.\" generated by mkman.py, please do NOT edit! .TH qdepends "1" "May 2022" "Gentoo Foundation" "qdepends" .SH NAME qdepends \- show dependency info .SH SYNOPSIS .B qdepends \fI[opts] \fR .SH DESCRIPTION The .I qdepends applet has two different modes, forward and reverse dependency querying. Default operation is forward mode, answering the queries "what does package X depend on", while reverse mode answers "what packages depend on X". Both modes can be further specified into build (DEPEND), run (RDEPEND), post (PDEPEND) and EAPI7's BDEPEND dependencies. .P By default, \fIqdepends\fR returns the unique set of atoms that match all dependency variables. To split this out per variable, use \fB-v\fR option. .P Currently, .I qdepends defaults to query installed packages. To query packages from ebuild trees, use the \fB-t\fR option. .P If there is no answer to your query (i.e. you've asked for a package that is not installed, or a version that does not match), then you will get empty output. .P After version \fB0.74\fR of portage-utils, \fIqdepends\fR was changed considerably to be more consistent and more advanced. Most notably, this has changed default output for reverse mode (\fB-Q\fR). Instead of just displaying the package name, like for forward mode, all dependencies for the package are shown. When colours are enabled, the matched atom is highlighted in the list. In addition to just querying DEPEND, the default mode changed to query all DEPEND-variables, and return the unique atoms found in them. Automatic regular expression match support was removed. The \fB-N\fR option was removed, as the same effect can be achieved via the new \fB-F\fR option or \fB-q\fR option. The \fB-f\fR option was renamed to \fB-S\fR. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-depend\fR Show DEPEND info. .TP \fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-rdepend\fR Show RDEPEND info. .TP \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-pdepend\fR Show PDEPEND info. .TP \fB\-b\fR, \fB\-\-bdepend\fR Show BDEPEND info. .TP \fB\-Q\fR, \fB\-\-query\fR Query reverse deps. This basically reverses the search to any package that references \fI\fR in DEPEND, RDEPEND, PDEPEND or BDEPEND. This can be useful to find consumers of a given package, e.g.\ to search for packages that have \fIlogwatch\fR in their DEPEND. Note that using versions or range specifiers may yield odd results since dependency strings often have ranges themselves. For installed packages, SLOT and SUBSLOTs are available, thus SLOT and antiSLOT queries are possible. See \fBqatom\fR(1). .TP \fB\-i\fR, \fB\-\-installed\fR Search installed packages using VDB. .TP \fB\-t\fR, \fB\-\-tree\fR Search available ebuilds in the tree. .TP \fB\-U\fR, \fB\-\-use\fR Apply profile USE-flags to conditional deps. .TP \fB\-F\fR \fI\fR, \fB\-\-format\fR \fI\fR Pretty-print DEPEND declaration to be used in an ebuild. This option initiates a very different mode of operation. Instead of printing searching through packages, it constructs a multi-line statement with shell syntax, to be used in an ebuild. Each argument is turned into a separate DEPEND variable declaration. You need to quote dependency strings in order for them to be printed as a single dependency declaration. When used with the \fB\-q\fR option, only the pretty-printed dependency declaration is printed, e.g.\ the DEPEND= part is skipped. .TP \fB\-S\fR, \fB\-\-pretty\fR Pretty format specified depend strings. .TP \fB\-R\fR, \fB\-\-resolve\fR Resolve found dependencies to package versions. .TP \fB\-\-root\fR \fI\fR Set the ROOT env var. .TP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR Pretty-print atoms output, per DEPEND-variable. This is much like the \fB-f\fR option, but uses as input the dependency info from the matches. When used with \fB-t\fR, the atom highlighting matches what is used by the installed package, if available. .TP \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR Suppress DEPEND= output for \fB\-f\fR. Only print the matching atom for \fB\-Q\fR. When given two or more times, suppresses the matching atom for \fB\-Q\fR, e.g.\ producing just a list of packages. .TP \fB\-C\fR, \fB\-\-nocolor\fR Don't output color. .TP \fB\-\-color\fR Force color in output. .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Print this help and exit. .TP \fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR Print version and exit. .SH "EXAMPLES" For finding out what a particular package depends on for building, you could do: .nf $ \fIqdepends -d nano\fR app-editors/nano-2.3.2: >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.9-r1[unicode] sys-apps/file ... .fi This tells us that we have \fIapp-editors/nano-2.3.2\fR installed and it depends on ncurses (among other things). .P Searching for packages that actually depend on logrotate: .nf $ \fIqdepends -qQ logrotate\fR sys-apps/portage-2.3.18: ! Mike Frysinger Fabian Groffen .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR q (1), .BR qatom (1), .BR qcheck (1), .BR qfile (1), .BR qgrep (1), .BR qkeyword (1), .BR qlist (1), .BR qlop (1), .BR qmanifest (1), .BR qmerge (1), .BR qpkg (1), .BR qsearch (1), .BR qsize (1), .BR qtbz2 (1), .BR qtegrity (1), .BR quse (1), .BR qwhich (1), .BR qxpak (1)