diff options
authorThomas Deutschmann <>2019-10-15 12:24:12 +0200
committerThomas Deutschmann <>2020-08-13 11:26:55 +0200
commite088156d5b620e5e639580dacf85c6dc13823c74 (patch)
tree57f5c025e203279944da512166c20bc0521d8ccd /toolbin/tmake.tcl
Import Ghostscript 9.50ghostscript-9.50
Signed-off-by: Thomas Deutschmann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'toolbin/tmake.tcl')
1 files changed, 916 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolbin/tmake.tcl b/toolbin/tmake.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..744c8c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolbin/tmake.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+# hack to restart using tclsh \
+exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
+# implied.
+# This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
+# modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
+# of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
+# Refer to licensing information at or contact
+# Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
+# CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
+# tmake is intended to be a drop-in replacement for a large and
+# useful subset of 'make'. It compiles makefiles into Tcl scripts
+# (lazily) and then executes the scripts. It requires makefiles to be
+# well-behaved:
+# - If a rule body modifies a file, then either that file is a
+# target of the rule, or the file is not a target or dependent
+# of any rule.
+# - If a rule body reads a file, then either that file is a
+# dependent of the rule, or the file is not a target of any rule.
+# - No target is the target of more than one rule.
+# When tmake executes a build rule, it also optionally checks whether the
+# dependencies in the makefile are up to date. It can also do some
+# Ghostscript-specific checks:
+# - The definition of xxx_h must be the list of files included
+# (directly or indirectly) by xxx.h.
+# - If a rule command includes the word "-include", then for
+# dependency checking, .dev is appended to any further words in that
+# command.
+# Define the backward-compatibility version of this file.
+#****** -j doesn't work yet ******#
+# The following switches set the corresponding global variables used during
+# execution of the compiled makefile:
+set O(-d) {DEBUG o_01} ;# print a debugging trace
+set O(-i) {IGNORE_ERRORS o_01} ;# ignore errors in rule bodies
+set O(-j) {MAX_JOBS o_max} ;# maximum number of concurrent rule
+ ;# executions (NYI)
+set O(-k) {KEEP_GOING o_01} ;# continue past errors, but don't build
+ ;# anything affected
+set O(-l) {MAX_LOAD o_max} ;# maximum load for parallel execution
+set O(-n) {DRYRUN o_01} ;# just print commands, don't execute them
+set O(-s) {SILENT o_01} ;# don't print commands
+set O(--check-dependencies)\
+ {CHECK_DEPENDENCIES o_01};# check dependency lists against sources
+set O(--check-gs-dependencies)\
+ {CHECK_GS_DEPENDENCIES o_01};# check GS-specific dependencies
+set O(--warn-multiply-defined-variables)\
+ {WARN_MULTIPLE o_01} ;# warn about variables defined more than once,
+ ;# even if the definitions are identical
+set O(--warn-redefined-variables)\
+ {WARN_REDEFINED o_01} ;# warn about redefined variables
+set O(--warn-undefined-variables)\
+ {WARN_UNDEFINED o_01} ;# warn about undefined variables (every time)
+set O(--warn-undefined-variables-once)\
+ {WARN_UNDEFINED_ONCE o_01};# warn about undefined variables (only once)
+# The following additional globals are defined during execution
+# MAKEFLAGS - flags for recursive invocations
+set CHECKS [list\
+set WARNINGS [list\
+set OPTIONS {}
+foreach opt [array names O] {lappend OPTIONS [lindex $O($opt) 0]}
+proc init_globals {} {
+ foreach v $GLOBALS {global $v}
+ foreach v $OPTIONS {set $v 0}
+ set MAKEFLAGS ""
+ set MAX_JOBS 1
+ set MAX_LOAD 99999
+# ================ Compiled script conventions ================ #
+# Rule T1 ... Tk : D1 ... Dm
+# B1
+# ...
+# Bn
+# becomes
+# L <sourceline>; R "T1 ... Tk" "list D1 ... Dm" "list B1 ... Bn"
+# Macro definition XYZ = DEF becomes
+# L <sourceline>; P XYZ DEF
+# Macro usage $(XYZ) becomes [_XYZ] so we can use Tcl's 'unknown' facility
+# to default macro values to the empty string, since Tcl apparently does
+# not provide a way to trap references to undefined variables.
