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Diffstat (limited to 'tesseract/src/ccstruct/ratngs.h')
1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tesseract/src/ccstruct/ratngs.h b/tesseract/src/ccstruct/ratngs.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2bc962a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tesseract/src/ccstruct/ratngs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+ * File: ratngs.h (Formerly ratings.h)
+ * Description: Definition of the WERD_CHOICE and BLOB_CHOICE classes.
+ * Author: Ray Smith
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#ifndef RATNGS_H
+#define RATNGS_H
+#include "config_auto.h" // DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE
+#include "clst.h"
+#include "elst.h"
+#include "fontinfo.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "unicharset.h"
+#include "werd.h"
+#include "genericvector.h"
+#include <tesseract/unichar.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cfloat> // for FLT_MAX
+namespace tesseract {
+class MATRIX;
+struct TBLOB;
+struct TWERD;
+// Enum to describe the source of a BLOB_CHOICE to make it possible to determine
+// whether a blob has been classified by inspecting the BLOB_CHOICEs.
+enum BlobChoiceClassifier {
+ BCC_STATIC_CLASSIFIER, // From the char_norm classifier.
+ BCC_ADAPTED_CLASSIFIER, // From the adaptive classifier.
+ BCC_SPECKLE_CLASSIFIER, // Backup for failed classification.
+ BCC_AMBIG, // Generated by ambiguity detection.
+ BCC_FAKE, // From some other process.
+ public:
+ unichar_id_ = UNICHAR_SPACE;
+ fontinfo_id_ = -1;
+ fontinfo_id2_ = -1;
+ rating_ = 10.0;
+ certainty_ = -1.0;
+ script_id_ = -1;
+ min_xheight_ = 0.0f;
+ max_xheight_ = 0.0f;
+ yshift_ = 0.0f;
+ classifier_ = BCC_FAKE;
+ }
+ BLOB_CHOICE(UNICHAR_ID src_unichar_id, // character id
+ float src_rating, // rating
+ float src_cert, // certainty
+ int script_id, // script
+ float min_xheight, // min xheight in image pixel units
+ float max_xheight, // max xheight allowed by this char
+ float yshift, // the larger of y shift (top or bottom)
+ BlobChoiceClassifier c); // adapted match or other
+ BLOB_CHOICE(const BLOB_CHOICE &other);
+ ~BLOB_CHOICE() = default;
+ UNICHAR_ID unichar_id() const {
+ return unichar_id_;
+ }
+ float rating() const {
+ return rating_;
+ }
+ float certainty() const {
+ return certainty_;
+ }
+ int16_t fontinfo_id() const {
+ return fontinfo_id_;
+ }
+ int16_t fontinfo_id2() const {
+ return fontinfo_id2_;
+ }
+ const std::vector<ScoredFont>& fonts() const {
+ return fonts_;
+ }
+ void set_fonts(const std::vector<ScoredFont>& fonts) {
+ fonts_ = fonts;
+ int score1 = 0, score2 = 0;
+ fontinfo_id_ = -1;
+ fontinfo_id2_ = -1;
+ for (int f = 0; f < fonts_.size(); ++f) {
+ if (fonts_[f].score > score1) {
+ score2 = score1;
+ fontinfo_id2_ = fontinfo_id_;
+ score1 = fonts_[f].score;
+ fontinfo_id_ = fonts_[f].fontinfo_id;
+ } else if (fonts_[f].score > score2) {
+ score2 = fonts_[f].score;
+ fontinfo_id2_ = fonts_[f].fontinfo_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int script_id() const {
+ return script_id_;
+ }
+ const MATRIX_COORD& matrix_cell() {
+ return matrix_cell_;
+ }
+ float min_xheight() const {
+ return min_xheight_;
+ }
+ float max_xheight() const {
+ return max_xheight_;
+ }
+ float yshift() const {
+ return yshift_;
+ }
+ BlobChoiceClassifier classifier() const {
+ return classifier_;
