diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-zope')
12 files changed, 10 insertions, 1274 deletions
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/ChangeLog b/net-zope/zope/ChangeLog
index 3adbfebc7375..77c2dbf7ca63 100644
--- a/net-zope/zope/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-zope/zope/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for net-zope/zope
# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/ChangeLog,v 1.140 2008/06/05 22:08:35 tupone Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/ChangeLog,v 1.141 2008/07/08 06:30:50 tupone Exp $
+ 08 Jul 2008; Tupone Alfredo <>
+ -files/2.7.8/i18n-1.0.0.patch, -files/2.6.4/zope.confd,
+ -files/2.6.4/zope.initd, -files/2.7.7/i18n-1.0.0.patch,
+ -zope-2.7.9.ebuild, -zope-2.8.4.ebuild, -zope-2.8.6.ebuild,
+ -zope-2.8.7.ebuild, -zope-2.8.8.ebuild, -zope-2.8.9.ebuild,
+ -zope-
+ Dropped old zope versions depending on python-2.3
+ Bug #222037 by Ali Polatel <>
*zope-2.9.9 (05 Jun 2008)
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/files/2.6.4/zope.confd b/net-zope/zope/files/2.6.4/zope.confd
deleted file mode 100644
index 58204174555c..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/files/2.6.4/zope.confd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#-- startup options
-#-- Zope installation
-#-- Profiling
-#-- SiteAccess
-#-- ZEO
-#-- Debugging and Logging
-#-- Misc.
-#-- Security related
-#-- ZODB related
-#-- Session related
-#-- WebDAV
-#-- Structured Text
-#-- DTML
-#-- Esoteric
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/files/2.6.4/zope.initd b/net-zope/zope/files/2.6.4/zope.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e41b197e06f..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/files/2.6.4/zope.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Zope rc-script for Gentoo Linux
-# Copyright 2002-2003 by Jason Shoemaker
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later.
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/files/2.6.4/zope.initd,v 1.3 2004/07/18 04:31:00 dragonheart Exp $
- need net
-# Since zope doesn't delete its .pid file when done, we have to determine its
-# status. Zope can be shutdown from a browser...this bypasses init.d.
-# Need to export these conf.d variables so that (env) can use them
-for N in $EXPORT_LST ; do
- if [ -n "${N}" ] ; then export ${N} ; fi
-# Check if the file exist. then send file to stdout.
-# Parameters:
-# $1 = /path/to/pid.file
-# Outputs:
- if [ -f "${1}" ] ; then
- cat ${1}
- fi
-# Check if we have a living PID, if not delete the PID FILE
-# Parameters:
-# $1 = /path/to/pid.file
-# Returns:
-# 0 if alive pid file remains
-# 1 if dead pid file removed
-# 2 if no pid file found
- local RESULT=2 # assume no pid file will be found
- local PID=$(read_pid ${1})
- if [ -n "${PID}" ] ; then
- ps --no-headers ${PID} > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "${?}" -eq 0 ] ; then
- else
- rm -f ${1}
- fi
- fi
- return ${RESULT}
-# Parameters:
-# None
-# Returns:
-# 0 true
-# 1 false and echos /pathname/to/pid/file
- local RESULT=
- if [ -n "${INSTANCE_HOME}" ] ; then
- else
- loc=${ZOPE_HOME}
- fi
- check_pid_status ${loc}/var/
- RESULT=${?}
- if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 0 ] ; then
- echo "${loc}"
- break # found a live pid
- fi
- if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 10 ] ; then
- else
- fi
- return ${RESULT}
- if is_zope_dead ; then
- eerror "--> Zope is dead."
- else
- einfo "--> Zope is alive."
- fi
- return ${?}
-# If Zope is dead, remove PID file and start zope.
-# The idea with 'env' is that a environment snapshot
-# (current vars + /etc/conf.d/zope?) is created for zope to use.
- local RESULT=
- is_zope_dead >/dev/null
- RESULT=${?}
- if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 0 ] ; then
- setup_exports
- umask 077 # Recommended by Zope
- # "normal" logfile: e.g. /var/log/zope/zope-2_6_4,
- # startup log: /var/log/zope/zope-2_6_4.log
- env /usr/bin/${python} ${ZOPE_HOME} ${ZOPE_OPTS} > \
- ${EVENT_LOG_FILE}.log 2>&1 &
- RESULT=${?}
- else
- echo 'Zope is running independant of RC management.'
- echo 'We are going to try and kill it.'
