiClient.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- MonetDB-4.8.2/src/mapi/clients/C/ 2005-01-21 17:25:11.000000000 +0100
++++ 2005-02-09 13:34:51.251310750 +0100
+@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@
+ {
+ opt *set = NULL;
+ int setlen;
+- char *language = "mil";
++ char *language = "sql";
+ int port = 0;
+ char *user = NULL;
+ char *passwd = NULL;
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-conf.patch b/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-conf.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f7a83e0b9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-conf.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--- MonetDB-4.8.2/conf/ 2004-10-26 02:02:16.000000000 +0200
++++ 2004-10-28 21:04:52.958269189 +0200
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ # the name of the database to use below. Note that you can use
+ # multiple databases, but that you have to edit the database name
+ # and restart MonetDB.
+ # The options below deal with various aspects of memory usage behaviour.
+ # If you don't know what these values mean, you should leave them alone.
+@@ -64,11 +64,6 @@
+ #
+ #gdk_version <ver> create BATs in old formats[out of date?]
+-# General client Section
+-#host=localhost #the host the server runs on
+ # MonetDB Section
+ #================
+ # Administrator user name
+@@ -81,7 +76,7 @@
+ # Where do the MonetDB modules reside?
+ monet_mod_path=@libdir@@DIRSEP@@PACKAGE@
+ # Start Mserver in daemon mode, or start with MIL interactive interface?
+ # Monet Application Interface Section
+ #====================================
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4698229c174d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Gentoo MonetDB script -- Fabian Groffen
+# This script starts the SQL, XQuery and Mapi modules and activates a
+# listening socket for all of them on their default port. This results
+# in three ports of your system being occupied. By default the ports
+# are as follows:
+# SQL server: 45123
+# XQuery server: 45789
+# Mapi server: 50000
+# should connections be bound to localhost or Set to true here
+# to allow foreign connections. Defaults to false (only local).
+var allow_foreign_connections := false;
+# If were only looking for whatever you could change, you can stop
+# reading at this point and save your changes. Don't change anything
+# below if you don't know what you're doing.
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b43f4d924e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+echo `date` Starting MonetDB >> $LOG
+/usr/bin/Mserver $@ >> $LOG 2>&1 &
+echo `date` Mserver started, PID: $MPID >> $LOG
+rm -f ~monetdb/ > /dev/null
+sleep 2
+ALIVE=`ps --no-heading --format pid -p $MPID`
+if [ $ALIVE -eq $MPID ]; then
+ echo $MPID > ~monetdb/
+ echo Mserver died immediately
+ exit -1
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa562e814f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+if [ -f ~monetdb/ ]; then
+ MPID=`cat ~monetdb/`
+ echo "No Mserver PID found"
+ exit -1
+echo `date` Stopping MonetDB \(PID: $MPID\) >> $LOG
+kill -TERM $MPID || exit -1
+sleep 1
+ALIVE=`ps --no-heading --format pid -p $MPID`
+if [ "$ALIVE" = "$MPID" ]; then
+ echo Mserver still alive after TERM, trying KILL... >> $LOG
+ kill -KILL $MPID
+ sleep 2
+ ALIVE=`ps --no-heading --format pid -p $MPID`
+ if [ "$ALIVE" = "$MPID" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to stop process $MPID"
+ exit -1
+ fi
+echo `date` Mserver stopped >> $LOG
+rm -f ~monetdb/ > /dev/null
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb.conf-4.8.2 b/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb.conf-4.8.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cfc4abd12099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb.conf-4.8.2
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# The user to run the MonetDB database as. It is recommended to
+# leave this as is, portage created this user during installation
+# MonetDB must be started with a startup script which tells it what
+# to do. Most users will not want to change this startup script
+# as it loads the SQL, XQuery (pathfinder) and Mapi modules which
+# allow for SQL, XQuery and MIL connections.
+# If you have special demands, point this variable to your own script
+# which contains the desired commands.
+# Note: for security reasons by default all listening connections are
+# bound to If you need connections to be bound at
+# have a look at the default startup script to enable this.
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb.init-4.8.2 b/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb.init-4.8.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b58a8bcc4e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/monetdb.init-4.8.2
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+depend() {
+ use net
+start() {
+ ebegin "Starting MonetDB"
+ start-stop-daemon -c $MDB_USER:$MDB_GROUP --start --exec ~monetdb/ -- $MDB_STARTUPSCRIPTS
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping MonetDB"
+ start-stop-daemon -c $MDB_USER:$MDB_GROUP --start --exec ~monetdb/
+ eend $?