+# At run time, for each target or dependent ABC, the procedure [@ABC]
+# builds ABC (if necessary) and returns its build time.
+# ================ Command line processing ================ #
+# Argument type handlers
+proc o_01 {vvar argv} {
+ upvar $vvar var
+ set var 1
+ return 0
+proc o_max {vvar argv} {
+ upvar $vvar var
+ if {[llength $argv] > 1 && [regexp {^[0-9]+$} [lindex $argv 1]]} {
+ set var [lindex $argv 1]; return 1
+ } else {
+ set var 99999; return 0
+ }
+proc tmake_args {args} {
+ foreach v $GLOBALS {global $v}
+ set argv $args
+ while {[llength $argv] > 0} {
+ set n 0
+ set copy 1
+ set arg [lindex $argv 0]
+ switch -glob -- $arg {
+ -C { # -C is not implemented
+ set copy 0
+ }
+ --check-all {
+ foreach v $CHECKS {set $v 1}
+ }
+ --compile-only { # compile-time switch only
+ set COMPILE 1
+ }
+ -f {set MAKEFILE [lindex $argv 1]; set n 1; set copy 0}
+ -m { # -m is ignored for compatibility with GNU make;
+ # also, because MAKEFLAGS omits the initial '-', we need a
+ # dummy switch in case there are variable definitions (!).
+ set copy 0
+ }
+ --warn-all {
+ foreach v $WARNINGS {set $v 1}
+ }
+ -* {
+ if [info exists O($arg)] {
+ set opt $O($arg)
+ set n [[lindex $opt 1] [lindex $opt 0] $argv]
+ } else {
+ puts "Unknown option: $arg"
+ puts {Usage: tmake (<option> | <var>=<value> | <target>)*}
+ puts {Options:}
+ puts { --check-all --check-dependencies --check-gs-dependencies}
+ puts { --compile-only -d -i -k -n -s}
+ puts { --warn-all --warn-multiply-defined-variables --warn-redefined-variables}
+ puts { --warn-undefined-variables --warn-undefined-variables-once}
+ puts { -f <file> -j <jobs> -l <load>}
+ exit
+ }
+ }
+ *=* {
+ regexp {^([^=]*)=(.*)$} $arg skip lhs rhs
+ lappend DEFINES [list $lhs $rhs]
+ set copy 0
+ }
+ default {
+ lappend TARGETS $arg
+ set copy 0
+ }
+ }
+ if $copy {lappend MAKEFLAGS [lrange $argv 0 $n]}
+ set argv [lreplace $argv 0 $n]
+ }
+proc tmake {args} {
+ global argv0
+ foreach v $GLOBALS {global $v}
+ set TMAKE_TIME [file mtime $argv0]
+ init_globals
+ set MAKEFILE makefile
+ set TARGETS ""
+ set DEFINES [list]
+ set COMPILE 0
+ set JOBS {}
+ eval tmake_args $args
+ # POSIX requires the following nonsense:
+ regsub {^-([^-])} $MAKEFLAGS {\1} MAKEFLAGS
+ if {$MAKEFLAGS == ""} {set MAKEFLAGS m}
+ foreach d $DEFINES {
+ append MAKEFLAGS " [lindex $d 0]='[lindex $d 1]'"
+ }
+ init_definition
+ foreach d $DEFINES {
+ catch {unset _[lindex $d 0]}
+ V [lindex $d 0] [lindex $d 1] command-line
+ set _($d) 1
+ }
+ if {$COMPILE} {
+ # Just compile the given makefile(s).
+ } {
+ # Build the selected targets.
+ init_execution
+ foreach t $TARGETS {
+ global errorInfo TARGET_FAILED
+ switch [set status [catch "@$t" result]] {
+ 0 {continue}
+ 1 {if {$TARGET_FAILED != ""} {exit 1}}
+ }
+ puts stderr $errorInfo
+ exit $status
+ }
+ }
+# ================ Compilation ================ #
+# ---------------- Utilities ---------------- #
+# Convert variable references from $(vname) to [_vname],
+# escape characters that need to be quoted within "",
+# and surround the result with "".