- stop_zope
- if [ "${?}" -eq 0 ] ; then
- echo 'Successfully killed zope. Try to start zope again'
- fi
- fi
- return ${RESULT}
-# If Zope is alive, kill it.
- local PID=$(is_zope_dead)
- if [ -n "${PID}" ] ; then
- kill $(cat ${PID}/var/ # Not sure if kill always succeeds, so not removeing .pid file.
- fi
- return $?
- ebegin "Starting zope"
- start_zope
- eend $? "Failed to start zope"
- ebegin "Stopping zope"
- stop_zope
- eend $? "Failed to stop zope"
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/files/2.7.7/i18n-1.0.0.patch b/net-zope/zope/files/2.7.7/i18n-1.0.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f901451fce0c..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/files/2.7.7/i18n-1.0.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-? encode.diff
-? i18n-0.9.9.patch
-? i18n-1.0.0.patch
-? i18n.patch
-? run_tests
-? test.diff
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.2 -r1.
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1
---- 15 Apr 2003 15:13:52 -0000
-+++ 9 Nov 2003 18:02:30 -0000
-@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@
- def doc_literal(
- self, s,
-- expr = re.compile(r"(\W+|^)'([%s%s%s\s]+)'([%s]+|$)" % (letters, digits, literal_punc, phrase_delimiters)).search,):
-+ expr = re.compile(r"(\W+|^)'((?:\w|[%s%s\s])+)'([%s]+|$)" % (digits, literal_punc, phrase_delimiters), re.U).search,):
- # old expr... failed to cross newlines.
- # expr=re.compile(
-@@ -807,7 +807,9 @@
- def doc_emphasize(
- self, s,
-- expr = re.compile(r'\*([%s%s%s\s]+?)\*' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
-+ # i18nal variant
-+ expr = re.compile(r'\*((?:\w|[%s\s])+?)\*' % (strongem_punc), re.U).search
-+ #expr = re.compile(r'\*([%s%s%s\s]+?)\*' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
- #expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*([ \n\r%s0-9.:/;,\'\"\?\-\_\/\=\-\>\<\(\)]+)\*(?!\*|-)' % letters).search # old expr, inconsistent punctuation
- ):
-@@ -853,7 +855,7 @@
- def doc_underline(self,
- s,
-- expr=re.compile(r'_([%s%s%s\s]+)_([\s%s]|$)' % (letters, digits, under_punc,phrase_delimiters)).search):
-+ expr=re.compile(r'_((?:\w|[%s\s])+)_([\s%s]|$)' % (under_punc,phrase_delimiters), re.U).search):
- result = expr(s)
- if result:
-@@ -867,7 +869,7 @@
- def doc_strong(self,
- s,
-- expr = re.compile(r'\*\*([%s%s%s\s]+?)\*\*' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
-+ expr = re.compile(r'\*\*((?:\w|[%s%s\s])+?)\*\*' % (digits, strongem_punc), re.U).search
- #expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*\*([ \n\r%s0-9.:/;,\'\"\?\-\_\/\=\-\>\<\(\)]+)\*\*(?!\*|-)' % letters).search, # old expr, inconsistent punc, failed to cross newlines.
- ):
-@@ -879,7 +881,7 @@
- return None
- ## Some constants to make the doc_href() regex easier to read.
-- _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[ %s0-9\n\r%s]+")' % (letters,dbl_quoted_punc) ## double quoted text
-+ _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[^"]+")'
- _ABSOLUTE_URL=r'((http|https|ftp|mailto|file|about)[:/]+?[%s0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~\=\&\%%\+]+)' % letters
- _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL=r'([%s0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~\=\&\%%\+]+)' % letters
-@@ -887,12 +889,12 @@
- def doc_href1(self, s,
-- expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + "(:)" + _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL + _SPACES).search
-+ expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + "(:)" + _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL + _SPACES, re.U).search
- ):
- return self.doc_href(s, expr)
- def doc_href2(self, s,
-- expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + r'(\,\s+)' + _ABSOLUTE_URL + _SPACES).search
-+ expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + r'(\,\s+)' + _ABSOLUTE_URL + _SPACES, re.U).search
- ):
- return self.doc_href(s, expr)
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision 1.2
---- 2005-01-14 21:34:31.789944304 +0100
-+++ 2005-01-14 21:33:58.362026120 +0100
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- def doc_img(
- self, s,
-- expr1=re.compile('\"([ _a-zA-Z0-9*.:/;,\-\n\~]+)\":img:([a-zA-Z0-9%\_\-.:/\?=;,\n\~]+)').search,
-+ expr1=re.compile('\"((?:\w|[ *.:/;,\-\n\~])+)\":img:([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-.:/;,\n\~]+)', re.U).search,
- ):
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2.2.2
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision 1.2
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
---- 15 Apr 2003 15:13:53 -0000
-+++ 15 Apr 2003 15:16:25 -0000 1.2
-@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@
- Structure => [paragraph,[sub-paragraphs]]
- """
-+ if type(paragraphs) == type(''):
-+ paragraphs = unicode(paragraphs, 'utf-8')
- currentlevel = 0
- currentindent = 0
- levels = {0:0}
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.2 -r1.
