diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 35ec2791..0b660da3 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -754,90 +754,289 @@ append_luks() {
rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-luks-temp/"
- if [ -d "${TEMP}"/initramfs-dropbear-temp ]
+append_dropbear() {
+ local PN=dropbear
+ local TDIR="${TEMP}/initramfs-${PN}-temp"
+ if [ -d "${TDIR}" ]
- rm -r "${TEMP}"/initramfs-dropbear-temp
+ rm -r "${TDIR}" || gen_die "Failed to clean out existing '${TDIR}'!"
- if [ ! -d /etc/dropbear ]
+ local dropbear_command=
+ if ! isTrue "$(is_valid_ssh_host_keys_parameter_value "${SSH_HOST_KEYS}")"
- mkdir /etc/dropbear
+ gen_die "--ssh-host-keys value '${SSH_HOST_KEYS}' is unsupported!"
+ elif [[ "${SSH_HOST_KEYS}" == 'create' ]]
+ then
+ dropbear_command=dropbearkey
+ else
+ dropbear_command=dropbearconvert
- if [ ! -e /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key ]
+ local ssh_authorized_keys_file=$(expand_file "${SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE}")
+ if [ -z "${ssh_authorized_keys_file}" ]
- if [ -e /usr/bin/dropbearconvert -a /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ]
+ gen_die "--ssh-authorized-keys value '${SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE}' is invalid!"
+ elif [ ! -f "${ssh_authorized_keys_file}" ]
+ then
+ gen_die "authorized_keys file '${ssh_authorized_keys_file}' does NOT exist!"
+ elif [ ! -s "${ssh_authorized_keys_file}" ]
+ then
+ gen_die "authorized_keys file '${ssh_authorized_keys_file}' is empty!"
+ fi
+ populate_binpkg ${PN}
+ mkdir -p "${TDIR}" || gen_die "Failed to create '${TDIR}'!"
+ unpack "$(get_gkpkg_binpkg "${PN}")" "${TDIR}"
+ if [[ "${SSH_HOST_KEYS}" == 'runtime' ]]
+ then
+ print_info 2 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> No SSH host key embedded due to --ssh-host-key=runtime; Dropbear will generate required host key(s) at runtime!"
+ else
+ if ! hash ssh-keygen &>/dev/null
- if /usr/bin/dropbearconvert openssh dropbear /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
+ gen_die "'ssh-keygen' program is required but missing!"
+ fi
+ local initramfs_dropbear_dir="${TDIR}/etc/dropbear"
+ if [[ "${SSH_HOST_KEYS}" == 'create-from-host' ]]
+ then
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Checking for existence of all SSH host keys ..."
+ local missing_ssh_host_keys=no
+ if [ ! -f "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" ]
- print_info 1 "$(getIndent 2)SSH: >> /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key converted into /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key"
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> SSH host key '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key' is missing!"
+ missing_ssh_host_keys=yes
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key" ]
+ then
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> SSH host key '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key' is missing!"
+ missing_ssh_host_keys=yes
+ fi
+ if isTrue "${missing_ssh_host_keys}"
+ then
+ # Should only happen when installing a new system ...
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Creating missing SSH host key(s) ..."
+ ssh-keygen -A || gen_die "Failed to generate host's SSH host key(s) using 'ssh-keygen -A'!"
+ fi
+ fi
+ local -a required_dropbear_host_keys=(
+ /etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key
+ /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
+ )
+ local i=0
+ local n_required_dropbear_keys=${#required_dropbear_host_keys[@]}
+ local required_key=
+ while [[ ${i} < ${n_required_dropbear_keys} ]]
+ do
+ required_key=${required_dropbear_host_keys[${i}]}
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Checking for existence of dropbear host key '${required_key}' ..."
+ if [[ -f "${required_key}" ]]
+ then
+ if [[ ! -s "${required_key}" ]]
+ then
+ print_info 1 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Dropbear host key '${required_key}' exists but is empty; Removing ..."
+ rm "${required_key}" || gen_die "Failed to remove invalid '${required_key}' null byte file!"
+ elif [[ "${SSH_HOST_KEYS}" == 'create-from-host' ]] \
+ && [[ "${required_key}" == *_rsa_* ]] \
+ && [[ "${required_key}" -ot "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" ]]
+ then
+ print_info 1 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Dropbear host key '${required_key}' exists but is older than '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key'; Removing to force update due to --ssh-host-key=create-from-host ..."
+ rm "${required_key}" || gen_die "Failed to remove outdated '${required_key}' file!"
+ elif [[ "${SSH_HOST_KEYS}" == 'create-from-host' ]] \
+ && [[ "${required_key}" == *_ecdsa_* ]] \
+ && [[ "${required_key}" -ot "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key" ]]
+ then
+ print_info 1 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Dropbear host key '${required_key}' exists but is older than '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key'; Removing to force update due to --ssh-host-key=create-from-host ..."
+ rm "${required_key}" || gen_die "Failed to remove outdated '${required_key}' file!"
+ else
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Dropbear host key '${required_key}' exists!"