+proc quote {defn {refsvar ""}} {
+ set orig $defn
+ set fixed ""
+ set refs {}
+ while {[regexp {^(([^$]|\$[^$(])*)\$(\$|\(([^)]*)\))(.*)$} $orig skip pre skip2 dollar var orig]} {
+ regsub -all {([][\"$])} $pre {\\\1} pre
+ if {$dollar == "\$"} {
+ append fixed "$pre\\\$"
+ } else {
+ append fixed "$pre\[_$var\]"
+ }
+ lappend refs $var
+ }
+ regsub -all {([][\"$])} $orig {\\\1} orig
+ append fixed $orig
+ if {[string match {*[ \\]*} $fixed] || $fixed == ""} {
+ return "\"$fixed\""
+ }
+ if {$refsvar != ""} {
+ upvar $refsvar rv
+ set rv $refs
+ }
+ return $fixed
+# ---------------- Writing ---------------- #
+# Write the boilerplate at the beginning of the converted file.
+proc write_header {out fname} {
+ puts $out {#!/bin/tcl}
+ puts $out "# $fname created [exec date] by tmake with"
+ puts $out "# TMAKE_VERSION = ${TMAKE_VERSION}"
+ set id $TMAKE_ID
+ regexp {^[$]Id: (.*) [$]$} $id skip id
+ puts $out "# TMAKE_ID = $id"
+# Write the definition of a macro.
+proc write_macro {out var defn linenum} {
+ puts $out "L [list $linenum];P $var {[quote $defn]}"
+# Write an 'include'.
+proc write_include {out fname} {
+ puts $out "tsource [quote $fname] $TMAKE_VERSION"
+# Write a rule.
+proc write_rule {out targets deps commands linenum} {
+ # Convert all uses of 'make' or $(MAKE) in rule bodies to tmake.
+ set body list
+ foreach c $commands {
+ regsub {^(make|\$\(MAKE\)) } $c {tmake $(MAKEFLAGS) MAKELEVEL=$(MAKELEVEL_1) } c
+ append body " [quote $c]"
+ }
+ puts $out "L [list $linenum];R [quote $targets] [quote [string trim $deps]] [list $body]"
+# ---------------- Top level ---------------- #
+proc lgets {in lvar lnvar} {
+ upvar $lvar line $lnvar linenum
+ set line ""
+ set len [gets $in line]
+ if {$len < 0} {return $len}
+ incr linenum
+ while {[regsub {\\$} $line {} line]} {
+ if {[gets $in l] < 0} {break}
+ incr linenum
+ append line $l
+ }
+ return [string length $line]
+proc mak2tcl {inname {outname ""}} {
+ set in [open $inname]
+ if {$outname == ""} {
+ set out stdout
+ } {
+ set out [open $outname w]
+ }
+ write_header $out $outname
+ set linenum 1
+ set line ""
+ while {1} {
+ while {$line == ""} {
+ set lnfirst $linenum
+ if {[lgets $in line linenum] < 0} break
+ }
+ if {$line == ""} break
+ if {[string index $line 0] == "#"} {
+ set line ""
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^([0-9A-Za-z_]+)[ ]*=[ ]*(.*)[ ]*$} $line skip var defn]} {
+ write_macro $out $var $defn ${inname}:$lnfirst
+ set line ""
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^([^:]+):(.*)$} $line skip targets deps]} {
+ set commands {}
+ while {[lgets $in line linenum] > 0 && [regexp {^[# ]} $line]} {
+ regsub {^[ ]} $line {} line
+ lappend commands $line
+ }
+ write_rule $out $targets $deps $commands ${inname}:$lnfirst
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^(!|)include[ ]+("|)([^ "]*)("|)$} $line skip skip2 skip3 fname]} {
+ write_include $out $fname
+ set line ""
+ continue
+ }
+ # Recognize some GNU constructs
+ if {[regexp {^unexport } $line]} {
+ set line ""
+ continue
+ }
+ puts "${inname}:$lnfirst: Unrecognized line: $line"
+ set line ""
+ }
+ if {$out != "stdout"} {
+ close $out
+ }
+ close $in
+proc tcompile {fname version} {
+ global TMAKE_TIME
+ set mf $fname
+ while {![catch {set mf [file readlink $mf]}]} {}
+ set tf ${mf}.tcl
+ if {![file exists $tf] || [file mtime $tf] < [file mtime $mf] || [file mtime $tf] < $TMAKE_TIME} {
+ puts "Compiling $mf to $tf."
