from pypy import conftest class AppTestBytesArray: def setup_class(cls): cls.w_runappdirect = def test_basics(self): b = bytearray() assert type(b) is bytearray assert b.__class__ is bytearray def test_constructor(self): assert bytearray() == "" assert bytearray('abc') == "abc" assert bytearray(['a', 'b', 'c']) == "abc" assert bytearray([65, 66, 67]) == "ABC" assert bytearray(5) == '\0' * 5 raises(ValueError, bytearray, ['a', 'bc']) raises(ValueError, bytearray, [65, -3]) raises(TypeError, bytearray, [65.0]) raises(ValueError, bytearray, -1) def test_init_override(self): class subclass(bytearray): def __init__(self, newarg=1, *args, **kwargs): bytearray.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) x = subclass(4, source="abcd") assert x == "abcd" def test_encoding(self): data = u"Hello world\n\u1234\u5678\u9abc\def0\def0" for encoding in 'utf8', 'utf16': b = bytearray(data, encoding) assert b == data.encode(encoding) raises(TypeError, bytearray, 9, 'utf8') def test_encoding_with_ignore_errors(self): data = u"H\u1234" b = bytearray(data, "latin1", errors="ignore") assert b == "H" def test_len(self): b = bytearray('test') assert len(b) == 4 def test_nohash(self): raises(TypeError, hash, bytearray()) def test_repr(self): assert repr(bytearray()) == "bytearray(b'')" assert repr(bytearray('test')) == "bytearray(b'test')" assert repr(bytearray("d'oh")) == r'bytearray(b"d\'oh")' assert repr(bytearray('d"oh')) == 'bytearray(b\'d"oh\')' assert repr(bytearray('d"\'oh')) == 'bytearray(b\'d"\\\'oh\')' assert repr(bytearray('d\'"oh')) == 'bytearray(b\'d\\\'"oh\')' def test_str(self): assert str(bytearray()) == "" assert str(bytearray('test')) == "test" assert str(bytearray("d'oh")) == "d'oh" def test_getitem(self): b = bytearray('test') assert b[0] == ord('t') assert b[2] == ord('s') raises(IndexError, b.__getitem__, 4) assert b[1:5] == bytearray('est') assert b[slice(1,5)] == bytearray('est') def test_arithmetic(self): b1 = bytearray('hello ') b2 = bytearray('world') assert b1 + b2 == bytearray('hello world') assert b1 * 2 == bytearray('hello hello ') assert b1 * 1 is not b1 b3 = b1 b3 *= 3 assert b3 == 'hello hello hello ' assert type(b3) == bytearray assert b3 is b1 def test_contains(self): assert ord('l') in bytearray('hello') assert 'l' in bytearray('hello') assert bytearray('ll') in bytearray('hello') assert memoryview('ll') in bytearray('hello') raises(TypeError, lambda: u'foo' in bytearray('foobar')) def test_splitlines(self): b = bytearray('1234') assert b.splitlines()[0] == b assert b.splitlines()[0] is not b assert len(bytearray('foo\nbar').splitlines()) == 2 for item in bytearray('foo\nbar').splitlines(): assert isinstance(item, bytearray) def test_ord(self): b = bytearray('\0A\x7f\x80\xff') assert ([ord(b[i:i+1]) for i in range(len(b))] == [0, 65, 127, 128, 255]) raises(TypeError, ord, bytearray('ll')) raises(TypeError, ord, bytearray()) def test_translate(self): b = 'hello' ba = bytearray(b) rosetta = bytearray(range(0, 256)) rosetta[ord('o')] = ord('e') for table in rosetta, str(rosetta): c = ba.translate(table) assert ba == bytearray('hello') assert c == bytearray('helle') c = ba.translate(rosetta, 'l') assert c == bytearray('hee') assert isinstance(c, bytearray) def test_strip(self): b = bytearray('mississippi ') assert b.strip() == 'mississippi' assert b.strip(None) == 'mississippi' b = bytearray('mississippi') for strip_type in str, memoryview, buffer: print 'strip_type', strip_type assert b.strip(strip_type('i')) == 'mississipp' assert b.strip(strip_type('m')) == 'ississippi' assert b.strip(strip_type('pi')) == 'mississ' assert b.strip(strip_type('im')) == 'ssissipp' assert b.strip(strip_type('pim')) == 'ssiss' assert b.strip(strip_type(b)) == '' def test_iter(self): assert list(bytearray('hello')) == [104, 101, 108, 108, 111] assert list(bytearray('hello').