# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.6-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/10/08 09:34:08 ultrabug Exp $ EAPI="5" PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_{2,3,4} ) RUBY_OPTIONAL="yes" USE_RUBY="ruby19 ruby20 ruby21" PHP_EXT_INI="no" PHP_EXT_NAME="dummy" PHP_EXT_OPTIONAL_USE="php" USE_PHP="php5-4 php5-5" # deps must be registered separately below MY_P="${P/_/-}" inherit apache-module distutils-r1 eutils multilib pax-utils php-ext-source-r2 python-r1 ruby-ng versionator DESCRIPTION="uWSGI server for Python web applications" HOMEPAGE="http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/" SRC_URI="http://projects.unbit.it/downloads/${MY_P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" UWSGI_PLUGINS_STD=( ping cache carbon nagios rpc rrdtool http ugreen signal syslog rsyslog router_{uwsgi,redirect,basicauth,rewrite,http,cache,static,memcached,redis,hash,expires,metrics} {core,fast,raw,ssl}router redislog mongodblog log{file,socket} spooler cheaper_busyness symcall transformation_{chunked,gzip,offload,tofile} zergpool ) UWSGI_PLUGINS_OPT=( alarm_{curl,xmpp} clock_{monotonic,realtime} curl_cron dumbloop echo emperor_{amqp,pg,zeromq} forkptyrouter geoip graylog2 legion_cache_fetch ldap log{crypto,pipe} notfound pam router_{access,radius,spnego,xmldir} sqlite ssi stats_pusher_statsd systemd_logger transformation_toupper tuntap webdav xattr xslt zabbix ) LANG_SUPPORT_SIMPLE=( cgi mono perl ) # plugins which can be built in the main build process LANG_SUPPORT_EXTENDED=( lua php python python_asyncio python_gevent ruby ) # plugins to be ignored (for now): # cheaper_backlog2: example plugin # coroae: TODO # cplusplus: partially example code, needs explicit class # dummy: no idea # example: example plugin # exception_log: example plugin # *go*: TODO # *java*: TODO # v8: TODO # matheval: TODO IUSE="apache2 +caps debug +embedded expat jemalloc json +pcre +routing +ssl +xml yajl yaml zeromq" for plugin in ${UWSGI_PLUGINS_STD[@]} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} +uwsgi_plugins_${plugin}" ; done for plugin in ${UWSGI_PLUGINS_OPT[@]} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} uwsgi_plugins_${plugin}" ; done IUSE="${IUSE} ${LANG_SUPPORT_SIMPLE[@]} ${LANG_SUPPORT_EXTENDED[@]}" REQUIRED_USE="|| ( ${LANG_SUPPORT_SIMPLE[@]} ${LANG_SUPPORT_EXTENDED[@]} ) uwsgi_plugins_logcrypto? ( ssl ) uwsgi_plugins_sslrouter? ( ssl ) routing? ( pcre ) uwsgi_plugins_emperor_zeromq? ( zeromq ) uwsgi_plugins_router_xmldir? ( xml ) uwsgi_plugins_forkptyrouter? ( uwsgi_plugins_corerouter ) python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} ) python_asyncio? ( python_targets_python3_4 python_gevent ) python_gevent? ( python ) expat? ( xml )" # util-linux is required for libuuid when requesting zeromq support # Order: # 1. Unconditional # 2. General features # 3. Plugins # 4. Language/app support CDEPEND="sys-libs/zlib caps? ( sys-libs/libcap ) json? ( !yajl? ( dev-libs/jansson ) yajl? ( dev-libs/yajl ) ) pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre:3 ) ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl ) xml? ( !expat? ( dev-libs/libxml2 ) expat? ( dev-libs/expat ) ) yaml? ( dev-libs/libyaml ) zeromq? ( net-libs/zeromq sys-apps/util-linux ) uwsgi_plugins_alarm_curl? ( net-misc/curl ) uwsgi_plugins_alarm_xmpp? ( net-libs/gloox ) uwsgi_plugins_curl_cron? ( net-misc/curl ) uwsgi_plugins_emperor_pg? ( dev-db/postgresql-base:= ) uwsgi_plugins_geoip? ( dev-libs/geoip ) uwsgi_plugins_ldap? ( net-nds/openldap ) uwsgi_plugins_pam? ( virtual/pam ) uwsgi_plugins_sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 ) uwsgi_plugins_router_access? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers ) uwsgi_plugins_router_spnego? ( virtual/krb5 ) uwsgi_plugins_rsyslog? ( app-admin/rsyslog ) uwsgi_plugins_systemd_logger? ( sys-apps/systemd ) uwsgi_plugins_webdav? ( dev-libs/libxml2 ) uwsgi_plugins_xslt? ( dev-libs/libxslt ) lua? ( dev-lang/lua ) mono? ( =dev-lang/mono-2* ) perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= ) php? ( php_targets_php5-4? ( dev-lang/php:5.4[embed] ) php_targets_php5-5? ( dev-lang/php:5.5[embed] ) ) python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} ) python_gevent? ( >=dev-python/gevent-1.0_beta2[$(python_gen_usedep 'python2*')] ) ruby? ( $(ruby_implementations_depend) )" DEPEND="${CDEPEND} virtual/pkgconfig" RDEPEND="${CDEPEND} uwsgi_plugins_rrdtool? ( net-analyzer/rrdtool )" want_apache2 S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" APXS2_S="${S}/apache2" APACHE2_MOD_CONF="42_mod_uwsgi-r2 42_mod_uwsgi" src_unpack() { default } pkg_setup() { python_setup use ruby && ruby-ng_pkg_setup depend.apache_pkg_setup } src_prepare() { epatch \ "${FILESDIR}/1.1.2-threaded-php.patch" sed -i \ -e "s|'-O2', ||" \ -e "s|'-Werror', ||" \ -e "s|uc.get('plugin_dir')|uc.get('plugin_build_dir')|" \ uwsgiconfig.py || die "sed failed" sed -i \ -e "s|/lib|/$(get_libdir)|" \ plugins/php/uwsgiplugin.py || die "sed failed" } src_configure() { local embedded_plugins=() local plugins=() local malloc_impl="libc" local json="false" local xml="false" for p in ${UWSGI_PLUGINS_STD[@]} ${UWSGI_PLUGINS_OPT[@]} ; do use uwsgi_plugins_${p} && embedded_plugins+=("${p}") done for p in ${LANG_SUPPORT_SIMPLE[@]} ; do use ${p} && plugins+=("${p}") done # do not embedded any plugins if ! use embedded ; then plugins=( ${plugins[@]} ${embedded_plugins[@]} ) embedded_plugins=() fi # flatten the arrays plugins=${plugins[@]} embedded_plugins=${embedded_plugins[@]} # rename some of the use flags, language plugins are always real plugins plugins="${plugins/perl/psgi}" plugins="${plugins/sqlite/sqlite3}" embedded_plugins="${embedded_plugins/sqlite/sqlite3}" # override defaults as requested by the user if use xml; then use expat && xml="expat" || xml="libxml2" fi if use json; then use yajl && json="yajl" || json="jansson" fi use jemalloc && malloc_impl="jemalloc" # prepare the buildconf for gentoo cp "${FILESDIR}"/gentoo.buildconf buildconf/gentoo.ini sed -i \ -e "s|VAR_XML|${xml}|" \ -e "s|VAR_YAML|$(usex yaml true false)|" \ -e "s|VAR_JSON|${json}|" \ -e "s|VAR_SSL|$(usex ssl true false)|" \ -e "s|VAR_PCRE|$(usex pcre true false)|" \ -e "s|VAR_ZMQ|$(usex zeromq true false)|" \ -e "s|VAR_ROUTING|$(usex routing true false)|" \ -e "s|VAR_DEBUG|$(usex debug true false)|" \ -e "s|VAR_MALLOC|${malloc_impl}|" \ -e "s|VAR_PLUGINS|${plugins// /, }|" \ -e "s|VAR_PLUGIN_DIR|/usr/$(get_libdir)/uwsgi|" \ -e "s|VAR_BUILD_DIR|${T}/plugins|" \ -e "s|VAR_EMBEDDED|${embedded_plugins// /, }|" \ buildconf/gentoo.ini use caps || sed -i -e 's|sys/capability.h|DISABLED|' uwsgiconfig.py || die "sed failed" use zeromq || sed -i -e 's|uuid/uuid.h|DISABLED|' uwsgiconfig.py || die "sed failed" if use uwsgi_plugins_emperor_pg ; then PGPV="$(best_version dev-db/postgresql-base)" PGSLOT="$(get_version_component_range 1-2 ${PGPV##dev-db/postgresql-base-})" sed -i \ -e "s|pg_config|pg_config${PGSLOT/.}|" \ plugins/emperor_pg/uwsgiplugin.py || die "sed failed" fi } each_ruby_compile() { cd "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" UWSGICONFIG_RUBYPATH="${RUBY}" python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/rack gentoo rack_${RUBY##*/} || die "building plugin for ${RUBY} failed" UWSGICONFIG_RUBYPATH="${RUBY}" python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/fiber gentoo fiber_${RUBY##*/}|| die "building fiber plugin for ${RUBY} failed" UWSGICONFIG_RUBYPATH="${RUBY}" python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/rbthreads gentoo rbthreads_${RUBY##*/}|| die "building rbthreads plugin for ${RUBY} failed" } python_compile_plugins() { local EPYV local PYV EPYV=${EPYTHON/.} PYV=${EPYV/python} ${PYTHON} uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/python gentoo ${EPYV} || die "building plugin for ${EPYTHON} failed" if use python_asyncio ; then if [ "${PYV}" == "34" ] ; then ${PYTHON} uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/asyncio gentoo asyncio${PYV} || die "building plugin for asyncio-support in ${EPYTHON} failed" fi fi if use python_gevent ; then ${PYTHON} uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/gevent gentoo gevent${PYV} || die "building plugin for gevent-support in ${EPYTHON} failed" fi } python_install_symlinks() { dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_${EPYTHON/.