+ unset required_dropbear_host_keys[${i}]
+ fi
- gen_die "RSA host key conversion using dropbearconvert failed"
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Dropbear host key '${required_key}' is missing! Will create ..."
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+ if [[ ${#required_dropbear_host_keys[@]} -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ if isTrue "$(can_run_programs_compiled_by_genkernel)"
+ then
+ dropbear_command="${TDIR}/usr/bin/${dropbear_command}"
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Will use '${dropbear_command}' to create missing keys ..."
+ elif hash ${dropbear_command} &>/dev/null
+ then
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Will use existing '${dropbear_command}' program from path to create missing keys ..."
+ else
+ local error_msg="Need to generate '${required_host_keys[*]}' but '${dropbear_command}'"
+ error_msg=" program is missing. Please install net-misc/dropbear and re-run genkernel!"
+ gen_die "${error_msg}"
+ fi
+ local missing_key=
+ for missing_key in ${required_dropbear_host_keys[@]}
+ do
+ dropbear_create_key "${missing_key}" "${dropbear_command}"
+ # just in case ...
+ if [ -f "${missing_key}" ]
+ then
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Dropbear host key '${missing_key}' successfully created!"
+ else
+ gen_die "Sanity check failed: '${missing_key}' should exist at this stage but does NOT."
+ fi
+ done
- if /usr/bin/dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key -s 4096 > /dev/null
+ print_info 2 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Using existing dropbear host keys from /etc/dropbear ..."
+ fi
+ cp -aL --target-directory "${initramfs_dropbear_dir}" /etc/dropbear/{dropbear_rsa_host_key,dropbear_ecdsa_host_key} \
+ || gen_die "Failed to copy '/etc/dropbear/{dropbear_rsa_host_key,dropbear_ecdsa_host_key}'"
+ # Try to show embedded dropbear host key details for security reasons.
+ # We do it that complicated to get common used formats.
+ local -a key_info_files=()
+ local -a missing_key_info_files=()
+ local host_key_file= host_key_file_checksum= host_key_info_file=
+ while IFS= read -r -u 3 -d $'\0' host_key_file
+ do
+ host_key_file_checksum=$(sha256sum "${host_key_file}" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}')
+ if [ -z "${host_key_file_checksum}" ]
- print_info 1 "$(getIndent 2)SSH: >> New dropbear RSA host key /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key created"
+ gen_die "Failed to generate SHA256 checksum of '${host_key_file}'!"
+ fi
+ host_key_info_file="${GK_V_CACHEDIR}/$(basename "${host_key_file}").${host_key_file_checksum:0:10}.info"
+ if [ ! -s "${host_key_info_file}" ]
+ then
+ missing_key_info_files+=( ${host_key_info_file} )
- gen_die "RSA host key generation using dropbearkey failed"
+ key_info_files+=( ${host_key_info_file} )
+ fi
+ done 3< <(find "${initramfs_dropbear_dir}" -type f -name '*_key' -print0 2>/dev/null)
+ unset host_key_file host_key_file_checksum host_key_info_file
+ if [[ ${#missing_key_info_files[@]} -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ dropbear_command=
+ if isTrue "$(can_run_programs_compiled_by_genkernel)"
+ then
+ dropbear_command="${TDIR}/usr/bin/dropbearconvert"
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Will use '${dropbear_command}' to extract embedded host key information ..."
+ elif hash dropbearconvert &>/dev/null
+ then
+ dropbear_command=dropbearconvert
+ print_info 3 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> Will use existing '${dropbear_command}' program to extract embedded host key information ..."
+ else
+ print_warning 2 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> 'dropbearconvert' program not available; Cannot generate missing key information for ${#missing_key_info_files[@]} key(s)!"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "${dropbear_command}" ]]
+ then
+ # We are missing at least information for one embedded key
+ # but looks like we are able to generate the missing information ...
+ local missing_key_info_file=
+ for missing_key_info_file in "${missing_key_info_files[@]}"
+ do
+ dropbear_generate_key_info_file "${dropbear_command}" "${missing_key_info_file}" "${initramfs_dropbear_dir}"
+ key_info_files+=( ${missing_key_info_file} )
+ done
+ unset missing_key_info_file
- fi
- if [ ! -e /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key ]
- then
- if /usr/bin/dropbearkey -t dss -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key > /dev/null
+ if [[ ${#key_info_files[@]} -gt 0 ]]
- print_info 1 "$(getIndent 2)SSH: >> New dropbear DSS host key /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key created"
+ # We have at least information about one embedded key ...
+ print_info 1 "=================================================================" 1 0 1
+ print_info 1 "This initramfs' sshd will use the following host key(s):" 1 0 1
+ local key_info_file=
+ for key_info_file in "${key_info_files[@]}"
+ do
+ print_info 1 "$(cat "${key_info_file}")" 1 0 1
+ done
+ unset key_info_file
+ if [ ${LOGLEVEL} -lt 3 ]
+ then
+ # Don't clash with output from log_future_cpio_content
+ print_info 1 "=================================================================" 1 0 1
+ fi
- gen_die "DSS host key generation using dropbearkey failed"
+ print_warning 2 "$(get_indent 2)${PN}: >> No information about embedded SSH host key(s) available."
