# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/aolserver/aolserver-4.0.10.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/01/27 20:55:47 port001 Exp $ inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="Webserver with Tcl page scripting" HOMEPAGE="http://www.aolserver.com/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/aolserver/${P}-src.tar.gz" LICENSE="MPL-1.1" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86" IUSE="nptl" DEPEND=">=dev-lang/tcl-8.4.3" ns_host="ns-localhost" ns_etc=/etc/${PN} ns_pageroot=/var/www/${ns_host} ns_serverroot=/var/${PN} ns_lib=/usr/lib/${PN}/lib ns_bin=/usr/lib/${PN}/bin ns_mod=/usr/lib/${PN}/modules ns_data=/usr/share/${PN} ns_conf=/usr/share/${PN}/include ns_doc=/usr/share/doc/${P} ns_include=/usr/include/${PN} ns_pid=/var/run/${PN} ns_log=/var/log/${PN} ns_inst_bins="nsd/nsd nsthread/nsthreadtest" ns_inst_libs="nsd/libnsd.so nsthread/libnsthread.so nsdb/libnsdb.so nsext/libnsext.so" ns_inst_alibs="nspd/libnspd.a" ns_inst_mods="nslog/nslog.so nsperm/nsperm.so nsdb/nsdb.so nsext/nsext.so nscgi/nscgi.so nssock/nssock.so nscp/nscp.so" ns_inst_includes="nsd/*.h include/*.h" ns_inst_docs="ChangeLog README install-sh" check_tcl_threads() { local threads_found="" for tcl_install in /var/db/pkg/dev-lang/tcl*; do # find the version of tcl installed # in slot 0 if grep 0 ${tcl_install}/SLOT > /dev/null; then # check that tcl was compiled with threads # enabled for candidate_flag in `cat ${tcl_install}/USE`; do if [ ${candidate_flag} == threads ]; then threads_found="true" fi done fi done if [ -n "${threads_found}" ]; then einfo "tcl was merged with threading enabled" else eerror "tcl was not merged with threading enabled." eerror "please re-emerge tcl with USE=threads" die "threading not enabled in tcl" fi } pkg_setup() { check_tcl_threads } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} find ${S} -type d -name CVS -prune | xargs rm -rf if use nptl; then epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/aolserver-${PV}-nptl.patch fi } src_compile() { local myconf myconf="--with-tcl=/usr/lib" econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed" emake || die "emake failed" } src_install () { dodir ${ns_etc} dodir ${ns_pageroot} dodir ${ns_serverroot} dodir ${ns_lib} dodir ${ns_bin} dodir ${ns_mod} dodir ${ns_mod}/tcl dodir ${ns_data} dodir ${ns_conf} dodir ${ns_doc} dodir ${ns_include} dodir ${ns_pid} dodir ${ns_log} dodir /var/run/aolserver keepdir /var/run/aolserver enewgroup aolserver enewuser aolserver -1 /bin/false ${ns_data} aolserver chown -R root:aolserver ${D}/${ns_data} chmod -R g+w ${D}/${ns_data} chown -R aolserver:aolserver ${D}/${ns_pageroot} chmod -R g+w ${D}/${ns_pageroot} chown -R aolserver:aolserver ${D}/${ns_serverroot} chmod -R g+w ${D}/${ns_serverroot} chown -R aolserver:aolserver ${D}/${ns_log} chmod -R g+w ${D}/${ns_log} chown -R aolserver:aolserver ${D}/${ns_pid} chmod -R g+w ${D}/${ns_pid} chown -R root:aolserver ${D}/${ns_mod} chmod -R g+w ${D}/${ns_mod} chown aolserver:aolserver ${D}/var/run/aolserver chmod 750 ${D}/var/run/aolserver for bin_file in ${ns_inst_bins}; do dobin ${S}/${bin_file} done insinto ${ns_lib} for lib_file in ${ns_inst_libs}; do doins ${S}/${lib_file} done for alib_file in ${ns_inst_alibs}; do ranlib ${S}/${alib_file} doins ${S}/${alib_file} done insinto ${ns_bin} for mod_file in ${ns_inst_mods}; do doins ${S}/${mod_file} done insinto ${ns_include} for include_file in ${ns_inst_includes}; do doins ${S}/${include_file} done for doc_file in ${ns_inst_docs}; do dodoc ${doc_file} done doman ${S}/doc/*.1 ${S}/doc/*.3 ${S}/doc/*.n insinto ${ns_mod}/tcl doins ${S}/tcl/*.tcl #doins doesn't recurse #insinto ${ns_pageroot}; doins -r ${S}/tests/* cp -r ${S}/tests/* ${D}/${ns_pageroot} insinto ${ns_bin} doins ${S}/nsd/init.tcl dodir ${ns_mod}/tcl/nsperm insinto ${ns_mod}/tcl/nsperm doins ${S}/nsperm/*.tcl dodir ${ns_etc}/modules/nsperm insinto ${ns_etc}/modules/nsperm for perm_file in passwd group hosts.allow hosts.deny perms; do doins nsperm/${perm_file} done insinto ${ns_data} doins sample-config.tcl insinto ${ns_conf} doins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/Makefile.global newins ${S}/include/Makefile.global Makefile.global.orig doins ${S}/include/Makefile.build dosed "s:../include:${ns_conf}:g" /usr/share/aolserver/include/Makefile.build doins ${S}/include/Makefile.module dosed "s:../include:${ns_conf}:g" /usr/share/aolserver/include/Makefile.module insinto ${ns_etc} newins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/config.tcl aolserver.tcl exeinto /etc/init.d newexe ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/aolserver.init aolserver chmod 750 ${D}/etc/init.d/aolserver } pkg_postinst () { echo einfo "Upgrading:" einfo " Check /usr/share/aolserver/sample-config.tcl" einfo " for new configuration options that you may want" einfo " to use in your existing configuration." echo ewarn "Group and user settings for ${PN} have changed since" ewarn "version 4.0.9. If you are upgrading from <= 4.0.9 it is" ewarn "highly recommended you update your ${PN} user and group" ewarn "settings. This can be done by running:" ewarn "ebuild /var/db/pkg/www-servers/${PF}/${PF}.ebuild config" ewarn "If this is your first install of ${PN}, you can safely" ewarn "ignore this message." echo } pkg_config() { if [ -n "`egetent group web`" ] then ebegin "Replacing group 'web' with 'aolserver'" # we already added the aolserver group earlier, # so just remove the old web group. groupdel web eend $? fi if [ -n "`egetent passwd aolserver`" ] then ebegin "Updating user 'aolserver'" userdel aolserver enewuser aolserver -1 /bin/false ${ns_data} aolserver eend $? fi }