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.1.2.1
-Index: tests/
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/tests/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.1.2.1
-Index: tests/
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/tests/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.
---- tests/ 15 Apr 2003 15:13:56 -0000
-+++ tests/ 7 Nov 2003 12:12:32 -0000
-@@ -210,13 +210,22 @@
- '<code>"literal":</code>')
-- def XXXtestUnicodeContent(self):
-- # This fails because ST uses the default locale to get "letters"
-- # whereas it should use \w+ and re.U if the string is Unicode.
-- #self._test(u"h\xe9 **y\xe9** xx",
-- # u"h\xe9 <strong>y\xe9</strong> xx")
-- pass
-+ def testUnicodeContent(self):
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 **y\xe9** xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <strong>y\xe9</strong> xx")
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 *y\xe9* xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <em>y\xe9</em> xx")
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 _y\xe9_ xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <u>y\xe9</u> xx")
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 'y\xe9' xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <code>y\xe9</code> xx")
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 \"y\xe9\": xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <a href=\"\">y\xe9</a> xx")
-+ def testDoNotHang(self):
-+ raw_str = 'UAB "Vita Baltic International" produkcijos asortiment\u0105 papild\u0117 dar trys specifines nedegumo savybes turin\u010dios porolono ru\u0161ys. \nSpalio m\u0117nes\u012f buvo gauti tarptautiniai sertifikatai, liudijantys, kad porolonai CV 3037, CV 3538 ir CV 2533 atitinka degumo standart\u0173 BS 5852:Part 2: 1982 reikalavimus. Tai labai gera \u017einia bald\u0173 gamintojams, gaminantiems baldus ir \u010diu\u017einius,\nkuri\u0173 gaminiams keliami ypatingi importuotoj\u0173 reikalavimai.'
-+ res_txt = raw_str
-+ self._test(raw_str, res_txt)
- def test_suite():
- suite = unittest.TestSuite()
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/files/2.7.8/i18n-1.0.0.patch b/net-zope/zope/files/2.7.8/i18n-1.0.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f901451fce0c..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/files/2.7.8/i18n-1.0.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-? encode.diff
-? i18n-0.9.9.patch
-? i18n-1.0.0.patch
-? i18n.patch
-? run_tests
-? test.diff
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.2 -r1.
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1
---- 15 Apr 2003 15:13:52 -0000
-+++ 9 Nov 2003 18:02:30 -0000
-@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@
- def doc_literal(
- self, s,
-- expr = re.compile(r"(\W+|^)'([%s%s%s\s]+)'([%s]+|$)" % (letters, digits, literal_punc, phrase_delimiters)).search,):
-+ expr = re.compile(r"(\W+|^)'((?:\w|[%s%s\s])+)'([%s]+|$)" % (digits, literal_punc, phrase_delimiters), re.U).search,):
- # old expr... failed to cross newlines.
- # expr=re.compile(
-@@ -807,7 +807,9 @@
- def doc_emphasize(
- self, s,
-- expr = re.compile(r'\*([%s%s%s\s]+?)\*' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
-+ # i18nal variant
-+ expr = re.compile(r'\*((?:\w|[%s\s])+?)\*' % (strongem_punc), re.U).search
-+ #expr = re.compile(r'\*([%s%s%s\s]+?)\*' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
- #expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*([ \n\r%s0-9.:/;,\'\"\?\-\_\/\=\-\>\<\(\)]+)\*(?!\*|-)' % letters).search # old expr, inconsistent punctuation
- ):
-@@ -853,7 +855,7 @@
- def doc_underline(self,
- s,
-- expr=re.compile(r'_([%s%s%s\s]+)_([\s%s]|$)' % (letters, digits, under_punc,phrase_delimiters)).search):
-+ expr=re.compile(r'_((?:\w|[%s\s])+)_([\s%s]|$)' % (under_punc,phrase_delimiters), re.U).search):
- result = expr(s)
- if result:
-@@ -867,7 +869,7 @@
- def doc_strong(self,
- s,
-- expr = re.compile(r'\*\*([%s%s%s\s]+?)\*\*' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
-+ expr = re.compile(r'\*\*((?:\w|[%s%s\s])+?)\*\*' % (digits, strongem_punc), re.U).search
- #expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*\*([ \n\r%s0-9.:/;,\'\"\?\-\_\/\=\-\>\<\(\)]+)\*\*(?!\*|-)' % letters).search, # old expr, inconsistent punc, failed to cross newlines.
