"""Classes wrapping a file-like object to do fancy output on it.""" import errno import io import locale import os from functools import partial from .klass import GetAttrProxy, steal_docs from .mappings import defaultdictkey __all__ = ( "Formatter", "PlainTextFormatter", "get_formatter", "decorate_forced_wrapping", ) class StreamClosed(KeyboardInterrupt): """Raised by :py:func:`Formatter.write` if the stream it prints to was closed. This inherits from :py:class:`KeyboardInterrupt` because it should usually be handled the same way: a common way of triggering this exception is by closing a pager before the script finished outputting, which should be handled like control+c, not like an error. """ # "Invalid name" (for fg and bg methods, too short) # pylint: disable=C0103 class Formatter: """Abstract formatter base class. The types of most of the instance attributes is undefined (depends on the implementation of the particular Formatter subclass). :ivar bold: object to pass to :py:func:`write` to switch to bold mode. :ivar underline: object to pass to :py:func:`write` to switch to underlined mode. :ivar reset: object to pass to :py:func:`write` to turn off bold and underline. :ivar wrap: boolean indicating we auto-linewrap (defaults to off). :ivar autoline: boolean indicating we are in auto-newline mode (defaults to on). """ def __init__(self): self.autoline = True self.wrap = False def write(self, *args, **kwargs): """Write something to the stream. Acceptable arguments are: * Strings are simply written to the stream. * None is ignored. * Functions are called with the formatter as argument. Their return value is then used the same way as the other arguments. * Formatter subclasses might special-case certain objects. Accepts wrap and autoline as keyword arguments. Effect is the same as setting them before the write call and resetting them afterwards. Accepts first_prefixes and later_prefixes as keyword arguments. They should be sequences that are temporarily appended to the first_prefix and later_prefix attributes. Accepts prefixes as a keyword argument. Effect is the same as setting first_prefixes and later_prefixes to the same value. Accepts first_prefix, later_prefix and prefix as keyword argument. Effect is the same as setting first_prefixes, later_prefixes or prefixes to a one-element tuple. The formatter has a couple of attributes that are useful as argument to write. """ def fg(self, color=None): """Change foreground color. :param color: color to change to. A default is used if omitted. if passed None, resets to the default color. :return: object representing changing the foreground to the requested color, if possible for this formatter. """ def bg(self, color=None): """Change background color. :param color: color to change to. A default is used if omitted. if passed None, resets to the default color. :return: object representing changing the background to the requested color, if possible for this formatter. """ def error(self, message): """Format a string as an error message.""" self.write(message, prefixes=(self.fg("red"), self.bold, "!!! ", self.reset)) def warn(self, message): """Format a string as a warning message.""" self.write(message, prefixes=(self.fg("yellow"), self.bold, "*** ", self.reset)) def title(self, string): """Set the title to string""" def flush(self): """Flush the underlying stream buffer.""" class PlainTextFormatter(Formatter): """Formatter writing plain text to a file-like object. :ivar width: contains the current maximum line length. :ivar encoding: the encoding unicode strings should be converted to. :ivar first_prefix: prefixes to output at the beginning of every write. :ivar later_prefix: prefixes to output on each line after the first of every write. """ bold = underline = reset = "" def __init__(self, stream, width=79, encoding=None): """Initialize. :type stream: file-like object. :param stream: stream to output to. :param width: maximum line width (defaults to 79). :param encoding: encoding unicode strings are converted to. """ super().__init__() # We used to require a TextIOWrapper on py3. We still accept # one, guess the encoding from it and grab its underlying # bytestream. # It would probably be saner to shift the encoding-guessing up # a layer, but keep it here for backwards compat for now. if isinstance(stream, io.TextIOWrapper): self.stream = stream.buffer else: self.stream = stream if encoding is None: encoding = getattr(self.stream, "encoding", None) if encoding is None: try: encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() except locale.Error: encoding = "ascii" self.encoding = encoding self.width = width self._pos = 0 self._in_first_line = True self._wrote_something = False self.first_prefix = [] self.later_prefix = [] def _encoding_conversion_needed(self, val): return True def _force_encoding(self, val): return val.encode(self.encoding, "replace") def _write_prefix(self, wrap): if self._in_first_line: prefix = self.first_prefix else: prefix = self.later_prefix # This is a bit braindead since it duplicates a lot of code # from write. Avoids fun things like word wrapped prefix though. for thing in prefix: while