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Diffstat (limited to 'tesseract/src/lstm/weightmatrix.h')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tesseract/src/lstm/weightmatrix.h b/tesseract/src/lstm/weightmatrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e252086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tesseract/src/lstm/weightmatrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+// File: weightmatrix.h
+// Description: Hides distinction between float/int implementations.
+// Author: Ray Smith
+// (C) Copyright 2014, Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "intsimdmatrix.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "tprintf.h"
+namespace tesseract {
+// Convenience instantiation of GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<double> with additional
+// operations to write a strided vector, so the transposed form of the input
+// is memory-contiguous.
+class TransposedArray : public GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<double> {
+ public:
+ // Copies the whole input transposed, converted to double, into *this.
+ void Transpose(const GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<double>& input);
+ // Writes a vector of data representing a timestep (gradients or sources).
+ // The data is assumed to be of size1 in size (the strided dimension).
+ ~TransposedArray() override;
+ void WriteStrided(int t, const float* data) {
+ int size1 = dim1();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) put(i, t, data[i]);
+ }
+ void WriteStrided(int t, const double* data) {
+ int size1 = dim1();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) put(i, t, data[i]);
+ }
+ // Prints the first and last num elements of the un-transposed array.
+ void PrintUnTransposed(int num) {
+ int num_features = dim1();
+ int width = dim2();
+ for (int y = 0; y < num_features; ++y) {
+ for (int t = 0; t < width; ++t) {
+ if (num == 0 || t < num || t + num >= width) {
+ tprintf(" %g", (*this)(y, t));
+ }
+ }
+ tprintf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+}; // class TransposedArray
+// Generic weight matrix for network layers. Can store the matrix as either
+// an array of floats or int8_t. Provides functions to compute the forward and
+// backward steps with the matrix and updates to the weights.
+class WeightMatrix {
+ public:
+ WeightMatrix() : int_mode_(false), use_adam_(false) {}
+ // Sets up the network for training. Initializes weights using weights of
+ // scale `range` picked according to the random number generator `randomizer`.
+ // Note the order is outputs, inputs, as this is the order of indices to
+ // the matrix, so the adjacent elements are multiplied by the input during
+ // a forward operation.
+ int InitWeightsFloat(int no, int ni, bool use_adam, float weight_range,
+ TRand* randomizer);
+ // Changes the number of outputs to the size of the given code_map, copying
+ // the old weight matrix entries for each output from code_map[output] where
+ // non-negative, and uses the mean (over all outputs) of the existing weights
+ // for all outputs with negative code_map entries. Returns the new number of
+ // weights.
+ int RemapOutputs(const std::vector<int>& code_map);
+ // Converts a float network to an int network. Each set of input weights that
+ // corresponds to a single output weight is converted independently:
+ // Compute the max absolute value of the weight set.
+ // Scale so the max absolute value becomes INT8_MAX.
+ // Round to integer.
+ // Store a multiplicative scale factor (as a float) that will reproduce
+ // the original value, subject to rounding errors.
+ void ConvertToInt();
+ // Returns the size rounded up to an internal factor used by the SIMD
+ // implementation for its input.
+ int RoundInputs(int size) const {
+ if (!int_mode_ || !IntSimdMatrix::intSimdMatrix) return size;
+ return IntSimdMatrix::intSimdMatrix->RoundInputs(size);
+ }
+ // Accessors.
+ bool is_int_mode() const {
+ return int_mode_;
+ }
+ int NumOutputs() const { return int_mode_ ? wi_.dim1() : wf_.dim1(); }
+ // Provides one set of weights. Only used by peep weight maxpool.
+ const double* GetWeights(int index) const { return wf_[index]; }
+ // Provides access to the deltas (dw_).
+ double GetDW(int i, int j) const { return dw_(i, j); }
+ // Allocates any needed memory for running Backward, and zeroes the deltas,
+ // thus eliminating any existing momentum.
+ void InitBackward();
+ // Writes to the given file. Returns false in case of error.
+ bool Serialize(bool training, TFile* fp) const;
+ // Reads from the given file. Returns false in case of error.
+ bool DeSerialize(bool training, TFile* fp);
+ // As DeSerialize, but reads an old (float) format WeightMatrix for
+ // backward compatibility.
+ bool DeSerializeOld(bool training, TFile* fp);
+ // Computes matrix.vector v = Wu.
+ // u is of size W.dim2() - 1 and the output v is of size W.dim1().
+ // u is imagined to have an extra element at the end with value 1, to
+ // implement the bias, but it doesn't actually have it.
+ // Asserts that the call matches what we have.
+ void MatrixDotVector(const double* u, double* v) const;
+ void MatrixDotVector(const int8_t* u, double* v) const;
+ // MatrixDotVector for peep weights, MultiplyAccumulate adds the
+ // component-wise products of *this[0] and v to inout.
+ void MultiplyAccumulate(const double* v, double* inout);
+ // Computes vector.matrix v = uW.
+ // u is of size W.dim1() and the output v is of size W.dim2() - 1.
+ // The last result is discarded, as v is assumed to have an imaginary
+ // last value of 1, as with MatrixDotVector.
+ void VectorDotMatrix(const double* u, double* v) const;
+ // Fills dw_[i][j] with the dot product u[i][] . v[j][], using elements
+ // from u and v, starting with u[i][offset] and v[j][offset].
+ // Note that (matching MatrixDotVector) v[last][] is missing, presumed 1.0.
+ // Runs parallel if requested. Note that inputs must be transposed.
+ void SumOuterTransposed(const TransposedArray& u, const TransposedArray& v,
+ bool parallel);
+ // Updates the weights using the given learning rate, momentum and adam_beta.
+ // num_samples is used in the Adam correction factor.
+ void Update(double learning_rate, double momentum, double adam_beta,
+ int num_samples);
+ // Adds the dw_ in other to the dw_ is *this.
+ void AddDeltas(const WeightMatrix& other);
+ // Sums the products of weight updates in *this and other, splitting into
+ // positive (same direction) in *same and negative (different direction) in
+ // *changed.
+ void CountAlternators(const WeightMatrix& other, double* same,
+ double* changed) const;
+ void Debug2D(const char* msg);
+ // Utility function converts an array of float to the corresponding array
+ // of double.
+ static void FloatToDouble(const GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<float>& wf,
+ GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<double>* wd);
+ private:
+ // Choice between float and 8 bit int implementations.
+ GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<double> wf_;
+ GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<int8_t> wi_;
+ // Transposed copy of wf_, used only for Backward, and set with each Update.
+ TransposedArray wf_t_;
+ // Which of wf_ and wi_ are we actually using.
+ bool int_mode_;
+ // True if we are running adam in this weight matrix.
+ bool use_adam_;
+ // If we are using wi_, then scales_ is a factor to restore the row product
+ // with a vector to the correct range.
+ std::vector<double> scales_;
+ // Weight deltas. dw_ is the new delta, and updates_ the momentum-decaying
+ // amount to be added to wf_/wi_.
+ GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<double> dw_;
+ GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<double> updates_;
+ // Iff use_adam_, the sum of squares of dw_. The number of samples is
+ // given to Update(). Serialized iff use_adam_.
+ GENERIC_2D_ARRAY<double> dw_sq_sum_;
+ // The weights matrix reorganized in whatever way suits this instance.
+ std::vector<int8_t> shaped_w_;
+} // namespace tesseract.