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/files/ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eab7f36cc5f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+case $1 in
+ --version ) echo $_MONETDB_VERSION; break;;
+ --cflags ) echo $MYINCLUDES; break;;
+ --includes ) echo $MYINCLUDES; break;;
+ --pkgincludedir ) echo $_MONETDB_INCLUDEDIR; break;;
+ --libs ) echo $_MONETDB_LIBS; break;;
+ --modpath ) echo $_MONETDB_MOD_PATH; break;;
+ --prefix ) echo $_MONETDB_PREFIX; break;;
+ --classpath ) echo $_MONETDB_CLASSPATH; break;;
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/metadata.xml b/dev-db/monetdb/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d242c945a7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <herd>no-herd</herd>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Fabian Groffen</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <longdescription>
+ MonetDB is a main-memory database developed at CWI the
+ Netherlands. The main-memory focus of the database has resulted
+ in a column based way of dealing with relational tables. Due to
+ this unconventional approach, MonetDB can be a very fast
+ database for complex queries, and as such in use (and perfectly
+ suitable) for intensive data-mining tasks.
+ MonetDB 4 supports its own kernel language, MIL, the
+ conventional SQL query language and the relatively new XML
+ querying language, XQuery.
+ </longdescription>
diff --git a/dev-db/monetdb/monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild b/dev-db/monetdb/monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6c30c63dd760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/monetdb/monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/monetdb/monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/08/07 13:23:17 grobian Exp $
+inherit flag-o-matic eutils
+DESCRIPTION="A main-memory relational database for SQL, XQuery and MIL"
+ mirror://sourceforge/monetdb/MonetDB-SQL-${PV_SQL}.tar.gz
+ mirror://sourceforge/monetdb/MonetDB-XQuery-${PV_XQ}.tar.gz
+ ppc-macos? ( mirror://gentoo/monetdb-pathfinder-bison-sources-0.8.2.tar.bz2 )"
+LICENSE="MonetDBPL-1.1 PathfinderPL-1.1"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc-macos"
+IUSE="java readline"
+ sys-devel/flex
+ ppc-macos? ( sys-devel/bison )
+ !ppc-macos? ( >=sys-devel/bison-1.33 )
+ >=sys-devel/gcc-3.3*
+ java? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.4* )
+ readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 )
+ dev-libs/libxml2"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [ -x ${DATA_DIR}/dbfarm ] || [ -x ${DATA_DIR}/log ]; then
+ while read line; do eerror "${line}"; done <<EOF
+MonetDB ${MY_PV} cannot upgrade your existing SQL databases. You must
+export your existing SQL databases to a file using "JdbcClient -D" and
+then restore them when you have upgraded completey using
+"JdbcClient -f".
+If you have MIL BATs, aging from before MonetDB 4.8.0 your have to
+convert those after upgrading. See the following for more information
+on upgrading from previous database versions:
+You must remove your entire database directory to continue.
+(database directory = ${DATA_DIR}).
+ die "Cannot upgrade automatically."
+ fi
+ enewgroup monetdb
+ enewuser monetdb -1 /bin/bash ${DATA_DIR} monetdb
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A} || die
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/monetdb-${PV}-gentoo-conf.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/monetdb-${PV}-gentoo-MapiClient.patch
+src_compile() {
+ # The tar has capitals, the ebuild doesn't...