callable(thing): thing = thing(self) if thing is None: continue if not isinstance(thing, str): thing = str(thing) self._pos += len(thing) thing = self._force_encoding(thing) self.stream.write(thing) if wrap and self._pos >= self.width: # XXX What to do? Our prefix does not fit. # This makes sure we still output something, # but it is completely arbitrary. self._pos = self.width - 10 @steal_docs(Formatter) def write(self, *args, **kwargs): wrap = kwargs.get("wrap", self.wrap) autoline = kwargs.get("autoline", self.autoline) prefixes = kwargs.get("prefixes") first_prefixes = kwargs.get("first_prefixes") later_prefixes = kwargs.get("later_prefixes") if prefixes is not None: if first_prefixes is not None or later_prefixes is not None: raise TypeError( "do not pass first_prefixes or later_prefixes " "if prefixes is passed" ) first_prefixes = later_prefixes = prefixes prefix = kwargs.get("prefix") first_prefix = kwargs.get("first_prefix") later_prefix = kwargs.get("later_prefix") if prefix is not None: if first_prefix is not None or later_prefix is not None: raise TypeError("do not pass first_prefix or later_prefix with prefix") first_prefix = later_prefix = prefix if first_prefix is not None: if first_prefixes is not None: raise TypeError("do not pass both first_prefix and first_prefixes") first_prefixes = (first_prefix,) if later_prefix is not None: if later_prefixes is not None: raise TypeError("do not pass both later_prefix and later_prefixes") later_prefixes = (later_prefix,) if first_prefixes is not None: self.first_prefix.extend(first_prefixes) if later_prefixes is not None: self.later_prefix.extend(later_prefixes) try: for arg in args: # If we're at the start of the line, write our prefix. # There is a deficiency here: if neither our arg nor our # prefix affect _pos (both are escape sequences or empty) # we will write prefix more than once. This should not # matter. if not self._pos: self._write_prefix(wrap) while callable(arg): arg = arg(self) if arg is None: continue if not isinstance(arg, str): arg = str(arg) conversion_needed = self._encoding_conversion_needed(arg) while wrap and self._pos + len(arg) > self.width: # We have to split. maxlen = self.width - self._pos space = arg.rfind(" ", 0, maxlen) if space == -1: # No space to split on. # If we are on the first line we can simply go to # the next (this helps if the "later" prefix is # shorter and should not really matter if not). # If we are on the second line and have already # written something we can also go to the next # line. if self._in_first_line or self._wrote_something: bit = "" else: # Forcibly split this as far to the right as # possible. bit = arg[:maxlen] arg = arg[maxlen:] else: bit = arg[:space] # Omit the space we split on. arg = arg[space + 1 :] if conversion_needed: bit = self._force_encoding(bit) self.stream.write(bit) self.stream.write(self._force_encoding("\n")) self._pos = 0 self._in_first_line = False self._wrote_something = False self._write_prefix(wrap) # This fits. self._wrote_something = True self._pos += len(arg) if conversion_needed: arg = self._force_encoding(arg) self.stream.write(arg) if autoline: self.stream.write(self._force_encoding("\n")) self._wrote_something = False self._pos = 0 self._in_first_line = True except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: raise StreamClosed(e) raise finally: if first_prefixes is not None: self.first_prefix = self.first_prefix[: -len(first_prefixes)] if later_prefixes is not None: self.later_prefix = self.later_prefix[: -len(later_prefixes)] def fg(self, color=None): """change fg color Compatibility method- no coloring escapes are returned from it. """ return "" def bg(self, color=None): """change bg color Compatibility method- no coloring escapes are returned from it. """ return "" def flush(self): self.stream.flush() class TerminfoDisabled(Exception): """Raised if Terminfo is disabled.""" class _BogusTerminfo(ValueError): """Internal terminfo exception.""" class TerminfoUnsupported(Exception): """Raised if our terminal type is unsupported.""" def __init__(self, term): self.term = term def __str__(self): return f"unsupported terminal type: {self.term!r}" # This is necessary because the curses module is optional (and we # should run on a very minimal python for bootstrapping). try: import curses except ImportError: TerminfoColor = None else: class TerminfoColor: """Class encapsulating a specific terminfo entry for a color. This should not generally be invoked by hand, instead returned by the formatter itself. """ __slots__ = ("mode", "color", "__weakref__") def __init__(self, mode, color): object.__setattr__(self, "mode", mode) object.