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1 files changed, 1394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/leptonica/src/warper.c b/leptonica/src/warper.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f0b79eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/leptonica/src/warper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1394 @@
+ - Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved.
+ -
+ - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ - modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ - are met:
+ - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ - copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ - disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ - provided with the distribution.
+ -
+ *====================================================================*/
+ * \file warper.c
+ * <pre>
+ *
+ * High-level captcha interface
+ * PIX *pixSimpleCaptcha()
+ *
+ * Random sinusoidal warping
+ * PIX *pixRandomHarmonicWarp()
+ *
+ * Helper functions
+ * static l_float64 *generateRandomNumberArray()
+ * static l_int32 applyWarpTransform()
+ *
+ * Version using a LUT for sin
+ * PIX *pixRandomHarmonicWarpLUT()
+ * static l_int32 applyWarpTransformLUT()
+ * static l_int32 makeSinLUT()
+ * static l_float32 getSinFromLUT()
+ *
+ * Stereoscopic warping
+ * PIX *pixWarpStereoscopic()
+ *
+ * Linear and quadratic horizontal stretching
+ * PIX *pixStretchHorizontal()
+ * PIX *pixStretchHorizontalSampled()
+ * PIX *pixStretchHorizontalLI()
+ *
+ * Quadratic vertical shear
+ * PIX *pixQuadraticVShear()
+ * PIX *pixQuadraticVShearSampled()
+ * PIX *pixQuadraticVShearLI()
+ *
+ * Stereo from a pair of images
+ * PIX *pixStereoFromPair()
+ * </pre>
+ */
+#include <config_auto.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "allheaders.h"
+static l_float64 *generateRandomNumberArray(l_int32 size);
+static l_int32 applyWarpTransform(l_float32 xmag, l_float32 ymag,
+ l_float32 xfreq, l_float32 yfreq,
+ l_float64 *randa, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny,
+ l_int32 xp, l_int32 yp,
+ l_float32 *px, l_float32 *py);
+#define USE_SIN_TABLE 0
+ /* Suggested input to pixStereoFromPair(). These are weighting
+ * factors for input to the red channel from the left image. */
+static const l_float32 DefaultRedWeight = 0.0f;
+static const l_float32 DefaultGreenWeight = 0.7f;
+static const l_float32 DefaultBlueWeight = 0.3f;
+ * High-level example captcha interface *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \brief pixSimpleCaptcha()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 8 bpp; no colormap
+ * \param[in] border added white pixels on each side
+ * \param[in] nterms number of x and y harmonic terms
+ * \param[in] seed of random number generator
+ * \param[in] color for colorizing; in 0xrrggbb00 format; use 0 for black
+ * \param[in] cmapflag 1 for colormap output; 0 for rgb
+ * \return pixd 8 bpp cmap or 32 bpp rgb, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) This uses typical default values for generating captchas.
+ * The magnitudes of the harmonic warp are typically to be
+ * smaller when more terms are used, even though the phases
+ * are random. See, for example, prog/warptest.c.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixSimpleCaptcha(PIX *pixs,
+ l_int32 border,
+ l_int32 nterms,
+ l_uint32 seed,
+ l_uint32 color,
+ l_int32 cmapflag)
+l_int32 k;
+l_float32 xmag[] = {7.0f, 5.0f, 4.0f, 3.0f};
+l_float32 ymag[] = {10.0f, 8.0f, 6.0f, 5.0f};
+l_float32 xfreq[] = {0.12f, 0.10f, 0.10f, 0.11f};
+l_float32 yfreq[] = {0.15f, 0.13f, 0.13f, 0.11f};
+PIX *pixg, *pixgb, *pixw, *pixd;
+ PROCNAME("pixSimpleCaptcha");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ if (nterms < 1 || nterms > 4)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("nterms must be in {1,2,3,4}", procName, NULL);
+ k = nterms - 1;
+ pixg = pixConvertTo8(pixs, 0);
+ pixgb = pixAddBorder(pixg, border, 255);
+ pixw = pixRandomHarmonicWarp(pixgb, xmag[k], ymag[k], xfreq[k], yfreq[k],
+ nterms, nterms, seed, 255);
+ pixd = pixColorizeGray(pixw, color, cmapflag);
+ pixDestroy(&pixg);
+ pixDestroy(&pixgb);
+ pixDestroy(&pixw);
+ return pixd;
+ * Random sinusoidal warping *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \brief pixRandomHarmonicWarp()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 8 bpp; no colormap
+ * \param[in] xmag, ymag maximum magnitude of x and y distortion
+ * \param[in] xfreq, yfreq maximum magnitude of x and y frequency
+ * \param[in] nx, ny number of x and y harmonic terms
+ * \param[in] seed of random number generator
+ * \param[in] grayval color brought in from the outside;
+ * 0 for black, 255 for white
+ * \return pixd 8 bpp; no colormap, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) To generate the warped image p(x',y'), set up the transforms
+ * that are in getWarpTransform(). For each (x',y') in the
+ * dest, the warp function computes the originating location
+ * (x, y) in the src. The differences (x - x') and (y - y')
+ * are given as a sum of products of sinusoidal terms. Each
+ * term is multiplied by a maximum amplitude (in pixels), and the
+ * angle is determined by a frequency and phase, and depends
+ * on the (x', y') value of the dest. Random numbers with
+ * a variable input seed are used to allow the warping to be
+ * unpredictable. A linear interpolation is used to find
+ * the value for the source at (x, y); this value is written
+ * into the dest.
