#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import argparse import os import shutil import sys import re from layman.api import LaymanAPI from layman.compatibility import fileopen from layman.config import OptionConfig from layman.constants import DB_TYPES from layman.db import DB from layman.version import VERSION if sys.hexversion >= 0x30200f0: STR = str else: STR = basestring def rename_db(config, newname, output): """small upgrade function to handle the name change for the installed xml file""" if os.access(config['local_list'], os.F_OK): output.info(" Automatic db rename, old name was..: %s" % config['local_list'],2) try: os.rename(config['local_list'], newname) output.info(" Automatic db rename, new " "name is...: %s" %newname, 2) output.notice('') return except OSError as err: output.error(" Automatic db rename failed:\n%s" %str(err)) else: output.info(" Automatic db rename, failed access to: %s" % config['local_list'],2) output.die(" Please check that /etc/layman.cfg is up" " to date\nThen try running layman again.\n" "You may need to rename the old 'local_list' config setting" " to\nthe new 'installed' config setting's filename.\n") class Main(object): def __init__(self, root=None, config=None, output=None): self.parser = None self.output = output self.config = config self.args = None self.root = root def args_parser(self): self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='layman-updater', description="Layman's update script") self.parser.add_argument("-H", '--setup_help', action='store_true', help = 'Print the NEW INSTALL help messages.') self.parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help='the path to config file') self.parser.add_argument("-m", "--migrate_db", help="the database you'd like to migrate to") self.parser.add_argument("-R", "--rebuild", action='store_true', help='rebuild the Package Manager config file') self.parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + VERSION) self.args = self.parser.parse_args() def __call__(self): self.args_parser() options = None if self.args.config: options = { 'config': self.args.config, } self.config = OptionConfig(options=options, root=self.root) # fix the config path defaults = self.config.get_defaults() defaults['config'] = defaults['config'] \ % {'configdir': defaults['configdir']} self.config.update_defaults({'config': defaults['config']}) self.config.read_config(defaults) layman_inst = LaymanAPI(config=self.config) self.output = layman_inst.output if self.args.setup_help: self.print_instructions() elif not self.check_is_new(self.args.rebuild): self.rename_check() if self.args.migrate_db: self.migrate_database(self.args.migrate_db) def check_is_new(self, rebuild=False): print_instructions = False if isinstance(self.config['conf_type'], STR): self.config.set_option('conf_type', self.config['conf_type'].split(',')) for i in self.config['conf_type']: conf = i.replace('.', '_').strip() if conf and (rebuild or not os.access(self.config[conf], os.F_OK)): getattr(self, 'create_%(conf)s' % {'conf': conf})() print_instructions = True if print_instructions: self.print_instructions() return True return False def migrate_database(self, migrate_type): if migrate_type not in DB_TYPES: msg = 'migrate_database() error; invalid migration type: '\ '"%(db_type)s"' % {'db_type': migrate_type} self.output.die(msg) db = DB(self.config) installed = self.config['installed'] old_ext = os.path.splitext(installed)[1] backup_name = installed + '.' + self.config['db_type'] if old_ext == "." + self.config['db_type']: backup_name = installed + '.bak' new_name = installed.replace(old_ext, '.db') if not os.path.isfile(installed): msg = 'migrate_database() error; database file "%(loc)s" does not '\ 'exist!' % {'loc': backup_name} self.output.error(' ' + msg) raise Exception(msg) msg = ' Creating backup of "%(db)s" at:\n "%(loc)s"\n'\ % {'db': installed, 'loc': backup_name} self.output.info(msg) try: if migrate_type in ('json', 'xml'): shutil.copy(installed, backup_name) else: shutil.move(installed, backup_name) except IOError as err: msg = ' migrate_database() error; failed to back up old database '\ 'file.\n Error was: %(err)s' % {'err': err} self.output.error(msg) raise err db.write(installed, migrate_type=migrate_type) try: os.rename(installed, new_name) except OSError as err: msg = ' migrate_database() error: failed to rename old database '\ ' to "%(name)s".\n Error was: %(err)s' % {'err': err} self.output.error(msg) raise err msg = ' Successfully migrated database from "%(from_type)s" to '\ ' "%(to_type)s"\n' % {'from_type': self.config['db_type'], 'to_type': migrate_type} self.output.info(msg) self.set_db_type(migrate_type, os.path.basename(new_name)) msg = ' Warning: Please be sure to update your config file via '\ 'the\n `dispatch-conf` command or you *will* lose database '\ 'functionality!