+ flush stdout
+ mak2tcl $mf $tf
+ }
+ return $tf
+# ================ Runtime support ================ #
+# The R procedure numbers rules consecutively. For rule i:
+# C(i) is the rule body (a list of shell command lines)
+# T(i) is the list of targets
+# N(target) is the source line number
+# Other runtime global variables:
+# I counts the number of defined rules
+# DEPS(file) is the implicit dependencies for a file
+# ---------------- Definition ---------------- #
+proc init_definition {} {
+ global DEBUG I DEPS
+ set I 0
+ catch {unset DEPS}
+ if {$DEBUG} {
+ proc ifdebug {script} {uplevel $script}
+ } {
+ proc ifdebug {script} {}
+ }
+ V MAKELEVEL 0 implicit
+proc var_value {var} {
+ # Skip over the "return"
+ set value [info body _$var]
+ if {[regexp "^proc _$var {} \\\[list return (.*)\\\];" $value skip value]} {
+ } else {
+ regexp {^return (.*)$} $value skip value
+ }
+ return $value
+proc unsubst_vars {defn} {
+ set result ""
+ while {[regexp {^((\\.|[^\\[])*)\[_([^]]*)\](.*)$} $defn skip before skip2 var defn]} {
+ set result "${result}${before}\$\($var\)"
+ }
+ return "${result}${defn}"
+proc redefined {var value lnum} {
+ if {$WARN_MULTIPLE || ($WARN_REDEFINED && $value != [var_value $var])} {
+ global _
+ set old_lnum $_($var)
+ if {!(($old_lnum == "default" || $old_lnum == "implicit") && $lnum == "command-line")} {
+ set old_value [var_value $var]
+ puts "${lnum}: warning: variable `$var' redefined as [unsubst_vars $value]"
+ puts "${old_lnum}: variable `$var' previously defined as [unsubst_vars $old_value]"
+ }
+ }
+# Set the source line number.
+proc L {lnum} {
+ global LN
+ set LN $lnum
+# Record a macro value.
+proc V {var value lnum} {
+ global _
+ if {![info exists _($var)]} {
+ ifdebug {puts "$var=$value"}
+ set _($var) $lnum
+ proc _$var {} [list return $value]
+ } elseif {[set old $_($var)] == "default"} {
+ unset _($var)
+ V $var $value $lnum
+ } elseif {$old != "command-line"} {
+ redefined $var $value $lnum
+ unset _($var)
+ V $var $value $lnum
+ }
+# Define a macro.
+proc P {var vexpr} {
+ global _ LN
+ if {![info exists _($var)]} {
+ ifdebug {puts "$var=$vexpr"}
+ set _($var) $LN
+ proc _$var {} "proc _$var {} \[list return $vexpr\];_$var"
+ } elseif {[set old $_($var)] == "default"} {
+ unset _($var)
+ P $var $vexpr
+ } elseif {$old != "command-line"} {
+ redefined $var $vexpr $LN
+ unset _($var)
+ P $var $vexpr
+ }
+# Define a rule.
+# Record the very first target as the default target.
+proc R {tl dl body} {
+ global TARGETS
+ if {$TARGETS == ""} {
+ lappend TARGETS [lindex $tl 0]
+ }
+ proc R {tl dl body} {
+ global C I N T LN
+ set C([incr I]) $body
+ foreach t [set T($I) $tl] {
+ set N($t) $LN
+ proc @$t {} [list target $t $dl $I]
+ }
+ ifdebug {puts "#${I}: ${LN}: $tl <= $dl"}
+ }
+ R $tl $dl $body
+# ---------------- Dependency checking ---------------- #
+# Normalize a file name by removing all occurrences of ./,
+# all occurrences of <dir>/../,
+# and any occurrences of ../<dir>/ that are vacuous relative to CWD.