+ * (2) This can be used to generate 'captcha's, which are somewhat
+ * randomly distorted images of text. A typical set of parameters
+ * for a captcha are:
+ * xmag = 4.0 ymag = 6.0
+ * xfreq = 0.10 yfreq = 0.13
+ * nx = 3 ny = 3
+ * Other examples can be found in prog/warptest.c.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixRandomHarmonicWarp(PIX *pixs,
+ l_float32 xmag,
+ l_float32 ymag,
+ l_float32 xfreq,
+ l_float32 yfreq,
+ l_int32 nx,
+ l_int32 ny,
+ l_uint32 seed,
+ l_int32 grayval)
+l_int32 w, h, d, i, j, wpls, wpld, val;
+l_uint32 *datas, *datad, *lined;
+l_float32 x, y;
+l_float64 *randa;
+PIX *pixd;
+ PROCNAME("pixRandomHarmonicWarp");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
+ if (d != 8)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ /* Compute filter output at each location. We iterate over
+ * the destination pixels. For each dest pixel, use the
+ * warp function to compute the four source pixels that
+ * contribute, at the location (x, y). Each source pixel
+ * is divided into 16 x 16 subpixels to get an approximate value. */
+ srand(seed);
+ randa = generateRandomNumberArray(5 * (nx + ny));
+ pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
+ datas = pixGetData(pixs);
+ wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
+ datad = pixGetData(pixd);
+ wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
+ applyWarpTransform(xmag, ymag, xfreq, yfreq, randa, nx, ny,
+ j, i, &x, &y);
+ linearInterpolatePixelGray(datas, wpls, w, h, x, y, grayval, &val);
+ SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val);
+ }
+ }
+ LEPT_FREE(randa);
+ return pixd;
+ * Static helper functions *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static l_float64 *
+generateRandomNumberArray(l_int32 size)
+l_int32 i;
+l_float64 *randa;
+ PROCNAME("generateRandomNumberArray");
+ if ((randa = (l_float64 *)LEPT_CALLOC(size, sizeof(l_float64))) == NULL)
+ return (l_float64 *)ERROR_PTR("calloc fail for randa", procName, NULL);
+ /* Return random values between 0.5 and 1.0 */
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ randa[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 + (l_float64)rand() / (l_float64)RAND_MAX);
+ return randa;
+ * \brief applyWarpTransform()
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) Uses the internal sin function.
+ */
+static l_int32
+applyWarpTransform(l_float32 xmag,
+ l_float32 ymag,
+ l_float32 xfreq,
+ l_float32 yfreq,
+ l_float64 *randa,
+ l_int32 nx,
+ l_int32 ny,
+ l_int32 xp,
+ l_int32 yp,
+ l_float32 *px,
+ l_float32 *py)
+l_int32 i;
+l_float64 twopi, x, y, anglex, angley;
+ twopi = 6.283185;
+ for (i = 0, x = xp; i < nx; i++) {
+ anglex = xfreq * randa[3 * i + 1] * xp + twopi * randa[3 * i + 2];
+ angley = yfreq * randa[3 * i + 3] * yp + twopi * randa[3 * i + 4];
+ x += xmag * randa[3 * i] * sin(anglex) * sin(angley);
+ }
+ for (i = nx, y = yp; i < nx + ny; i++) {
+ angley = yfreq * randa[3 * i + 1] * yp + twopi * randa[3 * i + 2];
+ anglex = xfreq * randa[3 * i + 3] * xp + twopi * randa[3 * i + 4];
+ y += ymag * randa[3 * i] * sin(angley) * sin(anglex);
+ }
+ *px = (l_float32)x;
+ *py = (l_float32)y;
+ return 0;
+ * Version using a LUT for sin *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static l_int32 applyWarpTransformLUT(l_float32 xmag, l_float32 ymag,
+ l_float32 xfreq, l_float32 yfreq,
+ l_float64 *randa, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny,
+ l_int32 xp, l_int32 yp, l_float32 *lut,
+ l_int32 npts, l_float32 *px, l_float32 *py);
+static l_int32 makeSinLUT(l_int32 npts, NUMA **pna);
+static l_float32 getSinFromLUT(l_float32 *tab, l_int32 npts,
+ l_float32 radang);
+ * \brief pixRandomHarmonicWarpLUT()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 8 bpp; no colormap
+ * \param[in] xmag, ymag maximum magnitude of x and y distortion
+ * \param[in] xfreq, yfreq maximum magnitude of x and y frequency
+ * \param[in] nx, ny number of x and y harmonic terms
+ * \param[in] seed of random number generator
+ * \param[in] grayval color brought in from the outside;
+ * 0 for black, 255 for white
+ * \return pixd 8 bpp; no colormap, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) See notes and inline comments in pixRandomHarmonicWarp().
+ * This version uses a LUT for the sin function. It is not
+ * appreciably faster than using the built-in sin function,
+ * and is here for comparison only.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixRandomHarmonicWarpLUT(PIX *pixs,
+ l_float32 xmag,
+ l_float32 ymag,
+ l_float32 xfreq,
+ l_float32 yfreq,
+ l_int32 nx,
+ l_int32 ny,
+ l_uint32 seed,
+ l_int32 grayval)
+l_int32 w, h, d, i, j, wpls, wpld, val, npts;
+l_uint32 *datas, *datad, *lined;
+l_float32 x, y;
+l_float32 *lut;
+l_float64 *randa;
+NUMA *na;
+PIX *pixd;
+ PROCNAME("pixRandomHarmonicWarp");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
+ if (d != 8)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ /* Compute filter output at each location. We iterate over
+ * the destination pixels. For each dest pixel, use the
+ * warp function to compute the four source pixels that
+ * contribute, at the location (x, y). Each source pixel
+ * is divided into 16 x 16 subpixels to get an approximate value. */
+ srand(seed);
+ randa = generateRandomNumberArray(5 * (nx + ny));
+ pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
+ datas = pixGetData(pixs);
+ wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
+ datad = pixGetData(pixd);
+ wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
+ npts = 100;
+ makeSinLUT(npts, &na);
+ lut = numaGetFArray(na, L_NOCOPY);
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
+ applyWarpTransformLUT(xmag, ymag, xfreq, yfreq, randa, nx, ny,
+ j, i, lut, npts, &x, &y);
+ linearInterpolatePixelGray(datas, wpls, w, h, x, y, grayval, &val);
+ SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val);
+ }
+ }
+ numaDestroy(&na);
+ LEPT_FREE(randa);
+ return pixd;
+ * \brief applyWarpTransformLUT()
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) Uses an LUT for computing sin(theta). There is little speed
+ * advantage to using the LUT.
