diff options
authormkanat%bugzilla.org <>2006-09-14 07:33:41 +0000
committermkanat%bugzilla.org <>2006-09-14 07:33:41 +0000
commit110e9309a0418b63c1d919936c3e1d13396b9fc3 (patch)
tree15fa34740fde69b048d9fa13f048a41792c87dbe /checksetup.pl
parentBug 352355: Cannot log in on a fresh installation - Patch by Frédéric Bucli... (diff)
Bug 346597: Have Bugzilla::Group implement Bugzilla::Object->create, and make checksetup.pl use it
Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org> r=LpSolit, a=myk
Diffstat (limited to 'checksetup.pl')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/checksetup.pl b/checksetup.pl
index 169ccb652..985a0da09 100755
--- a/checksetup.pl
+++ b/checksetup.pl
@@ -421,43 +421,6 @@ fix_all_file_permissions(!$silent);
check_graphviz(!$silent) if Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'};
-# Populate groups table
-sub GroupDoesExist
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM groups WHERE name='$name'");
- $sth->execute;
- if ($sth->rows) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-# This subroutine ensures that a group exists. If not, it will be created
-# automatically, and given the next available groupid
-sub AddGroup {
- my ($name, $desc, $userregexp) = @_;
- $userregexp ||= "";
- return if GroupDoesExist($name);
- print "Adding group $name ...\n";
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO groups
- (name, description, userregexp, isbuggroup)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)');
- $sth->execute($name, $desc, $userregexp, 0);
- my $last = $dbh->bz_last_key('groups', 'id');
- return $last;
# Changes to the fielddefs --TABLE--
@@ -474,56 +437,63 @@ Bugzilla::Field::populate_field_definitions();
# Bugzilla uses --GROUPS-- to assign various rights to its users.
-AddGroup('tweakparams', 'Can tweak operating parameters');
-AddGroup('editusers', 'Can edit or disable users');
-AddGroup('creategroups', 'Can create and destroy groups.');
-AddGroup('editclassifications', 'Can create, destroy, and edit classifications.');
-AddGroup('editcomponents', 'Can create, destroy, and edit components.');
-AddGroup('editkeywords', 'Can create, destroy, and edit keywords.');
-AddGroup('admin', 'Administrators');
-if (!GroupDoesExist("editbugs")) {
- my $id = AddGroup('editbugs', 'Can edit all bug fields.', ".*");
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userid FROM profiles");
- $sth->execute();
- while (my ($userid) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO user_group_map
- (user_id, group_id, isbless, grant_type)
- VALUES ($userid, $id, 0, " . GRANT_DIRECT . ")");
- }
+my $admin_group = Bugzilla::Group->new({ name => 'admin' })
+ || Bugzilla::Group->create({
+ name => 'admin', description => 'Administrators', isbuggroup => 0 });
-if (!GroupDoesExist("canconfirm")) {
- my $id = AddGroup('canconfirm', 'Can confirm a bug.', ".*");
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userid FROM profiles");
- $sth->execute();
- while (my ($userid) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO user_group_map
- (user_id, group_id, isbless, grant_type)
- VALUES ($userid, $id, 0, " . GRANT_DIRECT . ")");
- }
+Bugzilla::Group->create({ name => 'tweakparams',
+ description => 'Can tweak operating parameters', isbuggroup => 0 })
+ unless new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'tweakparams' });
+Bugzilla::Group->create({ name => 'editusers',
+ description => 'Can edit or disable users', isbuggroup => 0 })
+ unless new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'editusers' });
+Bugzilla::Group->create({ name => 'creategroups',
+ description => 'Can create and destroy groups.', isbuggroup => 0 })
+ unless new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'creategroups' });
+Bugzilla::Group->create({ name => 'editclassifications',
+ description => 'Can create, destroy, and edit classifications.',
+ isbuggroup => 0 })
+ unless new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'editclassifications' });
+Bugzilla::Group->create({ name => 'editcomponents',
+ description => 'Can create, destroy, and edit components.',
+ isbuggroup => 0 })
+ unless new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'editcomponents' });
+Bugzilla::Group->create({ name => 'editkeywords',
+ description => 'Can create, destroy, and edit keywords.',
+ isbuggroup => 0 })
+ unless new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'editkeywords' });
+Bugzilla::Group->create({name => 'editbugs',
+ description => 'Can edit all bug fields.', userregexp => ".*",
+ isbuggroup => 0 })
+ unless new Bugzilla::Group({name => "editbugs"});
+Bugzilla::Group->create({ name => 'canconfirm',
+ description => 'Can confirm a bug.', userregexp => ".*",
+ isbuggroup => 0 })
+ unless new Bugzilla::Group({name => "canconfirm"});
# Create bz_canusewhineatothers and bz_canusewhines
-if (!GroupDoesExist('bz_canusewhines')) {
- my $whine_group = AddGroup('bz_canusewhines',
- 'User can configure whine reports for self');
- my $whineatothers_group = AddGroup('bz_canusewhineatothers',
- 'Can configure whine reports for ' .