- ):
-@@ -879,7 +881,7 @@
- return None
- ## Some constants to make the doc_href() regex easier to read.
-- _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[ %s0-9\n\r%s]+")' % (letters,dbl_quoted_punc) ## double quoted text
-+ _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[^"]+")'
- _ABSOLUTE_URL=r'((http|https|ftp|mailto|file|about)[:/]+?[%s0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~\=\&\%%\+]+)' % letters
- _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL=r'([%s0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~\=\&\%%\+]+)' % letters
-@@ -887,12 +889,12 @@
- def doc_href1(self, s,
-- expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + "(:)" + _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL + _SPACES).search
-+ expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + "(:)" + _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL + _SPACES, re.U).search
- ):
- return self.doc_href(s, expr)
- def doc_href2(self, s,
-- expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + r'(\,\s+)' + _ABSOLUTE_URL + _SPACES).search
-+ expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + r'(\,\s+)' + _ABSOLUTE_URL + _SPACES, re.U).search
- ):
- return self.doc_href(s, expr)
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision 1.2
---- 2005-01-14 21:34:31.789944304 +0100
-+++ 2005-01-14 21:33:58.362026120 +0100
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- def doc_img(
- self, s,
-- expr1=re.compile('\"([ _a-zA-Z0-9*.:/;,\-\n\~]+)\":img:([a-zA-Z0-9%\_\-.:/\?=;,\n\~]+)').search,
-+ expr1=re.compile('\"((?:\w|[ *.:/;,\-\n\~])+)\":img:([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-.:/;,\n\~]+)', re.U).search,
- ):
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2.2.2
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision 1.2
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
---- 15 Apr 2003 15:13:53 -0000
-+++ 15 Apr 2003 15:16:25 -0000 1.2
-@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@
- Structure => [paragraph,[sub-paragraphs]]
- """
-+ if type(paragraphs) == type(''):
-+ paragraphs = unicode(paragraphs, 'utf-8')
- currentlevel = 0
- currentindent = 0
- levels = {0:0}
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.2 -r1.
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.1.2.1
-Index: tests/
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/tests/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.1.2.1
-Index: tests/
-RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nkm/zope/StructuredText/tests/,v
-retrieving revision
-retrieving revision
-diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.
---- tests/ 15 Apr 2003 15:13:56 -0000
-+++ tests/ 7 Nov 2003 12:12:32 -0000
-@@ -210,13 +210,22 @@
- '<code>"literal":</code>')
-- def XXXtestUnicodeContent(self):
-- # This fails because ST uses the default locale to get "letters"
-- # whereas it should use \w+ and re.U if the string is Unicode.
-- #self._test(u"h\xe9 **y\xe9** xx",
-- # u"h\xe9 <strong>y\xe9</strong> xx")
-- pass
-+ def testUnicodeContent(self):
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 **y\xe9** xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <strong>y\xe9</strong> xx")
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 *y\xe9* xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <em>y\xe9</em> xx")
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 _y\xe9_ xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <u>y\xe9</u> xx")
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 'y\xe9' xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <code>y\xe9</code> xx")
-+ self._test(u"h\xe9 \"y\xe9\": xx",
-+ u"h\xe9 <a href=\"\">y\xe9</a> xx")
-+ def testDoNotHang(self):
-+ raw_str = 'UAB "Vita Baltic International" produkcijos asortiment\u0105 papild\u0117 dar trys specifines nedegumo savybes turin\u010dios porolono ru\u0161ys. \nSpalio m\u0117nes\u012f buvo gauti tarptautiniai sertifikatai, liudijantys, kad porolonai CV 3037, CV 3538 ir CV 2533 atitinka degumo standart\u0173 BS 5852:Part 2: 1982 reikalavimus. Tai labai gera \u017einia bald\u0173 gamintojams, gaminantiems baldus ir \u010diu\u017einius,\nkuri\u0173 gaminiams keliami ypatingi importuotoj\u0173 reikalavimai.'