+ */
+static l_int32
+applyWarpTransformLUT(l_float32 xmag,
+ l_float32 ymag,
+ l_float32 xfreq,
+ l_float32 yfreq,
+ l_float64 *randa,
+ l_int32 nx,
+ l_int32 ny,
+ l_int32 xp,
+ l_int32 yp,
+ l_float32 *lut,
+ l_int32 npts,
+ l_float32 *px,
+ l_float32 *py)
+l_int32 i;
+l_float64 twopi, x, y, anglex, angley, sanglex, sangley;
+ twopi = 6.283185;
+ for (i = 0, x = xp; i < nx; i++) {
+ anglex = xfreq * randa[3 * i + 1] * xp + twopi * randa[3 * i + 2];
+ angley = yfreq * randa[3 * i + 3] * yp + twopi * randa[3 * i + 4];
+ sanglex = getSinFromLUT(lut, npts, anglex);
+ sangley = getSinFromLUT(lut, npts, angley);
+ x += xmag * randa[3 * i] * sanglex * sangley;
+ }
+ for (i = nx, y = yp; i < nx + ny; i++) {
+ angley = yfreq * randa[3 * i + 1] * yp + twopi * randa[3 * i + 2];
+ anglex = xfreq * randa[3 * i + 3] * xp + twopi * randa[3 * i + 4];
+ sanglex = getSinFromLUT(lut, npts, anglex);
+ sangley = getSinFromLUT(lut, npts, angley);
+ y += ymag * randa[3 * i] * sangley * sanglex;
+ }
+ *px = (l_float32)x;
+ *py = (l_float32)y;
+ return 0;
+static l_int32
+makeSinLUT(l_int32 npts,
+ NUMA **pna)
+l_int32 i, n;
+l_float32 delx, fval;
+NUMA *na;
+ PROCNAME("makeSinLUT");
+ if (!pna)
+ return ERROR_INT("&na not defined", procName, 1);
+ *pna = NULL;
+ if (npts < 2)
+ return ERROR_INT("npts < 2", procName, 1);
+ n = 2 * npts + 1;
+ na = numaCreate(n);
+ *pna = na;
+ delx = 3.14159265 / (l_float32)npts;
+ numaSetParameters(na, 0.0, delx);
+ for (i = 0; i < n / 2; i++)
+ numaAddNumber(na, (l_float32)sin((l_float64)i * delx));
+ for (i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
+ numaGetFValue(na, i, &fval);
+ numaAddNumber(na, -fval);
+ }
+ numaAddNumber(na, 0);
+ return 0;
+static l_float32
+getSinFromLUT(l_float32 *tab,
+ l_int32 npts,
+ l_float32 radang)
+l_int32 index;
+l_float32 twopi, invtwopi, findex, diff;
+ /* Restrict radang to [0, 2pi] */
+ twopi = 6.283185;
+ invtwopi = 0.1591549;
+ if (radang < 0.0)
+ radang += twopi * (1.0 - (l_int32)(-radang * invtwopi));
+ else if (radang > 0.0)
+ radang -= twopi * (l_int32)(radang * invtwopi);
+ /* Interpolate */
+ findex = (2.0 * (l_float32)npts) * (radang * invtwopi);
+ index = (l_int32)findex;
+ if (index == 2 * npts)
+ return tab[index];
+ diff = findex - index;
+ return (1.0 - diff) * tab[index] + diff * tab[index + 1];
+#endif /* USE_SIN_TABLE */
+ * Stereoscopic warping *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \brief pixWarpStereoscopic()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs any depth, colormap ok
+ * \param[in] zbend horizontal separation in pixels of red and cyan
+ * at the left and right sides, that gives rise to
+ * quadratic curvature out of the image plane
+ * \param[in] zshiftt uniform pixel translation difference between
+ * red and cyan, that pushes the top of the image
+ * plane away from the viewer (zshiftt > 0) or
+ * towards the viewer (zshiftt < 0)
+ * \param[in] zshiftb uniform pixel translation difference between
+ * red and cyan, that pushes the bottom of the image
+ * plane away from the viewer (zshiftb > 0) or
+ * towards the viewer (zshiftb < 0)
+ * \param[in] ybendt multiplicative parameter for in-plane vertical
+ * displacement at the left or right edge at the top:
+ * y = ybendt * (2x/w - 1)^2
+ * \param[in] ybendb same as ybendt, except at the left or right edge
+ * at the bottom
+ * \param[in] redleft 1 if the red filter is on the left; 0 otherwise
+ * \return pixd 32 bpp, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) This function splits out the red channel, mucks around with
+ * it, then recombines with the unmolested cyan channel.
+ * (2) By using a quadratically increasing shift of the red
+ * pixels horizontally and away from the vertical centerline,
+ * the image appears to bend quadratically out of the image
+ * plane, symmetrically with respect to the vertical center
+ * line. A positive value of %zbend causes the plane to be
+ * curved away from the viewer. We use linearly interpolated
+ * stretching to avoid the appearance of kinks in the curve.
+ * (3) The parameters %zshiftt and %zshiftb tilt the image plane
+ * about a horizontal line through the center, and at the
+ * same time move that line either in toward the viewer or away.
+ * This is implemented by a combination of horizontal shear
+ * about the center line (for the tilt) and horizontal
+ * translation (to move the entire plane in or out).
+ * A positive value of %zshiftt moves the top of the plane
+ * away from the viewer, and a positive value of %zshiftb
+ * moves the bottom of the plane away. We use linear interpolated
+ * shear to avoid visible vertical steps in the tilted image.
+ * (4) The image can be bent in the plane and about the vertical
+ * centerline. The centerline does not shift, and the
+ * parameter %ybend gives the relative shift at left and right
+ * edges, with a downward shift for positive values of %ybend.
+ * (6) When writing out a steroscopic (red/cyan) image in jpeg,
+ * first call pixSetChromaSampling(pix, 0) to get sufficient
+ * resolution in the red channel.
+ * (7) Typical values are:
+ * zbend = 20
+ * zshiftt = 15
+ * zshiftb = -15
+ * ybendt = 30
+ * ybendb = 0
+ * If the disparity z-values are too large, it is difficult for
+ * the brain to register the two images.
+ * (8) This function has been cleverly reimplemented by Jeff Breidenbach.
+ * The original implementation used two 32 bpp rgb images,
+ * and merged them at the end. The result is somewhat faded,
+ * and has a parameter "thresh" that controls the amount of
+ * color in the result. (The present implementation avoids these
+ * two problems, skipping both the colorization and the alpha
+ * blending at the end, and is about 3x faster)
+ * The basic operations with 32 bpp are as follows:
+ * // Immediate conversion to 32 bpp
+ * Pix *pixt1 = pixConvertTo32(pixs);
+ * // Do vertical shear
+ * Pix *pixr = pixQuadraticVerticalShear(pixt1, L_WARP_TO_RIGHT,
+ * ybendt, ybendb,
+ * // Colorize two versions, toward red and cyan
+ * Pix *pixc = pixCopy(NULL, pixr);
+ * l_int32 thresh = 150; // if higher, get less original color
+ * pixColorGray(pixr, NULL, L_PAINT_DARK, thresh, 255, 0, 0);
+ * pixColorGray(pixc, NULL, L_PAINT_DARK, thresh, 0, 255, 255);
+ * // Shift the red pixels; e.g., by stretching
+ * Pix *pixrs = pixStretchHorizontal(pixr, L_WARP_TO_RIGHT,
+ * L_QUADRATIC_WARP, zbend,
+ * // Blend the shifted red and unshifted cyan 50:50
+ * Pix *pixg = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
+ * pixSetAllArbitrary(pixg, 128);
+ * pixd = pixBlendWithGrayMask(pixrs, pixc, pixg, 0, 0);
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixWarpStereoscopic(PIX *pixs,
+ l_int32 zbend,
+ l_int32 zshiftt,
+ l_int32 zshiftb,
+ l_int32 ybendt,
+ l_int32 ybendb,
+ l_int32 redleft)
+l_int32 w, h, zshift;
+l_float32 angle;
+BOX *boxleft, *boxright;
+PIX *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4, *pixr, *pixg, *pixb;
+PIX *pixv1, *pixv2, *pixv3, *pixv4;
+PIX *pixrs, *pixrss;
+PIX *pixd;
+ PROCNAME("pixWarpStereoscopic");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ /* Convert to the output depth, 32 bpp. */
+ pix1 = pixConvertTo32(pixs);
+ /* If requested, do a quad vertical shearing, pushing pixels up
+ * or down, depending on their distance from the centerline. */
+ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
+ boxleft = boxCreate(0, 0, w / 2, h);
+ boxright = boxCreate(w / 2, 0, w - w / 2, h);
+ if (ybendt != 0 || ybendb != 0) {
+ pixv1 = pixClipRectangle(pix1, boxleft, NULL);
+ pixv2 = pixClipRectangle(pix1, boxright, NULL);
+ pixv3 = pixQuadraticVShear(pixv1, L_WARP_TO_LEFT, ybendt,
+ pixv4 = pixQuadraticVShear(pixv2, L_WARP_TO_RIGHT, ybendt,
+ pix2 = pixCreate(w, h, 32);
+ pixRasterop(pix2, 0, 0, w / 2, h, PIX_SRC, pixv3, 0, 0);
+ pixRasterop(pix2, w / 2, 0, w - w / 2, h, PIX_SRC, pixv4, 0, 0);
+ pixDestroy(&pixv1);
+ pixDestroy(&pixv2);
+ pixDestroy(&pixv3);
+ pixDestroy(&pixv4);
+ } else {
+ pix2 = pixClone(pix1);
+ }
+ pixDestroy(&pix1);
+ /* Split out the 3 components */
+ pixr = pixGetRGBComponent(pix2, COLOR_RED);
+ pixg = pixGetRGBComponent(pix2, COLOR_GREEN);
+ pixb = pixGetRGBComponent(pix2, COLOR_BLUE);
+ pixDestroy(&pix2);
+ /* The direction of the stereo disparity below is set
+ * for the red filter to be over the left eye. If the red
+ * filter is over the right eye, invert the horizontal shifts. */
+ if (redleft) {
+ zbend = -zbend;
+ zshiftt = -zshiftt;
+ zshiftb = -zshiftb;
+ }
+ /* Shift the red pixels horizontally by an amount that
+ * increases quadratically from the centerline. */
+ if (zbend == 0) {
+ pixrs = pixClone(pixr);
+ } else {
+ pix1 = pixClipRectangle(pixr, boxleft, NULL);
+ pix2 = pixClipRectangle(pixr, boxright, NULL);
+ pix3 = pixStretchHorizontal(pix1, L_WARP_TO_LEFT, L_QUADRATIC_WARP,
+ pix4 = pixStretchHorizontal(pix2, L_WARP_TO_RIGHT, L_QUADRATIC_WARP,
+ pixrs = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
+ pixRasterop(pixrs, 0, 0, w / 2, h, PIX_SRC, pix3, 0, 0);
+ pixRasterop(pixrs, w / 2, 0, w - w / 2, h, PIX_SRC, pix4, 0, 0);
+ pixDestroy(&pix1);
+ pixDestroy(&pix2);
+ pixDestroy(&pix3);
+ pixDestroy(&pix4);
+ }
+ /* Perform a combination of horizontal shift and shear of
+ * red pixels. The causes the plane of the image to tilt and
+ * also move forward or backward. */
+ if (zshiftt == 0 && zshiftb == 0) {
+ pixrss = pixClone(pixrs);
+ } else if (zshiftt == zshiftb) {
+ pixrss = pixTranslate(NULL, pixrs, zshiftt, 0, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
+ } else {
+ angle = (l_float32)(zshiftb - zshiftt) /
+ L_MAX(1.0, (l_float32)pixGetHeight(pixrs));
+ zshift = (zshiftt + zshiftb) / 2;
+ pix1 = pixTranslate(NULL, pixrs, zshift, 0, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
+ pixrss = pixHShearLI(pix1, h / 2, angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
+ pixDestroy(&pix1);
+ }
+ /* Combine the unchanged cyan (g,b) image with the shifted red */
+ pixd = pixCreateRGBImage(pixrss, pixg, pixb);
+ boxDestroy(&boxleft);
+ boxDestroy(&boxright);
+ pixDestroy(&pixrs);
+ pixDestroy(&pixrss);
+ pixDestroy(&pixr);
+ pixDestroy(&pixg);
+ pixDestroy(&pixb);
+ return pixd;
+ * Linear and quadratic horizontal stretching *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \brief pixStretchHorizontal()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 1, 8 or 32 bpp
+ * \param[in] dir L_WARP_TO_LEFT or L_WARP_TO_RIGHT
+ * \param[in] type L_LINEAR_WARP or L_QUADRATIC_WARP
+ * \param[in] hmax horizontal displacement at edge
+ * \param[in] operation L_SAMPLED or L_INTERPOLATED
+ * \param[in] incolor L_BRING_IN_WHITE or L_BRING_IN_BLACK
+ * \return pixd stretched/compressed, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) If %hmax > 0, this is an increase in the coordinate value of
+ * pixels in pixd, relative to the same pixel in pixs.
+ * (2) If %dir == L_WARP_TO_LEFT, the pixels on the right edge of
+ * the image are not moved. So, for example, if %hmax > 0
+ * and %dir == L_WARP_TO_LEFT, the pixels in pixd are
+ * contracted toward the right edge of the image, relative
+ * to those in pixs.
+ * (3) If %type == L_LINEAR_WARP, the pixel positions are moved
+ * to the left or right by an amount that varies linearly with
+ * the horizontal location.
+ * (4) If %operation == L_SAMPLED, the dest pixels are taken from
+ * the nearest src pixel. Otherwise, we use linear interpolation
+ * between pairs of sampled pixels.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixStretchHorizontal(PIX *pixs,
+ l_int32 dir,
+ l_int32 type,
+ l_int32 hmax,
+ l_int32 operation,
+ l_int32 incolor)
+l_int32 d;
+ PROCNAME("pixStretchHorizontal");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
+ if (d != 1 && d != 8 && d != 32)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1, 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ if (dir != L_WARP_TO_LEFT && dir != L_WARP_TO_RIGHT)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid direction", procName, NULL);
+ if (type != L_LINEAR_WARP && type != L_QUADRATIC_WARP)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid type", procName, NULL);
+ if (operation != L_SAMPLED && operation != L_INTERPOLATED)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid operation", procName, NULL);
+ if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);
+ if (d == 1 && operation == L_INTERPOLATED) {
+ L_WARNING("Using sampling for 1 bpp\n", procName);
+ operation = L_INTERPOLATED;
+ }
+ if (operation == L_SAMPLED)
+ return pixStretchHorizontalSampled(pixs, dir, type, hmax, incolor);
+ else
+ return pixStretchHorizontalLI(pixs, dir, type, hmax, incolor);
+ * \brief pixStretchHorizontalSampled()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 1, 8 or 32 bpp
+ * \param[in] dir L_WARP_TO_LEFT or L_WARP_TO_RIGHT
+ * \param[in] type L_LINEAR_WARP or L_QUADRATIC_WARP
+ * \param[in] hmax horizontal displacement at edge
+ * \param[in] incolor L_BRING_IN_WHITE or L_BRING_IN_BLACK
+ * \return pixd stretched/compressed, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) See pixStretchHorizontal() for details.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixStretchHorizontalSampled(PIX *pixs,
+ l_int32 dir,
+ l_int32 type,
+ l_int32 hmax,
+ l_int32 incolor)
+l_int32 i, j, jd, w, wm, h, d, wpls, wpld, val;
+l_uint32 *datas, *datad, *lines, *lined;
+PIX *pixd;
+ PROCNAME("pixStretchHorizontalSampled");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
+ if (d != 1 && d != 8 && d != 32)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1, 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ if (dir != L_WARP_TO_LEFT && dir != L_WARP_TO_RIGHT)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid direction", procName, NULL);
+ if (type != L_LINEAR_WARP && type != L_QUADRATIC_WARP)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid type", procName, NULL);
+ if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);
+ pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
+ pixSetBlackOrWhite(pixd, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
+ datas = pixGetData(pixs);
+ datad = pixGetData(pixd);
+ wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
+ wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
+ wm = w - 1;
+ for (jd = 0; jd < w; jd++) {
+ if (dir == L_WARP_TO_LEFT) {
+ if (type == L_LINEAR_WARP)
+ j = jd - (hmax * (wm - jd)) / wm;
+ else /* L_QUADRATIC_WARP */
+ j = jd - (hmax * (wm - jd) * (wm - jd)) / (wm * wm);
+ } else if (dir == L_WARP_TO_RIGHT) {
+ if (type == L_LINEAR_WARP)
+ j = jd - (hmax * jd) / wm;
+ else /* L_QUADRATIC_WARP */
+ j = jd - (hmax * jd * jd) / (wm * wm);
+ }
+ if (j < 0 || j > w - 1) continue;
+ switch (d)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ val = GET_DATA_BIT(lines, j);
+ if (val)
+ SET_DATA_BIT(lined, jd);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ val = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, j);
+ SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, jd, val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ lined[jd] = lines[j];
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ L_ERROR("invalid depth: %d\n", procName, d);
+ pixDestroy(&pixd);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return pixd;
+ * \brief pixStretchHorizontalLI()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 1, 8 or 32 bpp
+ * \param[in] dir L_WARP_TO_LEFT or L_WARP_TO_RIGHT
+ * \param[in] type L_LINEAR_WARP or L_QUADRATIC_WARP