+ }
+ bool IsAdapted() const {
+ return classifier_ == BCC_ADAPTED_CLASSIFIER;
+ }
+ bool IsClassified() const {
+ return classifier_ == BCC_STATIC_CLASSIFIER ||
+ classifier_ == BCC_ADAPTED_CLASSIFIER ||
+ classifier_ == BCC_SPECKLE_CLASSIFIER;
+ }
+ void set_unichar_id(UNICHAR_ID newunichar_id) {
+ unichar_id_ = newunichar_id;
+ }
+ void set_rating(float newrat) {
+ rating_ = newrat;
+ }
+ void set_certainty(float newrat) {
+ certainty_ = newrat;
+ }
+ void set_script(int newscript_id) {
+ script_id_ = newscript_id;
+ }
+ void set_matrix_cell(int col, int row) {
+ matrix_cell_.col = col;
+ matrix_cell_.row = row;
+ }
+ void set_classifier(BlobChoiceClassifier classifier) {
+ classifier_ = classifier;
+ }
+ static BLOB_CHOICE* deep_copy(const BLOB_CHOICE* src) {
+ auto* choice = new BLOB_CHOICE;
+ *choice = *src;
+ return choice;
+ }
+ // Returns true if *this and other agree on the baseline and x-height
+ // to within some tolerance based on a given estimate of the x-height.
+ bool PosAndSizeAgree(const BLOB_CHOICE& other, float x_height,
+ bool debug) const;
+ void print(const UNICHARSET *unicharset) const {
+ tprintf("r%.2f c%.2f x[%g,%g]: %d %s",
+ rating_, certainty_,
+ min_xheight_, max_xheight_, unichar_id_,
+ (unicharset == nullptr) ? "" :
+ unicharset->debug_str(unichar_id_).c_str());
+ }
+ void print_full() const {
+ print(nullptr);
+ tprintf(" script=%d, font1=%d, font2=%d, yshift=%g, classifier=%d\n",
+ script_id_, fontinfo_id_, fontinfo_id2_, yshift_, classifier_);
+ }
+ // Sort function for sorting BLOB_CHOICEs in increasing order of rating.
+ static int SortByRating(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
+ const BLOB_CHOICE *bc1 = *static_cast<const BLOB_CHOICE *const *>(p1);
+ const BLOB_CHOICE *bc2 = *static_cast<const BLOB_CHOICE *const *>(p2);
+ return (bc1->rating_ < bc2->rating_) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Copy assignment operator.
+ BLOB_CHOICE& operator=(const BLOB_CHOICE& other);
+ UNICHAR_ID unichar_id_; // unichar id
+ // Fonts and scores. Allowed to be empty.
+ std::vector<ScoredFont> fonts_;
+ int16_t fontinfo_id_; // char font information
+ int16_t fontinfo_id2_; // 2nd choice font information
+ // Rating is the classifier distance weighted by the length of the outline
+ // in the blob. In terms of probability, classifier distance is -klog p such
+ // that the resulting distance is in the range [0, 1] and then
+ // rating = w (-k log p) where w is the weight for the length of the outline.
+ // Sums of ratings may be compared meaningfully for words of different
+ // segmentation.
+ float rating_; // size related
+ // Certainty is a number in [-20, 0] indicating the classifier certainty
+ // of the choice. In terms of probability, certainty = 20 (k log p) where
+ // k is defined as above to normalize -klog p to the range [0, 1].
+ float certainty_; // absolute
+ int script_id_;
+ // Holds the position of this choice in the ratings matrix.
+ // Used to location position in the matrix during path backtracking.
+ MATRIX_COORD matrix_cell_;
+ // X-height range (in image pixels) that this classification supports.
+ float min_xheight_;
+ float max_xheight_;
+ // yshift_ - The vertical distance (in image pixels) the character is
+ // shifted (up or down) from an acceptable y position.
+ float yshift_;
+ BlobChoiceClassifier classifier_; // What generated *this.
