# ChangeLog for net-mail/metamail
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/metamail/ChangeLog,v 1.21 2004/10/19 10:23:02 absinthe Exp $

  19 Oct 2004; Dylan Carlson <absinthe@gentoo.org> metamail-
  Stable on amd64.

  13 Oct 2004; Guy Martin <gmsoft@gentoo.org> metamail-
  Stable on hppa.

  09 Aug 2004; Tom Martin <slarti@gentoo.org> metamail-
  No longer installs /etc/mime.types - RDEPENDs on app-misc/mime-types now.

  21 May 2004; Luca Barbato <lu_zero@gentoo.org> metamail-
  Marked ppc

  20 May 2004; Michael McCabe <randy@gentoo.org> metamail-
  Stable on s390

  11 May 2004; Jason Wever <weeve@gentoo.org> metamail-
  Stable on sparc wrt bug #42133.

  11 May 2004; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> metamail-
  autoreconf wasn't working, to fix bug #41095. Instead, switching to the
  documented hacky way around this issue, which is to try make again when it
  fails the first time

  12 May 2004; Bryan �stergaard <kloeri@gentoo.org> metamail-
  Stable on alpha, bug #42133.

*metamail- (11 May 2004)

  11 May 2004; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org>
  -metamail-2.7.45-r1.ebuild, +metamail-,
  Version bump for the security fix. Used debian testing/unstable's patch for
  this rather than the woody patch, as they seem to have added fixes:
  hangelog. Also, enforcing autoconf-2.1 for the autoreconf step, which fails
  with 2.59. Closes bug #42133 by Carsten Lohrke <current@myrealbox.com>

  08 May 2004; Guy Martin <gmsoft@gentoo.org> metamail-2.7.45-r1.ebuild:
  Marked ~hppa.

  08 May 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> metamail-2.7.45-r1.ebuild:
  Marked ~amd64.

*metamail-2.7.45-r1 (06 May 2004)

  06 May 2004; Steve Arnold <nerdboy@gentoo.org> metamail-2.7.45-r1.ebuild:
  added autoreconf fix for bug 41095 and closed duplicate bugs
  required to close hylafax bug; marked all arches ~

  15 Apr 2004; Michael McCabe <randy@gentoo.org> metamail-2.7.45.ebuild:
  adding s390 keywords

  15 Jan 2004; <gustavoz@gentoo.org> metamail-2.7.45.ebuild:
  marked stable on sparc

  15 Jan 2004; Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org> metamail-2.7.45.ebuild:
  stable on alpha and ia64

*metamail-2.7.45 (22 Jul 2002)

  11 Feb 2003; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> metamail-2.7.45.ebuild :

  Cleaned up KEYWORDS (put into ~x86 only pending other arch testing), use
  eutils to call epatch, and removed src_compile, as it's unnecessary.
  Later that night: moved to x86 and ppc

  22 Jul 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org>
  metamail-2.7.45.ebuild, files/digest-metamail-2.7.45 :

  Initial checkin of this package.  
  Ebuild originally created by Alexander Holler <holler@ahsoftware.de>