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}
+ econf \
+ "--enable-optimize" \
+ $(use_with java) \
+ $(use_with readline) \
+ || die "econf monetdb failed"
+ emake || die "emake monetdb failed"
+ # make the header files available to the sql and xquery compilation
+ mkdir include
+ cd include
+ ln -s ../src/common
+ ln -s ../src/gdk
+ ln -s ../src/monet
+ ln -s ../src/modules/plain
+ ln -s ../src/modules/contrib
+ ln -s ../src/mapi
+ ln -s ../src/mapi/clients/C
+ ln -s ../monetdb_config.h
+ ln -s ../sysdefs.h
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}
+ mkdir -p lib/MonetDB
+ cd lib/MonetDB
+ find ../.. -name "lib_*" -exec ln -s {} ';' >& /dev/null
+ ln -s . .libs
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}/lib
+ find .. -name "lib*" -exec ln -s {} ';' >& /dev/null
+ ln -s . .libs
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}
+ mkdir bin
+ cd bin
+ ln -s ../src/mel/mel
+ ln -s ../src/utils/Mx/Mx
+ # enable the fool-script
+ MYWD=`echo ${WORKDIR} | sed -re 's/\//\\\\\//g'`
+ sed -r \
+ -e "s/\\$\_MONETDB\_INCLUDEDIR/${MYWD}\/MonetDB-${PV}\/include/g" \
+ -e "s/\\$\_MONETDB\_VERSION/${PV}/g" \
+ -e "s/\\$\_MONETDB\_LIBS/-L${MYWD}\/MonetDB-${PV}\/lib\/MonetDB -L${MYWD}\/MonetDB-${PV}\/lib/g" \
+ -e "s/\\$\_MONETDB\_MOD_PATH/${MYWD}\/MonetDB-${PV}\/include/g" \
+ -e "s/\\$\_MONETDB\_PREFIX/${MYWD}\/MonetDB-${PV}/g" \
+ -e "s/\\$\_MONETDB\_CLASSPATH/${MYWD}\/MonetDB-${PV}\/src\/mapi\/clients\/java\/mapi.jar/g" \
+ ${FILESDIR}/ > \
+ ${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}/bin/monetdb-config
+ chmod 744 ${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}/bin/monetdb-config
+ # configure and make SQL
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/sql-${PV_SQL}
+ econf MONETDB_CONFIG=${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}/bin/monetdb-config \
+ "--with-monet=${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}" \
+ "--enable-optimize" \
+ `use_with java` || die
+ emake || die "emake sql failed"
+ # configure and make XQuery, because it relies on >=bison-1.33 which we
+ # might not have, we apply a special patch with bison 2.0 generated
+ # files. This is especially useful for OSX users, as this allows
+ # them to use this package without having to overwrite their system
+ # installed bison 1.28
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/pathfinder-${PV_XQ}
+ # has_version/best_version do not take package.provided into
+ # account! thus we assume OSX users don't have the right bison :(
+ if use ppc-macos; then
+ einfo "extracting extra files for older bison users"
+ tar -jxf ${DISTDIR}/monetdb-pathfinder-bison-sources-${PV_XQ}.tar.bz2
+ fi
+ econf MONETDB_CONFIG=${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}/bin/monetdb-config \
+ "--with-monet=${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV} " \
+ "--enable-optimize" || die
+ emake || die "emake xquery failed"
+src_install() {
+ # The tar has capitals, the ebuild doesn't...
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/MonetDB-${PV}
+ einstall || die "failed to install monetdb"
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/sql-${PV_SQL}
+ einstall || die "failed to install sql"
+ cd ${WORKDIR}/pathfinder-${PV_XQ}
+ einstall || die "failed to install xquery"
+ exeinto /etc/init.d/
+ newexe ${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init-${PV} monetdb || die "init.d script"
+ insinto /etc/conf.d/
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/${PN}.conf-${PV} monetdb || die "conf.d file"
+ diropts -m750
+ dodir ${DATA_DIR} /var/log/${PN}
+ exeinto ${DATA_DIR}
+ newexe ${FILESDIR}/${PN} ${PN} || die "start script"
+ newexe ${FILESDIR}/${PN} ${PN} || die "stop script"
+ insinto ${DATA_DIR}
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${PV} ${PN} || die "startup MIL script"
+ # set right permissions
+ chown -R monetdb:monetdb ${D}/${DATA_DIR}
+ fowners monetdb:monetdb /var/log/${PN}
+ # remove Mx and mel, they are only needed for compilation
+ rm -f ${D}/usr/bin/Mx ${D}/usr/bin/mel ${D}/usr/bin/idxmx
+ # remove windows crap
+ rm -f ${D}/usr/bin/*.bat
+ # remove perl DBD on ppc-macos, since it gets installed in the wrong
+ # location and getting it right is not just a simple thing
+ use ppc-macos && rm -Rf ${D}/usr/Network > /dev/null
+pkg_postinst() {
+ while read line; do einfo "${line}"; done <<EOF
+MonetDB has been installed on your system, using data directory
+${DATA_DIR}. To get started using SQL, XQuery or MIL see:
+If you have upgraded from version 4.6.2 or below you should restore your
+SQL databases, as well as convert your MIL BATs. See also: