# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import os
import re
import assign
class CVEData:
CVEID_RE = re.compile("(CVE-\d+-\d+)")
"""This class handles the CVE database"""
def __init__(self):
def create_cvedata(self):
import datetime
import cPickle
files = []
year = datetime.date.today().year
# read all nvdcve-200*.xml files
for yr in range(2002, year+1):
files.append("./cache/nvdcve-%s.xml" % (yr))
if os.path.exists("./cache/cvedata.pickle"):
ptime = os.path.getmtime("./cache/cvedata.pickle")
newer_files = [xml for xml in files if os.path.getmtime(xml) > ptime]
if len(newer_files) == 0:
pickle = open("./cache/cvedata.pickle")
self.cvedata = cPickle.load(pickle)
except Exception, e:
print "Error opening Hash-cache, recreating: %s" % (e)
import nvd
self.cvedata = nvd.parseAll(files)
pickle = open("./cache/cvedata.pickle", "w")
cPickle.dump(self.cvedata, pickle, protocol=-1)
def get_cve_from(self, entry):
""" returns the CVE-YYYY-IIII name for an entry or None. """
if len(entry) == 0:
return None
match = CVEData.CVEID_RE.match(entry[0])
if not match:
return None
cve = match.group(1)
if not cve in self.cvedata:
return None
return cve
def get_refs_for(self, cve):
return self.cvedata[cve]['refs']
def guess_name_for(self, cve):
refs = self.cvedata[cve]['refs']
except KeyError:
return {}
SAs = []
names = {}
for source, url in refs:
if source == u"SECUNIA" or url.startswith("http://secunia.com/advisories/") or url.startswith("http://www.secunia.com/advisories/"):
SAs.append(re.sub(r".*advisories/(\d+)", r"\1", url))
import urllib2
for SAid in SAs:
html = urllib2.urlopen("http://secunia.com/advisories/%s/2/" % SAid).read()
match = re.findall(r'Provided and/or discovered by:(.+?)', html, flags = re.S)
if match:
text = re.sub('<.*?>', '', match[0])
names[SAid] = [re.sub(r'(in|via) a .* bug report', '', re.sub(r'^[\d,) -]*(.* credits|Reported by)?', '', line)).strip(' \r\n.') for line in text.split('\n')]
return names
def print_all_about(self, entry):
""" Prints all info about a list entry.
Returns the product name if possible or None. """
cve = self.get_cve_from(entry)
if not cve:
print "CVE name not found in CVE database: %s" % (entry)
return None
query = ""
if self.cvedata[cve]['product_vendor']:
print "Vendor: %s" % (self.cvedata[cve]['product_vendor'])
query = "%s" % (self.cvedata[cve]['product_vendor'])
if (self.cvedata[cve]['product_name']):
productname = self.cvedata[cve]['product_name']
print "Product: %s" % (productname)
if productname.lower().find(query.lower()) > -1:
# productname already contains vendor (or vendor is empty)
query = "%s" % (productname)
query += " %s" % (productname)
if not query:
query = self.guess_product(self.cvedata[cve]['desc'])
if query:
print "Product (guessed): %s" % (query)
print "Product name unknown."