} } src_compile() { mkdir -p "${T}/plugins" python uwsgiconfig.py --build gentoo || die "building uwsgi failed" if use lua ; then # setting the name for the pkg-config file to lua, since we don't have # slotted lua UWSGICONFIG_LUAPC="lua" python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/lua gentoo || die "building plugin for lua failed" fi if use php ; then for s in $(php_get_slots); do UWSGICONFIG_PHPDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/${s}" python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/php gentoo ${s/.} || die "building plugin for ${s} failed" done fi if use python ; then python_foreach_impl python_compile_plugins fi if use ruby ; then ruby-ng_src_compile fi if use apache2 ; then for m in proxy_uwsgi Ruwsgi uwsgi ; do APXS2_ARGS="-c mod_${m}.c" apache-module_src_compile done fi } src_install() { dobin uwsgi pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/bin/uwsgi insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/uwsgi doins "${T}/plugins"/*.so use cgi && dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_cgi use lua && dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_lua use mono && dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_mono use perl && dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_psgi if use php ; then for s in $(php_get_slots); do dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_${s/.} done fi if use python ; then python_foreach_impl python_install_symlinks python_foreach_impl python_domodule uwsgidecorators.py fi if use apache2; then for m in proxy_uwsgi Ruwsgi uwsgi ; do APACHE2_MOD_FILE="${APXS2_S}/.libs/mod_${m}.so" apache-module_src_install done fi newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/uwsgi.initd-r3 uwsgi newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/uwsgi.confd-r3 uwsgi keepdir /etc/"${PN}".d use uwsgi_plugins_spooler && keepdir /var/spool/"${PN}" } pkg_postinst() { if use apache2 ; then elog "Three Apache modules have been installed: mod_proxy_uwsgi, mod_uwsgi and mod_Ruwsgi." elog "You can enable them with -D PROXY_UWSGI, -DUWSGI or -DRUWSGI in /etc/conf.d/apache2." elog "mod_uwsgi and mod_Ruwsgi have the same configuration interface and define the same symbols." elog "Therefore you can enable only one of them at a time." elog "mod_uwsgi is commercially supported by Unbit and stable but a bit hacky." elog "mod_Ruwsgi is newer and more Apache-API friendly but not commercially supported." elog "mod_proxy_uwsgi is a proxy module, considered stable and is now the recommended module." fi elog "Append the following options to the uwsgi call to load the respective language plugin:" use cgi && elog " '--plugins cgi' for cgi" use lua && elog " '--plugins lua' for lua" use mono && elog " '--plugins mono' for mono" use perl && elog " '--plugins psgi' for perl" if use php ; then for s in $(php_get_slots); do elog " '--plugins ${s/.}' for ${s}" done fi python_pkg_postinst() { local EPYV local PYV EPYV=${EPYTHON/.} PYV=${EPYV/python} elog " " elog " '--plugins ${EPYV}' for ${EPYTHON}" if use python_asyncio ; then if [[ ${EPYV} == python34 ]] ; then elog " '--plugins ${EPYV},asyncio${PYV}' for asyncio support in ${EPYTHON}" else elog " (asyncio is only supported in python3.4)" fi fi if use python_gevent ; then if [[ ${EPYTHON} == python2* ]] ; then elog " '--plugins ${EPYV},gevent${PYV}' for gevent support in ${EPYTHON}" else elog " (gevent is currently not supported in ${EPYTHON})" fi fi } use python && python_foreach_impl python_pkg_postinst if use ruby ; then for ruby in $USE_RUBY; do if use ruby_targets_${ruby} ; then elog " '--plugins rack_${ruby/.}' for ${ruby}" elog " '--plugins fiber_${ruby/.}' for ${ruby} fibers" elog " '--plugins rbthreads_${ruby/.}' for ${ruby} rbthreads" fi done fi }