-+ res_txt = raw_str
-+ self._test(raw_str, res_txt)
- def test_suite():
- suite = unittest.TestSuite()
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.7.9.ebuild b/net-zope/zope/zope-2.7.9.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 804305e2ade2..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.7.9.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/zope-2.7.9.ebuild,v 1.8 2008/05/27 20:59:50 tupone Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Zope is a web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ppc sparc x86"
-# Narrow the scope of ownership/permissions.
-# Security plan:
-# * ZUID is the superuser for all zope instances.
-# * ZGID is for a single instance's administration.
-# * Other' should not have any access to ${ZSERVDIR},
-# because they can work through the Zope web interface.
-# This should protect our code/data better.
-# UPDATE: ${ZSERVDIR} is a lib directory and should be world readable
-# like e.g /usr/lib/python we do not store any user data there,
-# currently removed all custom permission stuff, for ${ZSERVDIR}
-src_compile() {
- ./configure --ignore-largefile --prefix=. --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.3 || die "Failed to configure."
- emake || die "Failed to compile."
-src_install() {
- dodoc README.txt
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- docinto PLATFORMS ; dodoc doc/PLATFORMS/*
- # Patched StructuredText will accept source text formatted in utf-8 encoding,
- # apply all formattings and output utf-8 encoded text.
- # if you want to use this option you need to set your
- # system python encoding to utf-8 (create the file inside
- # your site-packages, add the following lines
- # import sys
- # sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
- # If this is a problem, let me know right away.
- # I wondering if we need a USE flag for this and wheter we can set the
- # sys.encoding automtically
- # so i defined a use flag
- if use unicode; then
- einfo "Patching structured text"
- einfo "make sure you have set the system python encoding to utf-8"
- einfo "create the file inside your site-packages"
- einfo "import sys"
- einfo "sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')"
- cd "${S}"/lib/python/StructuredText/
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/2.7.8/i18n-1.0.0.patch
- epause 15
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- make install PREFIX="${D}"${ZSERVDIR}
- rm -rf "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- dosym ../../share/doc/${PF} ${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- # copy the init script skeleton to skel directory of our installation
- skel="${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/skel
- # <> from 2.7.4 release i think that we can use the same
- # file for every one, and not separate it by PV
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/zope.initd ${skel}/zope.initd
- # hotfixes to be applied
- cp -a "${WORKDIR}"/Hotfix_20060821/ "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/lib/python/Products/
-pkg_postinst() {
- # create the zope user and group for backward compatibility
- enewgroup ${ZGID} 261
- usermod -g ${ZGID} ${ZUID} 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
- enewuser ${ZUID} 261 -1 /var/lib/zope ${ZGID}
- einfo "Be warned that you need at least one zope instance to run zope."
- einfo "Please emerge zope-config for futher instance management."
-pkg_prerm() {
- #need to remove this symlink because portage keeps links to
- #existing targets
- rm ${ZSERVDIR}/bin/python
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.4.ebuild b/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a1346aeb850f..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.4.ebuild,v 1.9 2008/05/27 20:59:50 tupone Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Zope is a web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites"
-KEYWORDS="alpha ~amd64 ppc sparc x86"
-# Narrow the scope of ownership/permissions.
-# Security plan:
-# * ZUID is the superuser for all zope instances.
-# * ZGID is for a single instance's administration.
-# * Other' should not have any access to ${ZSERVDIR},
-# because they can work through the Zope web interface.
-# This should protect our code/data better.
-# UPDATE: ${ZSERVDIR} is a lib directory and should be world readable
-# like e.g /usr/lib/python we do not store any user data there,
-# currently removed all custom permission stuff, for ${ZSERVDIR}
-src_compile() {
- ./configure --ignore-largefile --prefix=. --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.3 || die "Failed to configure."
- emake || die "Failed to compile."
-src_install() {
- dodoc README.txt
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- docinto PLATFORMS ; dodoc doc/PLATFORMS/*
- docinto ZEO ; dodoc doc/ZEO/*
- # Patched StructuredText will accept source text formatted in utf-8 encoding,
- # apply all formattings and output utf-8 encoded text.