+ * \param[in] hmax horizontal displacement at edge
+ * \param[in] incolor L_BRING_IN_WHITE or L_BRING_IN_BLACK
+ * \return pixd stretched/compressed, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) See pixStretchHorizontal() for details.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixStretchHorizontalLI(PIX *pixs,
+ l_int32 dir,
+ l_int32 type,
+ l_int32 hmax,
+ l_int32 incolor)
+l_int32 i, j, jd, jp, jf, w, wm, h, d, wpls, wpld, val, rval, gval, bval;
+l_uint32 word0, word1;
+l_uint32 *datas, *datad, *lines, *lined;
+PIX *pixd;
+ PROCNAME("pixStretchHorizontalLI");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
+ if (d != 8 && d != 32)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ if (dir != L_WARP_TO_LEFT && dir != L_WARP_TO_RIGHT)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid direction", procName, NULL);
+ if (type != L_LINEAR_WARP && type != L_QUADRATIC_WARP)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid type", procName, NULL);
+ if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);
+ /* Standard linear interpolation, subdividing each pixel into 64 */
+ pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
+ pixSetBlackOrWhite(pixd, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
+ datas = pixGetData(pixs);
+ datad = pixGetData(pixd);
+ wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
+ wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
+ wm = w - 1;
+ for (jd = 0; jd < w; jd++) {
+ if (dir == L_WARP_TO_LEFT) {
+ if (type == L_LINEAR_WARP)
+ j = 64 * jd - 64 * (hmax * (wm - jd)) / wm;
+ else /* L_QUADRATIC_WARP */
+ j = 64 * jd - 64 * (hmax * (wm - jd) * (wm - jd)) / (wm * wm);
+ } else if (dir == L_WARP_TO_RIGHT) {
+ if (type == L_LINEAR_WARP)
+ j = 64 * jd - 64 * (hmax * jd) / wm;
+ else /* L_QUADRATIC_WARP */
+ j = 64 * jd - 64 * (hmax * jd * jd) / (wm * wm);
+ }
+ jp = j / 64;
+ jf = j & 0x3f;
+ if (jp < 0 || jp > wm) continue;
+ switch (d)
+ {
+ case 8:
+ if (jp < wm) {
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ val = ((63 - jf) * GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, jp) +
+ jf * GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, jp + 1) + 31) / 63;
+ SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, jd, val);
+ }
+ } else { /* jp == wm */
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ val = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, jp);
+ SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, jd, val);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ if (jp < wm) {
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ word0 = *(lines + jp);
+ word1 = *(lines + jp + 1);
+ rval = ((63 - jf) * ((word0 >> L_RED_SHIFT) & 0xff) +
+ jf * ((word1 >> L_RED_SHIFT) & 0xff) + 31) / 63;
+ gval = ((63 - jf) * ((word0 >> L_GREEN_SHIFT) & 0xff) +
+ jf * ((word1 >> L_GREEN_SHIFT) & 0xff) + 31) / 63;
+ bval = ((63 - jf) * ((word0 >> L_BLUE_SHIFT) & 0xff) +
+ jf * ((word1 >> L_BLUE_SHIFT) & 0xff) + 31) / 63;
+ composeRGBPixel(rval, gval, bval, lined + jd);
+ }
+ } else { /* jp == wm */
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + i * wpld;
+ lined[jd] = lines[jp];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ L_ERROR("invalid depth: %d\n", procName, d);
+ pixDestroy(&pixd);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return pixd;
+ * Quadratic vertical shear *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \brief pixQuadraticVShear()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 1, 8 or 32 bpp
+ * \param[in] dir L_WARP_TO_LEFT or L_WARP_TO_RIGHT
+ * \param[in] vmaxt max vertical displacement at edge and at top
+ * \param[in] vmaxb max vertical displacement at edge and at bottom
+ * \param[in] operation L_SAMPLED or L_INTERPOLATED
+ * \param[in] incolor L_BRING_IN_WHITE or L_BRING_IN_BLACK
+ * \return pixd stretched, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) This gives a quadratic bending, upward or downward, as you
+ * move to the left or right.
+ * (2) If %dir == L_WARP_TO_LEFT, the right edge is unchanged, and
+ * the left edge pixels are moved maximally up or down.
+ * (3) Parameters %vmaxt and %vmaxb control the maximum amount of
+ * vertical pixel shear at the top and bottom, respectively.
+ * If %vmaxt > 0, the vertical displacement of pixels at the
+ * top is downward. Likewise, if %vmaxb > 0, the vertical
+ * displacement of pixels at the bottom is downward.
+ * (4) If %operation == L_SAMPLED, the dest pixels are taken from
+ * the nearest src pixel. Otherwise, we use linear interpolation
+ * between pairs of sampled pixels.