+// Make BLOB_CHOICE listable.
+// Return the BLOB_CHOICE in bc_list matching a given unichar_id,
+// or nullptr if there is no match.
+BLOB_CHOICE *FindMatchingChoice(UNICHAR_ID char_id, BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *bc_list);
+// Permuter codes used in WERD_CHOICEs.
+enum PermuterType {
+ NO_PERM, // 0
+ PUNC_PERM, // 1
+ NGRAM_PERM, // 5
+// ScriptPos tells whether a character is subscript, superscript or normal.
+enum ScriptPos {
+const char *ScriptPosToString(ScriptPos script_pos);
+ public:
+ static const float kBadRating;
+ static const char *permuter_name(uint8_t permuter);
+ WERD_CHOICE(const UNICHARSET *unicharset)
+ : unicharset_(unicharset) { this->init(8); }
+ WERD_CHOICE(const UNICHARSET *unicharset, int reserved)
+ : unicharset_(unicharset) { this->init(reserved); }
+ WERD_CHOICE(const char *src_string,
+ const char *src_lengths,
+ float src_rating,
+ float src_certainty,
+ uint8_t src_permuter,
+ const UNICHARSET &unicharset)
+ : unicharset_(&unicharset) {
+ this->init(src_string, src_lengths, src_rating,
+ src_certainty, src_permuter);
+ }
+ WERD_CHOICE(const char *src_string, const UNICHARSET &unicharset);
+ : ELIST_LINK(word), unicharset_(word.unicharset_) {
+ this->init(word.length());
+ this->operator=(word);
+ }
+ const UNICHARSET *unicharset() const {
+ return unicharset_;
+ }
+ inline int length() const {
+ return length_;
+ }
+ float adjust_factor() const {
+ return adjust_factor_;
+ }
+ void set_adjust_factor(float factor) {
+ adjust_factor_ = factor;
+ }
+ inline const UNICHAR_ID *unichar_ids() const {
+ return unichar_ids_;
+ }
+ inline UNICHAR_ID unichar_id(int index) const {
+ assert(index < length_);
+ return unichar_ids_[index];
+ }
+ inline int state(int index) const {
+ return state_[index];
+ }
+ ScriptPos BlobPosition(int index) const {
+ if (index < 0 || index >= length_)
+ return SP_NORMAL;
+ return script_pos_[index];
+ }
+ inline float rating() const {
+ return rating_;
+ }
+ inline float certainty() const {
+ return certainty_;
+ }
+ inline float certainty(int index) const {
+ return certainties_[index];
+ }
+ inline float min_x_height() const {
+ return min_x_height_;
+ }
+ inline float max_x_height() const {
+ return max_x_height_;
+ }
+ inline void set_x_heights(float min_height, float max_height) {
+ min_x_height_ = min_height;
+ max_x_height_ = max_height;
+ }
+ inline uint8_t permuter() const {
+ return permuter_;
+ }
+ const char *permuter_name() const;
+ // Returns the BLOB_CHOICE_LIST corresponding to the given index in the word,
+ // taken from the appropriate cell in the ratings MATRIX.
+ // Borrowed pointer, so do not delete.
+ BLOB_CHOICE_LIST* blob_choices(int index, MATRIX* ratings) const;
+ // Returns the MATRIX_COORD corresponding to the location in the ratings
+ // MATRIX for the given index into the word.
+ MATRIX_COORD MatrixCoord(int index) const;
+ inline void set_unichar_id(UNICHAR_ID unichar_id, int index) {
+ assert(index < length_);
+ unichar_ids_[index] = unichar_id;
+ }
+ bool dangerous_ambig_found() const {
+ return dangerous_ambig_found_;
+ }
+ void set_dangerous_ambig_found_(bool value) {
+ dangerous_ambig_found_ = value;
+ }
+ inline void set_rating(float new_val) {
+ rating_ = new_val;
+ }
+ inline void set_certainty(float new_val) {
+ certainty_ = new_val;
+ }
+ inline void set_permuter(uint8_t perm) {
+ permuter_ = perm;
+ }
+ // Note: this function should only be used if all the fields
+ // are populated manually with set_* functions (rather than
+ // (copy)constructors and append_* functions).