- # if you want to use this option you need to set your
- # system python encoding to utf-8 (create the file inside
- # your site-packages, add the following lines
- # import sys
- # sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
- # If this is a problem, let me know right away.
- # I wondering if we need a USE flag for this and wheter we can set the
- # sys.encoding automtically
- # so i defined a use flag
- if use unicode; then
- einfo "Patching structured text"
- einfo "make sure you have set the system python encoding to utf-8"
- einfo "create the file inside your site-packages"
- einfo "import sys"
- einfo "sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')"
- # stx i18n support borked.
- ewarn "sorry, the Structured Text patch doesn't work yet for zope-2.8."
- #cd ${S}/lib/python/StructuredText/
- #epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/i18n-1.0.0.patch
- epause 15
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- make install PREFIX="${D}"${ZSERVDIR}
- rm -rf "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- dosym ../../share/doc/${PF} ${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- # copy the init script skeleton to skel directory of our installation
- skel=${D}${ZSERVDIR}/skel
- # <> from 2.7.4 release i think that we can use the same
- # file for every one, and not separate it by PV
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/zope.initd "${skel}"/zope.initd
-pkg_postinst() {
- # create the zope user and group for backward compatibility
- enewgroup ${ZGID} 261
- usermod -g ${ZGID} ${ZUID} 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
- enewuser ${ZUID} 261 -1 /var/$(get_libdir)/zope ${ZGID}
- einfo "Be warned that you need at least one zope instance to run zope."
- einfo "Please emerge zope-config for futher instance management."
-pkg_prerm() {
- #need to remove this symlink because portage keeps links to
- #existing targets
- rm ${ZSERVDIR}/bin/python
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.6.ebuild b/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.6.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b6bd4bfcce..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.6.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.6.ebuild,v 1.4 2008/05/27 20:59:50 tupone Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Zope is a web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-# Narrow the scope of ownership/permissions.
-# Security plan:
-# * ZUID is the superuser for all zope instances.
-# * ZGID is for a single instance's administration.
-# * Other' should not have any access to ${ZSERVDIR},
-# because they can work through the Zope web interface.
-# This should protect our code/data better.
-# UPDATE: ${ZSERVDIR} is a lib directory and should be world readable
-# like e.g /usr/lib/python we do not store any user data there,
-# currently removed all custom permission stuff, for ${ZSERVDIR}
-src_compile() {
- ./configure --ignore-largefile --prefix=. --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.3 || die "Failed to configure."
- emake || die "Failed to compile."
-src_install() {
- dodoc README.txt
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- docinto PLATFORMS ; dodoc doc/PLATFORMS/*
- docinto ZEO ; dodoc doc/ZEO/*
- # Patched StructuredText will accept source text formatted in utf-8 encoding,
- # apply all formattings and output utf-8 encoded text.
- # if you want to use this option you need to set your
- # system python encoding to utf-8 (create the file inside
- # your site-packages, add the following lines
- # import sys
- # sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
- # If this is a problem, let me know right away.
- # I wondering if we need a USE flag for this and wheter we can set the
- # sys.encoding automtically
- # so i defined a use flag
- if use unicode; then
- einfo "Patching structured text"
- einfo "make sure you have set the system python encoding to utf-8"
- einfo "create the file inside your site-packages"
- einfo "import sys"
- einfo "sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')"
- # stx i18n support borked.
- ewarn "sorry, the Structured Text patch doesn't work yet for zope-2.8."
- #cd ${S}/lib/python/StructuredText/
- #epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/i18n-1.0.0.patch
- epause 15
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- make install PREFIX="${D}"${ZSERVDIR}
- rm -rf "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- dosym ../../share/doc/${PF} ${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- # copy the init script skeleton to skel directory of our installation
- skel=${D}${ZSERVDIR}/skel
- # <> from 2.7.4 release i think that we can use the same
- # file for every one, and not separate it by PV
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/zope.initd "${skel}"/zope.initd
-pkg_postinst() {
- # create the zope user and group for backward compatibility
- enewgroup ${ZGID} 261
- usermod -g ${ZGID} ${ZUID} 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
- enewuser ${ZUID} 261 -1 /var/$(get_libdir)/zope ${ZGID}
- einfo "Be warned that you need at least one zope instance to run zope."
- einfo "Please emerge zope-config for futher instance management."
