# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-php/turck-mmcache/turck-mmcache-2.3.20.ebuild,v 1.3 2003/09/09 08:31:39 stuart Exp $ PHP_EXT_NAME="mmcache" PHP_EXT_ZENDEXT="yes" [ -z "${MMCACHE_CACHEDIR}" ] && MMCACHE_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/mmcache inherit php-ext-source DESCRIPTION="open source PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache" HOMEPAGE="http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/turck-mmcache/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86" DEPEND="!dev-php/ioncube_loaders !dev-php/php-accelerator" src_compile() { myconf="--enable-mmcache=shared" php-ext-source_src_compile } src_install() { php-ext-source_src_install # create Cache dir if it does not exist # # settings should ensure that cached files are secure, # *but* this may break php-cli # # please file a bug in http://bugs.gentoo.org if this happens # for you keepdir ${MMCACHE_CACHEDIR} fowners root.root ${MMCACHE_CACHEDIR} fperms 1777 ${MMCACHE_CACHEDIR} insinto /usr/share/${PN} doins encoder.php mmcache.php mmcache.gif dodoc CREDITS LICENSE README TODO EXPERIMENTAL } pkg_postinst () { php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.shm_size" '"16"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.cache_dir" "\"${MMCACHE_CACHEDIR}\"" php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.enable" '"1"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.optimizer" '"1"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.check_mtime" '"1"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.debug" '"0"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.filter" '""' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.shm_max" '"0"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.shm_ttl" '"0"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.shm_prune_period" '"0"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "mmcache.compress" '"0"' einfo "You need to restart apache to activate MMCache" einfo einfo 'A web interface is available to manage the turck cache.' einfo 'Copy /usr/share/turck-mmcache/mmcache.php to somewhere' einfo 'where your web server can see it.' einfo einfo 'A PHP script encoder is available to encode your PHP scripts.' einfo 'The encoder is available as /usr/share/turck-mmcache/encoder.php' einfo 'The encoded file format is not yet considered stable' }