- 'other users');
- my $group_exists = $dbh->selectrow_array(
- q{SELECT 1 FROM group_group_map
- WHERE member_id = ? AND grantor_id = ? AND grant_type = ?},
- undef, $whineatothers_group, $whine_group, GROUP_MEMBERSHIP);
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO group_group_map " .
- "(member_id, grantor_id, grant_type) " .
- "VALUES (${whineatothers_group}, ${whine_group}, " .
- GROUP_MEMBERSHIP . ")") unless $group_exists;
+if (!new Bugzilla::Group({name => 'bz_canusewhines'})) {
+ my $whine = Bugzilla::Group->create({name => 'bz_canusewhines',
+ description => 'User can configure whine reports for self',
+ isbuggroup => 0 });
+ my $whineatothers = Bugzilla::Group->create({
+ name => 'bz_canusewhineatothers',
+ description => 'Can configure whine reports for other users',
+ isbuggroup => 0 });
+ $dbh->do('INSERT INTO group_group_map (grantor_id, member_id) VALUES (?,?)',
+ undef, $whine->id, $whineatothers->id);
# 2005-08-14 bugreport@peshkin.net -- Bug 304583
@@ -563,24 +533,14 @@ while (my ($uid, $login, $gid, $rexp, $present) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# 2005-10-10 karl@kornel.name -- Bug 204498
-if (!GroupDoesExist('bz_sudoers')) {
- my $sudoers_group = AddGroup('bz_sudoers',
- 'Can perform actions as other users');
- my $sudo_protect_group = AddGroup('bz_sudo_protect',
- 'Can not be impersonated by other users');
- my ($admin_group) = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT id FROM groups
- WHERE name = ?', undef, 'admin');
- # Admins should be given sudo access
- # Everyone in sudo should be in sudo_protect
- # Admins can grant membership in both groups
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO group_group_map
- (member_id, grantor_id, grant_type)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
- $sth->execute($admin_group, $sudoers_group, GROUP_MEMBERSHIP);
- $sth->execute($sudoers_group, $sudo_protect_group, GROUP_MEMBERSHIP);
- $sth->execute($admin_group, $sudoers_group, GROUP_BLESS);
- $sth->execute($admin_group, $sudo_protect_group, GROUP_BLESS);
+if (!new Bugzilla::Group({name => 'bz_sudoers'})) {
+ my $sudo = Bugzilla::Group->create({name => 'bz_sudoers',
+ description => 'Can perform actions as other users', isbuggroup => 0 });
+ my $sudo_protect = Bugzilla::Group->create({name => 'bz_sudo_protect',
+ description => 'Can not be impersonated by other users',
+ isbuggroup => 0 });
+ $dbh->do('INSERT INTO group_group_map (grantor_id, member_id) VALUES (?,?)',
+ undef, $sudo_protect->id, $sudo->id);