-pkg_prerm() {
- #need to remove this symlink because portage keeps links to
- #existing targets
- rm ${ZSERVDIR}/bin/python
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.7.ebuild b/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d0cfee31e35a..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.7.ebuild,v 1.3 2008/05/27 20:59:50 tupone Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Zope is a web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-# Narrow the scope of ownership/permissions.
-# Security plan:
-# * ZUID is the superuser for all zope instances.
-# * ZGID is for a single instance's administration.
-# * Other' should not have any access to ${ZSERVDIR},
-# because they can work through the Zope web interface.
-# This should protect our code/data better.
-# UPDATE: ${ZSERVDIR} is a lib directory and should be world readable
-# like e.g /usr/lib/python we do not store any user data there,
-# currently removed all custom permission stuff, for ${ZSERVDIR}
-src_compile() {
- ./configure --ignore-largefile --prefix=. --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.3 || die "Failed to configure."
- emake || die "Failed to compile."
-src_install() {
- dodoc README.txt
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- docinto PLATFORMS ; dodoc doc/PLATFORMS/*
- docinto ZEO ; dodoc doc/ZEO/*
- # Patched StructuredText will accept source text formatted in utf-8 encoding,
- # apply all formattings and output utf-8 encoded text.
- # if you want to use this option you need to set your
- # system python encoding to utf-8 (create the file inside
- # your site-packages, add the following lines
- # import sys
- # sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
- # If this is a problem, let me know right away.
- # I wondering if we need a USE flag for this and wheter we can set the
- # sys.encoding automtically
- # so i defined a use flag
- if use unicode; then
- einfo "Patching structured text"
- einfo "make sure you have set the system python encoding to utf-8"
- einfo "create the file inside your site-packages"
- einfo "import sys"
- einfo "sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')"
- # stx i18n support borked.
- ewarn "sorry, the Structured Text patch doesn't work yet for zope-2.8."
- #cd ${S}/lib/python/StructuredText/
- #epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/i18n-1.0.0.patch
- epause 15
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- make install PREFIX="${D}"${ZSERVDIR}
- rm -rf "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- dosym ../../share/doc/${PF} ${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- # copy the init script skeleton to skel directory of our installation
- skel=${D}${ZSERVDIR}/skel
- # <> from 2.7.4 release i think that we can use the same
- # file for every one, and not separate it by PV
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/zope.initd "${skel}"/zope.initd
-pkg_postinst() {
- # create the zope user and group for backward compatibility
- enewgroup ${ZGID} 261
- usermod -g ${ZGID} ${ZUID} 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
- enewuser ${ZUID} 261 -1 /var/$(get_libdir)/zope ${ZGID}
- einfo "Be warned that you need at least one zope instance to run zope."
- einfo "Please emerge zope-config for futher instance management."
-pkg_prerm() {
- #need to remove this symlink because portage keeps links to
- #existing targets
- rm ${ZSERVDIR}/bin/python
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.8.ebuild b/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5df803cdfc44..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.8.ebuild,v 1.7 2008/05/27 20:59:50 tupone Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Zope is a web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ppc sparc x86"
-# Narrow the scope of ownership/permissions.
-# Security plan:
-# * ZUID is the superuser for all zope instances.
-# * ZGID is for a single instance's administration.
-# * Other' should not have any access to ${ZSERVDIR},
-# because they can work through the Zope web interface.
-# This should protect our code/data better.
-# UPDATE: ${ZSERVDIR} is a lib directory and should be world readable
-# like e.g /usr/lib/python we do not store any user data there,
-# currently removed all custom permission stuff, for ${ZSERVDIR}
-src_compile() {
- ./configure --ignore-largefile --prefix=. --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.3 || die "Failed to configure."
- emake || die "Failed to compile."
-src_install() {
- dodoc README.txt
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- docinto PLATFORMS ; dodoc doc/PLATFORMS/*
- docinto ZEO ; dodoc doc/ZEO/*
- make install PREFIX="${D}"${ZSERVDIR}
- rm -rf "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- dosym ../../share/doc/${PF} ${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- # copy the init script skeleton to skel directory of our installation
- skel=${D}${ZSERVDIR}/skel
- # <> from 2.7.4 release i think that we can use the same
- # file for every one, and not separate it by PV
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/zope.initd "${skel}"/zope.initd
- # hotfixes to be applied
- cp -a "${WORKDIR}"/Hotfix_20060821/ "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/lib/python/Products/
-pkg_postinst() {
- # create the zope user and group for backward compatibility
- enewgroup ${ZGID} 261
- usermod -g ${ZGID} ${ZUID} 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
- enewuser ${ZUID} 261 -1 /var/$(get_libdir)/zope ${ZGID}
- einfo "Be warned that you need at least one zope instance to run zope."