+ inline void set_length(int len) {
+ ASSERT_HOST(reserved_ >= len);
+ length_ = len;
+ }
+ /// Make more space in unichar_id_ and fragment_lengths_ arrays.
+ inline void double_the_size() {
+ if (reserved_ > 0) {
+ unichar_ids_ = GenericVector<UNICHAR_ID>::double_the_size_memcpy(
+ reserved_, unichar_ids_);
+ script_pos_ = GenericVector<ScriptPos>::double_the_size_memcpy(
+ reserved_, script_pos_);
+ state_ = GenericVector<int>::double_the_size_memcpy(
+ reserved_, state_);
+ certainties_ = GenericVector<float>::double_the_size_memcpy(
+ reserved_, certainties_);
+ reserved_ *= 2;
+ } else {
+ unichar_ids_ = new UNICHAR_ID[1];
+ script_pos_ = new ScriptPos[1];
+ state_ = new int[1];
+ certainties_ = new float[1];
+ reserved_ = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Initializes WERD_CHOICE - reserves length slots in unichar_ids_ and
+ /// fragment_length_ arrays. Sets other values to default (blank) values.
+ inline void init(int reserved) {
+ reserved_ = reserved;
+ if (reserved > 0) {
+ unichar_ids_ = new UNICHAR_ID[reserved];
+ script_pos_ = new ScriptPos[reserved];
+ state_ = new int[reserved];
+ certainties_ = new float[reserved];
+ } else {
+ unichar_ids_ = nullptr;
+ script_pos_ = nullptr;
+ state_ = nullptr;
+ certainties_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ length_ = 0;
+ adjust_factor_ = 1.0f;
+ rating_ = 0.0;
+ certainty_ = FLT_MAX;
+ min_x_height_ = 0.0f;
+ max_x_height_ = FLT_MAX;
+ permuter_ = NO_PERM;
+ unichars_in_script_order_ = false; // Tesseract is strict left-to-right.
+ dangerous_ambig_found_ = false;
+ }
+ /// Helper function to build a WERD_CHOICE from the given string,
+ /// fragment lengths, rating, certainty and permuter.
+ /// The function assumes that src_string is not nullptr.
+ /// src_lengths argument could be nullptr, in which case the unichars
+ /// in src_string are assumed to all be of length 1.
+ void init(const char *src_string, const char *src_lengths,
+ float src_rating, float src_certainty,
+ uint8_t src_permuter);
+ /// Set the fields in this choice to be default (bad) values.
+ inline void make_bad() {
+ length_ = 0;
+ rating_ = kBadRating;
+ certainty_ = -FLT_MAX;
+ }
+ /// This function assumes that there is enough space reserved
+ /// in the WERD_CHOICE for adding another unichar.
+ /// This is an efficient alternative to append_unichar_id().
+ inline void append_unichar_id_space_allocated(
+ UNICHAR_ID unichar_id, int blob_count,
+ float rating, float certainty) {
+ assert(reserved_ > length_);
+ length_++;
+ this->set_unichar_id(unichar_id, blob_count,
+ rating, certainty, length_-1);
+ }
+ void append_unichar_id(UNICHAR_ID unichar_id, int blob_count,
+ float rating, float certainty);
+ inline void set_unichar_id(UNICHAR_ID unichar_id, int blob_count,
+ float rating, float certainty, int index) {
+ assert(index < length_);
+ unichar_ids_[index] = unichar_id;
+ state_[index] = blob_count;
+ certainties_[index] = certainty;
+ script_pos_[index] = SP_NORMAL;
+ rating_ += rating;
+ if (certainty < certainty_) {
+ certainty_ = certainty;
+ }
+ }
+ // Sets the entries for the given index from the BLOB_CHOICE, assuming
+ // unit fragment lengths, but setting the state for this index to blob_count.
