.TH "EBUMP" "1" "March 2017" "GENTOOLKIT" "Gentoo Administration" .SH "NAME" .LP ebump \- Gentoo: Ebuild revision bumper .SH "SYNTAX" .LP ebump [\fIoption\fP] <\fIpackage-name[-version]\fP> .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP \fIebump\fR bumps the revision of a particular ebuild, and all auxiliary files in the files/ directory that have a matching version suffix. .LP By default, the all new revision files will be added to the VCS. .LP You must stand in the directory of the ebuild to be bumped. .SH "OPTIONS" .LP \fB\-C\fR .br \fB--no-vcs\fB .IP Do not add new files to VCS. .LP \fB\-V\fR .br \fB--version\fB .IP Display version information and exit. .LP \fB\-v\fR .br \fB--verbose\fB .IP Increase verbosity level. May be used more than once. .LP \fB\-q\fR .br \fB--quiet\fB .IP Do not output any non-essential information. .LP \fB\-a\fR .br \fB--no-auxfiles\fB .IP don't bump auxfiles (files/*) .LP \fB\-d\fR .br \fB\--delete-old\fR .IP Delete old revision and old auxiliary files from VCS. This is \fIdangerous\fR and should only be used if you know exactly what you are doing, because .br 1) the old revision may be stable on a different architecture than the one you are working on. .br 2) the auxiliary files may be required by other versions of the ebuild. .br 3) the new revision should usually undergo a period of testing before being marked stable. .SH "CONFIGURATION" .LP \fB/etc/gentoolkit/ebump.conf\fR .br \fB~/.gentoo/ebump.conf\fR .IP From these files, \fIebump\fR will load the settings .br \fBopt_verbosity\fR (default \fI1\fR) - verbosity level 0-10 .br \fBopt_add_vcs\fR (default \fIy\fR) - add new files to VCS .br \fBopt_bump_auxfiles\fR (default \fIy\fR) - bump auxiliary files in files/ .br \fBopt_delete_old\fR (default \fIn\fR) - delete old revision (DANGEROUS!) .SH "SEE ALSO" .LP The rest of the utilities in \fIapp-portage/gentoolkit-dev\fR, such as \fIekeyword(1)\fR. .SH "AUTHORS" .LP Karl Trygve Kalleberg .br Christian Ruppert