__setattr__(self, "color", color) def __call__(self, formatter): if self.color is None: formatter._current_colors[self.mode] = None res = formatter._color_reset # slight abuse of boolean True/False and 1/0 equivalence other = formatter._current_colors[not self.mode] if other is not None: res = res + other else: if self.mode == 0: default = curses.COLOR_WHITE else: default = curses.COLOR_BLACK color = formatter._colors.get(self.color, default) # The curses module currently segfaults if handed a # bogus template so check explicitly. template = formatter._set_color[self.mode] if template: res = curses.tparm(template, color) else: res = b"" formatter._current_colors[self.mode] = res formatter.stream.write(res) def __setattr__(self, key, val): raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} instances are immutable") class TerminfoCode: """Encapsulates specific terminfo entry commands, reset for example. This should not generally be invoked by hand, instead returned by the formatter itself. """ __slots__ = ("value", "__weakref__") def __init__(self, value): if value is None: raise _BogusTerminfo() object.__setattr__(self, "value", value) def __setattr__(self, key, value): raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} instances are immutable") class TerminfoMode(TerminfoCode): __doc__ = TerminfoCode.__doc__ __slots__ = () def __call__(self, formatter): formatter._modes.add(self) formatter.stream.write(self.value) class TerminfoReset(TerminfoCode): __doc__ = TerminfoCode.__doc__ __slots__ = () def __call__(self, formatter): formatter._modes.clear() formatter.stream.write(self.value) class TerminfoFormatter(PlainTextFormatter): """Formatter writing to a tty, using terminfo to do colors.""" _colors = dict( black=curses.COLOR_BLACK, red=curses.COLOR_RED, green=curses.COLOR_GREEN, yellow=curses.COLOR_YELLOW, blue=curses.COLOR_BLUE, magenta=curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, cyan=curses.COLOR_CYAN, white=curses.COLOR_WHITE, ) def __init__(self, stream, term=None, encoding=None): """Initialize. :type stream: file-like object. :param stream: stream to output to, defaulting to :py:class:`sys.stdout`. :type term: string. :param term: terminal type, pulled from the environment if omitted. """ super().__init__(stream, encoding=encoding) fd = stream.fileno() if term is None: if term := os.environ.get("TERM"): try: curses.setupterm(fd=fd, term=term) except curses.error: pass else: raise TerminfoDisabled("no terminfo entries") else: # TODO maybe do something more useful than raising curses.error # if term is not in the terminfo db here? curses.setupterm(fd=fd, term=term) self._term = term self.width = curses.tigetnum("cols") try: self.reset = TerminfoReset(curses.tigetstr("sgr0")) self.bold = TerminfoMode(curses.tigetstr("bold")) self.underline = TerminfoMode(curses.tigetstr("smul")) self._color_reset = curses.tigetstr("op") self._set_color = (curses.tigetstr("setaf"), curses.tigetstr("setab")) except (_BogusTerminfo, curses.error) as e: raise TerminfoUnsupported(self._term) from e if not all(self._set_color): raise TerminfoDisabled( "setting background/foreground colors is not supported" ) curses.tparm(self._set_color[0], curses.COLOR_WHITE) # [fg, bg] self._current_colors = [None, None] self._modes = set() self._pos = 0 self._fg_cache = defaultdictkey(partial(TerminfoColor, 0)) self._bg_cache = defaultdictkey(partial(TerminfoColor, 1)) @steal_docs(Formatter) def fg(self, color=None): return self._fg_cache[color] @steal_docs(Formatter) def bg(self, color=None): return self._bg_cache[color] @steal_docs(Formatter) def write(self, *args, **kwargs): super().write(*args, **kwargs) try: if self._modes: self.reset(self) if self._current_colors != [None, None]: self._current_colors = [None, None] self.stream.write(self._color_reset) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: raise StreamClosed(e) raise @steal_docs(Formatter) def title(self, string): # I want to use curses.tigetflag('hs') here but at least # the screen-s entry defines a tsl and fsl string but does # not set the hs flag. So just check for the ability to # jump to and out of the status line, without checking if # the status line we're using exists. tsl = curses.tigetstr("tsl") fsl = curses.tigetstr("fsl") if tsl and fsl: self.stream.write(tsl + string.encode(self.encoding, "replace") + fsl) self.stream.flush() class ObserverFormatter: def __init__(self, real_formatter): self._formatter = real_formatter def write(self, *args): self._formatter.write(autoline=False, *args) __getattr__ = GetAttrProxy("_formatter") fileno_excepts = (AttributeError, io.UnsupportedOperation) def get_formatter(stream, force_color=False): """TerminfoFormatter if the stream is a tty, else PlainTextFormatter.""" if TerminfoColor is None: return PlainTextFormatter(stream) try: fd = stream.fileno() except fileno_excepts: pass else: # We do this instead of stream.isatty() because TerminfoFormatter # needs an fd to pass to curses, not just a filelike talking to a tty. if os.isatty(fd) or force_color: try: term = "ansi" if force_color else None return TerminfoFormatter(stream, term=term) except (curses.error, TerminfoDisabled, TerminfoUnsupported): # This happens if TERM is unset and possibly in more cases. # Just fall back to the PlainTextFormatter. pass return PlainTextFormatter(stream) def decorate_forced_wrapping(setting=True): """Decorator to force a specific line wrapping state for the duration of invocation.""" def wrapped_func(func): def f(out, *args, **kwds): oldwrap = out.wrap out.wrap = setting try: return func(out, *args, **kwds) finally: out.wrap = oldwrap return f return wrapped_func