+ void set_blob_choice(int index, int blob_count,
+ const BLOB_CHOICE* blob_choice);
+ bool contains_unichar_id(UNICHAR_ID unichar_id) const;
+ void remove_unichar_ids(int index, int num);
+ inline void remove_last_unichar_id() { --length_; }
+ inline void remove_unichar_id(int index) {
+ this->remove_unichar_ids(index, 1);
+ }
+ bool has_rtl_unichar_id() const;
+ void reverse_and_mirror_unichar_ids();
+ // Returns the half-open interval of unichar_id indices [start, end) which
+ // enclose the core portion of this word -- the part after stripping
+ // punctuation from the left and right.
+ void punct_stripped(int *start_core, int *end_core) const;
+ // Returns the indices [start, end) containing the core of the word, stripped
+ // of any superscript digits on either side. (i.e., the non-footnote part
+ // of the word). There is no guarantee that the output range is non-empty.
+ void GetNonSuperscriptSpan(int *start, int *end) const;
+ // Return a copy of this WERD_CHOICE with the choices [start, end).
+ // The result is useful only for checking against a dictionary.
+ WERD_CHOICE shallow_copy(int start, int end) const;
+ void string_and_lengths(STRING *word_str, STRING *word_lengths_str) const;
+ const STRING debug_string() const {
+ STRING word_str;
+ for (int i = 0; i < length_; ++i) {
+ word_str += unicharset_->debug_str(unichar_ids_[i]);
+ word_str += " ";
+ }
+ return word_str;
+ }
+ // Returns true if any unichar_id in the word is a non-space-delimited char.
+ bool ContainsAnyNonSpaceDelimited() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < length_; ++i) {
+ if (!unicharset_->IsSpaceDelimited(unichar_ids_[i])) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Returns true if the word is all spaces.
+ bool IsAllSpaces() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < length_; ++i) {
+ if (unichar_ids_[i] != UNICHAR_SPACE) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Call this to override the default (strict left to right graphemes)
+ // with the fact that some engine produces a "reading order" set of
+ // Graphemes for each word.
+ bool set_unichars_in_script_order(bool in_script_order) {
+ return unichars_in_script_order_ = in_script_order;
+ }
+ bool unichars_in_script_order() const {
+ return unichars_in_script_order_;
+ }
+ // Returns a UTF-8 string equivalent to the current choice
+ // of UNICHAR IDs.
+ STRING &unichar_string() {
+ this->string_and_lengths(&unichar_string_, &unichar_lengths_);
+ return unichar_string_;
+ }
+ // Returns a UTF-8 string equivalent to the current choice
+ // of UNICHAR IDs.
+ const STRING &unichar_string() const {
+ this->string_and_lengths(&unichar_string_, &unichar_lengths_);
+ return unichar_string_;
+ }
+ // Returns the lengths, one byte each, representing the number of bytes
+ // required in the unichar_string for each UNICHAR_ID.
+ const STRING &unichar_lengths() const {
+ this->string_and_lengths(&unichar_string_, &unichar_lengths_);
+ return unichar_lengths_;
+ }
+ // Sets up the script_pos_ member using the blobs_list to get the bln
+ // bounding boxes, *this to get the unichars, and this->unicharset
+ // to get the target positions. If small_caps is true, sub/super are not
+ // considered, but dropcaps are.
+ // NOTE: blobs_list should be the chopped_word blobs. (Fully segemented.)
+ void SetScriptPositions(bool small_caps, TWERD* word, int debug = 0);
+ // Sets the script_pos_ member from some source positions with a given length.
+ void SetScriptPositions(const ScriptPos* positions, int length);
+ // Sets all the script_pos_ positions to the given position.