\n' self.output.warn(msg) def rename_check(self): '''Checks for and renames the installed db if needed ''' newname = self.config['installed'] # check and handle the name change if not os.access(newname, os.F_OK): if os.access(self.config['local_list'], os.F_OK): self.output.info(" Layman automatic db rename utility, " "performing update", 2) rename_db(self.config, newname, self.output) elif os.access(newname, os.F_OK) and \ os.access(self.config['local_list'], os.F_OK): self.output.error(" Automatic db rename failed: " "Both old and new files exist") self.output.error(" Old file: %s still exists" % self.config['local_list']) self.output.error(" New file: %s already exists" % newname) elif os.access(newname, os.F_OK): self.output.info(" Automatic db rename: " "db already updated: %s" % newname) else: self.output.info(" Automatic db rename: " "nothing to update") return def print_instructions(self): messages = [ "You are now ready to add overlays into your system.", "", " layman -L", "", "will display a list of available overlays.", "", "Select an overlay and add it using", "", " layman -a overlay-name", "",] if 'make.conf' in self.config['conf_type']: make_conf = '/etc/portage/make.conf' if not os.access(make_conf, os.F_OK): make_conf = '/etc/make.conf' messages += [ "If this is the very first overlay you add with layman,", "you need to append the following statement to your", "%s file:" % make_conf, "", " source /var/lib/layman/make.conf", "", "If you modify the 'storage' parameter in the layman", "configuration file (/etc/layman/layman.cfg) you will", "need to adapt the path given above to the new storage", "directory.", "",] for message in messages: self.output.info(" " + message) def create_make_conf(self): self.output.info(" Creating layman's make.conf file") layman_inst = LaymanAPI(config=self.config) overlays = {} for ovl in layman_inst.get_installed(): overlays[ovl] = layman_inst._get_installed_db().select(ovl) # create layman's %(storage)s/make.conf # so portage won't error from layman.config_modules.makeconf.makeconf import ConfigHandler maker = ConfigHandler(self.config, overlays) maker.write() def create_repos_conf(self): self.output.info(" Creating layman's repos.conf file") if os.path.isdir(self.config['repos_conf']): msg = ' create_repos_conf() error: %s is a directory and will\n'\ ' not be written to.' % self.config['repos_conf'] self.output.error(msg) return None conf_dir = os.path.dirname(self.config['repos_conf']) if not os.path.isdir(conf_dir): try: os.mkdir(conf_dir) except OSError as e: self.output.error(' create_repos_conf() error creating %s: '\ % conf_dir) self.output.error(' "%s"' % e) return None layman_inst = LaymanAPI(config=self.config) overlays = {} for ovl in layman_inst.get_installed(): overlays[ovl] = layman_inst._get_installed_db().select(ovl) # create layman's %(repos_conf) so layman # can write the overlays to it. open(self.config['repos_conf'], 'w').close() from layman.config_modules.reposconf.reposconf import ConfigHandler repos_conf = ConfigHandler(self.config, overlays, rebuild=True) repos_conf.write() def set_db_type(self, migrate_type, installed): config_path = self.config['config']\ % {'configdir': self.config['configdir']} db_type_found = False installed_found = False new_conf = os.path.dirname(config_path) + '/' + '._cfg0000_' +\ os.path.basename(config_path) new_lines = [] try: shutil.copy(config_path, new_conf) except IOError as err: msg = ' set_db_type() error; failed to copy "%(old)s" to '\ '"%(new)s\n Error was: %(err)s"' % {'old': config_path, 'new': new_conf, 'err': err} self.output.error(msg) raise err if not os.path.isfile(new_conf): msg = 'set_db_type() error; failed to read config at "%(path)s".'\ % {'path': new_conf} self.output.error(' ' + msg) raise Exception(msg) try: with fileopen(new_conf, 'r') as laymanconf: lines = laymanconf.readlines() except Exception as err: msg = ' set_db_type() error; failed to read config at "%(path)s".'\ '\n Error was: "%(err)s"' % {'path': new_conf, 'err': err} self.output.error(msg) raise err for line in lines: if re.search('^#*\s*db_type\s*:', line): db_type_found = True line = 'db_type : ' + migrate_type + '\n' if re.search('^#*\s*installed\s*:', line): installed_found = True line = 'installed : %(storage)s/' + installed + '\n' new_lines.append(line) if not db_type_found: new_lines.append('db_type : ' + migrate_type + '\n') if not installed_found: new_lines.append('installed : %(storage)s/' + installed + '\n') with fileopen(new_conf, 'w') as laymanconf: for line in new_lines: laymanconf.write(line)