#!/bin/bash # ps2png # # Rasterizes a postscript file, saving as a set of bitmaps # # input: PostScript file # root name of output files # output: png binary files for each page # # Restriction: the input PostScript file must be binary # # N.B. Requires ghostscript scriptname=${0##*/} if test $# != 2 then echo "usage: " $scriptname " inpsfile outpngroot" exit -1 fi inpsfile=$1 outpngroot=$2 # strip off directory and suffix parts of $1 to use in other names basename=${1##*/} baseroot=${basename%.*} # make names for temporary files tmppsfile=${baseroot}.$$_.ps tmppsroot=${tmppsfile%.*} # have the temporary files deleted on exit, interrupt, etc: trap "/bin/rm -f ${tmppsroot}*" EXIT SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM cp $inpsfile $tmppsfile # need mysterious "primer" echo "0 neg 0 neg" translate | gs -sDEVICE=pngmono -sOutputFile=${outpngroot}%03d.png -g2550x3300 -r300x300 -q - ${tmppsfile}