+proc normalize_fname {fname} {
+ global CWD
+ set parts {}
+ set count 0
+ foreach part [split $fname /] {
+ if {$part == "" || $part == "."} continue
+ if {$part == ".."} {
+ if {$parts == ""} {
+ incr count
+ } else {
+ set parts [lreplace $parts end end]
+ }
+ } else {
+ lappend parts $part
+ }
+ }
+ if {$parts == ""} {return /}
+ set i [expr [llength $CWD] - $count]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ while {$count > 0 && $parts != "" && [lindex $CWD $i] == [lindex $parts 0]} {
+ set parts [lrange $parts 1 end]
+ incr count -1
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+ while {$count > 0} {
+ set parts ".. $parts"
+ incr count -1
+ }
+ if {$parts == ""} {return .}
+ return [join $parts /]
+proc normalize_tail {fname} {
+ return [file tail [normalize_fname $fname]]
+# Return the indirect dependencies of a .c / .cpp / .h file.
+set EXTDEPS(.c) c_deps
+set EXTDEPS(.cpp) c_deps
+proc c_deps {dep} {
+ global errorCode
+ set list ""
+ set gre {^#[ ]*include[ ]+\"|/\*|\*/}
+ set re {^#[\ \ ]*include[\ \ ]+"([^"]*)"}
+ set out ""
+ if {[catch {set out [exec egrep $gre $dep]}] != 0 && !([lindex $errorCode 0] == "CHILDSTATUS" && [lindex $errorCode 2] == 1)} {
+ tmake_error "Can't read $dep for dependency check."
+ } else {
+ set active 1
+ foreach inc [split $out "\n"] {
+ # The handling of comment brackets isn't quite right,
+ # but it's good enough for all likely uses.
+ if [regexp $re $inc skip fname] {
+ if $active {lappend list $fname}
+ } elseif {[string first */ $inc] >= 0} {
+ set active 1
+ } elseif {[string first /* $inc] >= 0} {
+ set active 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ifdebug {puts "deps: $dep => $list"}
+ return $list
+set EXTDEPS(.h) h_deps
+proc h_deps {dep} {
+ set list [c_deps $dep]
+ set DEPS($dep) $list ;# do early for check_dep_set
+ if {$CHECK_GS_DEPENDENCIES && [regsub {\.h$} [normalize_tail $dep] _h var] != 0 && [info procs _$var] != ""} {
+ check_dep_set $var [_$var] [list $dep] "" $_($var)
+ }
+ return $list
+proc deps {dep} {
+ if [info exists DEPS($dep)] {
+ return $DEPS($dep)
+ }
+ set extn [file extension $dep]
+ if {![info exists EXTDEPS($extn)]} {
+ # No information.
+ return ""
+ }
+ return [set DEPS($dep) [$EXTDEPS($extn) $dep]]
+# Check the dependencies of a rule or _h definition.
+proc check_dep_set {target deplist rootlist extraroots lnum} {
+ # What we require is that the set of files in the dependency list is
+ # identical (considering only the tails) to the set of files in the
+ # transitive closure, under the operation of getting indirect
+ # dependencies, of the set of root files.
+ foreach d $deplist {set isdep([normalize_tail $d]) $d}
+ foreach r $extraroots {set isroot([normalize_tail $r]) $r}
+ set roots $rootlist
+ while {$roots != ""} {
+ set root [lindex $roots 0]
+ set roots [lrange $roots 1 end]
+ set norm [normalize_tail $root]
+ set isroot($norm) $root
+ if {![info exists isdep($norm)]} {
+ set missing($norm) 1
+ }
+ foreach inc [deps $root] {
+ set norm [normalize_tail $inc]
+ if [info exists isdep($norm)] {
+ lappend roots $isdep($norm)
+ } else {
+ set missing($norm) 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[array size missing] > 0} {
+ puts "${lnum}: $target is missing dependencies: [array names missing]"
+ }
+ # Now the only elements left in isdep that aren't in isroot are ones
+ # that weren't in the transitive closure, which is an error.