return (cve, query)
def print_cveinfo(self, cvename):
""" Print all info we have about a given CVE id """
cveinfo = self.cvedata[cvename]
os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, 'clear', 'clear')
print "="*80
print "Name: %s" % (cvename)
print "URL: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=%s" % (cvename)
print "Published: %s" % (cveinfo['published'])
print "Severity: %s" % (cveinfo['severity'])
print "Description: \n"
print self.get_cve_desc(cvename)
def get_cve_desc(self, cvename, indentation = 0, linelength = 72):
""" returns the cve description, wrapped to specified line length and given space indentation"""
cveinfo = self.cvedata[cvename]
linelength = linelength - indentation
spaces = "".join(" " for x in range(0, indentation))
text = ""
start = 0
end = 0
leng = len(cveinfo['desc'])
while leng - start > linelength:
end = cveinfo['desc'].rfind(' ', start, min(start + linelength, leng))
if end == -1:
# in case we do not find a space, use up as much as we can
end = start + linelength - 1
text += spaces + cveinfo['desc'][start:end] + "\n"
start = end + 1
text += spaces + cveinfo['desc'][start:]
return text
def guess_product(self, desc):
""" Guess a product name from a description. Returns a string or None. """
# ... in vulnfile.c in (the) VulApp Application 1.0
matcher = re.compile(" in (\S+\.\S+) in (?:the )?(?:a )?(\D+) \d+")
match = matcher.search(desc)
if match:
if match.group(2)[-6:] == "before":
return match.group(2)[:-7]
return match.group(2)
# ... in (the) VulnApp Application 1.0
matcher = re.compile(" in (?:the )?(?:a )?(\D+) \d+")
match = matcher.search(desc)
if match:
if match.group(1)[-6:] == "before":
return match.group(1)[:-7]
return match.group(1)
matcher = re.compile(" in (\S+\.\S+) in (?:the )?(?:a )?(\S+) ")
match = matcher.search(desc)
if match:
return match.group(2)
# ... in (the) VulnApp
matcher = re.compile(" in (?:the )?(?:a )?(\S+) ")
match = matcher.search(desc)
if match:
return match.group(1)
# (The) VulnApp
matcher = re.compile("(?:The )?(\S+) ")
match = matcher.search(desc)
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
class BugReporter:
CVEGROUPALL = re.compile(r'[ (]*CVE-(\d{4})([-,(){}|, \d]+)')
CVEGROUPSPLIT = re.compile(r'(?<=\D)(\d{4})(?=\D|$)')
def __init__(self, username = None, password = None):
postconfig = {
'product': 'Gentoo Security',
'version': 'unspecified',
'rep_platform': 'All',
'op_sys': 'Linux',
'priority': 'P2',
'bug_severity': 'normal',
'bug_status': 'NEW',
'assigned_to': '',
'keywords': '',
'component': 'Vulnerabilities',
# needs to be filled in
'bug_file_loc': '',
'short_desc': '',
'comment': '',
import bugz.bugzilla
bugz.bugzilla.config.params['post'] = postconfig
Bugz = bugz.bugzilla.Bugz
import bugz
bugz.config.params['post'] = postconfig
Bugz = bugz.Bugz
self.bugz_auth = Bugz(base = "https://bugs.gentoo.org",
user = username,
password = password,
forget = False)
def post_bug(self, title, description, component="", whiteboard="", url=""):
""" Posts a security bug, returning the Bug number or 0 """
bugno = 0
ccs = assign.get_cc_from_string(title)
ccs = ",".join(ccs)
severity = 'normal'
bugno = self.bugz_auth.post(title = title, description = description, cc = ccs, url = url)
print "Ignoring Bug component, please upgrade pybugz."
except TypeError:
# pybugz since 0.7.4 requires to specify product and component
bugno = self.bugz_auth.post(title = title, product="Gentoo Security", component=component, description = description, cc = ccs, url = url)
except Exception, e:
print "An error occurred posting a bug: %s" % (e)
if bugno and whiteboard:
severity = self.severity_from_whiteboard(whiteboard)
self.bugz_auth.modify(bugid = bugno, whiteboard = whiteboard, severity = severity)
return bugno
def modify_bug(self, bugid, title, comment):
""" Modifies bug and adds comment """
bugno = self.bugz_auth.modify(bugid, comment = comment, title = title)
except Exception, e:
print "An error occurred modifying a bug: %s" % (e)
def get_bug_title(self, bugno):
""" Get the title of a bug number """
return self.bugz_auth.get(bugno).find('//short_desc').text
except Exception, e:
return None
def get_bug_cves(self, bugno, title = ""):
""" Get a list of CVEs on a bug number """
bug_cves = []
title = title or self.get_bug_title(bugno)
if not title:
return bug_cves
for (year, split_cves) in BugReporter.CVEGROUPALL.findall(title):
for cve in BugReporter.CVEGROUPSPLIT.findall(split_cves):
bug_cves.append('CVE-%s-%s' % (year, cve))
except Exception, e:
return bug_cves
def severity_from_whiteboard(self, whiteboard):
if (len(whiteboard)) < 2:
return 'normal'
evaluation = whiteboard[0:2]
if evaluation in ['A0', 'B0']:
return 'blocker'
if evaluation in ['A1', 'C0']:
return 'critical'
if evaluation in ['A2', 'B1', 'C1']:
return 'major'
if evaluation in ['A3', 'B2', 'C2']:
return 'normal'
if evaluation in ['A4', 'B3', 'B4', 'C3']:
return 'minor'
if evaluation in ['C4', '~0', '~1', '~2', '~3', '~4']:
return 'trivial'
return 'normal'