- cd "${TEMP}" \
- || gen_die "cd '${TEMP}' failed"
- mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/var/run
- mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/var/log
- mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/dropbear
- mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/bin
- mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/root/.ssh
+ local libdir=$(get_chost_libdir)
+ mkdir -p "${TDIR}"/lib || gen_die "Failed to create '${TDIR}/lib'!"
+ copy_system_binaries "${TDIR}"/lib "${libdir}"/
- cp -L ${GK_SHARE}/defaults/ ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/bin/ || gen_die "failed to copy defaults/"
- cp -L /etc/dropbear/{dropbear_rsa_host_key,dropbear_dss_host_key} ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/dropbear/ || gen_die "failed to copy dropbear host key(s)"
- cp -L /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/root/.ssh || gen_die "failed to copy /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys. Did you forget to configure dropbear?"
- cp -L /etc/localtime ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/ || gen_die "failed to copy /etc/localtime. Please set system's timezone!"
- if [ ${ARCH} = "x86_64" ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/lib64
- cp -L /lib64/ ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/lib64/ || gen_die "failed to copy"
- else
- mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/lib
- cp -L /lib/ ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/lib/ || gen_die "failed to"
- fi
+ cd "${TDIR}" || gen_die "Failed to chdir to '${TDIR}'!"
+ cp -a "${GK_SHARE}"/defaults/ "${TDIR}"/usr/bin/ \
+ || gen_die "Failed to copy '${GK_SHARE}/defaults/'"
+ cp -a "${GK_SHARE}"/defaults/ "${TDIR}"/usr/sbin/resume-boot \
+ || gen_die "Failed to copy '${GK_SHARE}/defaults/' to '${TDIR}/usr/sbin/resume-boot'"
+ cp -a "${GK_SHARE}"/defaults/ "${TDIR}"/usr/sbin/unlock-luks \
+ || gen_die "Failed to copy '${GK_SHARE}/defaults/' to '${TDIR}/usr/sbin/unlock-luks'"
+ cp -aL "${ssh_authorized_keys_file}" "${TDIR}"/root/.ssh/ \
+ || gen_die "Failed to copy '${ssh_authorized_keys_file}'!"
+ cp -aL /etc/localtime "${TDIR}"/etc/ \
+ || gen_die "Failed to copy '/etc/localtime'. Please set system's timezone!"
- sed "s/compat/files/g" /etc/nsswitch.conf > ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/nsswitch.conf || gen_die "failed to modify /etc/nsswitch.conf"
- echo "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/" > ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/passwd
- echo "/bin/" > ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/shells
- echo "root:!:0:0:99999:7:::" > ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/shadow
- echo "root:x:0:root" > ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/group
- echo "" > ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/var/log/lastlog
+ echo "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/usr/bin/" > "${TDIR}"/etc/passwd \
+ || gen_die "Failed to create '/etc/passwd'!"
- chmod 0755 ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/bin/
- chmod 0700 ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/root/.ssh
- chmod 0640 ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/shadow
- chmod 0644 ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/passwd
- chmod 0644 ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/group
- mkfifo ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/dropbear/fifo_root
- mkfifo ${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp/etc/dropbear/fifo_swap
+ echo "/usr/bin/" > "${TDIR}"/etc/shells \
+ || gen_die "Failed to create '/etc/shells'!"
- copy_binaries "${TEMP}"/initramfs-dropbear-temp/ /usr/sbin/dropbear \
- /bin/login /usr/bin/passwd
+ echo "root:!:0:0:99999:7:::" > "${TDIR}"/etc/shadow \
+ || gen_die "Failed to create '/etc/shadow'!"
+ echo "root:x:0:root" > "${TDIR}"/etc/group \
+ || gen_die "Failed to create '/etc/group'!"
+ chmod 0755 "${TDIR}"/usr/bin/ \
+ || gen_die "Failed to chmod of '${TDIR}/usr/bin/'!"
+ chmod 0755 "${TDIR}"/usr/sbin/resume-boot \
+ || gen_die "Failed to chmod of '${TDIR}/usr/sbin/resume-boot'!"
+ chmod 0755 "${TDIR}"/usr/sbin/unlock-luks \
+ || gen_die "Failed to chmod of '${TDIR}/usr/sbin/unlock-luks'!"
+ chmod 0640 "${TDIR}"/etc/shadow \
+ || gen_die "Failed to chmod of '${TDIR}/etc/shadow'!"
+ chmod 0644 "${TDIR}"/etc/passwd \
+ || gen_die "Failed to chmod of '${TDIR}/etc/passwd'!"
+ chmod 0644 "${TDIR}"/etc/group \
+ || gen_die "Failed to chmod of '${TDIR}/etc/group'!"
+ cd "${TDIR}" || gen_die "Failed to chdir to '${TDIR}'!"
- cd "${TEMP}"/initramfs-dropbear-temp \
- || gen_die "cd '${TEMP}/initramfs-dropbear-temp' failed"
- find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}"
- rm -rf "${TEMP}"/initramfs-dropbear-temp > /dev/null
+ find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" \
+ || gen_die "Failed to append ${PN} to cpio!"
append_firmware() {