+ * (5) This is for quadratic shear. For uniform (linear) shear,
+ * use the standard shear operators.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixQuadraticVShear(PIX *pixs,
+ l_int32 dir,
+ l_int32 vmaxt,
+ l_int32 vmaxb,
+ l_int32 operation,
+ l_int32 incolor)
+l_int32 w, h, d;
+ PROCNAME("pixQuadraticVShear");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
+ if (d != 1 && d != 8 && d != 32)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1, 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ if (dir != L_WARP_TO_LEFT && dir != L_WARP_TO_RIGHT)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid direction", procName, NULL);
+ if (operation != L_SAMPLED && operation != L_INTERPOLATED)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid operation", procName, NULL);
+ if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);
+ if (vmaxt == 0 && vmaxb == 0)
+ return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
+ if (operation == L_INTERPOLATED && d == 1) {
+ L_WARNING("no interpolation for 1 bpp; using sampling\n", procName);
+ operation = L_SAMPLED;
+ }
+ if (operation == L_SAMPLED)
+ return pixQuadraticVShearSampled(pixs, dir, vmaxt, vmaxb, incolor);
+ else /* operation == L_INTERPOLATED */
+ return pixQuadraticVShearLI(pixs, dir, vmaxt, vmaxb, incolor);
+ * \brief pixQuadraticVShearSampled()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 1, 8 or 32 bpp
+ * \param[in] dir L_WARP_TO_LEFT or L_WARP_TO_RIGHT
+ * \param[in] vmaxt max vertical displacement at edge and at top
+ * \param[in] vmaxb max vertical displacement at edge and at bottom
+ * \param[in] incolor L_BRING_IN_WHITE or L_BRING_IN_BLACK
+ * \return pixd stretched, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) See pixQuadraticVShear() for details.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixQuadraticVShearSampled(PIX *pixs,
+ l_int32 dir,
+ l_int32 vmaxt,
+ l_int32 vmaxb,
+ l_int32 incolor)
+l_int32 i, j, id, w, h, d, wm, hm, wpls, wpld, val;
+l_uint32 *datas, *datad, *lines, *lined;
+l_float32 delrowt, delrowb, denom1, denom2, dely;
+PIX *pixd;
+ PROCNAME("pixQuadraticVShearSampled");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
+ if (d != 1 && d != 8 && d != 32)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1, 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ if (dir != L_WARP_TO_LEFT && dir != L_WARP_TO_RIGHT)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid direction", procName, NULL);
+ if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);
+ if (vmaxt == 0 && vmaxb == 0)
+ return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
+ pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
+ pixSetBlackOrWhite(pixd, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
+ datas = pixGetData(pixs);
+ datad = pixGetData(pixd);
+ wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
+ wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
+ wm = w - 1;
+ hm = h - 1;
+ denom1 = 1. / (l_float32)h;
+ denom2 = 1. / (l_float32)(wm * wm);
+ for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
+ if (dir == L_WARP_TO_LEFT) {
+ delrowt = (l_float32)(vmaxt * (wm - j) * (wm - j)) * denom2;
+ delrowb = (l_float32)(vmaxb * (wm - j) * (wm - j)) * denom2;
+ } else if (dir == L_WARP_TO_RIGHT) {
+ delrowt = (l_float32)(vmaxt * j * j) * denom2;
+ delrowb = (l_float32)(vmaxb * j * j) * denom2;
+ }
+ switch (d)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ for (id = 0; id < h; id++) {
+ dely = (delrowt * (hm - id) + delrowb * id) * denom1;
+ i = id - (l_int32)(dely + 0.5);
+ if (i < 0 || i > hm) continue;
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + id * wpld;
+ val = GET_DATA_BIT(lines, j);
+ if (val)
+ SET_DATA_BIT(lined, j);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ for (id = 0; id < h; id++) {
+ dely = (delrowt * (hm - id) + delrowb * id) * denom1;
+ i = id - (l_int32)(dely + 0.5);
+ if (i < 0 || i > hm) continue;
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + id * wpld;
+ val = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, j);
+ SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ for (id = 0; id < h; id++) {
+ dely = (delrowt * (hm - id) + delrowb * id) * denom1;
+ i = id - (l_int32)(dely + 0.5);
+ if (i < 0 || i > hm) continue;
+ lines = datas + i * wpls;
+ lined = datad + id * wpld;
+ lined[j] = lines[j];
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ L_ERROR("invalid depth: %d\n", procName, d);
+ pixDestroy(&pixd);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return pixd;
+ * \brief pixQuadraticVShearLI()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pixs 8 or 32 bpp, or colormapped
+ * \param[in] dir L_WARP_TO_LEFT or L_WARP_TO_RIGHT
+ * \param[in] vmaxt max vertical displacement at edge and at top
+ * \param[in] vmaxb max vertical displacement at edge and at bottom
+ * \param[in] incolor L_BRING_IN_WHITE or L_BRING_IN_BLACK
+ * \return pixd stretched, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) See pixQuadraticVShear() for details.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixQuadraticVShearLI(PIX *pixs,
+ l_int32 dir,
+ l_int32 vmaxt,
+ l_int32 vmaxb,
+ l_int32 incolor)
+l_int32 i, j, id, yp, yf, w, h, d, wm, hm, wpls, wpld;
+l_int32 val, rval, gval, bval;
+l_uint32 word0, word1;
+l_uint32 *datas, *datad, *lines, *lined;
+l_float32 delrowt, delrowb, denom1, denom2, dely;
+PIX *pix, *pixd;
+PIXCMAP *cmap;
+ PROCNAME("pixQuadraticVShearLI");
+ if (!pixs)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
+ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
+ if (d == 1)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs is 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs);
+ if (d != 8 && d != 32 && !cmap)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8, 32 bpp, or cmap", procName, NULL);
+ if (dir != L_WARP_TO_LEFT && dir != L_WARP_TO_RIGHT)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid direction", procName, NULL);
+ if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);
