all : pms.pdf
html : pms.html
clean :
rm -f *~ *.pdf *.dvi *.log *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.toc *.lol *.loa *.lox \
*.lot *.out *.html *.css *.png *.4ct *.4tc *.idv *.lg *.tmp *.xref vc.tex || true
LATEXFILES = $(shell find -name '*.tex') pms.cls
LISTINGFILES = $(shell ls *.listing)
pms.pdf: $(SOURCEFILES) pms.bbl vc.tex eapi-cheatsheet.pdf
pdflatex pms
pdflatex pms
pdflatex eapi-cheatsheet
pdflatex pms
pms.html: $(SOURCEFILES) pms.bbl
@# need to do it twice to make the big env var table work
xhlatex pms
xhlatex pms
@# work around irregularity in how links to longtables are
@# formatted in the List of Tables
LC_ALL=C sed -i -e '/ /{N;N;s/\( \)\([0-9A-Z.]\+\)[ \n]/\2\1/}' pms.html
@# indent algorithms properly, and avoid adding extra vertical
@# space in Konqueror
LC_ALL=C sed -i -e 's/span style="width:/span style="display:-moz-inline-box;display:inline-block;height:1px;width:/' pms.html
@# align algorithm line numbers properly
LC_ALL=C sed -i -e '//{N;s/\n\(class="[^"]\+">\)\([0-9]:\)<\/span>/\1\ \2/}' pms.html
pms.bbl: pms.bib pms.tex vc.tex eapi-cheatsheet.pdf
latex pms
bibtex pms
eapi-cheatsheet.pdf: vc.tex
pdflatex eapi-cheatsheet
vc.tex: pms.tex vc-git.awk
/bin/sh ./vc
pms.dvi: $(SOURCEFILES) pms.bbl
latex pms
latex pms
latex pms
upload: pms.pdf
scp pms.pdf
.default: all
.phony: clean upload