+ if {[array size isdep] > 0} {
+ set extra ""
+ foreach d [array names isdep] {
+ if {![info exists isroot($d)]} {lappend extra $d}
+ }
+ if {$extra != ""} {
+ puts "${lnum}: $target has extra dependencies: $extra"
+ }
+ }
+# Check the dependencies of a rule about to be executed.
+proc check_deps {i dl} {
+ # The root files are those files in the dependency list that are
+ # mentioned in some command in the rule body. This is not foolproof,
+ # but it is a very good heuristic.
+ global C N T
+ foreach d $deplist {set isdep([normalize_tail $d]) $d}
+ set roots ""
+ foreach cmd [eval $C($i)] {
+ foreach word [split $cmd { '"`;}] {
+ if [info exists isdep([normalize_tail $word])] {
+ lappend roots $word
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set xroots ""
+ if [regexp {^(.*):[0-9]+$} $lnum skip fname] {
+ lappend xroots $fname
+ }
+ ifdebug {puts "roots: $roots"}
+ set targets $T($i)
+ check_dep_set [string trim $targets] $roots $xroots $N([lindex $targets 0])
+# ---------------- Execution ---------------- #
+# For each rule i needing execution:
+# S(i) is the rule's execution status:
+# -2 if the rule has not been executed yet
+# -1 if the rule is being executed
+# 0 if the rule completed execution successfully
+# >0 (the exit status) if execution ended with an error
+# W(i) is the list of rules with S() < 0 that must be executed
+# before rule i
+# A(i) is the list of rules j such that W(j) includes i
+# In addition,
+# PW(j) == i for some j, 0 <= j < [array size PW], iff S(i) == -2
+# PX(j) == i for some j, 0 <= j < [array size PX], iff S(i) == -1
+proc init_execution {} {
+ global CWD
+ set CWD [split [exec pwd] /]
+ if {[lindex $CWD 0] == ""} {
+ set CWD [lrange $CWD 1 end]
+ }
+ foreach v {S W A PW PX} {
+ global $v
+ catch {unset $v}
+ }
+# Patch in case we're running a pre-8.0 tcl.
+if {[info command clock] == ""} {
+ proc clock {ignore} {exec date +%s}
+# Replace the following on systems that don't have /proc
+# (don't ask me how!).
+proc proc_loadavg {} {
+ set fid [open /proc/loadavg]
+ set load [lindex [read $fid] 0]
+ close $fid
+ return $load
+proc proc_exists {pid} {
+ return [file exists /proc/$pid]
+proc tset {p t} {
+ proc @$p {} [list return $t]
+ ifdebug {puts "ftime($p) <- $t"}
+# Handle an undefined variable.
+proc unknown_ {cmd var} {
+ puts "${LN}: warning: undefined variable `$var'"
+ } else {
+ set def 1
+ }
+ if {$def} {V $var "" default}
+ return ""
+# Handle an undefined dependent.
+proc unknown@ {cmd var} {
+ if {[catch {tset $var [file mtime $var]}]} {
+ set tlist "$var"
+ set i -1
+ puts "*** No rule to make target $var"
+ catch {while {1} {
+ set cmd [info level $i]
+ if {[lindex $cmd 0] == "target"} {
+ set t [lindex $cmd 1]
+ if {[info exists N($t)]} {
+ set at "$N($t):"
+ } {
+ set at ""
+ }
+ puts "\trequired by ${at}$t"
+ }
+ incr i -1
+ }}
+ puts "*** Can't continue."
+ set TARGET_FAILED $var
+ return -errorcode error
+ }
+ return [$cmd]
+# Hook into tcl's undefined-procedure mechanism.