+ void SetAllScriptPositions(ScriptPos position);
+ static ScriptPos ScriptPositionOf(bool print_debug,
+ const UNICHARSET& unicharset,
+ const TBOX& blob_box,
+ UNICHAR_ID unichar_id);
+ // Returns the "dominant" script ID for the word. By "dominant", the script
+ // must account for at least half the characters. Otherwise, it returns 0.
+ // Note that for Japanese, Hiragana and Katakana are simply treated as Han.
+ int GetTopScriptID() const;
+ // Fixes the state_ for a chop at the given blob_posiiton.
+ void UpdateStateForSplit(int blob_position);
+ // Returns the sum of all the state elements, being the total number of blobs.
+ int TotalOfStates() const;
+ void print() const { this->print(""); }
+ void print(const char *msg) const;
+ // Prints the segmentation state with an introductory message.
+ void print_state(const char *msg) const;
+ // Displays the segmentation state of *this (if not the same as the last
+ // one displayed) and waits for a click in the window.
+ void DisplaySegmentation(TWERD* word);
+ WERD_CHOICE& operator+= ( // concatanate
+ const WERD_CHOICE & second);// second on first
+ WERD_CHOICE& operator= (const WERD_CHOICE& source);
+ private:
+ const UNICHARSET *unicharset_;
+ // TODO(rays) Perhaps replace the multiple arrays with an array of structs?
+ // unichar_ids_ is an array of classifier "results" that make up a word.
+ // For each unichar_ids_[i], script_pos_[i] has the sub/super/normal position
+ // of each unichar_id.
+ // state_[i] indicates the number of blobs in WERD_RES::chopped_word that
+ // were put together to make the classification results in the ith position
+ // in unichar_ids_, and certainties_[i] is the certainty of the choice that
+ // was used in this word.
+ // == Change from before ==
+ // Previously there was fragment_lengths_ that allowed a word to be
+ // artificially composed of multiple fragment results. Since the new
+ // segmentation search doesn't do fragments, treatment of fragments has
+ // been moved to a lower level, augmenting the ratings matrix with the
+ // combined fragments, and allowing the language-model/segmentation-search
+ // to deal with only the combined unichar_ids.
+ UNICHAR_ID *unichar_ids_; // unichar ids that represent the text of the word
+ ScriptPos* script_pos_; // Normal/Sub/Superscript of each unichar.
+ int* state_; // Number of blobs in each unichar.
+ float* certainties_; // Certainty of each unichar.
+ int reserved_; // size of the above arrays
+ int length_; // word length
+ // Factor that was used to adjust the rating.
+ float adjust_factor_;
+ // Rating is the sum of the ratings of the individual blobs in the word.
+ float rating_; // size related
+ // certainty is the min (worst) certainty of the individual blobs in the word.
+ float certainty_; // absolute
+ // xheight computed from the result, or 0 if inconsistent.
+ float min_x_height_;
+ float max_x_height_;
+ uint8_t permuter_; // permuter code
+ // Normally, the ratings_ matrix represents the recognition results in order
+ // from left-to-right. However, some engines (say Cube) may return
+ // recognition results in the order of the script's major reading direction
+ // (for Arabic, that is right-to-left).
+ bool unichars_in_script_order_;
+ // True if NoDangerousAmbig found an ambiguity.
+ bool dangerous_ambig_found_;
+ // The following variables are populated and passed by reference any
+ // time unichar_string() or unichar_lengths() are called.
+ mutable STRING unichar_string_;
+ mutable STRING unichar_lengths_;
+// Make WERD_CHOICE listable.
+// Utilities for comparing WERD_CHOICEs
+bool EqualIgnoringCaseAndTerminalPunct(const WERD_CHOICE &word1,
+ const WERD_CHOICE &word2);
+// Utilities for debug printing.
+void print_ratings_list(
+ const char *msg, // intro message
+ BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *ratings, // list of results
+ const UNICHARSET &current_unicharset // unicharset that can be used
+ // for id-to-unichar conversion
+ );
+} // namespace tesseract