- einfo "Please emerge zope-config for futher instance management."
-pkg_prerm() {
- #need to remove this symlink because portage keeps links to
- #existing targets
- rm ${ZSERVDIR}/bin/python
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/zope- b/net-zope/zope/zope-
deleted file mode 100644
index 292cb0056e3f..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/zope-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/zope-,v 1.7 2008/05/27 20:59:50 tupone Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Zope is a web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ppc sparc x86"
-# Narrow the scope of ownership/permissions.
-# Security plan:
-# * ZUID is the superuser for all zope instances.
-# * ZGID is for a single instance's administration.
-# * Other' should not have any access to ${ZSERVDIR},
-# because they can work through the Zope web interface.
-# This should protect our code/data better.
-# UPDATE: ${ZSERVDIR} is a lib directory and should be world readable
-# like e.g /usr/lib/python we do not store any user data there,
-# currently removed all custom permission stuff, for ${ZSERVDIR}
-src_compile() {
- ./configure --ignore-largefile --prefix=. --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.3 || die "Failed to configure."
- emake || die "Failed to compile."
-src_install() {
- dodoc README.txt
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- docinto PLATFORMS ; dodoc doc/PLATFORMS/*
- docinto ZEO ; dodoc doc/ZEO/*
- make install PREFIX="${D}"${ZSERVDIR}
- rm -rf "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- dosym ../../share/doc/${PF} ${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- # copy the init script skeleton to skel directory of our installation
- skel=${D}${ZSERVDIR}/skel
- # <> from 2.7.4 release i think that we can use the same
- # file for every one, and not separate it by PV
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/zope.initd "${skel}"/zope.initd
-src_test() {
- einfo "Tests disabled by Gentoo team."
-pkg_postinst() {
- # create the zope user and group for backward compatibility
- enewgroup ${ZGID} 261
- usermod -g ${ZGID} ${ZUID} 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
- enewuser ${ZUID} 261 -1 /var/$(get_libdir)/zope ${ZGID}
- einfo "Be warned that you need at least one zope instance to run zope."
- einfo "Please emerge zope-config for futher instance management."
-pkg_prerm() {
- #need to remove this symlink because portage keeps links to
- #existing targets
- rm ${ZSERVDIR}/bin/python
diff --git a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.9.ebuild b/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.9.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a69aa3e70496..000000000000
--- a/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.9.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/zope-2.8.9.ebuild,v 1.3 2008/05/27 20:59:50 tupone Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Zope is a web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-# Narrow the scope of ownership/permissions.
-# Security plan:
-# * ZUID is the superuser for all zope instances.
-# * ZGID is for a single instance's administration.
-# * Other' should not have any access to ${ZSERVDIR},
-# because they can work through the Zope web interface.
-# This should protect our code/data better.
-# UPDATE: ${ZSERVDIR} is a lib directory and should be world readable
-# like e.g /usr/lib/python we do not store any user data there,
-# currently removed all custom permission stuff, for ${ZSERVDIR}
-src_compile() {
- ./configure --ignore-largefile --prefix=. --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.3 || die "Failed to configure."
- emake || die "Failed to compile."
-src_install() {
- dodoc README.txt
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- docinto PLATFORMS ; dodoc doc/PLATFORMS/*
- docinto ZEO ; dodoc doc/ZEO/*
- make install PREFIX="${D}"${ZSERVDIR}
- rm -rf "${D}"${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- dosym ../../share/doc/${PF} ${ZSERVDIR}/doc
- # copy the init script skeleton to skel directory of our installation
- skel=${D}${ZSERVDIR}/skel
- # <> from 2.7.4 release i think that we can use the same
- # file for every one, and not separate it by PV
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/zope.initd "${skel}"/zope.initd
-src_test() {
- einfo "Tests disabled by Gentoo team."
-pkg_postinst() {
- # create the zope user and group for backward compatibility
- enewgroup ${ZGID} 261
- usermod -g ${ZGID} ${ZUID} 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
- enewuser ${ZUID} 261 -1 /var/$(get_libdir)/zope ${ZGID}
- einfo "Be warned that you need at least one zope instance to run zope."
- einfo "Please emerge zope-config for futher instance management."
-pkg_prerm() {
- #need to remove this symlink because portage keeps links to
- #existing targets
- rm ${ZSERVDIR}/bin/python