+rename unknown old_unknown
+proc unknown {cmd args} {
+ if {[regexp {^([_@])(.*)$} $cmd skip 1st var]} {
+ if {$args == ""} {return [unknown$1st $cmd $var]}
+ }
+ eval old_unknown [concat [list $cmd] $args]
+proc reap_jobs {} {
+ global JOBS
+ set jobs {}
+ foreach j $JOBS {
+ if {[proc_exists [lindex $j 0]]} {
+ lappend jobs $j
+ }
+ }
+ set JOBS $jobs
+proc shell_exec {cmds} {
+ set args [list sh -c - $cmds <@ stdin >@ stdout 2>@ stderr]
+ if {$MAX_JOBS <= 1} {
+ return [eval exec $args]
+ }
+ while {[llength $JOBS] > 0 &&
+ ([llength $JOBS] > $MAX_JOBS || [proc_loadavg] >= $MAX_LOAD)} {
+ # There doesn't seem to be any standard way of either yielding
+ # the CPU, or sleeping for less than 1 second....
+ reap_jobs
+ }
+ lappend JOBS [eval exec $args &]
+# Print an error message.
+proc tmake_error {str} {
+ set level [_MAKELEVEL]
+ if {$level == 0} {set level ""} {set level "\[$level\]"}
+ puts "tmake$level: *** $str"
+# Execute the commands in the body of rule i.
+proc rexec {i dl} {
+ set cmds [eval $C($i)]
+ set ok 1
+ check_deps $i $dl
+ }
+ if {$DRYRUN} {
+ foreach c $cmds {
+ if {!$SILENT || ![regexp {^@} $c]} {puts $c}
+ }
+ flush stdout
+ } else {
+ set status 0
+ foreach c $cmds {
+ if {!([regsub {^@} $c "" c] || $SILENT)} {puts $c}
+ set ignore [regsub {^-} $c "" c]
+ set status [catch {shell_exec $c}]
+ if {$status != 0 && !($ignore || $IGNORE_ERRORS)} {break}
+ }
+ flush stdout
+ if {$status} {
+ set info $errorCode
+ set code 255
+ catch {
+ if {[lindex $info 0] == "CHILDSTATUS"} {
+ set code [lindex $info 2]
+ }
+ }
+ tmake_error "\[$T($i)\] Error $code"
+ if {!$IGNORE_ERRORS} {
+ if {!$KEEP_GOING} {exit $code}
+ set ok 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Set the last mod time of dummy targets to -infinity, so that they
+ # won't force their dependents to rebuild.
+ foreach t $T($i) {
+ if {[file exists $t]} {
+ tset $t [file mtime $t]
+ } {
+ tset $t -0x80000000
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok
+proc target {t dl i} {
+ if {[catch {set mt [file mtime $t]}]} {
+ ifdebug {puts "no ttime($t)"}
+ foreach d $dl {@$d}
+ rexec $i $dl
+ return [@$t]
+ }
+ ifdebug {puts "ttime($t)=$mt"}
+ set do 0
+ # The 'functional' interpretation of dependency would allow us
+ # to stop as soon as we reach the first dependent that is newer
+ # than the target, but all 'make' programs build all dependents,
+ # and some 'operational' rules depend on this.
+ foreach d $dl {
+ # For safety, the following test should be a >= rather than a >,
+ # but this causes excessive unnecessary rebuilding because of
+ # rules whose bodies take <1 second to execute.
+ if {[@$d] > $mt} {
+ ifdebug {puts "time($d)=[@$d] > ttime($t)=$mt"}
+ set do 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {$do} {rexec $i $dl; return [@$t]}
+ tset $t $mt
+ ifdebug {puts "OK: $t"}
+ return $mt
+proc _MAKEFLAGS {} {
+ global MAKEFLAGS
+ set flags $MAKEFLAGS
+ if {[regexp {^[^-]} $flags]} {set flags "-$flags"}
+ V MAKEFLAGS $flags implicit
+ return $flags
+proc _MAKELEVEL_1 {} {
+ V MAKELEVEL_1 [set level1 [expr [_MAKELEVEL] + 1]] implicit
+ return $level1
+proc tsource {fname {version 0}} {
+ set tf [tcompile $fname $version]
+ uplevel [list source $tf]
+# ================ Do it ================ #
+eval tmake $argv