__iter__()) == [104, 101, 108, 108, 111] def test_compare(self): assert bytearray('hello') == bytearray('hello') assert bytearray('hello') < bytearray('world') assert bytearray('world') > bytearray('hello') def test_compare_str(self): assert bytearray('hello1') == 'hello1' assert not (bytearray('hello1') != 'hello1') assert 'hello2' == bytearray('hello2') assert not ('hello1' != bytearray('hello1')) # unicode is always different assert not (bytearray('hello3') == unicode('world')) assert bytearray('hello3') != unicode('hello3') assert unicode('hello3') != bytearray('world') assert unicode('hello4') != bytearray('hello4') assert not (bytearray('') == u'') assert not (u'' == bytearray('')) assert bytearray('') != u'' assert u'' != bytearray('') def test_stringlike_operations(self): assert bytearray('hello').islower() assert bytearray('HELLO').isupper() assert bytearray('hello').isalpha() assert not bytearray('hello2').isalpha() assert bytearray('hello2').isalnum() assert bytearray('1234').isdigit() assert bytearray(' ').isspace() assert bytearray('Abc').istitle() assert bytearray('hello').count('l') == 2 assert bytearray('hello').count(bytearray('l')) == 2 assert bytearray('hello').count(memoryview('l')) == 2 assert bytearray('hello').index('e') == 1 assert bytearray('hello').rindex('l') == 3 assert bytearray('hello').index(bytearray('e')) == 1 assert bytearray('hello').find('l') == 2 assert bytearray('hello').find('l', -2) == 3 assert bytearray('hello').rfind('l') == 3 # these checks used to not raise in pypy but they should raises(TypeError, bytearray('hello').index, ord('e')) raises(TypeError, bytearray('hello').rindex, ord('e')) raises(TypeError, bytearray('hello').find, ord('e')) raises(TypeError, bytearray('hello').rfind, ord('e')) assert bytearray('hello').startswith('he') assert bytearray('hello').startswith(bytearray('he')) assert bytearray('hello').startswith(('lo', bytearray('he'))) assert bytearray('hello').endswith('lo') assert bytearray('hello').endswith(bytearray('lo')) assert bytearray('hello').endswith((bytearray('lo'), 'he')) def test_startswith_too_large(self): assert bytearray('ab').startswith(bytearray('b'), 1) is True assert bytearray('ab').startswith(bytearray(''), 2) is True assert bytearray('ab').startswith(bytearray(''), 3) is False assert bytearray('ab').endswith(bytearray('b'), 1) is True assert bytearray('ab').endswith(bytearray(''), 2) is True assert bytearray('ab').endswith(bytearray(''), 3) is False def test_stringlike_conversions(self): # methods that should return bytearray (and not str) def check(result, expected): assert result == expected assert type(result) is bytearray check(bytearray('abc').replace('b', bytearray('d')), 'adc') check(bytearray('abc').replace('b', 'd'), 'adc') check(bytearray('').replace('a', 'ab'), '') check(bytearray('abc').upper(), 'ABC') check(bytearray('ABC').lower(), 'abc') check(bytearray('abc').title(), 'Abc') check(bytearray('AbC').swapcase(), 'aBc') check(bytearray('abC').capitalize(), 'Abc') check(bytearray('abc').ljust(5), 'abc ') check(bytearray('abc').rjust(5), ' abc') check(bytearray('abc').center(5), ' abc ') check(bytearray('1').zfill(5), '00001') check(bytearray('1\t2').expandtabs(5), '1 2') check(bytearray(',').join(['a', bytearray('b')]), 'a,b') check(bytearray('abca').lstrip('a'), 'bca') check(bytearray('cabc').rstrip('c'), 'cab') check(bytearray('abc').lstrip(memoryview('a')), 'bc') check(bytearray('abc').rstrip(memoryview('c')), 'ab') check(bytearray('aba').strip('a'), 'b') def test_xjust_no_mutate(self): # a previous regression b = bytearray(b'') assert b.ljust(1) == bytearray(b' ') assert not len(b) b2 = b.ljust(0) b2 += b' ' assert not len(b) b2 = b.rjust(0) b2 += b' ' assert not len(b) def test_split(self): # methods that should return a sequence of bytearrays def check(result, expected): assert result == expected assert set(type(x) for x in result) == set([bytearray]) b = bytearray('mississippi') check(b.split('i'), ['m', 'ss', 'ss', 'pp', '']) check(b.split(memoryview('i')), ['m', 'ss', 'ss', 'pp', '']) check(b.rsplit('i'), ['m', 'ss', 'ss', 'pp', '']) check(b.rsplit(memoryview('i')), ['m', 'ss', 'ss', 'pp', '']) check(b.rsplit('i', 2), ['mississ', 'pp', '']) check(bytearray('foo bar').split(), ['foo', 'bar']) check(bytearray('foo bar').split(None), ['foo', 'bar']) check(b.partition('ss'), ('mi', 'ss', 'issippi')) check(b.partition(memoryview('ss')), ('mi', 'ss', 'issippi')) check(b.rpartition('ss'), ('missi', 