+ if (vmaxt == 0 && vmaxb == 0)
+ return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
+ /* Remove any existing colormap */
+ if (cmap)
+ pix = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
+ else
+ pix = pixClone(pixs);
+ d = pixGetDepth(pix);
+ if (d != 8 && d != 32) {
+ pixDestroy(&pix);
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid depth", procName, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Standard linear interp: subdivide each pixel into 64 parts */
+ pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pix);
+ pixSetBlackOrWhite(pixd, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
+ datas = pixGetData(pix);
+ datad = pixGetData(pixd);
+ wpls = pixGetWpl(pix);
+ wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
+ wm = w - 1;
+ hm = h - 1;
+ denom1 = 1.0 / (l_float32)h;
+ denom2 = 1.0 / (l_float32)(wm * wm);
+ for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
+ if (dir == L_WARP_TO_LEFT) {
+ delrowt = (l_float32)(vmaxt * (wm - j) * (wm - j)) * denom2;
+ delrowb = (l_float32)(vmaxb * (wm - j) * (wm - j)) * denom2;
+ } else if (dir == L_WARP_TO_RIGHT) {
+ delrowt = (l_float32)(vmaxt * j * j) * denom2;
+ delrowb = (l_float32)(vmaxb * j * j) * denom2;
+ }
+ switch (d)
+ {
+ case 8:
+ for (id = 0; id < h; id++) {
+ dely = (delrowt * (hm - id) + delrowb * id) * denom1;
+ i = 64 * id - (l_int32)(64.0 * dely);
+ yp = i / 64;
+ yf = i & 63;
+ if (yp < 0 || yp > hm) continue;
+ lines = datas + yp * wpls;
+ lined = datad + id * wpld;
+ if (yp < hm) {
+ val = ((63 - yf) * GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, j) +
+ yf * GET_DATA_BYTE(lines + wpls, j) + 31) / 63;
+ } else { /* yp == hm */
+ val = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, j);
+ }
+ SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ for (id = 0; id < h; id++) {
+ dely = (delrowt * (hm - id) + delrowb * id) * denom1;
+ i = 64 * id - (l_int32)(64.0 * dely);
+ yp = i / 64;
+ yf = i & 63;
+ if (yp < 0 || yp > hm) continue;
+ lines = datas + yp * wpls;
+ lined = datad + id * wpld;
+ if (yp < hm) {
+ word0 = *(lines + j);
+ word1 = *(lines + wpls + j);
+ rval = ((63 - yf) * ((word0 >> L_RED_SHIFT) & 0xff) +
+ yf * ((word1 >> L_RED_SHIFT) & 0xff) + 31) / 63;
+ gval = ((63 - yf) * ((word0 >> L_GREEN_SHIFT) & 0xff) +
+ yf * ((word1 >> L_GREEN_SHIFT) & 0xff) + 31) / 63;
+ bval = ((63 - yf) * ((word0 >> L_BLUE_SHIFT) & 0xff) +
+ yf * ((word1 >> L_BLUE_SHIFT) & 0xff) + 31) / 63;
+ composeRGBPixel(rval, gval, bval, lined + j);
+ } else { /* yp == hm */
+ lined[j] = lines[j];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ L_ERROR("invalid depth: %d\n", procName, d);
+ pixDestroy(&pix);
+ pixDestroy(&pixd);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ pixDestroy(&pix);
+ return pixd;
+ * Stereo from a pair of images *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \brief pixStereoFromPair()
+ *
+ * \param[in] pix1 32 bpp rgb
+ * \param[in] pix2 32 bpp rgb
+ * \param[in] rwt, gwt, bwt weighting factors used for each component in
+ pix1 to determine the output red channel
+ * \return pixd stereo enhanced, or NULL on error
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) pix1 and pix2 are a pair of stereo images, ideally taken
+ * concurrently in the same plane, with some lateral translation.
+ * (2) The output red channel is determined from %pix1.
+ * The output green and blue channels are taken from the green
+ * and blue channels, respectively, of %pix2.
+ * (3) The weights determine how much of each component in %pix1
+ * goes into the output red channel. The sum of weights
+ * must be 1.0. If it's not, we scale the weights to
+ * satisfy this criterion.
+ * (4) The most general pixel mapping allowed here is:
+ * rval = rwt * r1 + gwt * g1 + bwt * b1 (from pix1)
+ * gval = g2 (from pix2)
+ * bval = b2 (from pix2)
+ * (5) The simplest method is to use rwt = 1.0, gwt = 0.0, bwt = 0.0,
+ * but this causes unpleasant visual artifacts with red in the image.
+ * Use of green and blue from %pix1 in the red channel,
+ * instead of red, tends to fix that problem.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+PIX *
+pixStereoFromPair(PIX *pix1,
+ PIX *pix2,
+ l_float32 rwt,
+ l_float32 gwt,
+ l_float32 bwt)
+l_int32 i, j, w, h, wpl1, wpl2, rval, gval, bval;
+l_uint32 word1, word2;
+l_uint32 *data1, *data2, *datad, *line1, *line2, *lined;
+l_float32 sum;
+PIX *pixd;
+ PROCNAME("pixStereoFromPair");
+ if (!pix1 || !pix2)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix1, pix2 not both defined", procName, NULL);
+ if (pixGetDepth(pix1) != 32 || pixGetDepth(pix2) != 32)
+ return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix1, pix2 not both 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
+ /* Make sure the sum of weights is 1.0; otherwise, you can get
+ * overflow in the gray value. */
+ if (rwt == 0.0 && gwt == 0.0 && bwt == 0.0) {
+ rwt = DefaultRedWeight;
+ gwt = DefaultGreenWeight;
+ bwt = DefaultBlueWeight;
+ }
+ sum = rwt + gwt + bwt;
+ if (L_ABS(sum - 1.0) > 0.0001) { /* maintain ratios with sum == 1.0 */
+ L_WARNING("weights don't sum to 1; maintaining ratios\n", procName);
+ rwt = rwt / sum;
+ gwt = gwt / sum;
+ bwt = bwt / sum;
+ }
+ pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w, &h, NULL);
+ pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pix1);
+ data1 = pixGetData(pix1);
+ data2 = pixGetData(pix2);
+ datad = pixGetData(pixd);
+ wpl1 = pixGetWpl(pix1);
+ wpl2 = pixGetWpl(pix2);
+ for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+ line1 = data1 + i * wpl1;
+ line2 = data2 + i * wpl2;
+ lined = datad + i * wpl1; /* wpl1 works for pixd */
+ for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
+ word1 = *(line1 + j);
+ word2 = *(line2 + j);
+ rval = (l_int32)(rwt * ((word1 >> L_RED_SHIFT) & 0xff) +
+ gwt * ((word1 >> L_GREEN_SHIFT) & 0xff) +
+ bwt * ((word1 >> L_BLUE_SHIFT) & 0xff) + 0.5);
+ gval = (word2 >> L_GREEN_SHIFT) & 0xff;
+ bval = (word2 >> L_BLUE_SHIFT) & 0xff;
+ composeRGBPixel(rval, gval, bval, lined + j);
+ }
+ }
+ return pixd;