'ss', 'ippi')) check(b.rpartition(memoryview('ss')), ('missi', 'ss', 'ippi')) def test_append(self): b = bytearray('abc') b.append('d') b.append(ord('e')) assert b == 'abcde' def test_insert(self): b = bytearray('abc') b.insert(0, 'd') assert b == bytearray('dabc') b.insert(-1, ord('e')) assert b == bytearray('dabec') b.insert(6, 'f') assert b == bytearray('dabecf') b.insert(1, 'g') assert b == bytearray('dgabecf') b.insert(-12, 'h') assert b == bytearray('hdgabecf') raises(ValueError, b.insert, 1, 'go') raises(TypeError, b.insert, 'g', 'o') def test_pop(self): b = bytearray('world') assert b.pop() == ord('d') assert b.pop(0) == ord('w') assert b.pop(-2) == ord('r') raises(IndexError, b.pop, 10) raises(IndexError, bytearray().pop) assert bytearray('\xff').pop() == 0xff def test_remove(self): class Indexable: def __index__(self): return ord('e') b = bytearray('hello') b.remove(ord('l')) assert b == 'helo' b.remove(ord('l')) assert b == 'heo' raises(ValueError, b.remove, ord('l')) raises(ValueError, b.remove, 400) raises(TypeError, b.remove, u'e') raises(TypeError, b.remove, 2.3) # remove first and last b.remove(ord('o')) b.remove(ord('h')) assert b == 'e' raises(TypeError, b.remove, u'e') b.remove(Indexable()) assert b == '' def test_reverse(self): b = bytearray('hello') b.reverse() assert b == bytearray('olleh') def test_delitem(self): b = bytearray('abc') del b[1] assert b == bytearray('ac') del b[1:1] assert b == bytearray('ac') del b[:] assert b == bytearray() b = bytearray('fooble') del b[::2] assert b == bytearray('obe') def test_iadd(self): b = bytearray('abc') b += 'def' assert b == 'abcdef' assert isinstance(b, bytearray) raises(TypeError, b.__iadd__, u"") def test_add(self): b1 = bytearray("abc") b2 = bytearray("def") def check(a, b, expected): result = a + b assert result == expected assert isinstance(result, bytearray) check(b1, b2, "abcdef") check(b1, "def", "abcdef") check("def", b1, "defabc") check(b1, memoryview("def"), "abcdef") raises(TypeError, lambda: b1 + u"def") raises(TypeError, lambda: u"abc" + b2) def test_fromhex(self): raises(TypeError, bytearray.fromhex, 9) assert bytearray.fromhex('') == bytearray() assert bytearray.fromhex(u'') == bytearray() b = bytearray([0x1a, 0x2b, 0x30]) assert bytearray.fromhex('1a2B30') == b assert bytearray.fromhex(u'1a2B30') == b assert bytearray.fromhex(u' 1A 2B 30 ') == b assert bytearray.fromhex(u'0000') == '\0\0' raises(ValueError, bytearray.fromhex, u'a') raises(ValueError, bytearray.fromhex, u'A') raises(ValueError, bytearray.fromhex, u'rt') raises(ValueError, bytearray.fromhex, u'1a b cd') raises(ValueError, bytearray.fromhex, u'\x00') raises(ValueError, bytearray.fromhex, u'12 \x00 34') raises(UnicodeEncodeError, bytearray.fromhex, u'\u1234') def test_extend(self): b = bytearray('abc') b.extend(bytearray('def')) b.extend('ghi') assert b == 'abcdefghi' b.extend(buffer('jkl')) assert b == 'abcdefghijkl' b = bytearray('world') b.extend([ord(c) for c in 'hello']) assert b == bytearray('worldhello') b = bytearray('world') b.extend(list('hello')) assert b == bytearray('worldhello') b = bytearray('world') b.extend(c for c in 'hello') assert b == bytearray('worldhello') raises(ValueError, b.extend, ['fish']) raises(ValueError, b.extend, [256]) raises(TypeError, b.extend, object()) raises(TypeError, b.extend, [object()]) raises(TypeError, b.extend, u"unicode") def test_setslice(self): b = bytearray('hello') b[:] = [ord(c) for c in 'world'] assert b == bytearray('world') b = bytearray('hello world') b[::2] = 'bogoff' assert b == bytearray('beolg ooflf') def set_wrong_size(): b[::2] = 'foo' raises(ValueError, set_wrong_size) def test_delitem_slice(self): b = bytearray('abcdefghi') del b[5:8] assert b == 'abcdei' del b[:3] assert b == 'dei' b = bytearray('hello world') del b[::2] assert b == bytearray('el ol') def test_setitem(self): b = bytearray('abcdefghi') b[1] = 'B' assert b == 'aBcdefghi' def test_setitem_slice(self): b = bytearray('abcdefghi') b[0:3] = 'ABC' assert b == 'ABCdefghi' b[3:3] = '...' assert b == 'ABC...defghi' b[3:6] = '()' assert b == 'ABC()defghi' b[6:6] = '<<' assert b == 'ABC()d<